Read Emily's Story Online

Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

Emily's Story (19 page)

BOOK: Emily's Story
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She didn’t even try.

He laid her on the bed and removed the small scrap of material in his way but left the corset, garters, and heels. Pulling her legs forward, he lifted them to his shoulders. He remembered the night on the porch of Cheri’s home. “I think I like these heels over my shoulders even more.”

Her eyes were alight with sexual wanting, her voice soft and needy, “Maggie calls them fuck-me pumps. That’s one of the reasons I bought them.”

“Then I’m obliged.” Words stopped. His lips traveled down her leg until his tongue found her heat and then delved inside. One finger entered her moist sex and her legs tightened as she groaned. He sucked, nipped, feasted, and then added another finger. Her cries carried through the suite and the sweet torment caused her body to finally explode. Rising up, he buried himself deeply, a loud groan sounded from his throat. With a few deep strokes his body shattered, joining hers in release.

He stayed locked deeply inside her body while their breathing slowly returned to normal. Their hands continued to journey over the other’s body, his drifting down her sides and hers traveling the contours of his arms. When he tried to withdraw she tightened her hold. “I’m too heavy and you need to breathe.”

“This feels so good.”

“I will die this way if that is your wish.”

“No, I just want you inside me.”

“I’m there sweetheart and I’m not going anywhere.”

Finally kissing his chest, she allowed him to pull away and shift positions. Laying her head on his chest she breathed deeply scenting the odor of their love making. Her lips replaced where her head rested and traveled downward. Each kiss had a goal, each touch caused him to inhale deeper. “It’s my turn and I want to taste you.” A low groan was her answer. Cupping one of his testicles, her other hand went around the base of his erection. It tightened in her grasp and a loud growl tore from his throat. Slowly, taking him into her mouth she used her tongue to swirl and drive him crazy. Slowly, learning every inch of his silky hot length, she took him over the edge. His release was wild spice, reminding her of the taste and smell of the untamed forest of their home.

She looked up. Pure onyx burned into her eyes making her voice wobbly “I, I asked Maggie what I could do for you, so she picked out the corset and explained you would like this.”

“Ah.” He took a few breaths and then continued. “Remind me to send you shopping with her more often.”

She smiled in relief and then wiggled from his hold and stood on the floor at the bottom of the bed. Kicking off her shoes, her wicked smile found his. “We aren’t done but I need your help getting out of this contraption,” her smile deepened, “Please.”

Making short work of the corset, he unclasped the garters, and rolled the stockings down her legs. Lifting her into his arms and walking to the Jacuzzi, he slowly lowered them into the tepid water. He turned on warmer water to finish filling the tub and then pressed the control for the jets. Grabbing the bubble bath, he poured some in.

The jets massaged her muscles and relieved the ache brought on by her shoes. “This is heaven.”

“I’ve just decided I’m having one put in our new house.”

“Perfect. We’ll get a lot of use from it if your father keeps pummeling me.”

His eyelids were barely open. He leaned back and pulled her with him. “You won’t have a chance to sneak in without me.”

“Never.” He began to massage her arms and back. She finally turned over to face him. “I love you. I never mentioned that after you told me. Thank you for taking me to the concert.”

“You did well in the crowd. I’m sorry for the way it ended.”

“I liked the extra excitement and I wanted to practice what I’ve learned in the ring.”

“You are amazing.” Brandt kissed her. His palms trailed over her slippery body and passion filled the room.

Much later, he said gently, “We have a full day tomorrow and should start early. We need to get your birth certificate and some other documents. Our attorney is handling everything but we have an appointment to meet him in his office first thing in the morning.”

“I never want to get out of here.” Her sigh was dreamy.

“You can sleep on my chest and I’ll keep your head above water. I won’t be responsible for your wrinkled skin tomorrow though.”

“No, I’ll get out, just give me a minute.”

A moment later she was asleep. Picking her up, he carried her to the bed. He crawled in and fell asleep with his nose in her hair.


They arrived at the high-rise office building at eight the following morning. Maggie and Samson stayed outside the door while Jordan and Morris stood at the elevator.

