Enigma (12 page)

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Authors: Aimee Ash

Tags: #teen, #love triangle, #young adult, #love, #brothers, #long beach, #ya, #paranormal, #romance, #Fantasy, #curse, #supernatural, #enigma, #aimee ash, #twilight

BOOK: Enigma
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There was a lot to take in, and most of it—the supernatural powers, his family secrets, his past—I could handle. But not the curse. I felt completely powerless knowing that there was nothing I could do to help us. I would have to spend every day wondering when I would break Jack’s heart and questioning if my feelings for him were genuine.

“I can’t believe there’s no way to break this curse,” I said, my voice wavering. I was trying to control my emotions, but Jack could see right through me. He took my face in his hands.

“Kate, there’s no guarantee of love lasting, with or without a curse. Every day we spend together is a gift for us, and we need to take each day as it comes our way.”

His words were so sincere and the thought of ever being away from him made me shudder. With Jack’s revelation of the curse, I thought he needed me, but in that moment, I realized that I needed him more. He was my life, the one person who truly made me feel good about myself. Jack had given me guidance and dusted off my imperfections; he’d enabled me to become someone I’d never felt good enough to be. The person I’d become had left behind the girl I once was, and if I lost him, I was afraid the old me would return.

We took a moment to compose ourselves before going downstairs into the living room to wait for Jack’s parents to arrive. Swaddled in Jack’s arms, I felt safe—for now.

“Kate, you’re driving me crazy,” he whispered in my ear.

“What do you mean? Crazy good or crazy bad?” I asked.

“Crazy, like uncontrollably good. I’ve just told you everything about my life, which is extraordinarily weird, and here you are wrapped in my arms. Now that’s crazy!” he said, smiling and shaking his head in disbelief.



hen the front door opened, I took a deep breath. I wanted Jack’s parents to like me and to trust me just like he did.

When his parents walked into the living room, I sat up, fussed with my hair, and fidgeted with my dress until Jack’s hand covered mine. We stood up.

“I’m glad you’re both here. Kate, this is Jack’s father, Jonathan,” Lindsey said sharply.

I walked over to Jonathan and shook his hand. “Hello, Mr. Jones. Nice to meet you.”

Jack’s father didn’t look anything like I’d expected. He was a short, round man, with a sallow complexion. His graying sandy-colored hair was receding and his clothes were ill fitting for his chubby frame. His chinos were far too tight and to compensate, his stomach poured over the top of them, covering what was probably a belt.

“Pleased to meet you too, Kate,” Jonathan said.

“Jack, enjoy the next five minutes with Kate, then we’re leaving,” Lindsey announced.

Jack took a step forward. “What?”

Jonathan stood with his hands by his side like an obedient toy soldier, and the buttons on his shirt were still straining against his stomach. He repositioned his glasses on his crooked nose and looked over at Jack sternly. “You’ve chosen to expose yourself, putting our family in jeopardy. This is your own doing. We’re leaving tonight, so enjoy your time together,” he said.

Lindsey tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. Jack stood in front of his parents, bewildered and caught off guard. I couldn’t let them tear us apart without a fight.

“No, please! You have nothing to worry about! I’m not going to tell anyone anything. I’d never do that,” I said.

“Dad, you can trust her!”

“Jack, I’ve told you before and I’ll say it again: you can’t trust anyone but us!” Lindsey shouted. Jonathan nodded in agreement.

“Yes I can. I trust Kate. She’s the one!” Jack said, taking my hand.

Lindsey laughed. “I knew you weren’t just friends.” Then her tone changed. “Please tell you haven’t really fallen for this girl, Jack.”

Jack didn’t need to confirm her worst fear; it was written on both of our faces and was obvious from our body language.

“Well, if she
the one, then you have to let her go! This is dangerous. Don’t be selfish enough to put her through any undeserved heartache. You’re messing with her life, Jack!”

Nothing we could say was going to change her mind, but I had to give it one last try.

