Enraptured: Spellbound (Book Four)

BOOK: Enraptured: Spellbound (Book Four)
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(Book Four)


Trinity Night


Velvet Sky Publishing


Copyright © 2013 by Trinity Night

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief q
uotations in a book review.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Spellbound Series





Chapter One

Alexi leaned back on one elbow and squinted into the sun. His nude body glistened
from suntan lotion and beads of water that dripped over the arcane tattoos that I could almost understand. I sat cross-legged on a beach blanket with a sheet of primed watercolor paper taped to a drawing board. The day was warm and bright and the sounds of sea birds squawked behind me.

A cell phone rang and Alexi moved to answer it.

“Don’t move!” I commanded, but it was too late. He was already to his feet, ear to the phone, pacing away from me. I watched his strong back and the lift of his ass. It was a good angle for a painting. I filed the idea away in my mind and waited for him to return. His form was sketched on my paper and I continued filling in the back ground.

Lately, I'd been painting in a more original, more abstract style. In the last week I had painted ten images of Alexi, each more beautiful than the last. Usually, I was overly critical of my work but the occult power that flowed through my body gave me a new confidence. My painting had improved. And my subject was utterly gorgeous.

When Alexi returned to the beach
blanket, his face looked tight, concerned. He tried to get back into position, and I directed him to just the right spot. Looking at his naked body was almost too much to bare. This beach was the place where we had first made love. Really made love. And I was reminded of it every time we came here. I continued painting, slowly building color from light to dark. When I was finished I regarded my work. Alexi’s undeniable beauty added a kind of enchantment to my paintings. His raven curls and gleaming blue eyes, his wicked goatee, and lean muscled body under a plethora of arcane tattoos, made me want to weep.

I turned the drawing board and showed h
im the painting. He smiled his devilish smile and winked at me.

Another masterpiece,” he said.

I had to agree. Any piece of art that had him in it would contain a small part of the masterpiece that was him.

“You are creating quite a collection, my Darling. What will you do with it?”

I hadn
’t really thought about what I would do with my artwork yet. The summer vacation was really about proclaiming my independences before I had to go back to start my MBA in the spring. I’d never thought of my artwork as anything other than the love of my heart, a secret hobby that kept me sane while I outwardly did whatever my parents wanted. But that was all over now. I had become a powerful being, thanks to Alexi, Victor, and the coven. I was a sex witch. I could have anything I wanted from almost anyone I wanted-- if I fucked them. Now that I had this power, I didn’t have to do what my parents wanted anymore.

Maybe I’ll have an exhibition,” I said, just having the glimmer of the idea cross my mind. “But I don’t think I’m ready for a one woman show yet. I need a lot more work. Perhaps an entire collection from my time here. It might go well, over back in Seattle.”

That is a good idea, Lyubimaya,” he said absently, eying his cell phone.

Alexi was distracted. Usually, wh
en we were together, his full attention was focused on me. Granted, he worked like a maniac. When he was working, he was totally focused on work. His distraction worried me. Was he getting bored with me, or was there something wrong that was taking his attention out of moment? Alexi didn’t discuss his business affairs with me other than in the abstract. When we’d first met, he talked with me about the general state of economics in the Ukraine, but I’d come to realize that was just a front for his real plans for me.

He wanted to turn me into a sex witch. Alexi had powers I
didn’t quite understand. He could turn my mind inside out. I didn’t know what kind of witch he was and had been putting off asking him. Part of me just didn’t want to know. I knew there was something strange and dangerous about him. He’d used some kind of hypnosis on me when we first met.

During that time he asked me to live in his rustic, family cottage and labor in the gardens. I
’d found a strange metal box full of voodoo dolls and other occult tools, along with a Russian woman’s passport from 1982. It seemed it might be his mother. I still wasn’t sure. Part of me didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to spoil what we had going by understanding it too much. What if I found out something I couldn’t deal with? Then I’d have to break everything off and run back to the states. I wasn’t ready to do that.

Alexi stood, brushed the sand from his skin and began to dress. I thought he might make love to me, but it seemed he wasn
’t in the mood. So, I packed up my art supplies and carefully covered my painting and put in my portfolio case. Alexi suggested we go to lunch on the way home, and I agreed.

