Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)
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Chapter 23






“But how did the babies get
your tummy?”

Jenevier could only smile. “You remind me so much of myself, little one. I’ll tell you under one condition.”

“And what’s that?”

“You promise not to get scared,
… you can never tell anyone else.” She chuckled at her own very adult-sounding warning. “I mean, don’t go around telling your maiden friends… unless they’re of proper age…
they ask.”

“I promise.” Mika beamed with anticipation.

Sitting on the spacious balcony, looking out upon this beautiful realm, Jenevier couldn’t help but laugh inside with each new horrified expression that crossed the young girl’s shocked face.

She is me at her age, truly she is.

“It’s not as scary as all the images running through your head, child. It is a beautiful, wonderful thing. But only with someone you love. When you are a woman, you won’t be so frightened when the time is right. Your fears now only prove you’re not of a proper age. Not yet old enough to be entertaining such thoughts as these. If you wish, when you’re ready, come to me. I’ll open my mind to you, Mika. I will let you
what it is I speak of, witness it for yourself. If you’re
ready, my thoughts won’t be such a shock. The images will not scare you, as my description has. Then you’ll see for yourself, little one. You have nothing to fear from such a beautiful thing as love.”

“I believe I already know what’s in your mind,” Mika mumbled.

“Truly?” Jenevier stopped fanning herself and looked at the lovely dark-haired girl. “How so?”

Mika blushed. “Because a man from my village used to think about doing some of the things you just described. I knew not
he was thinking of doing to me… until just now. I only knew, in
mind, I was scared and crying while he lay on top of me, smiling.”

“Oh, Mika, honey. I’m so sorry you had to see that. I know not this man, but he did not love you. If ever I should meet him, send me a secret nod. Stay clear of him, child. Love won’t make you cry. Well, not the way
was thinking.”

“So, he’s evil then?”

“I cannot tell you for sure, little sweet cake. More than likely, he’s never been in love, doesn’t know the true joy of it. His thoughts toward you were only physical, child. That part is but the
part of love, insignificant compared to the joyous feeling living inside you. I cannot explain properly what your heart does not yet know.” She took a long look at the confused little ninja girl, jumbled thoughts filling her head. “Do you truly wish to know what my very first taste of love was like?”

Mika’s eyes went impossibly wide. “Oh yes, Lady Jenevier, please. I wish to know more than anything.”

She leaned her head back against the chair and closed her eyes. Opening her mind, Jenevier allowed the girl to see and hear and feel everything she experienced that blissful night. Standing on her back porch, Alastyn holding her in his arms, the feel of his warm breath upon her tingling skin, the tender kiss he placed atop her head. She let the pure, euphoric sensation wash over her, reveled in the memory, swept away by the amazing butterflies she felt all over again.

, my dearest Mika, is what your first taste of love will feel like.”

She gasped. “That’s love?”

“Yes, my child. That’s love. In its purest, most glorious form.”

Her lavender eyes glistened with anticipation. “It was the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced. Will it be the same for me, too?”

“I hope so, Mika. I wish it with all my heart.”

“Do you not find it unnerving—speaking with someone you cannot see?” Musashi said as he entered her room.

Jenevier, once again, avoided telling the Emperor she could actually
the invisible Shinobi girl
the time. She maintained her reservations concerning this man’s intentions toward her. Divulging her secrets didn’t seem a wise thing with him. He was a hard man to read, at times.

“Good morning, Emperor. How goes your kingdom?” She smiled sweetly.

“I’ll surrender it to you now if you will grant me but one moment to hold little Tenshi in my arms,” he said.

“Done. You may leave your scepter upon my nightstand.” She winked at him, waving her hand in a mockingly dignified royal manner.

“Emperor Musashi, are you their father?” Mika asked, innocently.

“Only in my dreams, child.” He smiled lovingly at his angelic prisoner and then down at her beautiful firstborn. “Only in my dreams.”

“Then who’s their father?” Mika turned her curious gaze upon Jenevier.

“He was my husband.”

“Where is he?”

Her chest tightened painfully at the girl’s simple question. “He’s in a place I cannot go.”

“When will he get to see them?” Mika asked. “When will he get to hold his sons?”

“I know not if he ever will.” Her silent tears were no longer containable.

The inquisitive little raven-haired girl took them as a sign to halt her questions.

“He was very handsome,” Mika said, trying to comfort her.

“Who was?” Musashi asked.

“Lady Jenevier’s husband. He had curls in his hair and his eyes were greener than new leaves.”

“No, my child.” Jenevier smiled through her lonely tears. “That was my first love, not my husband. I didn’t marry until many years later. I was but a child when I first met Alastyn. I was a seasoned warrior when finally I wed.”

Mika gasped again. “You were a warrior?”

“I have been many things, child. Most of them would haunt your dreams, so I’ll not speak them to you.” She ran her fingers through the girl’s silky raven locks. “I have a picture of their father in the vanity, there.” She pointed. “I will gift it to my sons when they’re older.”

“May I see it? Please?” Mika begged.

“Of course, child. But treat it with care. I only have the one and no hope of another.”

The curious young girl carefully opened the small drawer. She found a handful of dried flowers and the picture of Apollyon to be the only things inside.

“Are these flowers some treasure of yours as well?” she asked.

“Yes, Mika. I hold them precious in my heart. I had them in my hand when Mikage brought me here. Take care with them. They were a gift, given by the purest heart I have ever known. That drawer holds the only belongings I carried with me to your layer.”

