Enlightened (12 page)

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Authors: J.P. Barnaby

BOOK: Enlightened
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Near the middle of the screen, I saw another video waiting to be played. The image was of the blond boy I’d seen before who looked so much like Jamie. He was lying back on a patio lounger, the blue and white striped chair contrasting with his perfectly tanned skin. A small, sheepish smile played at the corners of his lips as his hand rested on the lower part of his stomach just under his hard cock. Without seeking permission from Jamie, without making sure it was safe, without even breathing, I clicked play. A long sequence of white titles and yellow names scrolled across the brilliantly green little screen until nearly half of the progress bar had elapsed.

When he appeared on the screen, his eyes were closed and he had both hands between his legs. My hand gripped the mouse convulsively to stop myself from rubbing my own crotch as the boy on the screen stroked his cock while he rubbed his balls. His quiet moans drifted through the small speakers on the desk, and I finally checked the door and the window to make sure we wouldn’t be walked in on. Listening to the sounds of that beautiful boy made me feel so guilty, but didn’t dampen my excitement.

Movement next to me caught my attention, and my heart pounded as I saw Jamie adjusting himself, his eyes glued to the screen. My breath caught in my throat as his tongue darted out to moisten his full pink lips. A bead of sweat rolled down my temple in the mid-afternoon heat of the room, and I forced my attention away from Jamie and back on the screen. As I did, the scene changed, and the boy was now kneeling on the chair with his back to the camera. Bent a bit at the waist, he was looking back over his shoulder at the camera as he stroked his cock.

I nearly came in my shorts.

“I don’t think we should watch this any—” Jamie whispered, but then stopped abruptly, his hand trembling as he pointed at the screen. “Click on that one.” I looked to where he was pointing and saw the boy that we had just been watching behind another boy who had shaggy light-brown curls like mine. Sliding the mouse over the pad until the cursor rested on top of the brunette’s head, I asked Jamie if he was sure.

“It feels so wrong to be watching, because pornography is the work of the devil. Since we’re going to hell for being gay anyway, I want to see.” Jamie’s reasoning seemed sound enough, even if his voice was shaking as he said it. It wasn’t immediately clear if his voice shook because he felt guilty or excited. Turning my face up to him, I grabbed the front of his T-shirt and pulled him down for a quick kiss. My elbow accidentally grazed his cock, which bulged against the straining zipper of his jeans, and he hissed.

Checking the window one more time, I clicked on the video to start the clip.

The boy on his hands and knees was panting in loud, mewling cries punctuated by slaps of skin as the other boy slammed his hips into him. As we watched, the brunette reached underneath his body to stroke his cock just as the camera angle changed. The condom-sheathed dick of the blond was quickly sliding in and out of the other boy’s ass. Everything was lewdly visible to anyone who happened to be watching. The boy in back grabbed his partner’s hips tightly and slammed harder into him, his breathing choppy and rough from the excitement and exertion.

“You like it?” the blond asked, and the smirk in his voice was unmistakable.

“Yeah, I like it… Harder…,” the brunette replied with a grunt as he was taken rougher from behind.

The scene changed again, and the brunette was now on top of the blond, his legs spread as he bounced and stroked himself.

“Turn it off,” Jamie choked out and left the room. My cock ached as I scrambled to close the browser. I made sure all of the windows were closed before shutting the computer down and almost running to my room after him.

Just as I came through the door, he caught me in a kiss that would have melted glass.

“Fuck, you make me hard,” he murmured against my lips as he reached for the hem of my T-shirt. It took a minute for what Jamie had said to register, our kiss breaking as he whipped my T-shirt off and dropped it on the floor. His lips were back on mine before I could speak, the hunger in his kiss making my heart race. Encouraged by the lust-filled haze my brain seemed to be lost in, I pulled his T-shirt up by sliding my palms under it, feeling his heaving, bare chest. Jamie moaned decadently into my mouth as I grazed my hands over his nipples. When I reached his shoulders, he lifted his arms so that his shirt could join mine on the floor. My arms were around his neck as he started pushing me back toward the bed. I barely had the presence of mind to slam the door with my foot as I stumbled backward. For the first time, I was thankful that I had a small bedroom, because after just a few steps the backs of my legs hit the bed and he fell on top of me. Our lips never parted as we crawled onto the bed until he cradled his hips between my legs, his chest pressed against mine, our sweat mingling as we held each other, heedless of the heat.

