Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (38 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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“The sun is going down. You’ll lose light for it soon.”

“Okay.” He gathered all the papers together and held them close so they couldn’t be read by me. “Perfect timing then. Is that what you came to tell me?”

“And that you can join us around the fire if you’d like. We’re just going to eat and do nothing, not that we haven’t already been doing that all day or anything.”

Kole laughed but it was only slightly. “That’s okay. It’d probably be better if I didn’t. We’ve had enough of each other as it is.”

“Okay. So you know, Darius is already over there so you don’t have to get him.”

“Fine.” Kole walked with me back towards the shack where everyone was gathered outside around the fire.

“Oh, so he is still here.” Ruby said. “Where have you been, Kole? Haven’t seen you all day.”

“He wrote that book he’s holding.” I whispered, rejoining them at Zayden’s side.

“It’s not a book. It’s my final incident report.”


“Yes. All my work-based actions are recorded. You should have known that.”

“And how is this work based?” Jaylyn asked, showing attitude in her question.

Kole paused and kept his gaze on her. “Goodnight.”

He turned but Jaylyn only got angrier and sprung up to her feet. “Wait!” Kole stopped in his tracks and slowly started to turn back. “You’re here because of work?”

Kole started to smile like her question was amusing. “What did you think? That I was here because I wanted to be? That this suddenly changes everything? Well, it doesn’t. You really brought this on yourselves with this unexpected outing. I’m the one that had to make sure it turned out the way we wanted.”

Jaylyn immediately looked over to Ruby and Ruby’s eyes started turning red. “Trever did this. You came to find out if he was good enough, didn’t you?”

“I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to accurately respond but that would be exceedingly untrue—partly.”

“You’re not going to show him that report. I bet there’s more in it than just this. You’re trying to sabotage the test.”

My eyes widened. “What?!”

Kole laughed. “Don’t be so naive. I wouldn’t have to try. You’re doing a bang up job all on your own. Now, where’s the old wise one?”

I shrugged while I looked around. “I don’t know. She’s been gone for a while.”

“Probably rejuvenating herself then. You do not want to see that. Trust me. A couple hundred years really does a number on a woman’s body.”

“A couple hundred years?” Ruby wondered.

“Yeah. You didn’t know she was that old?”

Even I was surprised. “No.”

“Awe, then you haven’t heard the story.”

“What story?” I asked.

“How she became to be.”

“Then tell us.”

“All right.” Kole made a chair for himself and got comfortable. “I can even make it visibly pleasant for you. How about that? Watch the fire.”

We all looked towards it and we began to see images of everything Kole was explaining.

“Her life started out pretty normal. She was born and raised in Rugis with her parents.”

“She’s Ruganian?” Jaylyn wondered.

“Yes and she also had a sister, a twin. The war was so bad during that time that their parents stowed them away on a ship so they could safely escape the country to have a better life but their ship was caught in a storm and deemed lost as sea.”

We were seeing the images of the sinking ship and Jaylyn gasped, being more emotional to the story than anyone else. “Oh no. Did her sister die?”

“No. They both managed to stay in the wooden crate they were hiding in and drifted for days at sea until they washed up on this very island. Imagine it. They were lost and alone at such a young age. No home. No parents. Just each other.”

“What happened?” Ruby asked anxiously. “I’ve never seen a sister.”

Kole laughed a little. “That you know of anyway. It was on this little island where the sisters discovered the power of magic. They practiced it for years and became quite good but for her sister, enough just wasn’t enough. She wanted to live forever and cooked up a spell that would make it happen but she miscalculated and there was a price.
One by land, one by sea, your life will forever be.
It was she who said the words and her human form was lost forever, replacing it with a monstrous shape. One forever condemned to a life under the sea while Madam Carla owned the land.”

It was kind of making some sense and I said my thoughts aloud. “Kiki?”

“No way.” Jaylyn muttered.

“True story.” Kole said. “They’ve been under that spell to this day.”

“But isn’t she the most powerful being that’s ever existed?” Zayden asked. “Why hasn’t she tried to bring her sister back?”

“She can’t. If she brings her back, the spell breaks and the years will catch up to them both. They’d be dust. Madam Carla isn’t ready for that. She’ll go when her purpose is complete.”


“Don’t ask me when that is. Only she knows.”

Before anyone could even reply, Madam Carla appeared standing next to Kole. Her clouded eyes were still and unblinking.

“There you are.” Kole said, standing. “Don’t do that. It’s creepy.”

“Is she okay?” Zayden asked.

Kole leaned in a looked a bit more closely but she didn’t react to his distance. “She’s having a vision.”

“Of what?” Jaylyn asked.

“How the fuck should I know?”

Madam Carla quickly grabbed Kole’s wrist and spoke mystically with her eyes remaining forward. “You are in grave danger.”

Everyone’s eyes around the fire widened, including mine.

“Can we put that on hold?” Kole sighed, not seeming affected by her statement at all. “I’ve had a long day.”

“You must find this.” She turned his wrist so he would hold out his hand and a dagger appear hovering over his palm.