“Never have I seen such a thing as this,” Mika said with a gasp. “Our pictures are painted or drawn.”

“Yes. It is a treasure beyond value,” Jenevier whispered.

The excited girl ran to Musashi, holding the picture up for him to see. “Have you ever seen such a man as this? In the whole world, never has a man been so beautiful. Even Yui isn’t as fair as this man. Look at his eyes. They take away my breath. If one such as this loved me, I’d be the happiest woman to ever live.”

“It’s a hard thing, learning to see past the wrapper, treasuring the gift within.” Jenevier softly smiled. “A man’s looks alone will not guarantee your happiness, child. Alas, with
man, the one you now look upon, to me… he was as perfect on the inside as you now behold on the out.”

Musashi’s eyes drifted from the picture in Mika’s hands to the angelic woman now lying upon the bed.

“Sire!” Mika furrowed her brow, staring hard at the Emperor. “What would make you think such bad things about Tenshi’s father? You told me never to wish a man dead for no good reason.”

“I have good reason,” he mumbled.

Jenevier muffled a laugh. “Do not find fault in your Emperor, child. He is but a man, and men cannot always control their jealousy.”

Musashi ignored her comment. “Mika, go see if you can find Mikage Abe or someone who knows of his whereabouts. Listen to their thoughts and report back to me. The old wizard’s not in his quarters. I wish words with him.”

“Yes, Sire.”

Mika carefully returned the picture to its private resting place before she quietly left the room.

Musashi lay down upon the giant bed, placing the beautiful babe beside his sleeping brother. He then looked at their glowing new mother.

“I’m not the only man to ever feel jealousy concerning you, surely.” He openly pouted, very nearly blushing.

“Take it not upon your heart. It was but jest.” She smiled at him. “I was simply enjoying Mika’s innocence. That’s all.”

“Don’t show that beautiful smile to me, Milady. Already I plan day and night how I may keep you locked away, hidden from the rest of the world. My own personal treasure. If you look at me that way, smile at me like that with those heavenly eyes of yours, how will I ever be able to accept my bitter reality?” He touched her hair, worship and adoration evident upon his face, in his actions. “I wish to be their father, Princess. I want to be your loving husband. I gladly surrender my throne to you, only promise to smile at me, just like that, every single day.”

“My heart is not mine to give. This you know. I am another man’s wife, Musashi, and happily so. As for your kingdom, Jinn could wish for no better ruler. Don’t take your title so lightly.”

“Your honest words crush me, a pain I never imagined.” His eyes wavered slightly. “Jenevier, I beg of you. Grant me but one kiss, just one. If you can say those same words with mirrored sincerity after our lips have parted, I will press you no more.” He took her hand in his, lightly kissing it, tracing the tip of his nose down her fingers. “A kiss has the power to stop time, Milady. A kiss can seal two souls together, changing their reality, burning its blessed memory upon their hearts for all eternity. A kiss wields more power than does a sword. For a kiss cannot only kill, it can heal as well. No steel can manage that miracle. None hold such magic, claim no such charm.” He turned her hand over, kissing her palm, cupping it around his warm lips. Holding her there, as if in prayer.

One of the babes cried. Jenevier waited patiently until the Emperor slowly opened his sad eyes. She gently pulled her hand away and put the babe to breast.

Musashi sighed resignedly. “How can you tell them apart? I have looked closely. I can find no mark upon either, no distinguishing difference.”

“Nor have I,” she said. “They are identical in every way… on the outside. Their
are a different matter. They each have their own, incredibly distinct personality. On the inside, they’re as different as daylight is to moonlight.”

“And this you can sense?”

She smiled down at her nursing son. “I can.”

Musashi propped his head on his hand. “What will you name them? Have you decided?”

“I have studied upon it, yes.” She sighed, looking at the Emperor, meeting his gentle gaze. “Naming them was something I wished only to do with Varick. I’m finding it extremely difficult to do so on my own. I feel… by blessing them with their eternal name, I’m stealing something extraordinarily precious away from him. Varick loved him wholly, without thought, without reservation.” She smiled. “And that’s when we believed there was only one. He would be over the moon if he could see the twin miracles laying here beside me now. My devoted husband, keeper of my shattered heart, their rightfully appointed Guardian… I’m being forced to move forward without him. It pierces me, wounds my soul.”

“Can you ever forgive me?”

“This one, here.” She nodded toward the suckling babe. “He is exceptionally bright. His mind races from one thing to the next. I fear he will be
than a handful.” She laughed softly as she smiled down at her little Angel.

“So… you will act as if I did not speak?”

She rolled her eyes. “How do you wish me to answer you, Musashi? This is but my third day here. I was torn from my home, essentially died in childbirth, now I’m blessed with not one, but
tiny Angels. I haven’t taken the time to ponder guilt, retribution,

“Daichi,” he whispered.


“Daichi, it means intelligent, wise. The old women would say the babe which suckles you now, is Daichi.”

Jenevier only stared at him.

“I wish I could take it back. I wish I’d never laid eyes upon your story. I wish I was a better man, one who would’ve considered you first. I wish many things, Milady. Once I find Mikage Abe, I’ll turn those wishes into your dreams. Send you back from whence you came.”

Musashi tried to hide his tears as he left her bedchambers.

Jenevier smiled down at the tiny Angel in her arms. “Don’t worry, my little Prince. We’ll go home when the time is right, with or without Mikage. I only wish I could take these beautiful moons you love so much back home with us.”

The babe squirmed, seeming to smile as he nursed and slept.

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