Entrelacen (18 page)

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Authors: Dani Morales

BOOK: Entrelacen
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Chapter 26

Okay, that explains what happened
inside with Gran. Wow. That's awesome
that she can project her thoughts. I
wonder if she could do that with me. I’ve
never thought about practicing whatever
‘ability’ I might have because I thought it
was all over. Maybe it’s just beginning, and
this is why I’m here. Maybe she’s the one
I’m supposed to protect. Mom said it could
be an object or a person, so maybe I’ve
found my charge.

What I’m feeling toward her is more
than protectiveness though. I wish I could
ask Mom how I would know when I meet
the person I’m meant to protect. So many
questions are swirling through my mind.

“Okay you said you projected your
thoughts to Gran. Did you do that the
first time you were here?”

She is clearly trying not to look at
me. When she finally does, I don't want to
see what I see in her eyes. Indecision,
worry, fear. I’m all too familiar with those
feelings. Seeing her fight them makes me
want to take it all away.

“No. I didn’t intentionally project
them to her, but I was thinking loudly.
Why aren’t you afraid of me or thinking
that I’m crazy?”

Is that fear I see in her eyes? Is she
afraid I’m going to think she’s crazy? If she
only knew that all I want to do is take her
away and protect her, she wouldn't be so
terrified. She has to be the one I'm
supposed to protect.

“April, I’m far from being afraid of
you. You are not crazy, so don’t think
that. Let me tell you something about
myself, and then we can get back to the
other question you seem to be avoiding.”

I smirk at her, knowing it will bring
a blush. As if on cue, her face turns a
gorgeous shade of light pink. So I debate
on where to begin. I don’t want to lie to
her; I’m not sure I could even if I wanted
to. I’ll just gloss over some of it. That’s not
the same thing as lying, right?

“As a kid my dad was abusive. My
mom would try to hide me from him so
he couldn’t hurt me. One night I tried to
help her after she hid me. I was seven.”

I pause to let it sink in and take a
look at her face. Horror lines her face. Her
eyes are wide, and her hand covers her
mouth, while the other is fisted over her

I clear my throat, “That’s when my
mom and I left. We were always on the
run and never stayed in the same place
long, until we moved here to Vegas. Then
he found us. I was 13 and Agatha lived
next door. I was able to get him away
from my mom. He put me in the hospital
that night. He’s in jail now.”

My head starts hurting. I don’t want
to go on, but I know she deserves to know.
So I continue, not looking at her, but past

“Then strange things started
happening. I started having dreams about
my mom’s death. This guy stalked me and
talked to me inside my head. Then I had
another dream saying I was destined for
something more." I sighed, “That’s when I
talked to mom. She said we came from a
long line of protectors. She told me about
my dad and the amulet he stole from her.
On my 18
birthday ‘they’ came for me
and said I belonged to them. They killed
my mom. I had a choice to make.
Apparently I made the right decision, but
I ended up losing four years of my life.”

I finally look at her. She’s looking at
me with... longing... That can’t be right. I
basically just told her that my life is
cursed. How can she look at me like that?
She’s taking this all rather well. That has
me concerned about what she could
possibly be hiding from me.

“Do you think the coma was caused
by the choice you made?" She asks in

“That’s a good question. I've thought
about it a lot. It’s the only thing that
makes sense because the doctors didn’t
find anything wrong with me.”
I have only known April a few days, but it
seems like so much longer. The only other
person I’ve ever felt this comfortable
around was Deandra, but this is
completely different. There’s more than
the feeling of friendship. With Deandra, it
was like we were the same. With April,
there is a raw need, an ache that can only
be taken away with nearness. She makes
me feel something more than the
suppressed anger that I still carry around.

”Now back to the topic on hand.
Don’t think I didn’t realize that you left
part of my question unanswered.”

She looks down at the table, nibbling
on her lip, and takes a deep breath.
Maybe I don’t want to hear who’s making
her happy now.

“I know we’ve only known each
other a few days, but the connection I was
talking to Gran about when you walked in
was... well, it was you.”

She drops her gaze and looks
around, not looking at my face. My heart
skips a beat and then pounds the
pavement like it’s trying to escape my

She continues on, “I know it sounds
ridiculous, but that day I ran into you, I
felt safe. I thought it was just because I
haven’t had any real contact with a guy in
two years. Wait! I, uh, I didn’t mean it
like that, well hell.”

I'm smiling like an idiot. She's
blushing because she's just realized what
she said and she tried to back track with
no success. I'm trying really hard not to
laugh, but the longer she tries to avoid my
gaze, it escapes.