Jamie’s hands held my face gently, as if it were precious to him, while I wound my fingers in his hair. Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel that his lips were turned up into a smile, and I smiled too. Rocking my body slowly, my chest rubbed against his, spiraling us to greater heights of arousal. Like a ride at the amusement park, our arousal would climb higher and higher until we reached that peak and then freefell into orgasm.

God, his lips were so soft.

I was panting as he held my knees open with his thighs and rubbed his cock against mine through our thin shorts. Whimpering as I pushed my hips off the bed to get more of the sensation, I buried my face in Jamie’s neck, breathing in the scent of sweat and soap. Kissing his neck and shoulder, I felt him plant his hands on either side of my shoulders as his hips moved more insistently. I pulled my knees up, hooking my legs over his, almost wrapping them around his waist.

“Jamie… please…,” I moaned against his ear, not knowing what I was begging for exactly, except maybe for him to grind against me like that forever. It felt that good. Listening to make sure I didn’t hear anything but our breathing, I reached down and grabbed his ass with both hands while at the same time rolling my hips up. He dropped to his forearms, which he pushed under my shoulders, holding me against his chest. My head fell back against the bed, and he pressed his forehead against my shoulder as we rubbed against each other.

It wasn’t romantic and it wasn’t sweet. It was pure fucking lust.

“Brian… fuck…,” Jamie cried in almost a half sob as his hips jerked faster against me. The need, the vulnerability in his voice, the way the rolls of his hips were punctuated by soft, desperate sounds, caused a sweet tingling in my groin. My grip tightened on his ass, and I bucked my hips up, using my legs to pull him forward, humping myself against his swollen cock. His sweet, openmouthed cries were coming faster as I felt my balls begin to throb.

I panicked a little at what was about to happen, because we’d never made each other come before. The most we’d ever done together was watch each other masturbate and some groping while we were kissing. Humping each other, rutting against each other simulating sex, was something different. As the fire raced through me, I realized that we had passed the point of no return; the roller coaster had crested the top of the hill.

Before I could get out more than a strangled “Baby,” my body locked and my back arched. My hands still gripped his ass as my cock erupted, coating the inside of my briefs with come. It was far more intense than anything I had done with my own hand. His weight on top of me was comforting as I shivered, sliding my hands up his back, holding him as he continued to move his hips against me, trying to find his own pleasure. Turning my head slightly, I captured his lips in a slow kiss, lingering as his whimpers touched my lips. His body began to slow, almost as if he were afraid of what was coming, so I rubbed harder against him, desperate to hear as he reached his peak. With his forehead pressed against mine, I could feel his rapid breathing against my face. Jamie was so beautiful, eyes closed, mouth slightly open. I watched and waited as his body began to tense.

I didn’t have to wait long.

Jamie jerked his hips against mine once… twice… three times, and then went still with a soft, drawn-out “Oh” in my ear. I held him against me, on top of me, stroking his hair, just trying to be close to him before the world pulled us apart again.

“Oh God, that was good,” Jamie whispered and then chuckled. I would have called it a giggle and teased him about it, but I didn’t have the strength to move yet. Apparently he did, because he rolled off of me and then right off of the bed.

“Oh my God, are you okay?” I asked, trying to suppress the laughter but failing miserably. Jamie sat up, rubbing his elbow and smiling ruefully.

“Well, that was graceful.” Jamie stood up and pulled the front of his shorts away from his body. “Can you grab some boxers for us, and I’ll get something to clean up with?” Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I stood up and felt the rapidly cooling semen sticking my underwear to my skin. Checking my bedroom window to make sure the drive was still empty, I closed the curtains and pulled my shorts and underwear off, looking up as Jamie came back into the room holding a wet towel.

