Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815 (156 page)

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. Gordon S. Wood,
The Creation of the American Republic, 1776–1787
(Chapel Hill, 1969), 581; Peter Shaw,
The Character of John Adams
(Chapel Hill, 1976), 318.
. JA to James Warren, 9 Jan. 1787, in Worthington C. Ford, ed.,
Warren-Adams Letters
(Mass. Hist. Soc.,
., 72–73[1917, 1925]), 2: 280.
. Wood,
Creation of the American Republic
, 574.
. Wood,
Creation of the American Republic
, 575.
. David Lieberman has edited a new edition of Jean Louis De Lolme’s
Constitution of England; or, An Account of the English Government
(Indianapolis, 2007).
. JA,
, in Wood,
creation of the American Republic
, 578.
. On the way in which the French revolutionaries cast their social struggle, see Sarah Maza, “The Social Imagery of the French Revolution: The Third Estate, the National Guard, and the Absent Bourgeoisie,” in Colin Jones and Dror Wahrman, eds.,
The Age of Cultural Revolutions: Britain and France, 1750–1820
(Berkeley, 2002), 106–23.
. Debate in the New York Ratifying Convention, 17 June–26 July 1788, in Bernard Bailyn, ed.,
The Debate on the Constitution
(New York, 1993), 2: 761.
. Michael Merrill and Sean Wilentz, eds.,
The Key of Liberty: The Life and Democratic Writings of William Manning, “A Laborer,” 1747–1814
(Cambridge, MA, 1993); Michael Merrill, “Putting Capitalism in Its Place: A Review of Recent Literature,”
, 52 (1995), 315–26.
. On Findley, see John Caldwell,
William Findley from west of the mountains: A Politician in pennsylvania, 1783–1791
(Gig Harbor, WA, 2000); and Caldwell,
William Findley from West of the Mountains: Congressman, 1791–1821
(Gig Harbor, WA, 2001).
. Jerry Grundfest,
George Clymer: Philadelphia Revolutionary, 1739–1813
(New York, 1982), 141.
. Claude M. Newlin,
The Life and Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge
(Princeton, 1932), 71.
, 80–81, 78; Russell J. Ferguson,
Early Western Pennsylvania Politics
(Pittsburgh, 1938), 66–69.
. Newlin,
, 79–80; Ferguson,
Early Western Pennsylvania
, 70–72.
. Hugh Henry Brackenridge,
Modern Chivalry
, ed. Claude M. Newlin (New York, 1937), 53, 14, 611, 19, 449.
. Mathew Carey, ed.,
Debates and Proceedings of the General Assembly of pennsylvania on the Memorials Praying a Repeal or Suspension of the Law Annulling the Charter of the Bank
(Philadelphia, 1786), 19, 64, 66, 87, 128, 21, 130, 38, 15, 72–73.
. [Findley], “Letter by an Officer of the Late Continental Army,” Philadelphia
Independent Gazette
, 6Nov. 1787, in Herbert J. Storing, ed.,
The Complete Anti-Federalist
(Chicago, 1981), 3: 95.
. Merrill Jensen and Robert A. Becker, eds.,
The Documentary History of the First Federal Elections, 1788–1790
(Madison WI, 1976), 2: 528–32, 551; Caldwell,
William Findley: Politician
, 166–68; Owen S. Ireland,
Religion, Ethnicity, and Politics: Ratifying the Constitution in Pennsylvania
(University Park, PA, 1995), 99–101.
. William Findley,
A Review of the Revenue System Adopted at the First Congress Under the Federal Constitution
(Philadelphia, 1794), 117.
. Alfred F. Young,
The Democratic Republicans of New York: The Origins, 1763–1797
(Chapel Hill, 1967), 509–10.
. Young,
Democratic Republicans of New York
, 511–12; Alan Taylor,
William Cooper’s Town: Power and Persuasion on the Frontiers of the Early American Republic
(New York, 1995), 245–46.
. Taylor,
William Cooper’s Town
, 244–46. As Taylor points out in his brilliant book, James Fenimore Cooper’s novel
The Pioneers
is based on the experience of his father.
