Enigma (35 page)

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Authors: Aimee Ash

Tags: #teen, #love triangle, #young adult, #love, #brothers, #long beach, #ya, #paranormal, #romance, #Fantasy, #curse, #supernatural, #enigma, #aimee ash, #twilight

BOOK: Enigma
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I walked through the door and Brett pounced out at me from behind the door.

“The wanderer returns. So how was Italy? Not that you probably saw much of it from inside your bedroom.”

“Shut up. You’re still the same old sarcastic Brett, so you must be all right.”

“I’m fine. I’m looking forward to spending some time with you.”

“Why don’t we go out for pizza on Sunday?” I suggested.

“What about tomorrow?”

“I’m going to a party tomorrow night.”

“Then I’ll come with you.”

“I’m not sure that is such a good idea.”

“Please? I could really get out of the house. I promise to be on my best behavior.”

“I’m not sure,” I said.

“Come on, I’m begging you.”

“All right, but if you step out of line you’re coming back home.”


aturday night arrived and it was time to execute our plan at the party. My engagement party was set for the following weekend, so tonight had to be a success. Since I’d allowed Brett to tag along, Seb invited Ethan, too. Marcus told us that he’d be gone for the weekend and gave us all a parental talk before we left. We all promised to behave ourselves and keep low profiles.

When we arrived at the party, people splashed in the pool and tossed around a beach ball while couples frolicked in the Jacuzzi. Guys cupped beers and watched as scantily-clad girls danced to the loud music.

Jack and Brett jumped in the pool, and Brett pulled Ethan in after him. Brett had always been popular with girls, and I hoped he wouldn’t take too much of the attention away from Jack. But I didn’t have to worry because swarms of girls huddled around them and the flirting began. Seb and I went to get a drink and stood behind a pillar where we could still see Jack. Despite several girls throwing themselves at him, Jack behaved himself.

I nudged Seb and pulled him behind a bush. “I don’t think our plan is working,” I said.

“Don’t worry. He hasn’t had a drink yet. You look amazing in that dress, by the way. Pure torture.”

I smiled and ran my hands down the sides of my red, strappy summer dress. Ethan walked up behind us.

“I think I’m going to head home,” he said. He looked uncomfortable in his wet jeans and shirt.

“Sorry about Brett; he’s kind of excited to be out.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Ethan sulked off and even though I felt sorry for him, I had to hide my laughter. He wasn’t a very sociable person and he hadn’t taken a liking to Brett.

Jack and Brett were now standing by the pool and Jack had a beer in his hand. Brett didn’t have a drink, but he had his arms wrapped around a girl and was kissing her like the world was going to end.

“He’s popular with girls; they’re flocking around him like birds to a carcass,” Seb remarked, looking at Brett.

“He always was,” I replied. “I have to go to the bathroom. Keep an eye on Brett for me.” Seb nodded and I headed upstairs.

When I returned, Seb was gone. I scanned the pool area and found him dancing with Jack, Brett, and several girls. A girl brushed up against him, and my entire body trembled. I looked away, catching my reflection in one of the mirror balls hanging from a tree. To my horror, my eyes were a light shade of purple.

“Cool contacts,” a girl commented as she walked by.

Panicking, I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I stood with my back against the door and breathed deeply. Feeling a little calmer, I fumbled around in my clutch and pulled out my compact mirror. I opened it and held it up to my face; I was glad to see that my eyes were back to their natural color. Relieved, I knew that I’d have to learn how to control my temper.

I could hear girls talking about their dates, what they were wearing, and what they planned to do before the party ended. They were all spending the evening having fun and planning who they were going to nail. I was spending the evening trying to sabotage my relationship so I could finally be with Seb. I knew that I couldn’t go on with this farce much longer. The lies were getting out of control and the urge to be with Sebastian was getting stronger. I unlocked and opened the door and found Seb waiting for me.

“Seb, I have to go. My eyes changed colors.”

“What?” He pulled me behind the pillar.

“I saw a girl grinding up against you and I was so angry that my eyes changed colors. I was completely freaked out.”

“Don’t worry; your eyes are fine now. It’ll take you a while to control yourself. Every emotion you remember as a human has been heightened; give yourself time to get used to it. I’ll help you.”

“What were you doing dancing with that girl anyway?”

“I’m supposed to be single Kate; I could hardly brush her off. I was only dancing.”

“Hey, guys!” Brett interrupted us. “I’m going to go home and get some pizza.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Does she like pineapple on her pizza?” Seb asked.

“I’m not sure.” Brett was busted.

It was good to see him happy
and sober
. I had a feeling that this time he was changed for good.

Jack hadn’t spent any time with me at the party. He was obviously still annoyed that I’d blown him off at the beach house. He was dancing with Ashley, and her hands were all over his deprived body. This was it. I had to cause a scene and have Seb take me home.

I nudged Seb and he smiled when he saw what I was looking at. Ashley leaned in for the kill. Would he kiss her? He moved closer to her, temptation was directly in front of him. Just before their lips connected, Jack caught my eye. I threw my hands up and ran off in a flurry of tears. Seb shook his head at his brother and chased me out.


We waited outside and I hoped that Jack would follow us out so I could officially call off our relationship.

“Kate, I’m so sorry! Nothing happened!” Jack held my hand, but I snatched it away.

“Get off me! We’re over! You’re not the guy I thought you were, Jack.”

“I was just trying to get your attention. You’re the one I want, you know that.”

“Were you trying to make me jealous so that I’d throw myself at you?”

“I just want you to want me.”

“Well, you’re scheme backfired. I can’t be with someone who only wants one thing.”

