Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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“Our room?”

“Yes.” I stepped in close to Troy with my hand settling gently against his chest to signify the subject of my utterance. Our, meaning us, no longer him. “I believe you’ve met.”

Kole’s eyes flickered back to Troy and met his strong stare. “Brief enough.”

“Don’t!” I stepped right in between them to block his gaze. I didn’t want him to do a thing. “Don’t you even dare to look at him!”

“Oh, Jay. Someone’s being a little paranoid.”

“I just know what you could do. What do you want?”

“Calm yourself. You assume too much. I am merely here to drop off your things. The circumstances tell me they will no longer be needed to clutter up the space of my house.” Kole walked over to the closet and tossed a bag right outside of the door.

“Well, thank you but I could have done it myself.”

“Surely eventually but you’re no longer allowed passed the front door.”


“You brought this on yourself.” He reached his hand down behind the headboard of my bed and pulled out several weapons concealed behind it. I didn’t even know they were there.

“What are you doing now?”

“Now I’m taking my stuff back.” He started walking back towards the balcony while concealing the weapons on himself. “Because of this—” His eyes flickered over towards Troy for a second and I was ready to get in the way. “It’s no longer my responsibility to make sure you’re safe. You better watch yourself.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Troy said, making Kole refrain from turning away. I wished that he had just said nothing so Kole would just leave and be done with it. The longer he stayed, the more dangerous it was becoming.

I knew it but he just had an evil smile growing on his face while looking at Troy. “Worry isn’t the word I would use. Mildly concerned about your effectiveness, maybe but never a worry.”

“You should go.” I said, getting closer in front of Troy, putting his hands on me so maybe Kole wouldn’t decide to act if it meant me being in the way. “There are some things I want to do without you here.”

“Fall further into the web of treason you’ve created, you mean? It’s such a great idea.”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion and I don’t care to hear it either.”

Kole just laughed. This was really beginning to aggravate me because he must have just got up from the sleep I put him in and he’s usually not so—comfortable? “Yeah. I get that and you don’t want to hear my opinion on other things. The kinds that will be emotionally sensitive to the choices you’re making.”

My anger for him faded from me completely. How could I have forgotten? I knew what he spoke of and it made more sense why he would throw it in my face but did it have to be now with Troy here? He would never understand and I tried responding with a low, expressionless voice. “Leave. Now.”

“You haven’t thought about it at all, have you, Jay? Until now.”

I stood stiff with my eyes dazed off in his direction. He was right and I almost wanted to cry to what he’d make me lose but Troy’s movement caught my attention even harder.

“She said leave.” He took a small step ahead of me and reached out to Kole, just barely pushing him back by his right shoulder.

I saw a spark come from the instant contact and heard a low crack. Troy was on the floor, holding his right wrist with his left hand and I immediately got down to him. “Troy!”

He was still holding his wrist fairly tightly from a pain and Kole just stood there with a quiet laugh. “You need to have better control over your pet, Jay. I think there are still some lessons he needs to learn.”

“Leave!” I said, snapping my head up to meet his eyes. “I don’t want you here!”

“Hope he’s house trained.” Kole disappeared out the balcony with an echoing laugh like a ghost and was finally gone.

I didn’t hesitate for a second to turn my attention back down to Troy. “Are you all right?”

“I think it’s broken.” His wrist was still secure in the grasp of his left hand.

“It’s okay. I can fix it.” I carefully took his hand in one of mine and placed my other hand on top of it even more gently.

Troy looked up into my eyes as they started to glow with a question I knew he was going to ask. “What was that?”

I sighed, already sorry that I didn’t warn him. “It was him. He can’t be forcefully touch. He’s protected. He’s always protected. I’m sorry. I should have told you.”

“I’m not going to blame you. I could have handled it better.”

“There. How’s that?” I kept my hand on his and laced our fingers together.

Troy smiled and looked at them. “Shit, I could have used you when Darius broke my collarbone during a training exercise.”

I smiled back and set myself down in his lap. “Oh, you poor thing. We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again or at least I’ll be here to fix it from now on.”

“I’d like that very much.” Troy parted our hands and put his around my waist to keep me close. “Now, where were we?”

“I think it was somewhere right about here.” I was ready to finally get to continue our night and I slid my hands up around his neck while bringing my lips down into his. “Don’t hold back.”

“Oh, I won’t.” Troy stood up effortlessly with me in his arms and carried me towards the bed.

I waited excitedly for it and laid back. My eyes didn’t move from him while he pulled off his armor and I sat up, eager to help. Troy laughed and helped get my clothes off as well. He stayed standing over me, taking in every sight of me naked in front of him and slid his hands gently up my body from my knees.

I moaned for him and he climbed over me, being pulled down by his hips as an instant gesture of what I wanted. I didn’t have to wait. We were once again united after our unwilling separation and this time I would never let it happen again. The love we shared for each other was strong and already felt eternal. No one could break it.







Chapter 22





“Well, this has been great. I’m actually impressed.”


“You get in here and within a few short hours, you get the General to conjure up a deal for you staying.”

Muscles laughed in a dissatisfied way and turned towards the bed.

I noticed it and made him know that I noticed when I turned to him and started changing my clothes. “What?”

“Huh? Nothing.”