She narrows her eyes at me in a
scowl. Now I know I’m lacking in
experience when it comes to girls and
relationships, but aren’t scowls supposed
to make you cringe? I mean, when I would
get the scowl from mom, I would drop
everything and do what she told me to
because it was scary. Well April has that
look down, but it doesn’t make me stop
laughing. It makes me laugh harder, and
the scowl deepens. It only furthers my
attraction towards her.

That scowl is quite possibly the
cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
“If you’re just going to laugh at me,
I think I’ll take off early.” She practically
growls at me.
Have you ever heard a girl growl at
you? Can you say hot? I want to grab her
by the arms and pin her up against the
door. “Wait, I’m not laughing at you. I’m
laughing more at myself.”
“Whatever Logan.”
“Don’t be mad April. If it makes you
feel any better, I feel that same
That catches her attention. It also
makes our gazes lock onto each other. I
watch as her eyes, which are a deep green
today, move back and forth trying to read
mine. I can still tell that she is hiding
something else, but she isn't totally sure
about me yet. I don't want to push her, so
I let it go. For now.

Chapter 27

I can’t believe I just told him that I haven’t
had any contact with a guy for two years. Epic fail
April. I also learned some things about him, things
that I wish I could takeaway Maybe that’s what the
dream was about. I never did ask Gran about that.
How was I able to be there and see everything without
him seeing me? I know he felt a presence because he
turned around to face me, but he was like he was
looking through me without seeing me.

He feels the same connection I do? What does
this all mean? How can it be so frustrating? I want to
be friends with him, but this complicates things,
especially when he looks at me like he wants to
ravage me in front of everyone, damn the
consequences. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away
much longer.

As I search his eyes, I see honesty and trust.
His eyes are begging me to trust him. I can’t though,
not yet. He can see through me when he looks in my
eyes, so I lower my gaze. It’s not just about me. I have
the boys now; they will always be my priority. As
much as I want this with him, it can’t happen. My
heart breaks just a little.

