Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series)
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As if he can read my mind, he lifts me away from the wall and carries me to the living room. He tosses me onto the couch, climbs over my body, and wastes no time pulling my shirt over my head
and unhooking my bra, tossing it aside, revealing my bare body.

His lips start at the nape of my neck and move down
. He nips, sucks, and licks his way to my breasts. He takes my nipple between his teeth, and I groan as I claw at the couch cushions, absorbing all the sensations.

He continues down my stomach, dipping his tongue into my navel, and my whole body clenches in anticipation. I want him so bad

He sits up and takes o
ff his shirt before beginning on my jeans

There is no time for appreciation, just carnal need as he yanks off my pants and my underwear in one swoop.

This is all because of today. The frustration, anger, and stress of the day has caused are being released right here, right now. I think I can deal with this type of problem solving.

Before I realize what is happening
, he slams into me, and I let out a loud, appreciative gasp as his lips come down on mine, owning me with every kiss and every thrust.

emotions I have for him are overwhelming. I meet him pulse for pulse.

Jeremy is rushing, and going harder and harder. He takes my earlobe between his teeth and whispers, "Come for me."

At his command, I let go, and he releases inside me at the same time, calling my name. I dig my nails into his back and force his lips into mine as our bodies quiver in waves.

He pulls away and presses his forehead to mine, both our eyes close as we gather our thoughts, our breaths, our wits. I let out a sigh of utter satisfaction.

Cutting through the silence and the post coital glow, I blurt out, "I can't tell if wanting you is selfish or stupid."

"Probably both," he says. Finally, we're on the same page. He looks smug.

This is dangerous. He is dangerous. We are dangerous, but I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.


Making Plans






Alex pulls on one of my
T-shirts and climbs into my bed, yawning. I follow suit. She stretches and says, "You're staring again, Jeremy."

I grin. I can't help it. I bashfully look away
. "Sorry." But I'm not.
I wasn't sure how tonight, or should I say this morning, was going to go, and let's say I am pleasantly surprised. My calm, reserved ways are thrown out the window when I am around this girl.

I grab her hand and kiss her fingers and palm, watching her watch me with that adorable smirk lingering on her lips. I might do anything for those lips.
We have solved nothing, but at least I have come to terms with my issue with Alex. I am willing to do what is necessary to make this work. I can deal with this. I can do this, can't I?

With my lips brushing against her
fingertips, I blurt out the other thing on my mind.
One hurdle at a time, right?
"Who was that guy in the office earlier today?"

She nibbles that plump pink lip as she watches me fiddle with her hand. "Who?
Chief Alvarado?"

she knows exactly who I am talking about.
I bite down on her index finger to show my distaste, but she suppresses a smirk.

No, the young one." I suck on the tip of her finger to egg her into giving me information.

"That was Derek Matthews. He's my partner."

"Like, in your line of work you have a partner, kind of like a cop does?" She nods. I can tell she is hiding something. "Is there more to you and Derek?"

She pulls her hand away and blushes
. "Well, he is my best friend, really my only friend."

My stomach tenses for a moment
, and I am unsure how to process it. Why should I care? I nod, trying to be an understanding boyfriend. "Oh."
I am her boyfriend, right? "So, there is nothing between you guys?"

Her smile slips.

"Why do you ask?" She continues to chew that lip.

"I noticed you two seemed to know each other pretty well in the meeting earlier. He got so close to you
..." As I let the words come out of my mouth, I feel like a jealous fool. I look away to feign my disinterest, and I doubt that she buys it.

She sighs. "I need to tell you something." There is always more with this girl.

I brace myself. "OK."

"I want to be honest with you. I don't want to have to lie or avoid the topic. Derek and I also dated. We have been friends much longer though, and it was obvious that being in a relationship was not working. We decided being friends was much better for us
, and that is how it is. There is nothing there anymore. However, you have to know that he cares for me and I care for him; I mean, the guy has saved my life a handful of times, so I owe him. I don't want you to worry about it, but he is important to me. He is the only person I trust with my life right now." She exhales a long breath, and her shoulders slump.

d her life? How am I supposed to compete with that? I want to be fine with it, but I have to admit—I'm not. However, I am happy about one thing.

I reach out and grab for her hand, kissing her fingertips. "Thank you for telling me the truth without me having to pry it out of you."

She pulls her hand out of my grasp, smiles, crawls up to me, and kisses me. She tugs on my bottom lip as she pulls away, looking into my eyes. I am mesmerized by those hazel windows to her soul.

