Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)
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“It was almost seven years ago when we decided to take our last vacation together before our official training. We decided to come here again because we spent a couple of weeks here the year before and it was worth it so we asked my father if he could take us. He, of course, was too busy and because we were only fourteen, he didn’t want us going by ourselves. So, to make him feel better, he cleared Trever’s schedule for the summer so he could take us.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Troy said. “It made him feel better to send another kid with you?”

I laughed. “What? Trever wasn’t a kid.”

The Great Seni Fighters looked at each other.

“Oh no.” Ruby smiled. “This is probably going to make things worse if you don’t already know.”

“Already know what?” Darius asked.

“How old they are.”

“Then Trever isn’t your twin?” Zayden asked.

Jaylyn huffed like she was insulted. “No.”

“We knew he’s older. I just thought he was born first or something.”

“He was born first. By like seven years.”

Expressions of the Great Seni Fighters immediately changed. “Seven years?”

“I guess it would be hard to believe because they don’t really act it.” Ruby laughed. “But, yeah, right now Trever is twenty-eight, making Ryon and Kole both twenty-seven.”

“What?!” They shouted it at the same time, leaning a bit forward, only making all of this worse.

“Oh, now you’re making it sound really bad.” Jaylyn muttered.

“Well, it kind of is!” Troy cut in. “That would have made them almost our age when you were―really young.”

Jaylyn let out a smug laugh. “That may have been Adele and I but Ruby has been with my brother since two years prior.”

“What?” Zayden seemed really shocked about all of this. “You were twelve when you were first with him?”

Ruby shrugged, trying to keep the mood light. “We kind of just looked passed that.”

“Yeah, I bet.” Darius muttered. “Even I wait until they’re adults.”

“Well, you’re the ones that wanted to know.” I said, not wanting this to go on for another second. “Trever took us that summer and he brought Ryon and Kole so Jaylyn and I would have some company. There, end of story.”

“And was that the last time you were here?” Zayden asked. “Being why you’re so upset?

“No. The last time we came here was three years ago on our way back from seeing Madam Carla but it was just us then.”

Jaylyn got excited and put her feet up on the couch. “Oh! I’d hate to change the subject—actually not really but we probably didn’t tell you that we’re going to see her!”

“See who? The enchantress?” Troy asked.

“Yeah. We always stop in when we travel south because she knows we’re here.”

Ruby smiled and moved her eyes around the room. “I just had a crazy thought.”

“No.” I said. I knew what that look was insinuating.

“Why not? Shouldn’t that be their choice?”

“Not just. She’ll have to agree.”

“And why wouldn’t she? She’ll know who they are.”

“What exactly are you talking about?” Zayden asked.

“She’s suggesting that when we go see her, you should get a gift from her.”

“Like what you have?” Darius wondered.

“Well, it doesn’t have to be exactly that.” Ruby said. “I’m positive that she knows you’re with us by now so she probably already has something picked out for you, if that’s what you decided.”

“And you really think that’s a good idea?” Troy asked.

Jaylyn smiled and took his hand. “Why not? Being the best in the world only gets better after seeing Madam Carla.”

“But I already have one.” Zayden said, looking at me.

“It’s up to you but if you’re going to you’ll have to let us know because it’s going to take more of our time. It all depends on what you get and how long it takes you to control it. It took us a little less than a week but that’s not really that long. Time goes by fast there.”

The Great Seni Fighters looked at each other and Zayden started getting a smile on his face. “Okay, I guess it couldn’t hurt to try it at least for them.”

“She might be able to give you something else.” Ruby said. “We’d have to ask. She usually doesn’t double-up powers on a single person.”

“Asking may be worth it then.”

Jaylyn smiled. “Good. Then we better get some sleep while we can.” She got up and pulled Troy to his feet then started taking him towards the stairs.

“Go ahead.” I said.

“Me too.” Ruby got up as well.

Darius got up with her and left me down here to fend for myself while Zayden stared at me until the obvious question he was going to ask came out. “So, what are you doing?”

“Concerning what?”

“Where you’ll sleep?”

“Right here.”

“Come on, Love.” Zayden got up and held out his hand. “Come upstairs with me.”

“I’d really rather not. Being in this room is hard enough.”

“Because of the memories?”

It wasn’t just that. His words frustrated me and I just came out with it. “You really want to know why?” My tone made him lower his hand and he just stood there to listen but my voice began to sound more upset with the more I said. I couldn’t stop it. “It’s because this is where it’d all started. My years with Ryon that just led to me ripping out his heart and eating it! He wouldn’t even look at me when we left.”

Zayden let out a breath like he wanted to help me and kneeled down in front of me. “That’s because he’s an ass.”

“It’s not his fault. It’s mine because I’m with you.”

“You regret being with me because you hurt him?” He sounded confused like he was trying to understand it or maybe it offended him.

“No.” I snatched, reaching out to him. “I just—no. I know it’s probably difficult for you to understand or you just don’t want to but I do care about him. Back when he was mentioned the first time to you and I said we weren’t together, I may have been wrong. I didn’t really feel that way but in reality, I haven’t been with anyone besides him in years. Then I was with you and—he saw it and—”

“Hey, it’s okay.” Zayden reached for my hands, holding them firmly in his. “You don’t have to—”

“I just feel awful about it, okay and I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It’s too depressing. None of it can change now. I’m with you. That’s not going to change.”