“Please! Jack told me about the curse. I want to be with him and I’ll face whatever may come. What we feel for each other is nothing but real,” I said, and Jack tightened his grip on my hand.

“Kate’s right. Nothing is going to take me away from her. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I trust her, and you should trust me because I’m not going anywhere without her.”

Everyone fell silent. I wasn’t sure if I was going to overstep my boundaries, but over time, I had to try and convince Jack’s parents that they could trust me.

Lindsey looked at me and her eyes filled with tears. “Please listen to me. Don’t put yourself through this for nothing, Kate. The curse is what’s influencing your feelings for Jack; the more you encourage him, the more danger you’re putting him in.” I looked up at Jack who was looking at his father, who was looking at Lindsey. “Jack, I can’t bear to see another of my sons broken-hearted. If you stay with Kate, it’s guaranteed to happen. Only, with you, it’ll be a lot worse. You need to leave her now. That way, you might have a fighting chance.”

Jack was teary-eyed, and I wanted to break down. He walked over to his Mom, who was also fighting back tears, and hugged her.

“Mom, please don’t ask me to live a life without love,” he begged.

Lindsey burst into tears and Jack held her tighter.

It suddenly dawned on me that I was being selfish. Maybe I should be the one to walk away. This family had obviously been through enough. Then Jonathan stepped forward and pulled Lindsey away from Jack.

“I don’t understand why you’ve decided to be so stupid,” he said. “You were doing so well. You promised us you’d be able to control yourself! You agreed not to get involved in a serious relationship!” Jack looked ashamed, but I knew that he was anything but weak. “Walk away from this, Kate,” Jonathan insisted.

Lindsey walked over to us and took both of our hands; her eyes were swollen and she looked exhausted.

“Kate, if you stay with Jack, you have to accept that you’ll kill him.” She released her hands from ours.

“What are you talking about?” I asked louder than necessary.

Jack looked at his mother and she looked back at him furiously. I knew that it would be unbearably hard if our love had to end one day, but I hadn’t realized that it could end Jack’s life.

Jonathan held his head in his hands.

“What’s going on?” I pleaded.

“Well, Jack, I think you should be the one to tell her.”

“I was going to tell her, Mom, but she didn’t have to find out now,” Jack said through gritted teeth.

“Don’t be so stupid, Son,” Jonathan said. “Don’t you think she’d want to know?”

“Will someone tell me what is going on?” I yelled.

“Tell her, Jack. Tell her now!” Lindsey insisted.

My heart was racing. Jack looked at me and held my hand hesitantly.

“Kate, there’s no easy way to say this, but when you break my heart, there’s a chance that I’ll die.”

Jack’s words rang through my mind like a thousand tolling bells. I began shaking and I couldn’t speak.

“There’s no way around it, Kate,” Lindsey added.

“What? This is insane!” I yelled, snatching my hand away from Jack’s.

“Remember when I told you that I never get sick? Well, I’m pretty much invincible. I feel like nothing can kill me,” Jack said in an attempt to soften the blow.

Lindsey wiped tears away from her face. “The only thing that can kill Jack is this curse. His broken heart will cause his death. You are going to kill him, Kate,” she said.

I felt sick. My knees were weak and I fell, but Jack caught me. My head was spinning and I couldn’t focus. I wanted someone to pinch me and wake me up from this nightmare.

Lindsey and Jonathan looked at me blankly. Because of a curse that could never be broken, I was the girl who would one day kill their son.

“Kate, please listen to me.” Jack knelt in front of me, but I couldn’t bear to look at him. “This is my fault. I’m so sorry.”

He held my waist and I held his head into me. He was begging for my forgiveness and in that moment, I knew that I had to walk away from him.

“I don’t want to break your heart, Jack. I don’t want to be the girl who causes your death.” We held each other. I ran my fingers through his hair and he kissed my tears away.

