Enchanted Dreams (32 page)

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Authors: Nancy Madore

Tags: #American Light Romantic Fiction, #Erotica - General, #Fiction - Adult, #Fantasy - Short Stories, #Romance: Modern, #Fantasy fiction, #Fiction - Fantasy, #Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotic fiction, #Erotica - Short Stories, #Erotica, #Romance - Short Stories, #Short Stories

BOOK: Enchanted Dreams
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"Yes!" Georgia cried.

And so it went, for the next hour or so, until Cassie—with Georgia watching every step of the way, cursing the computer when a decision was made that she disagreed with—bookmarked the profiles of no less than thirty-seven groups of men. Most of the groups consisted of three, but there were a few that contained four and even five men.

Once the preferred profiles had been bookmarked, Cassie, with her usual organized and methodical way of doing things, sent each of the groups a message. To Georgia's surprise, she didn't even personalize the message for each individual group, but rather, simply cut and paste her first message and sent it to each of them.

Her message read,
Hi. I saw your profile on the site for the incentive program. I just signed up today. My profile has been created if you would like to check it out. Have you received many responses so far? Cassie.

Cassie leaned back in her chair with a sigh. Her sigh seemed to say,
Now I will have to wait for the responses to come in.
But Georgia smiled, because nearly two days had passed in Cassie's virtual world during the time they had spent perusing the profiles. She hit Update and waited excitedly.

Dawn was breaking in cyber world when the update was complete. Georgia saw that they were once again in Cassie's apartment. She could see the light slowly penetrating the blinds. She maneuvered her view to Cassie's bedroom, to verify that she was, in fact, still asleep in bed.

Satisfied that nothing significant was happening at the moment, Georgia tracked backward in the program to where she had only a moment before left off. Then she perused Cassie's activities in fast-forward mode, until she next saw Cassie settle in front of her computer. Then she stopped to see what was happening.

Just as Georgia hoped, Cassie was logging back on to the incentive program.

And there were responses!

Every profile, it seemed, or nearly so, had responded to Cassie's message. A few had responded twice. The men were clearly eager and they didn't make any effort to hide it. Georgia read their responses along with Cassie and watched as she replied, but there was one message in particular that she was looking for. And there was nothing exceptional in any of the messages that diverted Georgia's attention from the one she awaited. She waited impatiently for Cassie to get to it.

At last she caught sight of his name in the heading of the next message, and she squealed excitedly as Cassie opened it.

——Original Message——

From: "Craig Holbrook"

To: "Cassie Michaelson"

Sent: 9/23/2304 3:15 p.m.


Hi Cassie,
Thanks for writing. As you might have noticed from our profile, two of us travel for work most days, so if you try to contact us and don't get an immediate response please be patient. We will respond first chance we get. I already looked at your profile and I think I can speak for all of us when I say that you seem like a very special person. You've definitely piqued my interest. You're the second response we've received and hopefully you'll work out better than the first, who lives halfway across the country. I will forward these messages to the guys. So what would you like to know about us, Cassie? Craig

Georgia read Craig's message several times over. She felt a little disappointed. It was a very nice message, and yet it lacked the enthusiasm of some of the others, which were filled with personal information or pressing for an immediate meeting. But on second thought, she felt that perhaps this was a good thing. The men in this strange new world had become a bit too desperate. Yet given the circumstances, it seemed rather cheeky of this one to act as if he had all the opportunity in the world when they both knew that he did not. Georgia was even more intrigued.

Cassie seemed intrigued, too. She went back to Craig's profile page and took a good look at the picture of him and the other two men in his group. She zoomed in to get a better look at Craig. Georgia's heart beat a little faster as she watched.

Georgia and Cassie read the three men's entire profile this time. Craig was a civil engineer who went on the road to visit customers for servicing and maintenance. He appeared to be the spokesperson for the group. He described himself as "self-assured but not self-confident." He said he was easygoing, but Georgia had already surmised this from his e-mail. He said he valued women, even before the shortage, but he stressed that he was not willing to settle. His was the only profile that "strongly agreed" with the statement that he "had high expectations." Georgia raised her eyebrows at this.