. Gordon S. Wood,
The Radicalism of The American Revolution
(New York, 1992), 237–38.
. BF, “Blackamore, on Molatto Gentlemen,” 1733,
Franklin: Writings
, 219; Albrecht Koschnik, “Political Conflict and Public Contest: Rituals of National Celebration in Philadelphia, 1788–1815,”
Penn. Mag. of Hist. and Biog
., 118 (1994), 209.
. daniel chipman,
the life of hon. nathaniel chipman . . . with selections from his miscellaneous papers
(BOSTON, 1846), 33, 29, 30, 31–32.
. aleine austin,
matthew lyon: “new man” of the democratic revolution, 1749–1822
(university park, pa, 1981), 46, 45.
. chipman,
life of nathaniel chipman
, 110.
. austin,
matthew lyon
, 91, 95; J. Fairfax McLaughlin,
Matthew Lyon: The Hampden of Congress
(New York, 1900), 500.
Annals of congress
, 5th Congress, 2nd session (Feb. 1798), VII, 955–1067.
. Christopher Clark,
Social Change in America: From the Revolution Through the Civil War
(Chicago, 2006), 55.
. Jack N. Rakove,
The Beginnings of National Politics: An Interpretative History of the Continental Congress
(New York, 1979), 216–39; George A. Billias,
Elbridge Gerry: Founding Father and Republican Statesman
(New York, 1976), 138–39.
. Adam Smith,
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
, ed. R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner (xi, par. 8) (Oxford, 1976), 1: 265.
. See William R. Taylor,
Cavalier and Yankee: The Old South and American Character
(New York, 1961).
The diary of William Maclay and other Notes on Senate Debates
, ed. Kenneth R. Bowling and Helen E. Veit (Baltimore, 1988), 141; Jack N. Rakove, “The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George Washington,” in Richard Beeman et al., eds.,
Beyond Confederation: Origins of the Constitution and American National Identity
(Chapel Hill, 1987), 283.
. Leonard D. White,
The Federalists: A Study in Administrative History
(New York, 1948), 271, 292, 301.
. Troup to AH, 31 March 1795, AH to Troup, 13 April 1795,
Papers of Hamilton
, 18: 310, 329.
. Chester Mcarthur Destler,
Joshua Coit: American Federalist, 1758–1798
(Middletown, CT, 1962), 64; Fisher Ames to Christopher Gore, 5 Oct. 1802, in W. B. Allen, ed.,
Works of Fisher Ames
(Indianapolis, 1983), 2: 1438; Tamara Platkins Thornton,
Cultivating Gentlemen: The Meaning of Country Life Among the Boston Elite, 1785–1860
(New Haven, 1989), 31.
. Ethel E. Rasmusson, “Democratic Environment—Aristocratic Aspiration,”
Penn. Mag. of Hist. and Biog
., 90 (1966), 155–82; Bruce H. Mann,
Republic of Debtors: Bankruptcy in the Age of American Independence
(Cambridge, MA, 2002), 187–220. On Federalist dreams of Western empires, see Andrew R. L. Cayton,
The Frontier Republic: Ideology and Politics in the Ohio Country, 1780–1825
(Kent, OH, 1986), 12–32.
. BR to JA, 22 April 1789, in Maeva Marcus and James R. Perry et al., eds.,
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1789–1800
(New York, 1985), 1: 613.
. David T. Gilchrist, ed.,
The Growth of The Seaport Cities, 1790–1825
(Charlottesville, 1967), 119; Ethel E. Rasmusson, “Democratic Environment—Aristocratic Aspiration,”
Penn. Mag. of Hist. and Biog
., 90 (1966), 155–82.
. TJ to Mazzei, 24 April 1796, in Ford, ed.,
Writings of Jefferson
, 7: 72–78.
. Dumas Malone,
Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty
(Boston, 1962), 366.
. TJ to JM, 3 Aug. 1797,
Republic of Letters
, 985.