"I care about you
, Jeremy, and nothing will get in the way of that. Not Derek, not anyone. Hell, I'll try my best to not let my job get in the way of us either, but that might be impossible." She wrinkles her nose.

I kiss her a few more times before I say, "Whatever do you mean?" I can't help myself and kiss her again. She rolls her eyes and collapses on my pillow
, looking up at me. I grin at her. For being so dangerous and deadly, she can look so damn cute. I briefly think about her guns still sitting on my kitchen table.
Will I ever wrap my head around this?

"Jeremy, can we talk about this tomorrow? I would really rather you make love to me one more time before we go to sleep. It has to be close to four in the morning
." She stretches, knowing exactly the effect she has on me.

I run my hand through her long black hair, baffled by her
, yet so enthralled. She has me under her spell.

"Jeremy, did you hear me?" I sense her impatient tone.

I let out a brief chuckle as I lean down and press my lips against hers, and she smiles as if she has won the battle. I pull away and place kisses down the nape of her neck. "First thing's first, Miss Turner. I want you to come with me tomorrow."

She runs her hands though my hair
, dragging her nails against my scalp, and in a wispy tone, responds with, "Of course."

I lift my head up
. "You don't even know what I am asking."

She locks eyes with me
. "Then what are you asking me?"

I rest my chin on her chest
, peering up at her. "I want you to come with me to see my dad."

Her fingers in my hair stop their stroking, and her eyes widen
. "To Arizona?"

I nod
. "Yeah, we will be back Thursday. After everything today, I made the rash decision to call my dad. For obvious reasons, I’d like to talk to him, and I want you to come with me."

Her tone shifts to worry
. "Are you sure?"


She gnaws on her lip again, and I sit up and lean toward her. I grab her lip between my teeth, tugging it free from her grasp. "So, what do you say to that, Miss Turner? The quicker you answer, the quicker you'll be fucked, and the quicker we can sleep."

She rolls her eyes but cracks a smile. "Oh, you are a true romantic
, Mr. Hunt."

I grin and climb over her body, pressing into hers as I nuzzle the crook of her neck, inhaling her delicate lavender scent. "What's your answer, Miss Turner?"

Her arms come around my neck. "Fffiiiinnnneeee."

that, I pull off the shirt she’s only managed to wear for minutes.


Flights & Phone Calls






I stumble up the steps onto his private plane, yawning. It's only 9
a.m. "I guess I should have known you would have your own plane, Jeremy."

He shows his wolfish grin proudly
. "If it's any consolation, it is technically my father's plane."

I roll my eyes and follow him into the main area, stifling another oncoming yawn as I take a seat next to him. The place is lavish in neutral tones and leathers. It even still smells new. Chairs and tables border the plane's open-concept interior. An aisle leads down to what I assume is a room of some sort
in the back.

"Tired, babe?"

Babe? Are we at the endearing names stage already? Nevertheless, I allow a small smile as I eye him.

"Exhausted," I retort
. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he puts his arm around me.
What am I doing? Going to Arizona? Seeing his father? Like this?
I remember my appearance and sigh. "Jeremy, I really wish you had let me grab some clothes. Allowing me to grab my backpack from my car doesn’t equate to much."

He smirks
. "I'll get you clothes when we land, but this is kind of your fault. You wouldn't get out of bed, plus you almost made us late for the flight."

I lift up my head to look at him, furrowing my brows
. "How can we be late for a plane you own?" I hold back a laugh. "Second of all, I overslept because you let me, and lastly, I didn't know my cargo would be so much trouble with security.” I show my smug grin. “My badge gave it clearance though."

He offers a solid laugh
. "
, as you put it, does require a security check when it's a gun. I still don't understand why you need them with you now." I can sense his distaste.

I roll my eyes, yawn again, and lay my head back onto his shoulder. "You still don't get it
, Jeremy.” My tone is whimsically condescending. “My job is a round-the-clock gig. I might need to protect you." I smile as I take his hand from his knee. He growls in displeasure at my words. He doesn't like being taken care of, I'm sure

The rumble of the plane grabs my attention. I sit up as we take off toward the west. I hate this part.

Only once we are in the air with Boston behind us do I relax. I have never been a fan of planes, though I have been on thousands of flights. I squeeze Jeremy's hand to calm my nerves. I hear his smile rather than see it.