He didn’t say anything, but the way he looked at me as I stood naked by my desk made me flush in the warm room. Handing the hot rag to me and apparently noticing that I hadn’t grabbed underwear, he went to my dresser and pulled out two pairs. I caught the pair he tossed to me while he put the other one on. Jamie was a bit taller than me but thinner, so the boxers fit him without a problem. He held his hand out to me, and I gave him the rag, which he promptly threw on the floor before taking my hand and leading me back to the bed.

We lay down side by side in the small amount of space that my twin bed afforded, and I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm behind me and stroked my arm with his thumb. It felt nice just to lie there with him, feeling his breath in my hair and listening to his heartbeat. I knew we would have to scramble if we heard one of the cars drive up, but it was worth just spending quiet time with him.

“Thank you for showing me that site,” Jamie said quietly and kissed the top of my head. A nice breeze came through the open window, blowing the curtains and cooling our damp, heated skin. The scent of honeysuckle from a nearby tree permeated the air, helping to clear it of the smell of sweat and come.

“You’re welcome, though the site that I saw before was only pictures. There were no… uhm… videos,” I said, still a little embarrassed by what we’d seen. Still images were one thing, but watching for the first time as guys had sex on screen was something I may have wanted to do alone.

“Do you think it hurts?” Jamie asked in a whisper, and I was kind of glad he couldn’t see my face, which was turning pink again.

“I don’t know… I think it probably does… at least at first,” I stammered. “If it hurt, no one would do it, though, so it must feel good for both of them.” Worried a little at his question, I reached down and took the hand that wasn’t stroking my arm, holding it loosely in mine. “Jamie… I don’t think I’m ready for… for you to… for us to….”

“No, I know. I’m not either, really. The more that we do together, though, things like today, each step brings us closer. I just… I wanted to talk about it… with you. You know?”

“I know,” I said, nodding and turning my head to kiss his chest. “I want to talk to you about it too, because I love the things we do together. One day I want to take that step with you, but I want to wait until we’re both at least seventeen.”

“I think that’s a good plan,” he replied, still stroking my arm. I ran my hand lightly over his chest, loving the way his bare skin felt under my touch.

“How do you think guys in a relationship decide who is going to… uhm… give and who… receives?” I asked in a heated whisper, almost afraid to ask it out loud, confirming that I didn’t know. Receiving sounded like it would be painful, at least at first, having something that big put… up there. The thought of having Jamie inside me like that, though, as close as two people could possibly be, was exciting to me.

“I don’t know; I think maybe they try out different things and see what they like. Otherwise, how else would you know?”

I felt his finger under my chin and looked up into his face.

“We will make our own rules and go as slow as we need to. It’s not a race. I just want to make you happy, Brian,” Jamie whispered before pressing his palm to my cheek and kissing me very gently on the lips.

“I am happy, Jamie.”



been a couple of weeks since I had stayed over at Jamie’s on a Saturday night. It would have looked suspicious for me to stay over every week, especially since he was dating Emma. So when he asked me over, I jumped at the chance. Even if we had to spend the time listening for his parents, at least we would be together without his little girlfriend. We needed it so much, or at least I felt like we did. Before his revelation of telling me he loved me, I had started to feel distanced from him, and I hated it. When I got to Jamie’s house early that afternoon, I was rather confused to find him trying to haul the inflatable mattress up the tree house ladder.

“What are you…?” I started, but he stopped me almost at once by jumping down from where he was perched halfway up the ladder, landing with a thud right in front of me.

“Help me get this up there,” he said, out of breath from the exertion. I climbed the ladder, throwing my backpack of clothes into a corner as I climbed up through the trapdoor. Then, lying flat on the floor, I reached down through the open door and grabbed the end of the mattress that Jamie was proffering from his position near the bottom of the ladder. Being exceedingly careful not to snag it on anything, I pulled the deflated mattress up through the door. Next, he handed me the pump and then disappeared into the house while I laid the mattress and the pump near the wall.

Then I realized that other items from Jamie’s room had somehow found their way into the tree house. His fan stood near one of the open windows, and his radio was on top of a crate. Again, I wondered what the hell was going on.
Were we sleeping up here, or was this just to make things more comfortable when we spent time here?
Whatever the reason, I was thankful for the fan, because even that early in June the heat in the tree house was staggering.

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