Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (36 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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“Would you have refused? Could you? In thinking of Ruby, you’re doing what you think is right but that doesn’t have to mean she’ll ever see it the same way. Ruby is complicated; a different kind of woman. I’m going to tell you something, Darius, something that you won’t want to hear but I feel you must. Ruby feels very attached to you.”

“And that’s bad news?” Troy asked.

Madam Carla held up her hand and kept her voice the same for Darius to hear. “But she’s confused at times. Her long attachment to Trever has always been what’s sheltered her. They are soul mates.”

“But the other night you said I’m the one she needs.”

“Which is true. You’re a different kind of soul mate.”

“There’s more than one kind?”

The confusion in his asking made even her laugh. “I wouldn’t expect you to know much about love. They are the kind of soul mates that are destined to never be one. He cares about her but there’s something he can never give her that you can.”


“His heart.”

“Why? What makes it so different?” I asked.

“That’s like asking why Fate does anything. It’s just the way it was meant to be.”

“Does she love him?”

I looked at Darius from his question then right up at Madam Carla for the answer.

“Ruby never knew much about love. Her mother raised her alone and yes, she loved her but it wasn’t the same. She became attached to the first male that’s ever given her attention but she never knew love until you. That’s why it’s seeming so hard on her. She doesn’t want anyone else to get in the way.”

“Then what should I do? Ignore her feelings?”

“You may have to for now. Deep down she understands why but that doesn’t mean she has to like it.” Madam Carla turned her head towards the shack and started to smile. “Kole’s returning. He’ll meet you. It’d be best to do this away from here to prevent any interruptions.”

Darius nodded and Madam Carla walked inside.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked.

Darius let out a long breath and looked over. “I’ll have to be. I don’t want it to be her.”

“Then all I can say is I hope it works.”

“How generous of you to be so supportive, Zayden.”

I immediately looked up and watched Kole step out of the darkness. “It’s not like it’s up to me.”

“Surely your input is valued.”

“I doubt this time.”

Kole laughed. “I suppose the arrangement is hard to understand but it is necessary. They’re waiting.”

Darius nodded and he rose to his feet with Troy and I doing it right after him. “I’ll be fine.”

“Clearly.” Troy replied. “You’re not who I’d be worried about.”

“Keep her mind off of it then.”

“You’d better leave that to me actually.” Kole said.

“Aren’t you going to be helping?” I asked.

“What is it I could possibly do? I’m not going to be in the room. I’m sure he’s capable of doing it himself. He’ll notice the change and have to adjust accordingly before she dies or just move on to the next one and try again.”

“How many did you get?” Darius asked.

“There are four. No prep work involved though. I have them all mentally prepared for you and don’t worry, you’ll want to. I’ve made sure they’ll be persistent.”

“I don’t even want to know.” I said, holding up my hands. I didn’t want to get involved in this. “I at least hope you accomplish something.”

“I hope so too.”

“Go ahead and remember to stay focused.” Kole said. “You know the goal. Try to keep that in mind.”

“It’s the only reason I’m doing this.” Darius turned from him and Kole followed us into the shack. He walked in right behind us and we saw Ruby on the couch between Jaylyn and Adele.

Her eyes appeared swollen from sorrow when she looked up and she let out a frustrated scream while getting up and closing herself inside Madam Carla’s room by slamming the door.

“She’s taking it harder than I thought.” Kole said.

“You think!” Jaylyn snatched, getting up to her feet with her angry eyes on Kole. “What’d you expect?! For her to like the idea?!”

“But it’s not really up to her unless she wants it to end badly. I didn’t plan this. It would have happened if I came here or not.”

Adele and Jaylyn looked towards each other. They seemed confused at first but started to figure out what he meant and turned their eyes to Madam Carla sitting on a chair beside them.

“You knew this would happen?” Adele asked.

“It’s what has to be done. It couldn’t be practiced with her and even she should know that.”

“But she’s never going to forget about this.” Jaylyn said. “You should have at least warned her.”

“No worries.” Madam Carla slowly reached her feet. “She’ll be fine. I’ve already made plans to make sure of it.”

“What do you mean?” Adele asked.

“What do you think?” Kole said. “Who’s the one person she’ll listen to no matter what?”

“Oh, no.” Jaylyn sighed. “I’m not sure that’s really a good idea.”

“But it’s the best one we have.” Madam Carla slapped her hands together quickly and it echoed in my ears with a strong wind that made everyone shade their eyes. A light formed between her hands when she started to pull them apart and the wind around us was sucked towards it.

Trever appeared hunched over in place of the light and started to stand fully. “I still don’t like it when you transport me.”

“The effects don’t last that long.”

“What happened?”

Adele laughed angrily. “You want to know what happened? I’ll tell you. Ruby is in there probably crying her eyes out because Darius’s gift requires him to learn how to efficiently engage in intercourse without inflicting murder and she can’t be his test subject.”

Trever stood placid while she said it all in practically one breath and he started to smile. “You know, you’re the only one I know that can make the act of sex seem like some kind of chore.”

“That’s not the point! Think about how this is effecting her!”

“I will. Right after I eat something. Being transported always makes you hungry.”

“Of course at your leisure.”

“I don’t think she’s going anywhere.”

Adele only sighed again and sat back down on the couch. She didn’t want to argue it and let him do what he wanted. I agreed to her choice.