"Scared of flying?"

Yeah, I have some real fears too. Like flying, and you getting hurt.
I shy away from his stare. "Maybe a little."

He seems proud of himself, reveling in my fear
. "I'll keep you safe," he says, and places a kiss on my temple. It's almost patronizing, but I allow it.

I dart back to catch a glimpse of his smug demeanor. He smiles his pant
ie-dropping grin, and I can't help but analyze his distractingly beautiful features. It's unfair how dashing he looks, even without a shave. I want to commit every detail to memory.

"You're staring, Alex
." He mimics my mocking tone.

I let the corner of my mouth rise as I reach up, take his chin, and run my thumb over his
five o'clock shadow, deciding I like it. I pull his face into mine. I can't get enough. Predictably, he doesn't let me get away with just one kiss. He grabs my face, possessing my lips with his.

eep. Beep.

, my phone.

I pull away from
Jeremy's pouting lips. I kiss them quickly. "I gotta get that,

I get up from the chair to cross the small den of the plane, wondering as I take my phone out if it would be rude to walk into the bathroom to answer it. I groan
, knowing it will make Jeremy feel better if I don't hide anything. This relationship thing will be a life lesson, that's for sure.

I answer without looking, knowing who it is anyway. I am not in the mood for explanations.

You are never in the mood to explain anything. You are an unpredictable bomb sometimes,
my subconscious sneers.

"Agent Turner speaking."

"Turner, where the hell are you?"

I turn to find Jeremy eyeing me, and
then face away from him, wishing that Derek could see my current well crafted look of downright annoyance. "Derek, what are you talking about?"

"The GPS tracker on your phone tipped me off. You're flying over the state of New York right
now. I was worried for a moment, and then I realized you couldn't possibly be kidnapped." His last statement is supposed to be a joke, but I'm not laughing. He's mocking me.

"You're tracking me?"

"Your safety is my concern." He is being a dick. Typical.

I roll my eyes, glad that Jeremy can't see my face. "Derek, quit being nosy."

"Agent Turner!"

Fuck you, Derek.
He thinks he can throw that authoritative bullshit my way because he is my boss, but this isn't about work, now is it? "Don't Agent Turner me! You know very well what I'm talking about Derek." I lower my voice to a whisper. "This is stalking."

He sighs, but ignores the statement
. "You are with him right now, aren't you?"

I want to say duh
but that might be too juvenile. "Yes."

"Well, I guess I'm glad you seemed to have settled your differences
." I can hear his disapproval. "Just tell me next time you leave the state. Where are you going?"

I look over my shoulder and I can see Jeremy pretending to play on his phone.
You're not fooling me, Mr. Hunt.
"Arizona," I whisper.

"He's taking you to meet his daddy already? Looks like both Hunts are in for a treat."

"Agent Matthews, are you done?"

"Slow your roll
, Turner. Has Jeremy agreed to help us out?" I take in a breath. "Agent Turner? Have you told him yet?"

I stomp my foot, and wish Derek could see my clenched fists
. "Derek, I am getting to it."

I can almost hear him rolling his eyes
. "Call me with an update. Alvarado wants confirmation by the end of today that Jeremy is with us on this. Don't make me look like an idiot."

"Too late." I scoff. We both chuckle. I shake the friendly moment and continue, "I will call with an update. He will understand."

"You better hope he does. Now don't forget to call me, or it will be both our asses. There was some suspicious activity with Marcus Gibbs's bank account, and we are concerned about how much time we have on this. I'll give you more details when you call later."

, the situation feels more real. Here I am being all lovey-dovey with Jeremy when in reality there is much more at stake than my beating heart. "Understood, Agent Matthews."

My tone is crisp
, and Derek accepts the confirmation.

"Bye, Alex"

I swivel around on my heels, greeted with Jeremy's steely gaze. His face is tense. "Business?"

You could say that.
I nod.

His stare is solid as he watches me take a seat next to him
. "You two sound more like an old married couple than work associates." He tries to smile, but it's weak.

I shake off his statement and decide to lift his mood before I begin. I grab his chin and kiss him hard. Is this considered manipulation?

The tension in his jaw, down his shoulders, and maybe even down to his toes releases. Now I have him in the mood I need him to be in.

I pull away and run my fingertips down that alluring stubble. I can see the storm in his eyes has calmed and
has transitioned into a warm gaze.

"Jeremy, we need to talk.
Just hear me out on this one, OK?”

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