We packed everything in the Range Rover and drove back toward Odessa. There was a little cafe that we li
ked to frequent across the street from Alexi’s flat, so he parked the Range Rover in the garage, and we walked there. The waiter seated us at a patio table with a sun umbrella in a private corer, tucked near the rear of the patio facing the busy street. A waist high wrought iron fence added an additional element of privacy. The waiter brought us black tea with cream and sugar and a basket of crusty bread. Alexi put his cell phone on the table and looked at me and smiled.

What’s going on?” I asked. I knew something was wrong.

What do you mean?”

You’re distracted. It isn’t like you.”

It’s nothing for you to worry about, my Darling.”

Maybe I could help?”

Maybe you could,” he said, looking at his phone again, “But I’m not sure I want to involve you yet. Your powers are new to you. You are untested.”

I wasn
’t sure what he meant by untested, but I figured, there was no time like the present. I might as well test my powers on whatever was bothering him. I hated to see him like this, but I decided to let the subject drop and took a different tract.

I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” I said. His face turned toward me, trying to regain his composure and control. I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to be confronted, and I could sense the power coming off of him-- a kind of primal savageness under the moodiness that I didn’t want to mess with. I reminded me he was still far stronger that I was. I hesitated, but pressed on.

I know that I’m a sex witch, but… what kind of witch are you?”

His face relaxed and he leaned back. The confidence returned to his body as if he had remembered he was the teacher instructing his student.

“I am a mind witch,” he said, taking a sip of his tea.

A mind witch? What does that mean?”

It means I can manipulate people’s minds. And I have a sixth sense about what people are capable of. That is how I was able to spot you. Victor is also a mind witch, as is Dina. The rest of the coven have a variety of other capabilities. Anya, for example, is a fertility witch. She can make things grow, everything from flowers to businesses.”

Huh, are there any other sex witches in the coven?”

No. Only you.”

It seems like a pretty limiting ability. I mean, I have to have sex with the person first. I’d rather be a mind witch like you.”

No, Julia, sex is one of the most powerful abilities of all. Unlike a mind witch, your power continues after you have lost contact with the person you’ve had sex with. And it can even continue to grow. Those with whom you mate will adore you forever. They will always do as you ask. As for a mind witch, the power looses focus after contact is lost."

Still, you don’t have to fuck anyone to get what you want.”

True, but don’t underestimate your powers. They are great and growing every day. Someday you might even surpass me and Victor. Then we will all be at your will,” he winked and chuckled as the waiter set out food in front of us.

Chapter Two

Alexi hung the keys to the Range Rover in front of my face and dropped them in my hands. My heart leapt. The Range Rover was a 2013 luxury edition. I loved the idea of having the freedom to drive around the countryside on my own. I gripped the keys and beamed, throwing my arms around him and holding him tight.

These are keys to the flat, the cottage, and the beach.”

Thank you so much!”

Not at all. You need to be able to get around without me.”

Alexi excused himself from the flat and drove out of the garage in his metallic black Porsche. I heard th
e motor rumble away and watched him turn a corner and out of site. Flocks of sea birds lifted into the pale blue sky beyond the Odessa Opera House. The day was cool for August and a salty breeze blew through the flags atop the buildings around the square. I walked out on the balcony and gazed out toward the Black Sea beyond the opera house with the keys to the Range Rover in my hands. What to do first? When you have a car, all the free time in the world, and all the art supplies you could ever need, there is only one thing to do. I decided to take a picnic lunch and go paint on Alexi’s private beach.

I took a picnic basket out of a cabinet and placed it on the white quartz counter in
the huge kitchen. The refrigerator was fully stocked with everything I could imagine. I grabbed some cured meat, grapes, a bottle of water, cheese, and grabbed a loaf of bread form the bread cabinet. I spied a bottle of Chardonnay in the fridge and threw that in the basket. I tossed in some silverware and a plastic cups as well. Then I gathered the beach blankets and art supplies and left the condo.

Down in Alexi
’s private garage, the Range Rover was parked in the first parking spot. I jumped inside, threw my stuff in the back seat and was off. The streets of Odessa were crowded and chaotic. Drivers pushed in from ever side, it was far worse than Seattle traffic. I’d never driven in such a densely packed city with such narrow roads. For a moment, I was worried I would get smashed by a funky, over-stuffed city bus or a helmetless moped rider. I finally made it out of the city and onto the rural road that led to Alexi’s private beach. It was one of my favorite places to paint. I plugged in my iPod and sang along to the music. I felt so good and so free. I could do anything and be anything I wanted.