“Then what’s wrong? Are you disappointed in the way things turned out?”

“What? No.”

“Then what?”

I walked to him while he sat on the edge of the bed to take his boots off but there was a long pause before he said anything. “I don’t know. I guess I just expected there to be more.”

“But you should be glad that there wasn’t. Unless, you were hoping to get to kill someone.”

“Maybe not that far but hurt, yes.”

That’s not what I wanted to hear. It meant this was still war to him and everyone here was an enemy.

“Did you come here for me?” I asked.

“Of course I came for you.”

“But I’m the only one you don’t want to hurt.”

“And how did you expect it to be? They’re planning something. I can feel it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know but when I was around Trever, every time he looked at me, I was getting this feeling like he knew what I was thinking and some of his responses were purposely directed about you being with him just to make me even madder.”

That did sound like something he would do.

“I told you that you would see a different side of him when you’re here but I don’t want you to act on any of it, please. Hurting anyone, especially him, won’t solve anything. It’d only make it worse and I don’t want to make it worse. I want it to be better so you can stay here.”

“All right. I won’t.”

“He’s going to keep testing you and you have to promise that you won’t.”

“I promise.”

I smiled and put my arm around him and laid my head on his broad shoulder. “Good. Come on. Let’s get to bed. I have a feeling Adele will be in here to wake us up pretty early.”

“Want anything to relieve the tension of the night?”

I looked over and smiled to seeing his. It was sweet but— “I’d hate to have to turn down that offer but we really should sleep. It’s already late.”


He got up and walked around to one side of the bed and my eyes followed him. Something seemed wrong. His tone was different and I was curious. “You’re not mad are you?”

Muscles laughed while we both climbed in bed together. “No. I understand. I’ve been away. I know you didn’t wait.”

Why did he have to mention it? I knew he didn’t want to and I already knew he completely hated Trever for it. “Please don’t. It was hard for me, you not being here. It was the only way I could—”

“It’s okay. I’m not mad about it. I know I’ve taken awhile to get here. I couldn’t have expected you to wait for me.”

“Then this is us starting over?”

“If you want to see it that way, sure. We’re starting over now that I’m here to participate.”

“Okay.” I got close to him and I rested my head on his shoulder and held him tight. “I think I’m going to like having you here.”

He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. “And I know I’m going to like it.”

I smiled with a soft moan and rubbed my moist lips against the skin of his neck just above the collar of his shirt.

“Oh, no.” He muttered, reacting to my desire. “I thought you said no.”

“Maybe that was just for me.” I continued my kisses on his neck while slowly pulling up his shirt but he took my wrist and stopped me before I could reach his chest. His grip on me made me smile with my own level of desire and I pulled away to look in his eyes.

They were intense and the feeling of the physical aggression caused me to yearn for him even more and I rushed into his lips. He became just as hungry for it when I did and we started to sit up together, lips locked with our tongues eager for a taste.

I climbed over him and he had his hands around my back, feeling the heat of my skin. His hands felt nice and he started pulling up my shirt. I backed away long enough to get it up over my head and let him take witness to the sight of me sitting on him for a second before I started pulling up his.

He ripped it off quickly and pulled me right into him so our bare skin was pressed together while our lips found each other’s again, intensifying the moment. His kisses moved down my neck to my exposed chest and I held the back of his head, relishing the feeling. My head was tilted back with my eyes closed and my concentration was only on the feeling.

I wanted him. I bit my bottom lip and tilted my head back to look at him when my own reflection caught my attention in the mirror behind the bed. My eyes were red and for the first time, it frightened me.

I pulled back immediately with a gasp and Muscles looked up. “What?”

My eyes turned down to him as they started to fade back but not before he saw them.

“I’m sorry. I can’t.” I moved off the bed completely and grabbed a robe, putting it on as I walked out onto the balcony.

What was I doing? I could have killed him if I let that continue but I wanted it so much. He made me feel so energetic and filled with this sort of passion I’ve never felt before but I could never truly have it, could I?

“Hey. Ruby, you don’t have to be sorry for anything. That was my fault.”

Muscles followed me outside and was standing behind me. “No, it wasn’t. It was me but this time I saw it.”

“Don’t worry about it. You don’t need to make this any harder on you.”

I turned around and looked right in his eyes. “Then how else is it supposed to be? I don’t want to ruin us.”

“And who said you were doing that?” He stepped towards me and touched my arms. “You’re not. Remember, we’ve talked about this. We both have reasons to wait. It’s not going to ruin us.”

I was still feeling remorseful about not being able to give him the ultimate pleasure he deserved but started to smile while I rubbed my hand on the skin of his chest, remembering what he said to me back in Randal. “I know. I have to trust you now, right?”

“Right.” His smile was so beautiful and he leaned down and kissed me gently. “Now come on. Let’s just get some sleep. Early morning, remember?”

I nodded and we turned back inside together but I saw something. “Kole?” My eyes widened slightly when I saw him just closing Jaylyn’s balcony door.

“Oh, hey, Red and—other. What are you doing out here?”

“What are you doing out here?” My voice stuttered and I moved myself so I was standing in front of Muscles but it did nothing. He towered over me.


“You better not have just killed someone.”

Kole laughed. “Why does everyone think I’d be here for that?”

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