“Why exactly?”

“It seeks the taste of blood.”

“Interesting choice. Can you be more specific?”

“You wouldn’t want me to.”

Kole looked over at me. Our eyes locked for a moment and he seemed to figure out something that I had no clue about. “Oh, no.”

“What?” I asked.

“You better hurry.”

“All right. I’ll take care of it. Just—”

“Yes. Just go.”

Kole turned after meeting my eyes one more time and disappeared through the trees.

My heart raced with my questions. “What’s happening? He’s leaving?”

“Everything will be fine.” Madam Carla said. “It’s not something that should worry you. Kole will handle it.”

“Awe.” Ruby sighed. “Now we’ll never get to know.”

“Know what, dear?”

“We were to test which one of us is stronger one of these days.”

“I can tell you that now to fulfill your curiosity if you wish.”

“You knew the whole time?” Darius asked.

“The answer is obvious. In a measure of strength against each other, Ruby would be strongest.”

“What?!” Darius bursts out.

Troy laughed to the insult towards him.

“Because she could simply take your energy away but on the matter of who can effortlessly lift more, you would be stronger.”

He sighed in relief. “At least I get something.”

“It’s because you have more endurance for it. Ruby’s strength is only used on the side when she needs it. It’s not her main gift.”

“I guess I’ll let you have that one.” Ruby smiled, putting her arm around him. “But it’s reassuring that I could still kill you if I wanted.”

He smiled back and quickly kissed her. “Though I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.”

“Okay, everyone.” Madam Carla said. “I think a good night’s rest will be good for you before you leave tomorrow.”

“We’re leaving already?” Jaylyn asked. “But Kole just left. I don’t want to leave now.”

“You won’t have to worry. He’ll be far ahead of you. You’ve all done well and I hope you take what you’ve learned here and use it wisely.”

“I don’t think it’s something we can just forget about.” Troy muttered.

“Quite. Now, off to bed. You have a big day ahead of you.”

We took her advice and started to get up and shuffled inside.

Madam Carla snapped her fingers to put out the fire and followed.

“Sorry about your sister, Madam Carla.” I walked next to her but she didn’t seem at all sad.

“Don’t be. If it hadn’t happened, I would have never had the pleasure of meeting you. I see it all being worth it.”

“I guess so.”

She put her hand on my back and led me inside.

“Great.” Ruby sighed, plopping herself down on the couch. “Back to the world tomorrow.”

“It won’t be that bad.” Madam Carla said. “It’s where you belong.”

“But we’re not looking forward to what’s waiting for us.” I muttered.

“That won’t be bad either. You’ll see.” She turned away and everyone went off to their own places to sleep.

“All right.” I yawned, finally feeling tired. “I guess now is not really the time to worry about it.”

“We still have days before we’re really back.” Zayden said. “You still have time to make room for it.”


He kissed my cheek quickly and pulled me down with him onto the couch. “I was just kidding. Get some sleep. You shouldn’t have to worry at all.”

“I can only hope you’re right but even that doesn’t always work.”

“Just sleep on it. You might feel better in the morning.”

I laid my head down on him with a heavy sigh and tried resting for our last night before traveling the days ahead.

My dreams led me to Zayden while I laid in his arms. It’s been quite an adventure and I was glad things had worked out between us but as quickly as it seemed I fell asleep, I woke. The sun rose over the seas to the east, casting its light down on the lands.

Our time here was over.

It became a joy to be caught away from the world and its troubles but we had to go back. Much has changed since we began our journey together and now it was time to take back the day and prove our unions back in Dorlin.

It was rather quiet that morning as everyone readied themselves for the trip back. It seemed as if leaving wasn’t a happy time but we all knew it had to be done. We couldn’t hide away from the world forever.

“Thank you so much, Madam Carla.” I said while we hugged for the last time. “It was good seeing you.”

“And it was good seeing you. I always enjoy our visits but this time around was extra special.”

I looked over at Zayden getting on his horse and smiled. “We hope to come back for another but I don’t know when that will be.”

“I know. We have many years apart before I see you again when you bring me your successors.”

“Our successors?” Ruby wondered.

“Yes. The three young girls who you will train to take your places.”

“You mean it will be that long?” Jaylyn asked.

“Time will go by faster than you know but I have seen their futures and they prove to be useful as you will accept their fates with the fates of your own.”

There was a pause and we all looked around at each other, not completely sure about what she meant. If anyone had the slightest idea, no one said a thing.

“Now, you better get going. I know you have somewhere else to be but just remember that if you ever need anything, no matter where you are, no matter how many years have passed, I will always answer. You all carry a part of me with you now as our bonds stay intact forever. Farewell and may you have a safe journey home.”

I got on my horse and we walked to the water, starting our journey back under the light of the sun.

I looked back one last time at Madam Carla standing by the shore, her silver hair moving in the wind and I heard her voice of hope echo in my thoughts. “Your future awaits. It’s your time to seize it.”







Coming Soon . . .

The Fourth Installment

Of The
Fate’s Intent

Changing Seasons

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