“Then leave, Kate,” Lindsey said. “Look back on this as nothing but a short-lived romance. Then there will be a chance that Jack will live.” She clasped her hands together and glared at me, hoping that I would choose to take a chance on saving her son’s life.

Jack glared at her and we both stood up, still wrapped in each other’s arms. “Mom, stop!” he yelled, holding me tightly.

Lindsey turned away from me and focused on Jack. “No, I will not stop! You’re my son and I’ll do anything to save you!” she shouted while fighting back tears.

Then I saw a tinge of purple in Jack’s eyes. He looked at his mother and she backed away from him.

“Seb did this, Mom. He’s the one who wanted me dead!”

Lindsey threw her arms up. “Stop it, Jack. You’re responsible too. I’m not going through all that again. Your brother is full of regret for what he did to you.”

I looked at Jack’s eyes and saw that the purple tinge was fading.

“Kate, ignore my Mom. I want you whatever the consequence. I have to be with you.” He looked at his mom and both of their faces were riddled with hurt.

“I have to be with you too, Jack,” I said, holding him closer.

“Then let’s take our chances.”

I nodded, too overcome with emotion to say the words.

Lindsey burst into tears and fell to the floor. Jonathan looked at me and then hung his head at our declaration. He pulled his wife up and guided her into the armchair behind him. It certainly hadn’t been the happiest of greetings, but it was honest and I hoped that honesty would build trust. Jonathan approached us.

“Kate, Jack. I’m going to make you a proposition,” he declared.

Jack and I looked at each other.

“What is it?” Jack asked.

Lindsey stood up and grabbed Jonathan’s arm, pulling him away from us. “Jonathan, what are you doing?”

He shook her hand away. “Trust me, Lindsey,” he said, and she backed off.

“I’m going to ask that you don’t see each other for a week. It’ll give you time to think everything over and see how you feel by the end. If either of you break the agreement, then we leave without hesitation. You’re not so much as to look at each other.”

Jack shook his head. “Dad, this is crazy!”

Although Jack was annoyed, I saw it as an opportunity to compromise.

“No, Jack. Your father needs us to prove that we can be trusted, so let’s prove it to him. It’ll be hard, but we can do this.”

Jack contemplated this. “So, after a week, what happens?”

“You’ll have our blessing and we’ll accept Kate into the family,” Jonathan proclaimed.

“Jonathan, this is madness! Do you want him to die?” Lindsey shouted.

Jonathan looked at her and pointed over to Jack. “We can’t ask Jack to live a life without love; it isn’t fair, Lindsey. We have to be realistic. If it isn’t Kate now, it’ll eventually happen anyway.”

Lindsey turned her back on him.

“Mom, please, this is my decision. It’s my life,” Jack stated quietly.

Jack and I looked at each other and then at Jonathan.

“We’ll do it,” Jack said.

Lindsey left the room in a flurry of tears and Jonathan went after her.

“Kate, you realize why my dad has done this, don’t you?” Jack asked.

I didn’t think it was for any reason other than to earn his trust and show them that Jack and I had genuine feelings for each other, so I shook my head.

“My dad knows the curse is prevailing and every day it’ll get stronger; he doesn’t think we’ll be able to resist each other. I’m guessing that he’s counting on us to give into temptation and break the rules.”

I felt a little stupid for being so naive.

“Then this gives us even more of an incentive to prove him wrong,” I declared.

“I don’t know if I’m strong enough.” Jack ran his fingers down my arm.

“We don’t have a choice Jack; we have to be strong enough,” I said. His touch was electrifying.

We walked into the foyer and Jack opened the front door. “Kate, if you change your mind about us, I’ll understand,” he said, kissing my cheek before we went our separate ways.

I headed home, trying to convince myself that seven days wouldn’t be that long, but my head was still spinning from everything that had just happened. As I walked through the door, Tobias called me over to the phone.

“Kate, Brett’s asking for you.”

I took the phone from Tobias and sat down at the bottom of the stairs.

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