Craig's best friend was Steve. Steve was described as "a good guy" with a "great sense of humor" and as the "best-looking out of the bunch." Like the larger portion of the population, he worked in a computer factory, programming various systems from a small cubicle. In his free time, he was into sports and playing poker. Steve and Craig had grown up together.

Peter, Craig's brother, was a pilot. Craig described him as "a good guy" who was "serious" and "reliable." Overall, the least was said about Peter.

After reading their profile over several times, Cassie went back to the message page. She replied to Craig as follows:

——Original Message——

From: "Cassie Michaelson"

To: "Craig Holbrook"

Sent: 9/23/2304 6:07 p.m.


Hi, Craig,
I read the profiles for you, Steve and Peter. Can you tell me something more about yourselves that isn't there? I am a little nervous about all of this, and it would help if I could get to know you better. I am curious about one thing…how do you choose who to team up with for something like this? It must be strange for you. Were you on one of the other sites before the incentive program was approved? Do you know of others who have done this and how it worked out? I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions. I am very unsure about how this all happens. Cassie

Georgia felt this response was rather unexciting, as well, but on the other hand, what did one say in this situation? She sighed dreamily, wondering how Craig would answer Cassie's questions. Then she suddenly remembered that more time had elapsed while she had been looking over their profile with Cassie! And, too, she had backtracked in time to get there. She hit Update and waited, noticing now that time was quickly passing in her real world as well, and she had done nothing but watch Cassie all day. But she had to see what Craig would answer next. So she followed the same pattern as before—updating, then going back to where she left off and fast-forwarding in motion so she could pick out the parts she wanted to watch in real time.

It didn't take Georgia long to find what she was looking for. She hit the real-time button just as Cassie was opening her message from Craig.

——Original Message——

From: "Craig Holbrook"

To: "Cassie Michaelson"

Sent: 9/23/2304 8:15 p.m.


We welcome all your questions. We expected them. What's not in the profile? I'm practical and probably the most laid-back, Steve's the life of the party, and Peter is focused and intense. We are all loyal types who are there when you need us. We are new to adopt this concept and quite honestly a bit skeptical about getting involved. We are, however, realists and, with a great deal of discussion, willing to make a go of it. I seem to have been selected to be our mouthpiece but all three of us are committed to it. Steve wants to know what you meant in your profile by "this could be exciting." Peter would like to know why you joined up. I think he's having a hard time believing women do this because it's the "right" thing. Please don't be too concerned about our questions, either. We all believe in being up-front and honest about everything. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Craig.

Georgia was taken aback by Craig's honesty. She smiled as she read his words again. She waited impatiently to see what Cassie would reply.

——Original Message——

From: "Cassie Michaelson"

To: "Craig Holbrook"

Sent: 9/23/2304 8:23 p.m.


Hi, Craig,
There is something very nice about the tone of your messages. It sounds like you three have put a lot of thought into this. I have, too. I have been thinking about it ever since the debate over the incentive program began. With everything that's been happening, I have been afraid, frankly, to go out with a man without some kind of protection but, outside of the program, there is none. And women can only participate in the program if they are willing to accept multiple partners, as you know. So I guess you could say I didn't think I had much choice. For one reason or another, I never got married, and now it looks like I might have held out too long. Who could have guessed this would happen? Steve sounds like a card. Tell him I said what does he think I meant by "could be exciting"? You seem like fun guys. One of the things that caught my interest is that two of you are brothers. Are you close? Do you think it will be better or worse, sharing a woman with your brother? This all still feels so strange to me. I have to admit that I don't know how it's supposed to work. They have some real-life stories posted online from people who are doing this already, with advice on how to make it work. Have you read any of those stories? I guess I have given you enough questions for now. I don't mind you asking me questions, either. I look forward to hearing back from you. Cassie

Georgia was equally surprised by Cassie's candid remarks. This was going to be interesting. She fast-forwarded through all of Cassie's other daily events until she found her reading another message from Craig.