I pulled up to the beach and parked the Range Rover. I had to unlock the gate and carry all my stuff down the rugged, dirt road
. After about fifteen minutes, I had my little picnic/art area all set up. The day was perfect for a nice painting of the sea. I built up the blues, greens, and yellows so the sea and sky and then brought in the browns and blacks of the shadows and deep surf. All the while, I munched on food and drank almost a full bottle of wine. I didn’t realize how much I’d drunk until I went to pour the last glass and the bottle was empty. Oops… Sometimes I kind of space out when I’m painting. This was one of those times. When my piece was finished, I laid it in the shade and lay down, on my back, in the sun. I closed my eyes behind my new Gucci sunglasses and drifted on a pleasant cloud of wine, painting, and self satisfaction.

I wished Alexi was with me to push my pleasant f
eeling over the edge into massive, multiple orgasms, but he wasn’t. I worried about him, but then caught myself. This was Alexi I was thinking about. My teacher, my mentor, and an extremely powerful witch.

When I opened
my eyes again, I realized I must have dozed off. I felt too warm and dehydrated. When I sat up I grabbed the bottle of water from the picnic basket and chugged until my throat felt moist again. My head was still tipsy, but I was tired and probably sun burned. I wanted to go home.

I gathered all my things and walked back to the car, locking the gate behind
me. I shoved my stuff in the back of the Range Rover, not caring that everything but my painting was rumpled and disheveled. I hopped in the driver’s seat and backed out of the driveway. I drove down the highway toward Odessa, my head still swimming. I wasn’t a good drunk driver. I never even tried it. I chugged more water and tried to concentrate. As I swigged from the bottle, I swerved off the road and had to correct myself before I ran into a ditch. My heart raced. That was close. Then I heard a siren behind me and saw a police car in my rear view mirror. Crap.

I pulled off the side of the road
. I DID NOT want to go to jail. That wasn’t going to happen. The police officer approached the car. He was tall and muscular. His broad shoulders pushed against the fabric of his uniform. He came and rapped his knuckles on my window. I rolled it down and smiled.

и регистрационные,” he said, not looking at me.

must have wanted my paperwork. I didn’t have anything to give him, and I couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

I’m sorry officer. I don’t speak Russian.”

Papers, Miss.”

Officer, I have no papers. Net dokumentov. I’m sure we could work something out,” I said letting my breasts nearly pour out of the maxi dress I was wearing.

Get out of car.”

But…,” I said, feeling my heart race. He was going to arrest me!

Davai!” he shouted.

I got out of the car, barely able to stand. Shit, shit, shit! He threw me up against the car and started to frisk me. His hands slid roughly down my body. Inst
inctively, I thrust my ass into his crotch. It was my one chance to stay out of jail. As if by magic or miracle, the rough patting slowed. He seemed to be considering his options. My ass flicked at his hardening cock, I could feel it raising to meet me. He turned me around and shared down at my face and breasts as if he was trying to understand the situation.

Then a big, rough hand grabbed the front of my dress and
pulled it down to my waist. With that, I smiled and thrust my face toward his and kissed him hard on the mouth, letting my tongue slip between his lips. He grabbed the back of my head and my ass and crushed me to his chest. Then he looked around at the highway surrounded by endless farmland and pulled me to the other side of the Range Rover.

opened both doors that faced the farmland thrust me over the front passenger seat . The view of us from the road was mostly obscured by the two doors. I didn’t really care if I was seen. He was the cop, hiking up the skirt of a woman on the side of the road. Privacy was his issue, not mine.

He pulled my panties off and smacked my
behind hard with the palm of his hand. Ouch! I heard the buckles of his belt unclasp. I was ready for him, and willing. Then I felt the impact of the leather belt on my ass. Shit! That fucking hurt. But he fingered me between smacks, and my body relented to the spanking.

He smacked me
with the belt again. It stung and I screamed from the pain. That made him shove my panties in my mouth and cover it with his big hand. It was undignified but the insult of it just made me wetter.

He unzipped his pants.
I was excited, but part of me was scared. Maybe the whole sex witch thing wasn’t really true. Maybe I was just getting fucked on the side of the road by a total stranger, and then I’d get arrested. I thought of Alexi and a tear welled in my eyes. I couldn't deny how turned on I felt, and the fear and guilt heightened my emotions. I was locked between lust and weeping. It made me scream under my gag.