Entering the luxurious office, Emily and Brandt sat down in large plush chairs. Once introductions were completed, the attorney, Tyler, began handing documents to Brandt. Placing her new driver’s license in his wallet, he then put the other documents in a manila envelope.

They didn’t stick around for chit chat. Tyler was approximately fifty years old and one of the few humans that knew their secrets. Brandt didn’t know if he worked with other beastkind and didn’t want to know. Their unorthodox partnership had begun many years before.

Next, Brandt took Emily on a sightseeing tour. The Botanical Gardens was their first stop and they enjoyed a walk through an oasis of flowers and greenery. Emily found it hard to hold her wolf back. She wanted to explore the sights and scents with her canine nose. Brandt told her he would bring her another time and they would sneak in at night and let their wolves run free. After lunch, he took her to Confluence Park where they visited the downtown aquarium.

It was a day filled with wonder and discovery for Emily. She grew more accustomed to human scent along with the crush of the crowds. Availing herself of Brandt’s chest became more for cuddling than settling her nerves. His quirky grin proved he knew her secret.

When they returned to their suite they took a nap and woke with the rising moon.

“We can have a quiet night in the room or I can take you out on the town. I have a friend who owns a nightclub and we won’t be bothered by cats but it’s your choice.”

Emily stretched overused muscles. “What if we compromise? We enjoy each other now and then go out.”

His hands moved to her breasts.

Much later they showered and dressed. She let him choose a black skirt and off the shoulder white top for her to wear. Handing her a small box, he looked like a young boy as she peered inside. A two carat diamond solitaire pendent necklace rested on the soft velvet. It was beautiful and less ostentatious than her other piece of jewelry. Kissing the side of her neck, he connected the clasp.

Shivers trailed across her skin. “I have nothing for you and you keep giving me gifts.”

“Not so, every piece of lingerie you possess is for me and I intend to unveil my next gift later this evening.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind going out? We can stay here.”

Turning her around, he placed a tender kiss to her lips. “Tonight is for you to have some fun.”

Samson and Maggie stood holding up the walls when Brandt led Emily from the room.

Samson was the first to speak. “It’s about time the two of you came out, we were about to leave for dinner without you. I would have had food sent up so my alpha could keep up his strength.” He put his arm out for Emily but Brandt gave a low growl.

He not so gently moved Samson aside and possessively placed her hand on his forearm. “You have your own date and unless you wish to lose a limb your hands will remain off mine.” Hard eyes glared.

Samson laughed loudly and winked at Emily.

They enjoyed perfectly grilled steaks. Emily ate but kept looking between Maggie and Samson. She sent a thought to Maggie practicing her newly acquired ability to single out a pack mate and send a message directly. “You would make a good couple.”

“Not going to happen.” Came Maggie’s return thought.

Emily just grinned and replied, “But he’s very sexy.”

“Yes,” the she-wolf said giving a covert glance to the man beside her. “But not my type.”

“Not your type either baby,” was Brandt’s rejoinder but said out loud with a slight grin and a very direct look.

“That’s not fair. You said I could communicate with other wolves privately.” Emily looked at Brandt with a chagrined smile.

“You can and a lesser wolf like Sam here can’t hear a word but you forget sweetheart, I’m alpha.”

“What brought me into this and what’s this ‘lesser wolf’ crap anyway?” Samson sounded mystified.

They all laughed.

“I believe you have been the butt of the ladies’ jokes.”

“Maggie thinks you’re sexy but not her type,” said Emily with a sugary sweet smile.

Samson coughed and grabbed for his water. Maggie’s face went red. “Emily you will pay for this my no longer girlfriend.”

At the hurt look on Emily’s face, Maggie gave in. “Okay we’re still friends, Sam here doesn’t get choked up too often. It might have been worth my red face. Sam dear, you know I find you sexy but you’re not even close to my type. I like my men gentle in the bedroom and I have no intention of fighting for dominance between your sheets.”

Samson’s eyes sparkled. “I’ll take that as a personal challenge---dear.” He drew out the one syllable word. His gaze burned into the startled eyes of his new conquest.

“I think we are finished here and it’s time to head to the nightclub. Will the two of you go with us or do you need some privacy?” asked Brandt.

