Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)
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“I thought of nothing save my beautiful Ajená.”

“This is madness, Syadar, selfish madness.”

“Selfish? It was anything

“How can you even say that?”

“Because…” Syadar paused before continuing on with his life-changing tale of blind promises and untold love. “I sought him out, Vareilious. I sought the Prince from the Northern clan. I spoke with him about your Jenevier. I told him how glorious she was, how she’d fallen wholly in love with his very image. He desired her past the point of sanity.”

“What’re you saying, Syadar?”

“I’m saying I sought out the

“What? Have you lost your furry little mind?”

“Purrrhaps. She tends to have that effect on me. Nevertheless, her happiness was all that mattered. I only wanted to see her smile. If giving her to the Northern Price would accomplish that, then so be it.” He hopped down from the stone, trotting toward Vareilious. “I told her everything, Guardian. And… guess what?”

Vareilious didn’t answer.

“She cared not. My beautiful little Ajená, she didn’t wish for anyone, save me. So… I freely gave myself to her. I mean, she owned me, anyway.”

Vareilious just stood there, mouth agape.

return to me, one day,” he purred. “And when she does, she will never leave my side again.”

Vareilious only shook his head in disbelief.

Syadar sat down in front of the flabbergasted Guardian and waited until their eyes met.

“Tell me. Why did you come this day, looking for my beloved Ajená? Has she decided to take her rightful place by my side?”

The massive warrior sighed and looked to the clouds. “She’s been taken. We cannot find her.”

“Taken? Against her will?” Vicious growls emanated from the giant cat. “Do you mean to tell me my Crown Princess and only life mate is in danger?”

A tear trickled down Vareilious’s perfectly sculpted cheek. “We know not, Syadar… we know nothing.”




When the massive Guardian disappeared into the clouds once more, a great white cat stepped from within the trees.

“What are your intentions concerning the Angel?”

“My intentions, Father, are as lurid as you can possibly imagine,” Syadar purred.

“Give answer to me now, Prince Syadar. The future of our clan depends on you.”

“She is my only wife. I will not take another.”

“How can you say this? She’s not even here on Byzantha. How is it you plan on securing our lineage with an absent wife?”

“Ajená will return to me when her other obligations have been fulfilled. Why is it you wish now to rush the coming of my many cubs? Is there contention within your kingdom?”

“Your brothers boast many cubs already. And there are some who question your sincerity toward your royal duties.”

“My royal duties? When have I ever shirked such things? All my brethren have disobeyed you in times past. Yet I never have. From where does this concern arise, Father? Who’s
responsible for your troubled heart?”

His father sighed. “I have heard whisperings, rumors concerning your winged mate. Is it true she already loves the Northern Prince? Did you not go to him and tell him thus yourself?”

“I did.” His brown eyes glistened with excitement. “She hasn’t actually met the Northern Prince. She fell in love with a Guardian who chose the form as his mask. I told her all about him and she wished not to know him. Seems my lovely Ajená is more concerned with the soul than with the body. She loves what lives within, not the parts you can see.”

“That’s a very rare thing, my son. But how can you be certain she’ll not go with him once she finally beholds him in the flesh? When she learns of the true cat residing within
as well?”

“I touched her heart, Father. I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me. I watched as she went from fascination, to lust, to admiration, finally settling upon a resolute commitment. She
me, Father. She made the decision within her own heart. She wasn’t coerced. She accepted me and she will honor that bond, always.”

“Very well, Syadar. As you wish. I only hope
heart can take it, my son.”

heart?” He chuckled. “Name one who has as loving a heart as I.”

“That’s exactly what I mean. You may talk and tease like a tomcat. But you love like a warrior—all or nothing.”

“And… you find that to be a weakness?”

