Entangled Love (3 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gray

BOOK: Entangled Love
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Sitting down next to her on the couch, he reached for her hands and was shocked when she pulled away and scooted to the far corner of the couch. Deciding not to push her too hard until he found out what had her so upset, he let her go and settled back into the opposite corner of the couch. “Evie, tell me what’s wrong.”


Evelyn took a deep breath and looked up to see Michael studying her from the other end of the couch. “The phone call I got earlier was from my dad.”


Michael nodded, “I know. So what did your dad want?”


Evelyn lowered her eyes again; “He wanted to take me to lunch.”


Michael said nothing for a few seconds. That was uncharacteristic of Mr. Davenport. He never did anything for Evelyn without ulterior motives. Knowing he probably wasn’t going to like what came next, he asked anyway, “And the reason for taking you to lunch was….?”


Evelyn was quiet for several minutes.  Finally, unable to sit still any longer, she rose and started pacing across Michael’s front room. Stopping in front of the stone hearth, she made sure she was facing away from him when she said, “He wanted to inform me that I was getting married on Saturday.” Closing her eyes as she waited for the coming explosion, she wrapped her arms around herself again, despair and sadness overwhelming her.


Michael was silent for a moment while her words sunk in.
Evelyn was getting married on Saturday?
No way in hell Evelyn was getting married on Saturday, because he wasn’t getting married on Saturday! What kind of shenanigans was her father pulling now!


Shoving him to his feet, “What do you mean, you’re getting married on Saturday?” Not one for raising his voice, Michael asked his question calmly and quietly.


Hearing the quiet reply, Evelyn turned to face him, bracing herself for the explanation that she would have to give. “It seems that my father has lost a considerable amount of money to Brad Taylor…”


“The Brad Taylor?”


Evelyn nodded and continued, “It also seems that Mr. Taylor has a son, Henry, who needs to grow up. Mr. Taylor has decided that in order to grow up, he has to get married – to me. “ Seeing Michael start to speak, she raised her hand to stop him and shook her head, “Let me finish, please?” At his slight nod, she continued, “Basically my father let me know that either I marry Henry on Saturday, or his father will have to be paid back with shares of stock in Davenport Shipping. Enough shares that he would then hold a controlling interest in my father’s company. Dad is convinced that if that is allowed to occur, Mr. Taylor will ruin the company and destroy him.”


Out of breath and hope, Evelyn drew quiet and when Michael didn’t immediately speak, she looked up to see him barely controlling his anger.  “You told him to go jump in a lake, of course?”


Evelyn shook her head, “He didn’t give me a chance to. When I got upset with him, he made me feel as if this was somehow my fault and it was my duty to marry this guy, to save the family. He walked out and left me at the restaurant.”


Michael took a step towards her, wanting to wrap her in his arms and protect her from the hurt he could see was tearing her apart. “Do you want me to tell him to go jump in a lake? I can call Victor and the two of us can go pay dad a visit.”


Evelyn shook her head, “You know that wouldn’t solve anything. In fact, it would probably make things worse.”


Michael finally got close enough to pull her into his chest for a hug, “Evie, don’t worry. We’ll figure something out. You don’t have to marry this guy. Your dad may just have to face the consequences of his actions this time on his own.”


Hearing Michael’s willingness to let her father fall on his face had her pulling away from him and walking a short distance before saying, “I can’t just sit back and watch this man destroy him? I have to do something.”


Michael followed her, shaking his head, “No you don’t. How many times have you bailed him out and put your own needs on hold? How many times have you sacrificed to save him, only to watch him gamble it all away again? It has to stop. You don’t have to do this.”


Evelyn felt the tears begin to slide down her cheeks once again, but didn’t have the strength left to fight them. “I don’t see any other choices at the minute.”


Michael swallowed the urge to rage at her. Why couldn’t she see that she was not responsible for her father’s actions? “You do have choices. What about us?”


Evelyn looked up at him, the hurt rolling through her body making her knees weak. “What us are you talking about?” She was an expert at avoiding the truth, maybe if she could convince Michael they really didn’t have anything beyond friendship, her heart would also believe it.


Thrusting his hands in the air in frustration, Michael turned away. Turning back a few seconds later, he advanced upon her, “You know the ‘us’ I’m talking about. Do I need to remind you of a certain kiss that I’ve been waiting over five months to repeat?”


Evelyn walked backwards as he advanced on her. She didn’t have the strength to fight her body’s attraction to him right now. Holding one hand in front of her, she told him, “That was nothing and you know it.”


“No, I don’t know it. You’re lying to yourself and I think maybe you need a reminder.” Grabbing the hand she held out, he used it to pull her closer and before she could offer more protest, leaned down and kissed her. Not a brotherly, nice kiss. A curl your toes, make your body sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” type of kiss.


Evelyn pushed against his shoulders, trying to find the will to fight him. The feel of him so close to her once again won the fight. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders she gave in to the sensations flooding her body and kissed him back. There was a hint of desperation in her kiss, as if she might never have this opportunity again.


Michael could sense the emotions running through her and ran his hands up and down her back in a soothing gesture. She tasted good and felt perfect in his arms.  Moving his mouth along her jawline, he murmured, “It’s going to be alright, Evie. You’ll see. I’ll help you work things out.”