I felt the tip of his cock pressing a
t my pussy lips. It was big and bulging. The cop was so strong I couldn’t move as he held me down. He thrust inside me and moaned. He started to pump me and let go of my mouth. His hand slid down to grip my hips. I spit out my panties and tried not to scream again. I didn't want him to get overly violent and hit me. The fear of him made my body prick with goose bumps. He pumped me, and I could hear him softly pant and moan behind me.

Yebat’,” he panted, “shloocha.”

I had no idea what he was saying, but
the tone of his words excited me. It must have been dirty. I pushed my ass up to meet his thrusting cock. His hands gripped my hips and bounced me hard. My breasts jiggled as I tried to lift myself up from the seat to breath. Then he yanked me up by my hair and put his hand on my throat as he thrust into me. His grip made my body quake. My pussy convulsed and clenched his dick. The rippling of my orgasm rocked him.

Ah, my little slut,” he growled, pounding me harder. His hard body and hard words threw me back into orgasm. He pushed me back down on the car seat coming hard inside me.

He withdrew, panting. His cum dripped down my leg as I turned to look at him. He leaned against the car door with one hand the other hand pulling at his pants. I let my dr
ess fall back around my legs and lifted the top over my breasts. I smiled, waiting for him to realize how much he worshiped and adored me. My pussy was still contracting as I gazed at him. He was fucking hot.

He righted himself and took my hand. He kissed
it. That’s when I knew he was mine. I didn’t even know his name.

I drove away from the scene of
the crime. By that time, my head was completely clear, as if I hadn’t been drinking at all. The cop simply let me go. But first I put his number in my cell phone. It might be advantageous to have a cop in my back pocket. Then the feeling of guilt washed over me. I’d just kind of cheated on Alexi. How would he feel about all this? He
I was a sex witch. He
me a sex witch. This kind of thing came with the territory. But it didn’t make me feel any less guilty.

Using my sex powers to get out of a ticket seemed like kind of a waste so I headed over to the flat, showered, changed, and grabbed my electronic translator. I was going to the licensing office so t
hat I would at least have papers if I ever got pulled over again. I should be able to bribe a cop with a few dollars. The next one might be ugly.

I arrived at the licensing office that was a dingy building in the suburbs. There was a long line in the must
y smelling room. The range of people amazed me. It was a testament to the dichotomy of the Ukraine. There were hunched old ladies in threadbare dresses and dirty head scarves, there were young men in nothing but ratty jeans and greasy tank tops, and there were people in the latest designer fashions.

It was a much wider gap than what I saw back home
in Seattle. Sure there were rich and poor people, but the way people looked on the street tended to be less dissimilar. Even the a maid or a fast food worker had a decent jacket to wear. You could get one at the Salvation Army or something. A lot of my classmates shopped at thrift stores. You could get some good stuff for a few bucks. Apparently that wasn't true here.

I stood in the back of the line and waited for it to slowly wind toward the window. It took most of the afternoon for me to finally get to the front of the line. By then, most of the office was empty. I
walked up to the window and spoke into my electronic translator to the woman behind the glass window.

I need an international driver’s license,” it said in Russian.

We don’t give those,” the translator said for the clerk.

I need to be able to drive here.”

Do you have a residence?”


Proof of residency please.”

I don’t have it.”

Come back tomorrow with the documents, we are about to close.”

I’m sure we can work something out,” I said, leaning over and letting my breast fall out of my dress, pressing against the window glass.

The woman looked surprise
d and then the spark of an idea crossed her face. She smirked at me and looked around the office behind her. There was no one else back there. She stood and looked around the waiting room. I was the last person there except for a little old woman who was sleeping on a bench in the corner. The clerk motioned to a door that opened into the offices and then lowered a sheet of wood in front of my face. I walked over to the door she indicated and waited. I heard the lock click and the door slowly creaked open.

Davai!,” she said, motioning for me to come inside quickly. She looked around the waiting room and locked the door behind us. I pulled her into me and locked my mouth onto hers, reaching under her gray suit skirt. She pulled away.

Zhdat’,” she said, turning to lock the door that lead to the back offices. Then she returned and pulled my breasts out of my dress. They jiggled there and we stared at each other. I smiled and started to open the buttons of her suit.

Net,” she said pushing me back on the desk behind me. She wanted to be in control. She pulled the pins out of her long black hair and it fell around her pale face. I reclined on the desk, pulling my dress up around my hips. She looked at me as if she was pleased, putting her hand inside my lacy white panties. Her long thin fingers inched inside my pussy and she looked down at me, her face cold and self-satisfied.

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