“I do not. Yet, I cannot banish the worry growing within me.” He looked hard upon his favored son. “Syadar, have you given any thought to how your life will be if you continue on with the Angel? How will you feel when she leaves? Her very nature calls her wings away from you.” The aging white cat sighed heavily. “I
believe she will lovingly bear your cubs, my son. Alas, she will leave many times during your life. By your own words, she has numerous obligations elsewhere.”

“Yes. I will admit to having a few pangs of jealousy already. But I plan on loving her with every single ounce of me. When I’m blessed with her presence, I’ll make sure I stay on her mind when she again must leave me. I’ve determined to be her everything, Father. I’ll not only be her husband and lover, I’ll be her truest friend, her most loyal partner. Perhaps she’ll come to find it too hard to leave me, impossible to roam too far away from our home.”

“If she is who you say she is, then
her obligations will mean as much to her as the one she now holds with you. She is Angel, Syadar. She is eternal. Perhaps she was meant to bear your cubs, yes… aiding in the continuation of our kind. But what of others? Will you be well in your heart if she has promised to help
races, to be
blessed mother, to birth young for

“I’m not certain, Father. I suppose I’ll have to be satisfied with what she can give me. You never know. Perhaps our love will be so powerful, it will comfortably see me through her absences.”

“I hope so, my son. I truly hope so.”

Chapter 19






“Cease that infernal pounding or I shall tear out your throat with my teeth,” Jenevier yelled.

“Open the door and halt my fists yourself!”

Her screams tore through him once more. Musashi was kicking the massive doors, commanding the guards to bring up the battering ram.

Chaos had broken out in the palace. Only Mikage Abe stood afar, a stoic figure upon the sidelines, silent, menacing at a glance.

“I cannot,” she cried.

Fresh new shrieks of pain pierced Musashi’s ears, pushing the Emperor to the brink of madness.

“I need Vinika, please… oh God… please! Vareilious must whisper the words to me now. I cannot do this without him.”

Her next screams caused tears of frustration to pour down Musashi’s terrified face. “Mikage, do something! Bring her brothers, ease her pain, send her back from whence she came. I care not which, just

The old Shinobi didn’t move. His eyes were focused on the gilded door knobs barring entrance to Jenevier’s room. He showed no recognition in response to his Emperor’s cries.

“Show me mercy, Musashi,” she yelled. “Take pity on me, please. I’ll do all you ask if you will simply bring Varick to me now. I’ll stay here with you forever. I swear it. Just do this one thing. I beg you!”

Her heartbreaking pleas tore a frustrated shout from the mighty Emperor as he drew his steel, unsheathing his power, hacking wildly at the forbidding barrier blocking his way to her side.

Her next screams caused even Mikage Abe to cover his ears, just as the palace guards appeared with the massive iron log, splintering the offending doors.

Musashi pushed through, racing to her side, demanding every person present to leave the top floor of the palace. He dove into the middle of her giant bed, crawling toward her outstretched, trembling hand. She thankfully seized him.

“Does Varick come? Did you tell Mikage to fetch my brethren? Something’s wrong, Musashi. The time isn’t right and my son’s voice has ceased within me. Please, tell me my Guardian’s wings are rapidly approaching.”

At her pitiful words, Musashi looked down and noticed the blood… so much blood. He froze, his breath caught in his throat, his heart nearly forgot its beating.

“Mikage! Do as she says. Hurry!” The Emperor’s shouts resonated throughout the now abandoned hallways.

“He’s gone, Sire.” The tiny voice of a tearful Mika revealed her sitting on the bed, staring at the growing crimson stain, inching ever closer to her trembling knees.

Musashi’s cries mingled with Jenevier’s as she all but crushed the bones in his hands.

“I am dying. My son dies with me.”

“No! I won’t let this happen.” He turned to the traumatized girl. “Mika, go get some blankets and water. Jenevier, look at me. Look at me now,” he demanded. “The babe hasn’t turned. If I do not turn him now, you’ll bleed out.” He placed his hand upon her forehead, looking deep into her terrified eyes. “Trust me… and forgive me,” he whispered.