“Congratulations you two.” Trever said to Troy and myself quietly while getting a bowl of soup from the pot. “You’re officially relieved from your duties.”

“What?” I was being just as quiet so my voice wouldn’t carry. He wasn’t cutting us out like this. “And you somehow think that this is our fault?”

“Well, coming here was never part of the plan and I’m already quite aware of the damage you caused just to get here. They seem more emotionally distressed than ever.”

“Which you’ll overlook.” I said, making sure I was clear by tapping his shoulder. “Things will be fixed by the time we make it back.”

He laughed and looked at his shoulder where I touched him, brushing himself off. “Will it? Well, you better hope so. Kole, I’m looking forward to your report. It should be riveting.”

He smiled and tried not making eye contact with us watching. “Of course. Every detail as it was.”

“And what of the crystal eye? Do you have it?”

“No. Ryon still does. If he needs him, he’ll be there.”

“I suggest you finish your work here quickly and get to him. The General will be submitting his own work soon and I’d rather you were there. Ryon likes to leave out details that can sometimes be convenient.”

“When are you going to be there?”

“I still have a few days. This was an unexpected stop but I’ll do what’s necessary to fix it.”

“I know. She’s grown more attached than we thought.”

They talked right in front of us like we didn’t exist but I didn’t understand any of it. Maybe that was why.

“I know. Something’s different about her. We’re not even in the same room and I can tell. I just don’t know what it is.”

“For everyone’s sake, you best find out.”

“I will.”

“Here’s your chance.”

The room became silent and I looked up towards Madam Carla’s door. Ruby was standing just as still as everyone else but her eyes were red while watching Trever.

“Hey, Red. In need of some company?”

She took slow steps out, her eyes fading with each step to him and completely ignored the presence of us.

“Ruby?” Adele asked.

She said nothing. Even when she stopped in front of Trever, she said nothing. They just looked into each other’s eyes and Ruby rushed into his arms, holding him tightly and hiding her face against his chest. I didn’t get it.

“I know.” He muttered, his lips pressed against her head. “We’ll fix it.”

The room stood still while watching them. It seemed odd but no one said a thing.

Trever lifted his eyes towards Madam Carla and she reached for Adele’s arm, turning her towards the back room. “All right, my children. Off to bed.”


“No.” She took Jaylyn’s arm as well, turning her in the same direction. “You’ll need the rest. More to do tomorrow.”

They were pushed inside the room.

“They won’t be a disturbance.” Madam Carla said. “Kole will make sure of it.”

She walked back into her own room and Kole sighed, turning his disapproved look towards Trever. “Great.”

“Just until Darius comes back. You know how they are.”

Kole nodded and looked towards us. “Well? In.” I didn’t like to be pushed around like this but I went into the room just so I could be in there with Adele.

“What are you doing?” Jaylyn asked.

“Believe me, I don’t like it either but I’m supposed to distract you.” Kole said.

“Why?” Adele asked.

“So you don’t try to listen. It’s none of your business how he intends to handle it.”

“Better not be physical.” Jaylyn said.

Kole laughed and lowered himself down on the floor right in front of the door so we couldn’t leave. “It wouldn’t need to be. Red believes everything he says when she’s in a mood like this which is why you’re not allowed to hear it. Just get to sleep. Everything will seem as normal as ever come morning.”

Jaylyn’s eyes narrowed but Troy pulled her close to him and got her to relax with a quiet whisper. “It’s all right. We should sleep. I took you with me a lot today.”

Jaylyn nodded while she was comforted through simple strokes of her hair and shared one last look with Kole. His eyebrows raised with a gesture for her to get on with it and she turned away.

Adele and I laid down next to sleep but I laid awake, watching Kole just sit in front of the door with his eyes in Troy’s direction. They didn’t seem threatening yet the hate was still clear and I just hoped that I wouldn’t have to step in. I was too tired for that right now.







Chapter 59





The night pressed on. Everyone in the back room was well into their sleep and I continued to wait awake by the door.

“Kole.” I heard my name softly coming from the other room and I immediately got up, happy something was finally happening. I quietly closed the door behind me to leave the others to sleep and saw Ruby asleep on the couch with Trever sitting in the chair next to her. “They asleep?”


“Darius is about to come in. I need you to intervene and find out how it went before he sees me. When that happens, he won’t want to talk and may not see you as someone to share with.”

He was right and I headed right for the door. The southern moon lit up the sky and I met up with Darius about twenty paces from the door. “I can honestly say I didn’t expect to see you till morning.”

“Thought it would have taken that long?”

“Of course not. Are they disposed of, is that why you were coming inside?”

“I only killed three of them.”

I was surprised and glance in the direction he came from. “Really?” I truly expected him to kill all four.

“The fourth one lived.”

“I knew four was a good idea. I got the first three and then I was thinking maybe one more would do. That’s great. So, did it seem easy?”

“Well, you didn’t lie. They were pretty persistent but it was a little odd. They seemed oblivious to the deaths.”

“I made sure it’d be that way. After the first one, the others probably wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with you. I thought it’d help.”

“I’d say it did well enough. Once I knew I gained the control not to kill that last one, I just gave her what she wanted and stopped.”

“You didn’t even finish?”

“She’s not who I want to finish with.”

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