EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot (4 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht

BOOK: EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot
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Dropping to his knees, James looked up at him from under his lashes. “I’ve wanted to taste this cock for so long I don’t think I can wait another minute. Do you mind?”
Calvin gazed down, raw desire burning in his dark eyes. “Like I’m going to say no to that.”
James chuckled softly as he lowered the zipper on Calvin’s pants. Popping the button, he pulled them down to expose the man’s dark boxers. He paused long enough to nip at Calvin’s erection through the material of his underwear, before he tugged those down, too, so he could finally get at his guy’s cock.
“Fuck, now I know you’re perfect all over,” James observed before he darted his tongue out to lick the crown of Calvin’s erection. A bit of precum had collected there and he moaned as the salty taste washed over his tongue.
“You keep this up and I’m not going to last long.” Even as Calvin made that threat, he threaded his fingers into his hair to urge him on.
“Let’s just hope you have a fast recovery time.” James parted his lips before wrapping them around Calvin’s thick, warm cock. Yes, this was as good as he’d always dreamed it would be. Calvin’s dick was so big, so hard and it was all for him. He knew he’d been brought here for just a brief, good time and, that when all was said and done, he and Calvin would go back to the cool professional relationship they had before. But tonight, he was all his and, before it was over, James vowed to have Calvin begging for it.

Chapter Four

ames was moving so slow it was all Calvin could do not to beg for more. The paramedic took his time, sucking in Calvin’s cock one inch at a time. Frustrated, he tried to thrust forward and bury himself balls deep into James’s mouth. James grunted in response, his strong hand reaching out to grab his hip, forcing him to hold still.

“You keep this up and I’m going to have to torture you back,” Calvin warned. James moaned in response, the vibrations traveling all the way up his dick. Then James started to get to work. At one point sucking in so hard, his cheeks hollowed out. Calvin slammed the back of his head against the wall as he bit back a cry of pleasure.

Closing his eyes, he allowed James to really take control of their encounter. Always the one in charge in his career and in all his past relationships, it was heady to let someone else call the shots for once. He’d been right about one thing, James had the sweetest mouth. He knew when to go hard and when to pull back and give soft teasing caresses with his tongue and lips.

Calvin managed to hold back with sheer will. Until James looked up with those intense, blue eyes of his. As they locked gazes, something strange pulled at him. It made him want to claim James as he had done with no other, to mark him as his in some way.

With a roar, he fisted his fingers in James’s hair and pulled the man off his cock. Calvin wrapped his fingers around his own cock and stroked himself. It only took a couple of pumps to bring himself to completion. Letting out a hoarse cry, he shot off, his cum hitting James in the face. James caught some of the fluid with his open mouth, but a large amount of it splashed onto his cheeks and chin. Harsh, hard breaths raked through him as he watched James’s tongue dart out to lick away some of the semen.

