EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot

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Authors: Stephani Hecht

BOOK: EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot
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A thrill of excitement always went through paramedic James Willson whenever he transported a patient to St. Michael’s hospital, but it had nothing to do with the rush of the job. It was one of the emergency department doctors that set his heart racing—the very sexy, very aloof Calvin Dane. For months now, James has admired Calvin from afar, but has never dared act on his feelings since the doctor didn’t seem to return his interest. Then one intimate encounter in the back of his ambulance forever changes things between the two men. But does the doctor truly care for James or is he just looking for a brief hookup? And can James’s heart survive the hurt if Calvin forever turns his back on what could have been?

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Running Hot
Copyright © 2010 Stephani Hecht ISBN: 978-1-55487-464-4 Cover art by Angela Waters

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Running Hot
Stephani Hecht
To Greg and Dawn.
Chapter One

t’s not every day you got to chase a half-naked, wannabe Indian Warrior down the streets of Flint, even if you are in the emergency medical field. Yet that’s what James found himself doing. And not for the first time either.

Indian Jack, resident Flint bum, had been around so long he was almost an icon with the city. Everyone had sort of adopted the man and doted on him. James, on the other hand seriously contemplated strapping the jackass to a backboard so he couldn’t rabbit again. He just needed to catch the wily guy first.

“Come on, Jack. I have some chocolate chip cookies in my rig,” James called, hoping good oldfashioned bribery would work. It had the past three times they’d done the whole runaway-andchase thing.

“No time for treats.” Jack gave a whoop. “I’m an Indian Warrior and I must save the day.”
“You know that’s not the PC thing to say anymore. It’s Native American,” James admonished between gasps. It wasn’t easy running in the steel-toed boots he wore while working. Ol’ Jack didn’t have the same problem because he was running in normal moccasins.
The thing was, James might have bought into the whole Indian—or rather Native American act—had it not been for the fact that Jack had bright red hair and green eyes. Of course, to Jack’s credit, he had lost his brain cells to drugs and alcohol. That still didn’t mean James was happy to have to be corralling the homeless guy, yet again.
They rounded the block and came back to where the whole chase had started. Jack didn’t like to cross the street so his runs to freedom always ended in big circles. James grunted in disgust when he saw his partner, Matt, leaning against the rig, his arms crossed over his chest as he took in the show.
“I could use a little help here,” James snapped. A burn was developing in his calves and thighs as his boots seemed to grow heavier with each step.
“Why would I want to do that?” Matt shot off his usual shit-eating grin.
“Because he’s going to get away.”
Indian Jack paused a moment to lower his pants down a couple of inches to flash a half moon. “I’m an Indian Warrior.”
“Come on, buddy. You’re killing me here,” James begged. Right now, he would do anything to get the guy to hop willingly into the back of his rig. He growled in anger when the man’s response was to slap his own ass cheeks as he cackled in laughter.
Matt let out a sharp whistle. “Hey, Indian Warrior, I got a present for you.” Reaching into the back of the rig, he pulled out a can of root beer and cracked it open. The sound made the homeless man stop dead in his tracks as he slowly turned around to look.