. Monroe to JM, 8 June 1798, JM to Monroe, 9 June 1798,
Papers of Madison
, 17: 145–46, 149.
. JM to TJ, 18 Feb 1798,
Papers of Madison
, 17: 82; Freeman,
Affairs of Honor
, 174; Joanne B. Freeman, “Dueling as Politics: Reinterpreting the Burr-Hamilton Duel,”
, 53 (1996), 299.
. Thomas J. Fleming,
Duel: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and the Future of America
(New York, 1999), 21.
. Freeman,
Affairs of Honor
, 167.
. Richard H. Kohn,
Eagle and Sword: The Federalists and the Creation of the Military Establishment in America, 1783–1802
(New York, 1975), 205–6.
. James Roger Sharpe,
American Politics in the Early Republic: The New Nation in Crisis
(New Haven, 1993), 167.
. Aaron N. Coleman, “‘A Second Bounaparty?’ A Reexamination of Alexander Hamilton During the Franco-American Crisis, 1796–1801,”
, 28 (2008), 199.
. Ben Wilson,
The Making of Victorian Values: Decency and Dissent in Britain, 1789–1837
(New York, 2007), 30.
. George A. Billias,
Elbridge Gerry: Founding Father and Republican Statesman
(New York, 1976), 274.
. TJ to JM, 29 March 1798,
Republic of Letters
, 1030.
. Stephen G. Kurtz,
The Presidency of John Adams: The Collapse of Federalism, 1795–1800
(New York, 1957), 293.
. TJ to JM, 6, 19 April 1798,
Republic of Letters
, 1035, 1039.
. Ames to Gore, 18 Dec. 1798,
Works of Fisher Ames
(1854), ed. W. B. Allen (Indianapolis, 1983), 2: 1302.
. Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick,
The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic, 1788–1800
(New York, 1993), 588.
. Ames to H. G. Otis, 23 April 1798,
Works of Ames
, ed. Allen, 2: 1275.
. James Morton Smith,
Freedom’s Fetters: The Alien and Sedition Acts and American Civil Liberties
(Ithaca, 1956), 97.
. Smith,
Freedom’s Fetters
, 103; Alexander DeConde,
The Quasi-War: The Politics and Diplomacy of the Undeclared War with France, 1797–1801
(New York, 1966), 82.
. DeConde,
The Quasi-War
, 328.
. DeConde,
The Quasi-War
, 90–91; Marshall Smelser,
The Congress Founds the Navy, 1787–1798
(Notre Dame, IN, 1959), 150–59; Ian W. Toll,
Six Frigates: The Epic History of the Founding of the U.S. Navy
(New York, 2006), 101, 105–6; George C. Daughan,
If by Sea: The Forging of the American Navy from the Revolution to the War of 1812
(New York, 2008).
. E. James Ferguson, ed.,
Selected Writings of Gallatin
(Indianapolis, 1967), 137; David McCullough,
John Adams
(New York, 2001), 499.
. Richard Buel Jr.,
America on the Brink: How the Political Struggle over the War of 1812 Almost Destroyed the Young Republic
(New York, 2005), 17.
. Marilyn C. Baseler,
“Asylum for Mankind”: America, 1607–1800
(Ithaca, 1998), 272; Smith,
Freedom’s Fetters
, 64, 31, 66, 102;
Annals of Congress
, 5th Congress, 2nd session (April 1798), VIII, 1427; (June 1798), VIII, 1987–89.
. TJ,
Notes on the State of Virginia
, ed. William Peden (Chapel Hill, 1955), 84–85; Basler,
“Asylum for Mankind
,” 248–51.
. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, “European Immigration to the United States in the Early National Period, 1783–1820,” in Susan E. Klepp, ed.,
The Demographic History of the Philadelphia Region, 1600–1860
, American Philosophical Society,
., 133 (1989), 190–214.
. Baseler, “Asylum for Mankind,” 243–55; James H. Kettner,
The Development of American Citizenship, 1608–1870
(Chapel Hill, 1978), 269–74.

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