James closed his eyes and hummed, almost as if savoring the taste.
“Stand up,” Calvin ordered in a ragged voice. As soon as James complied, he leaned forward and licked away the remains. He moved slow, making lazy paths with his tongue as he savored the way the salt from James’s skin mixed with the tangy taste of his own cum. It wasn’t until James was completely clean that he pulled back.
The bed beckoned and Calvin led James there, both of them pulling off each other’s clothing along the way. James had on heavy lace-up boots and there was a moment of awkwardness as they worked to tug them off. Finally, Calvin had James where he wanted him—naked and lying on the bed.
Calvin crawled on top of the bed, straddling James’s hips. Even though he’d already had an orgasm, his cock was hard again and he couldn’t resist rubbing it against James. The man’s tan flesh, stood out starkly against his white comforter, the sight better than anything his erotic dreams could’ve conjured. “I can’t wait to learn every inch of this body,” Calvin said, right before he dipped his head down to lick one of James’s nipples.
“Fuck me, please,” James moaned as he rolled his hips up.
“Not until I have some fun first.” Calvin smiled against his flesh. “I warned you. Torture can go both ways.”
“I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” James said, softly.
Calvin didn’t answer him, instead he took his time, kissing and licking James all over. It wasn’t until they were both trembling with arousal that he pulled back. James twisted his body around awkwardly and started to reach to the floor for something.
“What are you doing?” Calvin asked, grinning at his odd behavior.
“I got a condom in the pocket of my jeans.”
“Here I got one.” Calvin stretched out over him to open the drawer to his nightstand. He hissed in pleasure when he felt James’s tongue lave his nipple and he fumbled blindly, his mind so occupied by what was happening to him, the simple act of grabbing something eluded him.
“Hurry,” James pleaded, giving Calvin a gentle love bite. He ran his hands down Calvin’s sides making him shiver in response.
“I’m trying. You’re not making it easy,” Calvin teased, finally finding a condom and the bottle of lubricant. He almost let out a whoop of joy as he praised all that was holy.
Kissing his way back down James’s tight body, Calvin gave his cock one brief lick before he sat up on his knees. He tired to open the condom wrapper, but struggled because his hands were shaking so badly. A flush came to his face as he realized he must be coming off like some eager teen about to lose his virginity. Thankfully, an understanding smile came over James’s face before he sat up and took the wrapper.
“Here, let me.” With deft movements, James ripped the package open, took the condom out and slowly slid it over Calvin’s cock, his fingers leaving behind a heated path.
Calvin kissed him to show his gratitude before giving James a gentle shove on the chest. “Lie down and let me take care of you.” As soon as James complied, Calvin opened the cap of the lubricant and poured a liberal amount in his hand. Getting his fingers slick, Calvin reached between James’s legs and started to slowly circle his hole.
Just as Calvin was sliding one finger in, James’s eyelids fluttered close. “Don’t shut your eyes,” he ordered in a harsh voice. “I want to see your expression while I’m making love to you.”
James obeyed, his blue-eyed gaze burning into Calvin as he added a second finger, stretching the man out to take his cock. He moaned when he felt how tight James was, his ass clamping down on his fingers in a firm grip.
“Please, Calvin, I can’t take anymore,” James panted. His cheeks flushed with desire and a fine sheen of sweat dotted his brow.
Frankly, Calvin didn’t think he could either. His cock was near painful at this point and he was shaking even worse than before. Pulling his fingers out, Calvin threw one of James’s legs over his shoulder and slowly pressed his cock through the tight ring of muscle.
James let out a small grunt that soon turned into a moan of pleasure. He started to close his eyes again, before he opened them, as if remembering Calvin’s earlier order.
Calvin continued to surge forward, not stopping until he was completely buried in James’s tight ass. He paused, wanting to give James’s body time to adjust, but his guy would have none of that.
Digging his fingers into Calvin’s arms, he yelled, “Harder. I need to know you mean it.”
The strange way he put that gave Calvin pause, but he decided to worry about it later. All that mattered at the moment was giving James what he wanted, a thorough hard screwing. Putting one hand on James’s leg, the other on his shoulder, Calvin started to pound into him. The look of pure bliss that passed over James’s face almost made him come on the spot. It took all his discipline and biting his bottom lip to hold back.
“Yes, just like that,” James moaned.
His fingers were digging so hard into Calvin’s arms that he was probably leaving bruises behind. Calvin let go of James’s leg so he could grab the man’s cock instead. At this rate, he knew he wasn’t going to last long and he wanted them to come together. James was letting out groans, the sound punctuated by Calvin’s thrusts. This time when he closed his eyes, Calvin didn’t admonish him.
“So good. So tight,” Calvin gasped, right before a hard orgasm slammed into his body. Crying out James’s name, he came, filling the condom. A couple of thrusts later, James joined him, his hot fluid coating both of their stomachs.
Calvin stayed inside James, not pulling out until he was soft. Rolling off James, he collapsed to his side. He wanted to stay awake longer. There was so much he wanted to say to James, but being awake for two days finally caught up to him. Calvin’s lids dropped shut and he drifted off to sleep. But not before he reached out and wrapped his arms around James.