“Is that…” Jack trailed off as he licked his chapped lips.
“Yes, it’s root beer. You know I only bring the best for you.” Matt shook the can slightly in a whole come-and-get-it way.
When the man started to stagger to the rig, James threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “Un-fucking-believable! Why didn’t you do that sooner?”
“Because you two looked like you were having so much fun.” Matt flashed his 100-watt smile that had females from all over Genesee County panting for him. Add his blond hair and bright blue eyes and he never had a shortage of bed partners. Unfortunately, he also didn’t have a shortage of sexapades that he loved to talk endlessly about.
“You suck. You know that right?” James grumbled.
Jack hopped into the back of the rig and laid down on the cot, the can of root beer clutched to his chest like it was a priceless treasure.
Since he knew if he bitched any more, Matt would take some sort of sadistic pleasure in it, James just grunted in irritation before he climbed into the back and took a seat in the bench opposite the cot. Now that he was trapped in the close confines of his rig, it became painfully obvious that Indian Warriors weren’t big on showers. The rank, acid smell became ten times worse when Matt closed the back doors, shutting off all source of fresh air.
“That was fun,” Jack beamed before he took a swig from the can.
James frowned when he noticed the yellowish tinge to the man’s eyes. “When’s the last time you went to the clinic?” James asked as he got out the blood pressure cuff and put his stethoscope earpieces in.
“Bah, I don’t like them.” Jack scowled and tightened his grip on his drink, almost as if he were afraid someone would come and snatch it from him.
“How about the shelter?” James knew his suggestion would fall on deaf ears, but felt compelled to try anyway. While Jack may be a pain in the ass, there was also a softer side to him that brought out James’s protective impulses. Slapping the cuff in place, he took the man’s blood pressure only to find that it was low—too damn low. James’s concern turned to full-blown worry as he reached up and got an IV out of one of the cabinets.
“They’re not nice there.” Jack let out a snort. “Not like you and Matt.”
“If you like us so much, then why do you always run from me?” James spiked the IV and got the rest of the supplies out. He tried to keep the needle hidden as much as possible, knowing how much they terrified Jack.
“It’s so much fun to watch you get mad when you have to chase me. Admit it, your days would be so boring without me around.”
“Here I thought it was so you scam cookies out of me.” James rolled up the man’s sleeve and tried to find a vein. He winced when he saw open sores running up Jack’s arms. Red and inflamed, they were showing signs of serious infection, too. It was hard, but James was finally able to find a viable blood vessel that looked like it may support an IV. As he started to swab the area with an alcohol wipe, Jack jerked away, a look of horror passing through his watery eyes.
“What do you think you’re doing?” his outrage echoed through the closed confines of the ambulance.
“Oh, come on. I thought you were some big Indian Warrior. You shouldn’t be afraid of something as little as a needle.” Somehow James managed to keep a straight face while speaking those ridiculous words.
Jack’s face grew somber and for a brief second, the crazy was gone long enough for James to see the bleak despair on the man’s face.
“We both know I’m not an Indian Warrior. I’m just some bum who’s no good to anybody.”
“Hey, that’s not true.” James gave him a light punch on the shoulder. “Without you, my job would be no fun at all.”