“That’s not true, Kate. I love you.”

“If you loved me, you’d wait.” I threw my engagement ring at him. “We’re over!” I yelled, and ran off.

“I’ll go after her,” I heard Seb say. “I think it’s best if you stay away from her tonight.” And then he ran after me.

Part of me felt terrible, but I guess Jack would’ve been unfaithful soon enough if I’d kept denying him. This time, he’d been lured easily, and Ashley could have him.

Seb and I headed to the beach house. With Marcus away for the weekend, we were alone. Seb closed the door behind us, and we sighed with relief. My relationship with Jack was officially over.

“Are you okay?” Seb asked.

“Apart from feeling terribly guilty, yes, I’m fine.”

“Don’t waste time feeling guilty over the inevitable.”

I knew Seb was right. He took my hand and led me to his bedroom. There were red rose petals on the bed and unlit candles spread around the room. Seb turned out the lights, and with a gust of breath, he lit all the candles. I looked at him in amazement.

“How did you do that?”

“I’ll explain another time. It’s kind of a long story.”

Seb handed me a glass of champagne. We drank some and put down our glasses, unable to take our eyes off each other. Seb took me in his arms and I unbuttoned his shirt. I wanted him so badly and he wanted me. We were so deeply in love that I’d surrendered my human life to be with him.

Seb pulled my dress over my head, threw it on the floor, and ran his hands over my naked body. His touch lingered on my skin and sent chills through me. He pulled me closer and as my breasts pressed against his bare chest, he kissed me, and I was ready to give myself to him. When we fell onto the bed, the door flew open and Jack and Ashley stumbled in. I grabbed a sheet off the bed and wrapped it around me. Seb got up and stood in front of me; Jack was completely stunned.

“Oops! Wrong bedroom, I guess,” Ashley said, giggling.

‘Ashley, you should go back to the party,’ Jack said.

“Why? We were going to fool around, right?” Ashley asked, looking disappointed.

“Not tonight,” Jack said, through gritted teeth.

“That’s it Jack Jones, you’ve had your last chance with me. I’ve had enough of being messed around by you!” Ashley shouted, before slamming the door behind her.

Jack was furious, and I didn’t know what to say.

“How could you do this to me? My own brother jumping in bed with my fiancée as soon as my back is turned! So this is why you refused to have sex with me, Kate? Because of him? You want him to be your first? I feel like a complete fool!”

“What are you talking about? You just brought Ashley back here to sleep with!” Seb yelled.

“Ashley means nothing. Kate means everything to me. You could have your pick of girls, but why her?” Jack glared at his brother.

“Because I’m in love with her; I have been for months.”

“Has this been going on for months?” Jack raised his voice.

“No. Just tonight,” Seb said, trying to keep calm.

“Kate, this is a mistake. We’re meant to be together,” Jack said.

“I felt something for you once, because of the curse. What I feel for Seb is real. I’m so sorry Jack, but I don’t love you. I’m in love with Seb.”

“You’re in love with
?” Jack asked.

“Jack, I’m truly sorry for hurting you,” I said.

Jack looked at me, his eyes begging me to take back what I’d said, but it was too late. The truth was out and it was time for us to accept the consequences. Jack walked out, slamming the door behind him. Seb tried to follow him, but I grabbed his arm. Jack needed time to cool off.

I felt terrible and Seb did too. His face was wracked with guilt, but there was nothing we could do but wait to see if time would heal this rift.

Instead of spending the night making love, Seb and I left the beach house and entered my bedroom through the balcony. We sat up all night talking about how we would explain our behavior to everyone. In the morning, I’d have to tell my mother that she’d have to cancel the engagement party.


he next morning, we dared to head back to Seb’s house. He had offered to straighten up the lab for Marcus and I tagged along, ready to help out. I shuddered; the lab was creepy and I hoped that after today, I’d never have to go in there again.

Seb reached up to the top shelf in the cabinet, but lost his balance, causing a cascade of bottles and boxes to fall. One of the lids on the boxes fell off and a flurry of letters flew out.

Seb and I each picked up a letter. They were all addressed to Jonathan in the same handwriting. Dates were written on the backs of all the letters, and we found a letter written to him just a week before he died. Seb took the letter out of the envelope. His lips parted and his eyes widened.

“What does it say?” I asked.

“Jack was right.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She’s alive!”

“Who’s alive?” I questioned.

“Alissa. My mother’s alive!”

I gasped. Seb handed me the letter and buried his head in his hands.


Willow and I are settled; you’ve found us a treasure of a place to live this time. Amador City is so peaceful, and we love it. The house by the stream is secluded, and Willow will be happy here. I hope to receive a letter from you soon, and thank you for keeping us safe.


Jack’s instinct had been right all along, but who was Willow?

“We have to tell Marcus about this,” I said.

Seb stood up. “No, we’re not going to tell him anything yet. We need to tell Jack first, and then we need to find Alissa to be sure it’s her before we go telling anyone.”

“What if she doesn’t know that Jonathan is dead?” I asked.

“That’s why we have to find her. We have to tell her in person.”

Seb placed the letter in his back pocket. We picked up the rest of the letters and put them back in the box before hiding it in Seb’s bedroom.

We headed to the kitchen. Even though Jack hated us right now, we had to find him; he’d want to know that his mother was alive. There was a letter on the kitchen table with Seb’s name on the envelope. Seb tore it open and read it aloud:

Never in a million years did I think you’d betray me. You were the good guy. I was the one everyone said was trouble. I was the one to watch out for. Looks like you’ve finally gotten your revenge, but I’ll have mine.

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