——Original Message——

From: "Craig Holbrook"

To: "Cassie Michaelson"

Sent: 9/23/2304 10:30 p.m.


Hi back again,
You seem to be quickly becoming more at ease with this. I like that. Steve and I are very close even though he's much better-looking than I am and usually steals all the girls' hearts. I haven't read any of those stories online. I think this type of thing would have to be worked out on an individual basis with us communicating about what we think would work best. We might have to set some ground rules as we go along. Your profile said you're willing to have children. How many? I was thinking nine would be great for a baseball team. Steve and I have both always wanted children. Peter's not sure, given the state this world is in. As far as sharing a woman, we men have shared women for hundreds of years, in my view. Just ask any woman how many men she has slept with. This concept is not new and the fact that it's being promoted by the government makes it even more acceptable. Although I do realize there is still a stigma attached to women who do this. Some people will always stick their heads in the sand. Says a lot about your strength to step up for it. Let's talk again soon! Craig

Georgia found herself smiling as she read Craig's message. She watched with interest to see what Cassie would write back.

——Original Message——

From: "Cassie Michaelson"

To: "Craig Holbrook"

Sent: 9/23/2304 10:38 p.m.


Hi, Craig,
I enjoy your messages. Your attitude seems really healthy. I like the way you look at things. I'm not sure I'm "at ease" with this per se. I would say I am becoming accustomed to the idea. Your manner is definitely making it easier. I agree with having ground rules. I am just wondering what they should be. Any ideas??? I do not recall saying that I wanted children. Was that in my profile? Oh, maybe it was. I have always wanted children, just maybe not as many as you, lol. But I would have to really give it some thought in this situation before I made that kind of commitment. But there is time for that, right? Cassie

There were so many things that Georgia wished Cassie would write, so many questions she would have liked Craig to answer. She sighed in frustration to only be a spectator in this. Meanwhile, there were many other e-mails from the other men in the program, and Georgia watched halfheartedly as Cassie answered each of them. But all of her thoughts were of Craig and Steve and Peter. She continued to watch the other correspondence mostly just to gauge their importance to Cassie, and to ensure that no one was moving ahead of Craig. She was pleased to find that Cassie appeared to prefer Craig, as well.

After answering all of the e-mails, Cassie went to bed. Georgia once again jumped ahead to Craig's next message, which Cassie discovered upon waking the next morning.

——Original Message——

From: "Craig Holbrook"

To: "Cassie Michaelson"

Sent: 9/24/2304 6:35 a.m.


Good morning, Cassie,
It's nice having you to wake up to in the morning. As you can see, I'm an early riser, which means I'm also usually early to bed. I thought about all of this a lot more when I went to bed last night. Having a real-life, tangible candidate for this suddenly makes it seem so much more real. I was thinking of some of the issues that might arise. Although the relationship would ideally be doled out in equal parts to all three men, we do realize a closer bond would most likely arise between you and one or even two of us. But it's important that none of us be left out either socially or sexually. To my way of thinking, this would be the most important hurdle to overcome and unfortunately this may fall on your shoulders as it is your feelings that will determine who gets what. As with all issues, it is our belief that there are no problems, there are only solutions and we are willing to do what's necessary to make this work. You would without a doubt be spoiled to the core. The three of us are each successful in our jobs and financially sound (although I have to admit not very materialistic). We are always up to something, usually outdoor activities. Steve and I were on the rowing team in college and Peter played a lot of baseball and wrestled. All of us take our health seriously, and we each cook and eat well. A big part of us staying healthy includes downtime and so we make time for that, as well. You asked before what brought us together. Maybe it's that we seem to agree on so many things. About these ground rules, how about we take turns throwing one back and forth? Sound good? I'll start. Rule #1. Cassie can veto anything that us guys come up with, but she has to be a part of resolving the matter. Okay, your turn. Craig

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