“What is it April?” He sounds so concerned,
like he would take away all of my pain if he could.
The bittersweet thing, is that I would do the
same for him. It’s not the right time to tell him about
the boys. I’m going to have to do it soon though. I
won’t be able to stay away much longer.
“Ugh, I have to go. This was nice. Thanks
again for filling in the blanks in your life and umm,
listening to me.”
I get up and practically run to the door before
he can try to stop me. Gran sees my face, shakes her
head, and tells me to take the rest of the day off. I
head straight out the door into the safety of my car. I
make it home very quickly and have about forty-five
minutes before I need to go pick up Michael, so I start
cleaning. I set an alarm on my phone, put my ear buds
in, and play some music.
I do the quickest cleaning job ever. The
kitchen is spotless, the laundry is drying, downstairs
bathrooms are cleaned, and the living room is in
order. Jumping back in the car to go get Michael, I
start thinking about everything. Would it really be so
bad to let him know I have kids? I almost feel
ashamed of myself that I’m keeping such a big secret
from him. Putting it out of my mind for now, I focus
on the kids. I decide to pick up the other two at the
same time since I don’t have to go back in tonight. We
get home, do some homework, and order some pizza
for dinner.
SinceIt’s Friday, I let the boys pick out some
movies, so we can stay up and hang out like we used
to. They’re beyond excited. I decide we should do this
every Friday. They all crash out pretty early, so I take
each one of them upstairs to bed. I grab my book to
read some more. It’s late when I get a text.
April, Logan is going to be taking a few weeks
off, you don't mind opening and closing all week do
He can’t be taking off because of me, can he? I
reply back and tell her that’s fine. Now I’m really not
in the mood to finish the book, so I head up stairs to
go to bed.
The next two weeks go by slowly. One
morning, I get to work before Gran does and start
opening up everything. As it gets closer to summer,
the weather is getting warmer. Today it looks like it
might rain though. That thought has me feeling
excited. It doesn't rain much in Vegas, and the last two
weeks have been long and slightly depressing, so it
seems like a good time for gloomy weather. I haven’t
talked to Logan since I bailed on our lunch. He’s
supposed to come in around lunch today, and I’m
slightly nervous. I don’t know what he’s been up to or
where we stand, but I know it’s time he knows about
the boys.
I had a talk with Mathew last night, and it
went better than I thought it would. Preoccupied with
thinking about our conversation, I’m running around
the store on autopilot.
“Hey Mathew, can I talk to you for a few
He stopped running after the boys outside and
sat next to me on the dirt floor. The construction was
still going on at the house. Apparently one of the guys
hit a line while he was digging, and it set them back a
few weeks.
Brushing some dirt off of his hands, “Sure
April, I mean Mom, what’s up?”
“Mathew I told you, you don’t have to call me
mom. Don't force it. It’s okay to call me April.”
“Okay. I have this friend I work with at the
bookstore, and I was wondering if you would like to
meet him. I want you to know I’ll always ask you
before I bring anyone to our home. You boys come
first, you understand?”
“I understand. You can bring him, maybe he’ll
play with us like Anthony does when he comes over.”
His eyes lit up. The poor kid surrounded by
women. The boys could use some male interaction.
“Okay. If I see him at work tomorrow, I should ask
him to come hangout with us?”
“Sure! Maybe he will play outside with us. We
can team up and have a water balloon fight!”
I laughed so hard at the expression on his face.
He gave me that look that said ‘what’, and I just
laughed harder.
“Okay mom you are being weird. Can I go
back to play before we take baths and go to bed?”
“Of course. You boys have another twenty
minutes before coming in.” I shouted the last part, so
Lee and Michael could hear me.
The door opens to the store, and my thoughts
are pushed to the side. I look around to see no one in
the store.
Hmm, that’s odd. Maybe whoever it was
walked out? I
go to the door to look outside, and
there’s no one there. Shrugging my shoulders, I make
coffee and set the donuts I bought down on the
counter. Then, I fix the few books I see that are out of
It’s eerily quiet. The hairs on the back of my
neck stand up alerting me to someone or something
behind me. The temperature around me is dropping
fast. My breath is starting to show as I exhale. As
much as I want to turn around to face whatever It’s,
my body is frozen in place.
“You must be April.” The voice isn’t male or
female, but a mixture of both. How’s that possible?
It’s husky and deep like a man’s, but holds a feminine
quality. It sets me on edge, and my walls go up.
“Obviously, you know that, or you wouldn’t
be here.” I reply defensively.
“You do not want to anger us; it will get you
nowhere. So stubborn, just like the other one. When
will you both learn that It’s easier to comply?”
“The other one? I’m sorry. I have no idea what
you mean.” Everything I have learned about Logan is
rushing through my mind. Is this what he was talking
about? Goddess, I hoped not. I turn to face the person
speaking to me, and there’s no one there.
“You’re more powerful than he is, but not
smarter. You’ve known about your heritage for a long
time, so that makes you more guarded. That is why
you can’t see me.”
“Or maybe it’s you who is afraid.”
His presence is starting to irk me. I feel anger
coursing through my veins. I instantly think that I
need to protect my kids. If he’s here, then he can get
to them. That can't happen. I won't allow it.
“You should not tempt me. It’s not wise. I’ll
see you again soon.”
Just like that, all the air came rushing back,
and my skin began to thaw. Something isn't right. I
need Logan, and I need him now. Just as I’m thinking
that, I hear a crash by the back door. I try to force my
legs to move, but it’s like they were frozen.
Adrenaline is flooding my system, while the flight
instinct is pressing all over my skin, but I’m moving
nowhere. Logan rushes into the room and practically
flies to my side.
“Are you okay?” His voice is strained. Filled
with panic, his eyes are searching the room. He gets
into a defensive posture in front of me. It’s like he is
encircling me with his body. If I wasn’t stuck to my
spot, freaking out inside, the way he is wrapping
himself around me would be too much to keep me
from kissing him. Maybe this is the universe telling
me to let go and have faith everything will be okay.
His arms come to touch mine. As soon as his skin
makes contact with mine, he pulls his hands back.
“April, you are freezing. Can you talk to me? I
need to hear that you’re alright.”
“I’m off-fine. I just dddon’t have feeling ii
my lllegs yet.”
I never realized having chattering teeth could
be so annoying. Logan runs to the back room and
comes back with a blanket. I can already feel the