* * * *

When Calvin Dane had been laboring all those years in medical school, he never dreamed being a doctor would be so fulfilling. He also never imagined it would be this hard. At the end of yet another twelve-hour shift, his body ached like he was fifty instead of thirty-two and his eyes felt so grainy, the mere act of blinking hurt. To add to it, his stomach was starting to revolt against all the hospital cafeteria food he eaten and he’d drank the last of his Pepto around four hours ago.

He was sitting in the break room, trying to make the best out of his crappy cup of coffee, when one of the nurses, a petite blonde named Janet, came sailing in. As usual, she was all smiles, her teeth almost as bright as the cartoon characters on her pink scrub top. Calvin tired hard not to glower at her, but it was difficult.
Damn her for being so chipper all the time

“We have one coming in,” she announced as she grabbed the coffee pot and poured herself a cup.

“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you. It’s deadly.” He took another drink of his swill and shuddered as the lukewarm liquid hit his tongue. He would have tossed it in the garbage where it belonged, but needed the caffeine too bad.

Janet paused, her pink lips pursed in worry as she studied him. “Can I say something to you? One friend to another?”

“Please.” He made the bring-it-on gesture. “When have you ever asked my permission to insult me?”

“You look like crap, honey. When’s the last time you got any sleep?”
“I don’t know.” He blinked stupidly. “What day is it?”
She chuckled. “At least tell me you get off soon.”
“Another hour and I’m out of here.”
Janet took a sip of her coffee and immediately started to cough. “This tastes horrible,” she sputtered between hacks.
“I warned you.” Calvin didn’t even attempt to hide his grin.
“Whatever, we need to get going anyway. I want to get the incoming patient settled so neither of us has to stay late.”
He yawned before he nodded and got up.
Just one more hour and I can get home and into bed. To be tucked in with crisp sheets and my favorite pillow would be heaven right now. That and a shower. I probably smell like the hind end of a buffalo.
They left the relative quiet of the hallway leading to the break room and entered the busy emergency department. The sounds of beeping equipment mixed in with the low buzz of conversations and the louder yells from the irate drunk in room eight.
“What do we have coming in?” he asked as he reached the nurses’ station.
“It’s Indian Jack.” Gladys glowered, her face as sour as always. An aging nurse who should have retired years ago, she had permanent wrinkles on her face from always scowling and a boulder-size chip on her shoulder. Even her hair seemed hostile. Dyed a dull red, she always kept it swept up in a chunky bun, the strands always in perfect order as if even they were afraid to cross her by straying.
Calvin nodded in understanding. With Indian Jack, she didn’t have to say more. A frequent flyer at their hospital, it seemed they were dealing with him on a bi-weekly basis. Unlike Gladys though, he didn’t begrudge the homeless man. Sure, Jack may be stinky, a drunk and have a foul mouth, but at least he was entertaining with all his stories. “How far out are they?” he asked no one in particular.
Of course, Gladys felt it her duty to chime in on that one, too. “They should be rolling in any minute.” She nearly snarled as she grabbed an empty chart and began to get the paperwork started.
“Who’s bringing him in?”
“Alpha 304.”
Happy Pants made the sneer again, but Calvin knew it wasn’t in regard to Jack this time. Gladys had clashed with the crew from that ambulance on more than one occasion. She’d never made it a secret that she couldn’t stand the sight of them.
Calvin on the other hand was hard pressed to hide his excitement, for as much as Gladys hated the medics from 304, he liked them. Or rather one of them. Even as he thought about James, a thrill went through him, making his heart race. For months now, he’d been admiring the paramedic from afar. Too afraid to even talk socially with the guy, let alone make a move. Crap, he didn’t even know if James was gay or not. Sure, he’d heard gossip the medic preferred guys, but he knew one couldn’t put too much stock in rumors.
The ambulance bay doors swished open. James and his partner came in, pushing the cot between them.
Calvin froze for a second, his breath caught in his throat, struck by how handsome the medic was. From dark hair that was cut regulationlength to his sharp blue eyes, he was already sexy. But then another glance showed how
his muscular body looked. His navy uniform molded to his frame and he went from handsome to ballcrunching desirable. James laughed at something, his full sensual lips curling up into an almost mischievous grin. Once the man spotted Gladys though, all good humor fled his face.
“Where should we put Mr. Hunt?”
James shocked him by using the patient’s last name. His already high opinion of the medic went up a couple of notches. Even though Jack was crazy, homeless and the ambulance company would never see a dime out of him, James still treated the man with the upmost respect.
“Put him in five,” Gladys grunted.
Her backhanded comment made Calvin so appalled he nearly dropped the chart in his hand. Five, or the
room as they dubbed it, had to be the smallest examining room they had. It didn’t even have a real bed. Just a vinyl, brown examining chair that tilted back some. They used it mostly for nosebleeds or eye injuries, neither of which Jack had.
“No, put him in seven,” Calvin countered with a straight face. He almost lost it and smiled when he saw the triumphant gleam in James’s eyes.
“Dr. Dane,” Gladys drawled his name out just enough for it to sound condescending, even while using his official title. “We need to keep room seven open for real patients.”
“Last time I checked, Jack seemed real enough to me.” He shot her a warning glare that would have had most other nurses rushing to obey. Not ol’ Gladys though.