Mika nearly dropped the pan of water as she met Jenevier’s fresh new hellish screams upon reentering the room. Musashi was straddling her, pressing against one side of her encumbered stomach.

“Go to her, Mika.” Yui’s calm voice made the girl jump again.

The quiet Shinobi approached the dying mother and his frantic Emperor. Yui crawled onto the bed, seating himself behind Jenevier. He gently leaned her back upon his strong chest. She eagerly took hold of each proffered hand.

“So, you’re the lovely Mother of Angels I’ve heard so much about. It seems my childhood friend and my fierce Emperor are equally smitten with you, Milady. We cannot break such noble hearts this day,” he whispered. “Listen to me now. Try to concentrate only upon my words.”

“Help me,” she cried pitifully.

“I will do my best, Mistress.” His voice remained calm, reassuring. “Musashi, Sire, you must turn him from within. Pressing more upon her will only cause needless harm. You must feel for his head with your hand, or you must cut her. Now’s the time. Do not give pause to your course of action.”

The Emperor held up his massive hands, they were trembling. “But… Yui… look at the size of my hands. What you ask of me is not possible.”

“Then you must cut her,” Yui said calmly.

“Wait.” Mika’s shaky voice caught their attention. “I’ll find his head. I will turn him.”

Both men looked down at her tiny hands, relief washed over their pale faces.

“Besides, you’re my Guardian Angel, right? And I know a boulder when I see one.” Mika smiled as she crawled onto the giant bed and bowed before the colorful Angel.

“Yes, my child. And you’re my sweet cake.” Jenevier tried to smile. “I knew that the moment I first laid eyes upon you.”

“Apologies, Milady. I will be as gentle as possible, but… it
hurt you. I am sorry.”

She winked at the girl. “You’d think I’d be used to pain by now.”

Musashi looked from the glowing woman to the raven-haired girl. “You know each other?”

“Aye, Brother, that we do.” She tried to imitate Vittorio and chuckled at herself just as fresh pain shot through her already exhausted body. Screams replaced her laughter.

“You must breathe, Milady. Steady yourself. Feel my chest rise and fall. Follow my lead. Blend your breathing with mine,” Yui instructed. “Try to relax as much as you can. Mika will be as gentle as possible, but your pain will only increase if you cannot relax. Hold tight my hands. Do what you must to me, Princess. Relax your body… breathe with me… focus on me… concentrate only upon my voice.”

Yui continued his calming words. Jenevier couldn’t help but flinch when Mika began to tenderly search for the tiny Angel within. She squeezed hard upon the young Shinobi’s hands while she focused solely on his calming instructions.

“Listen to me, colorful Princess,” Mika said. “I need you to push now.”

The glorious sounds of her son’s cries, as Musashi cleaned out his nose and mouth, caused her heart and soul to swell to bursting. The happy tears gushed forth, unhindered, as the Emperor placed the swaddled babe in her weak, trembling arms.

Yui gasped. “He is… so…
.” His vision blurred with his coming tears as he looked down over her shoulder at the perfect child, swaddled blissfully in his mother’s loving arms.

“Mika, see to the bleeding,” Musashi instructed.

Before Mika could touch her, Jenevier’s already weakened body was racked with pain once more.

“Take the babe, Musashi,” she cried. “Take my Angel. Something’s wrong.”

The Emperor scooped up the crying bundle, cooing to the babe, easing his fears. “Come here, my little Tenshi. Come to Papa.”

Jenevier grabbed tight to Yui’s hands as the calm Shinobi again helped to regulate her breathing. She concentrated on his words.

“I have to push, Mika!” she half screamed, half cried.

With the remains of her strength, Yui supported her as she pushed one last time, and collapsed.

“Jiro…” Mika whispered.

Jenevier faintly heard the wailing cries before exhaustion claimed her fully.

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