blood rushing to my legs, and I start to tilt to the side.
“Whoa. Easy there April. Let me help you.”
He gently moves me to the floor. I’m sitting half on
his lap and half on the floor. He’s alternating rubbing
my arms and legs trying to cause friction to warm me
up. All I can do is sit there. The only thing going
through my mind is
please god, goddesses, universe,
or whoever, please protect my boys.
“Logan, when you said that a guy told you that
you were theirs, or whatever, did you feel like you
were frozen in place?”
He doesn't even have to answer me. I can tell
by his face turning white and his widening that he had
experienced what I just went through before. It was
the same guy, and now he is coming for me. At least I
think he is...? All he said was that I was more
powerful then Logan. He never said who he was after.
“He was here?” I’ve never heard his voice
sound so angry.
“Yes, no, I don’t know. I couldn’t see him, but
I heard him. It was just like howwe’re talking now.
He said that I’m more powerful than you, and he said
that I couldn't see him becauseI’m more guarded than
“Did he say what he wanted?”
“No. He just told me that I’m stupid, and I
shouldn’t challenge him. He also said that you and I
are alike, except that I’m more powerful than you,
whatever that means. He said he would be back.”
“We need to talk to Gran.”
“Logan wait. There's something I want to ask
you, now more than ever. We can wait until Gran
comes into work to talk to her. He won’t be back for a
while, not with both of us here. Just don’t, please
don’t leave me alone please.”
I know I sound weak. I’m never weak, but the
man disappeared when he knew Logan was coming,
so I’m scared he might come back if Logan leaves. I
sound weak, but I don't care.
“I wouldn’t leave you even if you tried to
make me.”
An overwhelming sense of love was flowing
through me, but that's not possible. I’ve only known
Logan for a few weeks. How can I already be in love
with him? It’s there though; I can feel it. I look over at
him to see him watching me. He has the same
expression on his face that I would assume is on mine,
so I do what I always seem to do when he’s around. I
blush. This causes him to smile, a real genuine smile
that reaches all the way up to those gorgeous eyes.
That’s when Gran walks in. She looks around
and notices that there’s no one in the store. She turns
back to the door, locks it, and flips the sign to close.
“April, I need to talk to you right now. Logan, go grab
us some lunch from Jack in the Box.”
Logan tries to protest, but she cuts him off
before he could get a word out of him mouth. I look at
him and still see worry on his face.
“It's okay Logan. Gran is here. I’ll be fine,” I
say, trying to smile at him, which doesn't feel right,
and from the grimace on his face, I can tell he doesn't
buy it either.
Gran grabs my hand, and my body goes rigid.
I don’t remember walking, but I’m now sitting down
at the table where Gran and I met for the first time.
She hands me the necklace she was making me and
tells me to put in on, so I do. The minute the Onyx
touches my skin, everything around me pulses. I feel
all of my emotions melting away. Then love and the
feeling of protection take over my entire body. It’s a
different type of protection than I’m used to feeling.
Someone is protecting me, rather than the other way
“Gran, who added these three stones?” I ask in
wonderment. I know that the first two stones
symbolize love and protection, but I’m unfamiliar
with the moonstone. It might have something to do
with new love becauseI’m definitely sensing love. I
can feel my entire body coming into alignment. The
fear I was harboring is taken away, leaving calmness
and love in its place.
“Logan,” she says it like it’s no big deal, while
shrugging her shoulders.
Why would Logan have picked out these
stones for me? An internal battle is raging within me.
I’m confused thinking about why I could be feeling
love towards him so quickly, why he picked these
specific stones out for my necklace, and what was
coming for my family.
“Before you worry your pretty little head too
much, I need you to do a few things for me. First,
calm your mind. When you get emotional, your
thoughts are very loud, and it’s messing with my
concentration. Second, love just happens. There’s no
time frame for it; it just is. Third, the man who was
here is the same one Logan had to face when he was
18. He was also right that you are more powerful than
Logan. Do you know why that is?”
I take everything she just said into
consideration and think about all of it. Do I know why
I’m more powerful than Logan? No. Then a memory
I was 18 and my mom took me on vacation
here to Vegas. We had our cards read buy this psychic
who said I was an Indigo Child
As I remember that, I know why I’m more
powerful than Logan. I look up at Gran, who has a
smile on her face.
“It’s because I’m an Indigo Child, isn’t it?”
“Very good. Do you know what an Indigo
Child is, April?”
“I've some a little research. I’m supposed to
possess special traits, know my purpose, and be an old
Come to think of it, I never believed the
psychic, well not completely. I always knew I was an
old soul because there have been so many things that
reminded me of a past life, like being drawn to Wicca,
anything Native American, and Las Vegas. I really
feel the pull to Vegas when I’m in the Red Rock
Mountains. I could be having the worst day and just
driving through those mountains gives me instant
“All true. So do you know what your purpose
What is with all the questions? Shouldn't she
be telling me what I need to do? I know she knows
what my purpose is. I knew what it was the day my
dad had Mathew. My purpose was to be here for those
boys and to provide them with the opportunities they
wouldn’t have had if they stayed with their biological
“Yes I know my purpose. The boys have, are,
and will always be my purpose.”
“What boys? April, what are you talking
about?” The deep husky voice that normally sets my
heart on fire has me frozen in place.
I didn’t want Logan to find out about them this
way, but I’m relieved that I can finally let go of this
secret. Taking a deep breath, I say, “Logan, maybe
it’ll be better if you sit. I have some stuff to tell you."
He makes his way over to the table. You could
cut the tension in the air with a knife. I mentally and
emotionally prepare myself for the brush off that I’m
sure to get from him after he hears everything.
I continue once he sits down, “Before what
happened earlier, I was going to invite you to hang out
tonight.” I pause and look up at him to see him
smiling. While I'm memorizing his face, it shifts from
looking happy to worry at what I’m going to say next.
“I had a conversation with one of three guys that are
extremely important to me and he agreed that I should
ask you to come hang out with us.” He has this look
that says he is confused and trying to put pieces
together. His eyes are expressionless though, like he’s
trying to hide his emotions from me.

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