Two pointed glares directed themselves at their alpha and then quickly their gazes lowered. Emily couldn’t help but laugh. Her mental message held promise, “Alpha indeed, when we’re alone, I’ll teach you to listen in on my conversations”

“I look forward to it.”





Chapter 21






Curious eyes followed them when they exited the limo and walked passed humans waiting in line at the nightclub. The red cordoned off entrance opened immediately with two gigantic bouncers holding the doors. When Emily passed she noticed the men smelled odd; not cats and definitely not wolves.

She slowed but Brandt gave her a gentle nudge and whispered in her ear. “It’s okay; they’re bears.”

They were much larger than her mate,
her wolf warned. Their scent didn’t blend with the surrounding odors of perfume and sweat given off by the humans. It wasn’t bad, just different.

Emily looked around in awe trying to take in what was happening around her, feeling the excitement in the air. The music with its heavy bass vibrated across the floor. Lights flashed from the ceiling sending different color streaks over their party. They made their way to a reserved table.

A man, his dark complexion at odds with his blue eyes stood by and greeted Brandt formally. “Welcome Alpha of the Northwestern Clan. We are pleased to accommodate you.” Energy rippled with his voice but his demeanor changed immediately after reciting the formal greeting and he boyishly grinned, allowing warmth to soften his features. He pulled Brandt into a tight hug before releasing him. His gaze traveled questioning to Emily. He inhaled deeply, hesitated momentarily, and then continued. “And to the alpha’s mate.” He brought Emily’s fingers to his lips and he gazed at her appraisingly. A low grumble from Brandt made the vampire’s eyes sparkle with humor. Turning, he then looked to Samson and Maggie. He shook the male wolf’s hand and then swept Maggie in for a passionate kiss that lasted until a rigid hand landed on his shoulder.

“I think you’ve said, ‘hello’ long enough,” Samson growled softly.

Brandt stepped between the two. Emily placed her hand on her mate’s back knowing the man before them was vampire and quite deadly. “Emily,” Brandt said reaching for her hand and bringing her around for a proper introduction, “This is Dmitri. He owns this establishment and is a longtime friend of mine. Obviously he is also a friend of my wolf, though I wasn’t aware.” His glance left Dmitri and landed on the she-wolf in question.

Maggie bristled slightly, she enjoyed the kiss and had known the vampire intimately, but that was long ago. They were now good friends. “I’m sorry Dmitri but Samson seems to think he has some say over who I have a relationship with. He has no right to be possessive.”

Sam continued to stare at the vampire and muttered between gritted teeth, “Yet.”

Dmitri laughed and looked between the two. “No worries from me. I can keep my hands off. It was a kiss for old times’ sake; I wasn’t aware she was claimed.”

Incensed she-wolf eyes turned from the vampire to Samson. “I believe a union between us would end with our alpha having to find a new second in command. Wouldn’t that be a shame?” Her tone dripped sarcasm while she imagined the sound of his bones breaking.

“Ah Brandt, you’ve always maintained a wild pack. I like my bears gentle and sweet, though they too can be a little crazed when it comes to mating.”

“Come on Emily, I need the Ladies’ room. I would hate to shed blood before I have a chance to dance.”

Emily flashed a slight smile at the men then followed in Maggie’s wake.

Brandt’s eyes followed the women until they were out of sight and then turned to Samson. “I hope you know what you’re doing?”

“I believe it was your mate who began this challenge. I will thank her later. That she-wolf has been in my sights for a while but getting more than a word out of her in private is impossible.” His eyes turned to the vampire, “Any suggestions?”

“I wouldn’t recommend talking.”

“I was thinking the same thing but I kind of like my male anatomy and I’m not sure it would survive.”

“Only one way to find out. Now, what would you both like to drink?”

Brandt gave an order of wine for the ladies and whisky for himself and Samson.

“Make it a bottle,” said the disgruntled wolf.

Maggie pulled Emily into the bathroom, “I’m going to kill you.”

Emily could only laugh. “I think he likes you.”

“You don’t understand. I’ve had a crush on him for years and he never gave me a second look. Now he has the mating scent all over him. And it’s not the lasting we’ll be together forever kind either. It was easier when he treated me like one of the guys.”

BOOK: Emily's Story
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