“Alpha 304 is coming in,” Janet said softly as she came into the X-Ray room.
Calvin didn’t look up, trying to play it cool, even though his heart was thundering in his chest. “What do they have?”
“A priority three, emphysema patient from Snyder’s Nursing Home. James called it in and said he had the transport on oxygen and he’s stable now.”
At the mention of James’s name, Calvin’s heart started to pound harder as his gut clenched in anticipation. It had been three days since their encounter. Three days since Calvin had awakened to find the bed empty, the sheets cool and obviously unslept in. Three days and not once in all that time had James made any attempt to contact him. “How far out are they?” He winced when he noticed how strained his voice sounded.
“Five minutes.” Janet’s face looked so compassionate.
It made Calvin feel even worse—like he was some loser who was getting a heavy dish of pity because his heart had been stomped on. The worst part of it was, he knew he had no good reason to feel slighted or hurt. When James had gone home with him, neither one had even mentioned anything about them becoming an actual couple. The medic probably was used to having guys throw themselves at him, wanting a quick hookup. He obviously thought Calvin was no different.
You just had to fall asleep, didn’t you?
If he’d managed to stay awake, then maybe he’d have worked up the courage to tell James that their encounter meant so much to him. That he wanted them to spend more time together—a lot more time. Instead, he probably relayed a false message that the sex had been just that—sex and nothing more, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
Calvin had not been able to get James out of his mind. It had gotten to the point where all his thoughts were consumed with the dark, sexy medic. Even while he was working, he constantly strained his ears, hoping to hear the smooth rich tones of the man.
“Hello, are you there?” Janet poked him in the ribs, bringing him out of his musings.
“Sorry,” Calvin ran his hand through his hair in frustration. God, with all his moping and internal whining he was no better than a teen girl pining over the football hero.
“Should I put the patient in room six? It just emptied out,” Janet suggested, gently getting him back on topic.
“Yeah, sounds good. Go get set up and I’ll be right in.” After Janet left, Calvin checked up on one of his patients before meeting her, so by the time he got into the room, the transport had arrived. Even though they had already transferred the patient from the cot to the bed, James was still by the elderly man’s side. Once Calvin got closer, he saw the paramedic couldn’t move because the patient was holding his hand. Even though the man was gasping for breath and had on an oxygen mask, he was talking a mile a minute to James who was patiently nodding his head.
Calvin smiled as he felt warm from the inside out. Everyone who came into contact with James instantly liked him and it looked like this guy was no different. Well, everyone that was excerpt for Gladys who was shooting disapproving glares from the nurse’s station. It didn’t help matters when Matt gave Nurse Bitter Bones a cocky smile as he waved at her.
“Who do we have here?” he asked. James looked up at him and Calvin cursed the fact he couldn’t read the guy’s expression.
“Mr. Hadley has been having trouble breathing today.”
As James rattled on, listing vitals and detailing the treatment he’d given the patient, Calvin’s stomach dropped. The clipped, professional tone in James’s voice didn’t sound any different from what it always had, like nothing had occurred between them.
“You’re not going to leave me here all alone are you?” Mr. Hadley asked James.
If Calvin hadn’t known better, he would have sworn the old man had an almost flirtatious tone to his words. He shook his head, immediately dismissing the notion. It must be because the way the oxygen mask was muffling his voice.
“I wouldn’t worry. Dr. Dane is going to take real good care of you.” James tried to gently extract his hand with little luck.
“But I don’t like him as much as I do you.” Mr. Hadley wiggled his eyebrows at James.
Matt coughed to hide his snort of laughter and Janet’s face turned red from her efforts to hold back her amusement.
James finally managed to get his hand free and started to make a hasty retreat.
When the medic stopped long enough to pick the blanket from his cot off the floor, Calvin caught Mr. Hadley checking out that tight ass. “Easy, there big guy,” Calvin drawled. “I don’t think your heart can stand anymore excitement.”
“Really?” Mr. Hadley pulled off his mask and flashed a lewd smile. “I was thinking maybe I should get sick more often.”
“We’d be more than happy to come anytime you need us. If you want, you can even ask for James specifically,” Matt happily supplied.
James shot his partner a murderous glare. “I’m going out to clean the rig and finish the paperwork.” James paused to give the elderly man a parting wave. “I hope you feel better, Mr. Hadley, and Matt was right, you can call us anytime.”
