Enchanted and Desired (16 page)

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Authors: Eva Simone

BOOK: Enchanted and Desired
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The drive up is a good laugh. Lilliput and Jester are a force to be reckoned with for sure. I think we’re going to have our hands full with these two this weekend. Brandon and I shoot the shit and talk a little business until the girls butt in. “If we hear one more word about work this weekend there will be no pussy for you boys. You got it??? NO WORK.” Lily looks slightly embarrassed by Jess’s statement but it’s funny as fuck and we do as we’re told, sticking to talking sports the rest of the way, because I fucking
she’ll hold out on me if I cross her, just to make a point!

It’s a breath of fresh air…literally, when we step out of the car and take in the view of sand and sea. The girls are off like a shot, leaving their shoes behind, running down onto the beach together, and I’m sporting a fucking raging boner at the sight of them splashing each other in the water. Brandon and I get the bags into the house and I check that the fridge is stocked. I grab a bottle of wine and four glasses, and ask Brandon to grab a blanket before we head down to join the girls on the beach.

We spend a few hours relaxing, enjoying the weather and the view. With Jess nestled between my legs, her back to my chest and her head resting on my shoulder, I am completely content, watching the waves, listening to the quiet noises that surround us and chatting with my best buddy. It doesn’t get much better than this.

After a couple of hours Brandon and Lily decide to take a stroll down to the nearby cove. I took Jess there the last time we were here, and it was the hottest fucking night of my life. We’re not talking romance, we’re talking hot, sweaty, fucking. It was amazing to watch her strip for me. She looked like a siren from pirate lore, enticing me into the water just so she could beguile me with her charms. I fucked her in the sea before carrying her back to shore and bending her over a rock and fucking her again and again; thrusting into her with the breeze cold on our hot naked flesh, watching as she came apart beneath me was fucking transcendent. My dick is hard just at the memory, and it’s pressing into Jess’s back.

“Why hello sailor. What’s got you standing to attention?” I start nibbling her neck, the sweet taste of cherries arousing me further.

“I was just reminiscing about the last time I brought you up here, and our little excursion to the cove.” I hear the catch in her breath as she takes her own trip down memory lane.

“I’m sure I can give you something even more exciting to think about this weekend.” Holy fuck she’s hot.

“God…Jess…you might give me a heart attack if you try to excite me more than our little escapade in the cove.” Her hand slips between us, finding its way to my now massive erection.

“Oh baby. You know I love to tease you and take you to the edge. I am going to make you beg before you slide your gorgeous cock inside me.”

“And that’s why I fucking love you.”

Holy shit. This is not how I planned it – just fucking blurting it out like that.

“Wh…what did you just say to me?” She’s out of my arms and on her feet in a flash.

“What the fuck Simon? You can’t just say shit like that. You don’t mean it and it makes things weird between us.”

“I fucking
it Jess. I’ve wanted to tell you for months. Granted, this is not how I wanted to say it, but there you go. If you’re going to be all sexy and fucking adorable all the time, shit slips out.” She’s pacing the sand, which is making me pretty fucking edgy.

“You can’t mean it Si. You
love me. You can’t. I’m all kinds of fucked up and you know it. What we have is good, so let’s just forget about this and keep things the way they are.”

“Goddamn-it Jess! Really? I can’t fucking UNSAY it, and I won’t pretend that I don’t love you. It’s out there now, you’re just going to have to deal with it. I haven’t asked you to say it back, and I don’t expect you to. I know you don’t feel the same, but I’m not going to live a lie so that you don’t feel awkward. I FUCKING LOVE YOU…GET OVER IT! You’re not fucking shutting me out because of this Jess - got it??

“You can’t tell me what to do Si.”

“The fuck I can’t!”

“I can’t be here right now.” She turns to leave.

“You’re not going anywhere Jess, do you fucking understand me?” I grab her, pulling her close to my chest, letting her feel the rapid beat of my heart hammering in my chest.

“Do you feel that Jess? Can you really walk away from me right now?” I position my lips millimeters from hers, letting her feel the intensity of our connection before I continue.

“If you can tell me that you don’t feel this…that you don’t
that this feeling MEANS something…then do it…walk away and don’t come back. Can you do that Tesoro?” Her lips are on mine in an instant, pouring all the emotion she can’t express into this kiss. Our tongues twist and tangle in a visceral, angry frenzy, and before I know what’s hit me, she pushes me out of reach and walks away. Her walk turning to a run as she disappears down the beach towards the marina.

It takes me a moment to grasp the gravity of what just happened, before I break out into a sprint after her.




Where am I even running to? I have nowhere to go. I don’t have my cell, my wallet or my keys; Lily is off with Brandon for god knows how long, and I’m running towards a non-existent destination because the most amazing man I’ve ever met just told me he loves me. What the hell is wrong with me? I should be running TO him, not AWAY from him. God I hate myself right now, but I can’t stop myself from acting on my survival instinct.

I finally slow down to a walk when I feel like my lungs are going to explode, and I find myself at the marina. I don’t know how long or how far I’ve run. I
know that there is a massive pain in my chest, and it’s not from running. I try to blend in with the crowd, slowing my breaths and wiping the tears I didn’t know were there, from my face. It hits me; I have just blown any chance I had at a real relationship with Simon. There’s no coming back from this. That’s when I hear him in the distance.