She put her hands on her ample hips and glared right back. “Dr. Dane.” Again, she somehow managed to make the simple act of saying his name seem like an insult. “Five will be perfectly fine for what this patient needs.”
“No, it won’t and the patient has a name, Mr. Hunt. Surly you heard James use it just now.”
“I am not putting him in seven.”
“Yes, you are.”
By now, nearly the entire staff had become caught up in the argument, their heads going back and forth like they were watching a tennis match. Finally, he lost his temper enough to toss down the pen and turn his full fury on the witch. “Gladys, like it or not, I’m in charge here and I think the best thing medically for Mr. Hunt is for him to go to room seven.”
“You tell her, Doc,” Jack hooted from the cot.
Calvin noticed that the corners of James’s lips twitched like he was holding back laughter.
Gladys gave him one more killing look before she spun on her heel and started to waddle her way to room seven. As she passed the cot, she reached over and snagged a cookie out of the patient’s hand. “No eating until you’re cleared,” she sang out in a falsely sweet voice.
As soon as she disappeared into the examining room, James pulled another cookie from his jacket pocket and handed it to Jack. When James noticed him staring at them, the paramedic gave him a conspiratorial wink. The move was so unintentionally sexy that a fresh surge of desire went through him.
He smiled in return. While he should have objected to the patient eating before he’d been examined, he found himself holding back laughter. The way the medic liked to flaunt rules and do stuff just to get on Gladys’s nerves made him all the more appealing.
“Maybe you should flirt with her next time,” Matt advised in a low voice.
“Hell, no. There isn’t enough booze in the world to loosen me up enough to make eyes at that.” No sooner had James said those words, then his dark gaze drifted back to Calvin.
His breath caught in his throat. Was that a spark of interest he saw in the man’s eyes? No, it couldn’t be. He must be having delusions from lack of sleep. Before now, never once had the medic been anything but professional toward him. Then again, he’d never seen James flirt with anyone period. While the banter and jokes they always tossed around made James and Matt one of the most popular crews, James had never crossed the line to making an overt come-on to anyone. Matt, on the other hand, sometimes reminded Calvin of a dog in heat with his constant perusal of any female who crossed his path.
“I guess we better get in there. No sense in giving Gladys something else to yell at us about. She thinks of enough reasons on her own as it is,” James spoke to Matt, but his gaze was still locked on him.
Okay, there was no mistaking the sensual undertone to James’s expression anymore. Shit, he even licked his lips, like he was sizing up a four star meal. Calvin found himself unconsciously mimicking the motion before he caught himself and looked quickly back down at the chart. Not that it held anything that interested him, but it seemed as good a cover as any.
From under his lashes, he saw the cart being rolled away and breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the
Gladys Show
was over, all of the other staff dispersed as well. All of them except for Janet who moved around the desk so she could stand close to him.
“What was that all about?” she said in a near whisper.
“I’m done putting up with Gladys and her fits.” Calvin shrugged, wondering why Janet was making such a big deal out of it. He would have thought she’d be thanking him for standing up to the mean bully.
“Not that.” Janet let out an irritated huff so strong that some her blonde bangs poofed up. “I’m talking about the eyes you and James were making at each other.”
He said nothing and shot an irritated glance her way. Since he’d come to work at the hospital, they’d developed a strong bond. One night after one too many beers, he’d confessed not only was he gay, but that he had a thing for a certain paramedic. True to her sweet nature, Janet had taken it all in stride, although she’d made it her personal goal for Calvin to
snag his man
as she’d repeatedly put it. God, if she didn’t let up on the matchmaking soon he’d be tempted to slap a diaper on her and give her a quiver full of arrows with heart-shaped heads.
“Let it rest, Janet.” He turned his back on her and started toward seven, all the while trying to ignore the thrill of excitement that went through him because James’s hot body still occupied that room.
“Oh come on,” she needled from behind him, her voice way too close.
Damn it, she would have to follow him. Knowing she would be stubborn enough to carry the damn conversation on even after they entered the room, Calvin stopped and turned to face her. “You don’t even know if I’m his type.”
“Correction. I didn’t. Then I caught the way he was looking at you and I had all the proof I needed. He wants to take you for a ride in his ambulance in more ways than one.” Her lips pursed into a knowing smirk.
He wondered, not for the first time, why he hung out with her. “You do realize how lame that sounds.”
“Really?” The corner of her mouth cocked up thoughtfully. “I thought it was pretty sharp myself.”
“It wasn’t. I think it would rank low, even for a bar pickup line.”
“You only wish someone as hot as me would try to hook up with you.”
“True, but alas, Todd beat me to you. How did I ever think I could compete with a firefighter who looks good in bunker gear?”
“Don’t try to change the subject.” She pointed a finger at his chest.
Calvin found himself sighing in defeat. “Fine, I’ll agree to talk to him, but if I even sense he’s not interested, I’m backing off.” He turned around and started back for the exam room, ignoring her squeal of excitement.
“I knew you’d see things my way.”
“Like I had a choice. If I didn’t, you’d probably find a way for James and I to get
locked in the back of his ambulance.” Not waiting for her smart comeback, he went into the room.

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