Just as he reached the door, James darted a glance toward Calvin. It was so brief that if Calvin hadn’t been looking he would have missed it. What he saw lingering in James’s eyes gave him hope for the first time since he woke up alone in that cold bed. Even though James may be trying to hide it, Calvin couldn’t miss the longing stamped in James’s expression. It made Calvin decide one thing. There was no way in hell James was going to leave the hospital without the two of them having a chat.
Thankfully, within ten minutes, another doctor came back on duty and Calvin was able to ask her to take over Mr. Hadley’s care for a while. Telling Janet it was time for his lunch break, he left the Emergency Department. It was hard, but he didn’t rise to the bait when she shot him a knowing look.
Going to the double doors leading to the ambulance bay, he breathed a sigh of relief, noticing that James’s rig was the only one there. It was dark outside, but he still could see his guy’s shadow moving around the ambulance.
This time the rear doors were closed so Calvin used the side one instead. James was sitting in the jump seat, a thick metal clipboard balanced on his knees. If he was surprised to see Calvin, he didn’t act it. Instead, he only gave him the barest of glances before he returned his focus to the run sheet he was filling out. “You didn’t say goodbye,” Calvin said, careful to keep his voice neutral.
“Sure I did. I even told the horn ball he could call if he was ever sick again.” James continued to stare at the paperwork.
It were almost as if he were being intentionally rude so as to push Calvin away. A half hour ago, Calvin would have been put off with it. Believed the man wanted nothing to do with him. That was before he saw the look James had tossed his way on the way out. He had no doubt James wanted this as much as he did. There had to be something holding him back from admitting it though. Calvin determined he would find out, too, even if he had to sit in the back of the goddamn ambulance all night long. “You know what I’m talking about. Don’t be coy, even though you do look damn sexy while doing it.”
That finally got a reaction. James’s head snapped up, his eyes sharp with anger. “I told you I had class the next day. So I got up early and didn’t want to wake you.”
Closing the door, he took the bench seat opposite of James. Leaning forward on his knees, Calvin slowly shook his head. “Sorry, that just doesn’t wash. If you had really done it to be considerate, you could have at least left a note or called me.”
James let out an aggravated sigh. “Look, I just thought I’d save us the trouble of exchanging the usual fake I’ll-call-you-tomorrows. Besides, even if I had wanted to give you a call, I couldn’t since we don’t have each other’s numbers.”
“How do you know that I didn’t want to see you again?” Calvin challenged. He knew he shouldn’t be taking delight in James’s anger, but couldn’t help it. If this had just been some casual encounter, then there is no way James would be getting this worked up over it. No, he did care. He obviously wasn’t ready to admit it yet though.
“Come on, since when would a rich doctor go slumming with someone like me, unless it was for a quick fuck?”
“And how do you know I didn’t want more?” Calvin reached out and lightly skimmed his fingers over James’s knee. “You never gave me a chance to prove otherwise.” James opened and closed his mouth several times like he was scrambling to find an argument to that logic. The anger quickly fled his face to be replaced doubt.
Not much of an improvement, but at least it isn’t a step back.
“What could you possibly want from me besides the obvious?” James asked.
“I don’t know what guy made you so scared to trust anyone long enough to form a relationship, but if I ever find him, he’s going to be sorry.” Calvin leaned forward so his lips were just inches from James’s ear. “I’m going to prove to you that I’m worthy of your trust if it’s the last thing I do.”
“How?” James whispered back.
His body grew still and tense, but at least he wasn’t shrinking back or shoving Calvin away. At that moment, he was willing to take what he could. “I’m going to make sure that you’re so satisfied and cared for that you’re going to be too happy to worry. Maybe if I do that long enough, you’ll realize there is no way I can ever give you up. Not after I’ve known how right it is to be with you.”
“It was just sex,” James protested.
Calvin was pleased to hear how shaky his voice was. “No it wasn’t and you know it.” Reaching behind James’s head, Calvin pressed the light switch, plunging them into darkness. “Call Matt and stall him.”
“We can’t do this here.”
“Yes, we can. Maybe if I suck you—fuck you enough, it’ll finally sink in that you belong to me.”
“Aren’t they going to miss you in the hospital?” James swallowed hard, as his body started to tremble.
“No, I’m on my lunch break.” Calvin slid to his knees, positioning himself between James’s thighs. Looking up at him, he made a big show of licking his lips, enjoying the flare of desire the motion caused in James’s eyes. “And I’m only hungry for one thing. Now get on the phone and stall Matt so I can get to it.”
James nodded once before he fished his phone of his pocket.

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