I quickly turn to scan the crowd, and there he is, breathless, and sweating, and gorgeous. He’s running his fingers through his hair as he shouts my name, striding towards me. When he reaches me I expect some sort of grand romantic kiss, or speech, but he just grabs my hand and drags me through the crowd without a word.

“Let me go Simon, you’re hurting me.” The glare he gives me chills me to the bone, but he loosens his grip ever so slightly.

“Hurting you? I’M HURTING you? Holy FUCK Jess. You have no fucking idea how your actions and reactions affect those around you do you? You’re just off in Jess land doing your Jess thing and fuck the rest of us.”

“That’s not true and you know it. You don’t get to judge me because you decided to pour your goddamn heart out, completely out of the blue.”

“You really are a heartless bitch sometimes.”

We continue on in silence for a moment. I can’t argue with him because I know he’s right, and I’m ashamed of myself, but I don’t know any other way to be. As the crowd dwindles I notice we’re walking down the pier, with yachts lining either side of us. He pulls me in the direction of a stunning vessel with the name “Sofia” emblazoned across the back.

“Seriously? You want to show off your goddamn boat right now? You are such a fucking swanktard.” He turns to face me, pure rage on his face.

“What the fuck does that even mean?”

“You’re being a swanky bastard at the most ridiculous time possible.” Oh God…I just poked the beast. He looks livid.

“When have I EVER tried to win you with fucking “swanky” shit? You come from the same background as me Jessica. I’m well aware that none of this impresses you. I thought MAYBE the fact that I’m a good guy that wants to be with you would be impressive enough, but apparently
is good enough for you.” He picks me up, jumps onto the boat, and puts me down, before storming below deck. I follow him.

“Okay…okay…you don’t need to get so angry about it.”

“ANGRY. You haven’t even
angry yet. I’m about to go fucking thermonuclear if you don’t sit THE FUCK down and listen to me.” I do as he asks. Not because he scares me; I know he would never hurt me. I sit because I need to hear what he has to say.

“Don’t fucking mistake me bringing you here for romance
love, or me trying to impress you! This is the only place I can take you where I won’t get arrested for breach of the peace. I am so fucking angry right now.”

“I can see that.” Why can’t I just stop talking? Every word out of my mouth just makes this situation much worse.

“Can you just keep your mouth shut for five minutes Jess? Si guida pazzesco.”
[You drive me crazy]
If he’s going to speak freaking Italian, how am I supposed to respond? I have no idea what the hell he’s saying.

“I need to say this and you need to fucking hear it.”

“In English please.”

“Oh. My. God Jess. Do you know why I speak Italian so often around you? Because you drive me fucking crazy! You really had no idea I was in love with you did you?” I shake my head; his use of the past tense isn’t lost on me.

“How could you NOT KNOW Tesoro?”

“What does Tesoro mean?” His features soften with a defeated sigh.

“It means treasure.”

“But you’ve called me that from the first night we met.”

“Look at me when I say this baby.” I lift my eyes as a shiver of nerves run through me.

“I may not have realized it then, but you had me snared, hog-tied and besotted with you from the first touch of your hand.” I feel like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest at his words. I want to reciprocate and tell him how he makes me feel, but I can’t, I’m just too damaged. The silence is deafening.

“You seriously have nothing to say to me? I’m not asking for love, or marriage, or even for you to move in with me. All I want is some fucking acknowledgement that you feel anything for me. Am I just a fuck buddy for you? I thought you felt the same intense connection I feel to you when we’re together, but maybe it’s one way fucking traffic.” He starts running his fingers through his hair, frantically searching my face for an answer I can’t force myself to give. I know this could be the moment that he walks away, and I desperately want him to stay, but I know he would be better off without me.

“What do you want me to say Si? You know me. You know that this kind of shit isn’t my style. We’ve had a good run; longer than I would usually stick around. Maybe what we have has just run its course.”

“If you’re going to talk shit Jess, at least say it like you mean it. Do you remember what I told you in the club that night?” He stalks towards me, looming over me with his imposing frame, his hands gripping the back of the sofa on either side of me. “I told you that you make me feel helpless, frustrated, desperate, and fucking turned on beyond all reason. I feel that tenfold today baby. Why can’t you admit it? Tell me you don’t feel the same and I’ll walk away and move on. Just say the words.”

I can’t say it…it would be a lie. “I…I…I don’t know what to say. I can’t be what you want me to be.”

He starts to run the back of his hand down the side of my face, a menacing look on his face.

“Okay Jessica. Have it your way. Rather than fight with you for the rest of the weekend, I’m going to fuck you until you not only forget about all this shit you keep spouting, but until you forget your own goddamn name. Don’t speak, don’t make a fucking sound. Just let me blow your messed up, fucking beautiful mind.”

I couldn’t speak right now even if I wanted to. The fire in his eyes, the desire I can feel emanating from his delicious body has me dumbstruck.

“Get up and take your clothes off…NOW.”

I open my mouth to protest his curt demand.

“Don’t say a word Jess. I mean it.”

I do as I’m told, stripping off my clothes and my underwear until I’m standing before his fully clothed form, completely naked and wet for him. I am so turned on by his angry demeanor right now, I know that I’m slick and ready for him.

“Wait here.”

He disappears above deck for at least ten minutes. I wait; shaking and panting with desire; desperate for his touch, his caress, his beautiful big cock inside me. When he finally returns, I’m so turned on I can barely think straight. He takes my hand and pulls me behind him towards the stairs, snapping me out of my sexual haze.

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