As his words registered, Evelyn was brought back to the problem she currently faced and it had the effect of a cold bucket of water being poured on her head. Pushing at Michael’s shoulders, she removed herself from his arms and took several steps backward, putting some distance between her and him. “It won’t work out Michael unless I do what my father has planned for me.”


Reaching for her again, and not liking it when she moved another step away from him, he turned and walked to the other side of the room. He needed to make her see that she didn’t have to solve this problem. “Again, this is not your problem. It’s your father’s and he needs to deal with it on his own.”


Evelyn shook her head, “Michael, you know I can’t do that to him.”


“Why not?!!” Michael drew in a deep breath and counted to ten, trying to calm himself down. “You don’t even know this guy and your dad expects you to marry him in four days?”


Shrugging, she said, “The timing was Mr. Taylor’s. He wants his son to grow up, rather sooner than later.”



“Well, if you can’t tell your dad no, call Mr. Taylor and tell him. You can’t honestly be thinking of going through with this.” Turning to face her once again, “Tell me you’re not really thinking of doing this?”


“What other choice do I have?”


“You have me.”


Evelyn shook her head, “No I don’t. We’re friends, remember. And you and Victor have the company to think about…”


Michael stopped and stared right at her, “What do you mean, ‘Victor and I have the company to think about?’  Did you happen to hit your head at lunch and forget that you are part of that company as well?”


Evelyn started crying again and hated her lack of control, “No, I didn’t forget. But Mr. Taylor expects me to spend the first month of my marriage to his son at his property in Spain, getting to know Henry.”


Michael began shaking his head at the absurdity of what her father and Mr. Taylor had put together, “Evie, listen to what you’re saying. Not only are they expecting you to get married to a guy you’ve never met, they then want you to spend a month in another country with the same guy. That’s ridiculous.”


“That’s what I told my father. Mr. Taylor made it clear to my father that the timing is non-negotiable and the wedding has to happen this Saturday.”


“You’re talking as if it’s going to occur. This is crazy. Call you
r dad and tell him to figure out another way to clear his debt.” Saying this, Michael walked over and handed her the phone. “Do it. Call your dad and tell him you’re not marrying Harry.”






“His name is Henry, not Harry.”


“I don’t care if he’s the damn Pope, you’re not marrying him in four day, or four weeks.” Michael continued to hold the phone out to her, demanding that she call her father and decline his offer.


Evelyn looked at the phone, everything in her wanting to reach out and take it. She could make a thirty-second phone call and put this all behind her. Unfortunately, the other voice in her head reminded her that making that phone call would also be destroying her father and potentially Davenport Shipping.


Looking up she met Michael’s eyes and slowly shook her head. “I can’t.”


Michael stared at her, angry with her father for putting her in this situation, but also angry with her for not having the backbone to stand up and take something for herself. Angry that she wouldn’t stand up and fight for what the two of them might have.


Thrusting the phone in her direction one more time, he said, “You can. One phone call, Evie, and this will all be behind you and we can focus on the company and us. I care about you and I know we could make things work between us. Give us a chance. Make the phone call.”


Evelyn stared at Michael and knew that the decision she made in the next few seconds would forever change her life, one way or another. If she made the call, she would have no further excuse to avoid Michael. If they found they couldn’t make a relationship work, she would lose him, most likely his friendship and ultimately Victor and their company as well. She would have already lost her father and would be left with nothing.


If she didn’t make the phone call, she would definitely hurt Michael and lose the company. She would have to work hard to make up for hurting Michael, but he would eventually get over it.  She would still have Victor. She would still have her father, and maybe this Henry guy and she would be able to find a way to co-exist in peace.


Taking a deep breath, she raised her eyes back up to Michael’s and whispered, “I can’t make the call. I can’t willingly destroy my father just to save myself from the unknown. I know you don’t understand, but all of my life I’ve been taking care of him. I can’t just stop being his daughter. “


Michael dropped the hand holding out the phone. He could see the resignation on her face; she meant to get married on Saturday to save her father’s sorry ass, once again. Shaking his head, “I can’t believe you’re going to let your dad steal your life and dreams away from you. When are you going to learn? He’s the one who should have been taking care of you all those years, not the other way around.  I can’t believe your willing to throw away the company and our relationship over this.”


Evelyn had heard enough, “Michael, you keep referring to ‘us’, but there is no us…”


“Not for lack of trying on my part!” he shot back.


“That may be,” Evelyn conceded with a nod, “But can you blame me. Your friendship meant more to me than any date and I just couldn’t risk it.”


Michael looked at her, sorrow making his words harsh and cruel, “Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing now?”


Evelyn took a step towards him, “Please don’t say that. I need your friendship more now than ever.”


Michael shook his head at her, “Don’t ask me to be your friend and help you throw your life away. I won’t do it.”


Evelyn stared at him in shock. It had never occurred to her that if she married Henry she would lose Michael’s friendship immediately. Michael looked at her and mourned for what might have been. He hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself, but he was half-way in love with Evelyn and had been since they were in high school. He had never acted on it because he always felt that she would be there when he was ready to settle down. He had taken her for granted and now it was coming back to bite him in the butt.  Knowing how he really felt about her, there was no way he would be able to watch her marry someone else and build a life without him. He just couldn’t do it.

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