Zayden smiled and leaned into me, kissing my forehead. “I should be at least glad for that. Now come on. I’m sure I can get your mind off it.” He stood up and held his hand out again but I just couldn’t find it in me to push Ryon’s feelings aside and take it.


“I want to help, Love and I know there’s something I can do if—you come upstairs with me.”

He was right, wasn’t he? He always seemed to be but then why was I still feeling like this? Of course I wanted to be with him. I love him but—no. I’m not going to push Zayden away too. He was right and I took his hand.

“That’s my girl.”

And that I was. I would never sacrifice that for anything. I couldn’t no matter how sorry I was and he only proved to me how much I needed him. The way he treated me was an even greater pleasure each time. I could never give this up. His touch brought chills and the love we made brought us both physically and emotionally closer. I knew this is where I wanted to be.







Chapter 33





We traveled south for the next four days and rode west for another day just a distance from the southern coastline. I could hear the ocean hidden away from the hills and travel would finally come to a brief end when we saw the water with a town just over the other side.

We stood silently and took in the sight. Every structure was standing above the water with the tide brought in right up to the base of the docked streets, a sight that is surely not seen by anyone living inland but I still had my doubts, not really finding it to be great at all.

“Whose bright idea was that? Building a town over the water?” The others laughed to my insulting tone for its creator.

“Poor location but would you just look at that water.” Troy replied. “I’ve never seen water so blue.”

“Huh, it really is the color of your eyes, Zayden.”

I didn’t have to look to see Darius’s humorous expression and know everyone turned to me. My eyes were still glancing forward, cast in the Maakian sun. I could only imagine how they were comparing the color to the water. “All right. Are you done so we can go?”

Adele smiled and started moving her horse forward first and others followed down the hill toward the pier with the same expression.

Thank you for the compliment but I didn’t need to hear it. I already knew what a spectacular color my eyes are. Having others point it out was pointless to me but the looks didn’t stop. People in the town were watching us as strangers when we rode through like a group of people on horses was something they haven’t seen. Horses in this town seemed pretty scarce and probably unnecessary due to its location. We were sure to draw that unwanted attention to ourselves just by riding on them.

Luckily, we didn’t need to ride through much of the town before we came to the local inn on the right. It was an old shabby place with crooked window and door frames. The windows seemed to have a fogged effect on the exterior from the constant exposure to the salt air and the wood from whence it was made was cracked and coming loose in several places.

“Okay, this time I’d rather stay underground.” Darius muttered.

Ruby pressed her lips together so she wouldn’t laugh loudly and cause more people to look over. I strained to do the same.

“There is no ground here.” Adele replied. “And we have to do things more normally now. Come on.”

We tied the horses up outside before going in through the offset doorway. Our feet made the floor creak with every step and it caught the attention of the old inn keeper behind the counter.

“No need for a bell with this floor.” I muttered.

Adele elbowed me in the ribs and stepped right up to the counter. “Hi.”

“Welcome to Fine Shores where your stay will sure be fine. They call me Knox. If you are looking for board, you’ve come to the right place. Can I offer you travelers a room?”

“Give us your best.” Adele reached in her coat pocket and pulled out one gold piece, setting it on the counter.

Knox took it and stepped out from behind the counter with a cane. “Certainly, miss. How many rooms do you require?”

Adele quickly held out her hand towards Ruby, stopping her from speaking. “Just one will be fine.”

Ruby sighed and turned her unhappy look up at Darius. I wanted to laugh but didn’t when he rubbed her back, letting her know that it was okay. I already knew she didn’t find any of this to be okay. She was Ruby.

“Very well.” Knox replied. “Right this way.”

He led us up the noisy stairs, one slow step at a time. We followed behind, having to walk just as slow until we came up to a room on the third floor.

“You shall be mighty comfortable in our master suite. It should accommodate you nicely.”

“Thank you.”

“If you need anything at all, this room is equipped with a call bell. Just give it a ring and my wife, Milee, will be right up to assist you.”

Adele opened the door while Knox was slowly shuffling away and we all walked in. It was a large room with four beds and a balcony view overlooking the town.

“I think this will do.”

“At least we get room service here.” Jaylyn smiled.

I almost forgot about her love for it until she said it and Adele smiled at her comment too. “And four beds. This one’s for us.” She sat herself on the end of one by the windows on the right. “You and Troy can have that one.” She pointed to the bed by the closet. “Darius can have that one.” She pointed to the one across from ours. “And Ruby can have the one all the way by the door.”

“What?! Adele!”

“I’m really not discussing it. You know why. Behave well enough and maybe I’ll change my mind.” She got up and walked over to the balcony while Darius kept Ruby close to him and made sure she didn’t reply. Getting Adele’s mood worse during a time like this wasn’t a good idea. That was already something he probably knew about her.

“So, what now, Adele?” Jaylyn asked, approaching behind her.

“We find information. We need to know where he’s hiding.” She turned around and walked to the door. “I’m going to talk to Knox, he might know something.”

I didn’t even think anything of what she said until I saw Troy and Darius shoot their looks at me and it hit me. I wasn’t supposed to let her go anywhere alone and approached her before she reached the door. “I’m coming with you.”

“Why? I can handle it myself.”

“Don’t argue with me on this.”

Adele’s eyes narrowed and she turned fully to me, crossing her arms like she knew I was hiding something. “Is there a reason I should?”

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