
Read Entrelacen Online

Authors: Dani Morales

BOOK: Entrelacen
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by Dani Morales

Copyright © 2013 by Dani Morales
All rights reserved. Except as permitted under
the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this
publication may be reproduced, distributed, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in
a database or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.

Cover Design by Emma Hart
Edited by Katie Woodard

The characters and events portrayed in this
book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons,
living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the

This book is licensed for your personal
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Table of Contents


............................................................... 8


.................................................................. 9


Chapter 1
............................................................... 12


Chapter 2
............................................................... 23


Chapter 3
............................................................... 36


Chapter 4
............................................................... 47


Chapter 5
............................................................... 62


Chapter 6
............................................................... 71


Chapter 7
............................................................... 88


Chapter 8
............................................................... 95


Chapter 9


Chapter 10
............................................................ 118


Chapter 11
............................................................ 128


Chapter 12
............................................................ 138
Chapter 13
............................................................ 153


Chapter 14
............................................................ 163


Chapter 15
............................................................ 177


Chapter 16
............................................................ 187


Chapter 17
............................................................ 212


Chapter 18
............................................................ 222


Chapter 19
............................................................ 230


Chapter 20
........................................................... 240


Chapter 21
............................................................ 251


Chapter 22
........................................................... 256


Chapter 23
........................................................... 262


Chapter 24
........................................................... 268


Chapter 25
........................................................... 276


Chapter 26
........................................................... 284


Chapter 27
........................................................... 293
Chapter 28
........................................................... 304


Chapter 29
........................................................... 322


Chapter 30
........................................................... 329


Chapter 31
............................................................ 336


Chapter 32
........................................................... 343


Chapter 33
........................................................... 350


Chapter 34
........................................................... 356


Chapter 35
........................................................... 364


Chapter 36
........................................................... 373


Chapter 37
........................................................... 384


Chapter 38
........................................................... 394


Chapter 39
........................................................... 414


Chapter 40
........................................................... 425


Chapter 41
............................................................ 434


............................................................... 441
................................................. 461


About the Author
................................................ 463
............................................................... 464
“All our dreams can come true, if we have
the courage to pursue them.” –Walt Disney

I dedicate this book to everyone who has ever
had that moment when you didn’t think you could
possibly go on but somehow found the strength. To
the people who said dreaming is for kids and said I
would never accomplish my dreams.

Look at me now.

To my mother without you none of this would
be possible. And to my three boys, this is for you, to
show you that dreams can come true. Without the
three of you this story would never have been written.

I love you all.
“I laughed too, enjoying life fully for the first
time in as long as I could remember. One tragic event
had changed everything. Shifting our lives to bring us
together and we would be forever changed because of



-Tiffany King,
Forever Changed

As I sit behind the counter reading a rather
thrilling book about twin guys, a girl, and their love
triangle (Yes, it’s one of “those” books) I look up and
study my surroundings. This little book shop may not
seem like much, but it really feels like home. Stacked
on the cherry wood shelves behind me are all the
novels that inspired me to work in a bookstore.
They’re my personal collection of favorites, the ones I
always recommend to customers. Needless to say, I
sell a lot of them.

Wait, I’m sorry, let me back up a bit because
I’m getting way ahead of myself. My name is April
Martinez, and even though I’m only twenty five, I’m
certain that I’ve experienced more and had to grow up
faster than any “ typical “person my age. It’s been
quite the challenge to say the least, but somehow, I
managed survive it all. It’s hardly a fairy tale, but it’s
my story.

I’m standing in the entrance of the
Book store’s “New Age” section. I glance
over at the girl, correction-“beautiful
girl,” behind the counter who currently
has her nose stuck in a book. All of the
sudden, it seems like time actually slows
down. I don’t know exactly what It’s about
her, but I’m suddenly unable to move.
What the hell? I mean, it’s not like I’ve
never seen a hot girl before. Not to brag
or anything because I swear I’m not a
player, but I do know how to handle
myself around women and for me, this is
just. Not. Normal. In fact, it’s the most
amazing thing I’ve ever felt. And if it
didn’t feel so perfect, I’d be
seriously freaked out right about now.

Whoa, I sound like total psycho.
Sorry, just let me try to explain what’s
going on here. Because before you can
understand my life now, you have to
know about the long and rather twisted
path that brought me and “hot bookstore
girl” together. I’m Logan Mathews. And
I’m going to tell you how I managed to
overcome my troubled past, and face my
fears. It’s how I finally learned to do what
I had always believed to be impossible;
how to love, and have hope for the future.

Chapter 1

I was always the shy, smart girl who got taken
advantage of,a lot. I didn’t care because at least
people liked me for it. It sounds crazy right, why
would anyone do that? Let’s just say that life hasn’t
always been easy for me. I also know life isn’t about
being easy or hard; it’s about making something of
yourself. That’s why at age twelve I decided I wasn’t
going to have the life my mother and father had. I
wanted more. So I dedicated everything I had to
school. Of course, that was only until I realized what a
loser my father really was, and then I started helping
my mom out. I have the best mom and though we
have our differences, no matter what we’re always
there for each other. My mom worked her ass off
every day, but we barely got by. So when I was finally
able to work, that’s what I did. Yeah, that meant I had
to grow up early, but I had no complaints because
that’s what family does. You take care of each other.

Making friends has never been one of my
strong suits, so the few I had were really important to
me. I would do anything for them. I’ve always been
able to sense people’s intentions, so I know who to
stay awayfrom. It’s like the energy they carry around
them is tainted and I’m instantly repelled with the
idea of being anywhere near them. My mom always
said it was because we came from a long line of
women who dealt with various forms of magic. She
said that one day she would explain to me what it
meant to be one of us. I had no idea what she meant,
but it calmed me to know there was an explanation for
some of the things I felt.

Magic always fascinated me, but it wasn’t the
casting of spells that drew my attention. It’s the part
of magic my mom was talking about that enamored
me. It was basically the same thingwe’re all taught,
“Do unto others as you would want done to you.” It
was the idea that everything was connected that
captured and held my attention.

Little did I know, magic was going to play a
big part in my life. I wish it could have warned me
what was to come, maybe it did starting with my
upcoming birthday. My fifteenth birthday was coming
around and it seemed like my life was starting to
unravel. Starting with the relationship, or lack of one,
with my dad. I think I’ve always known what he did
to earn a living, but wanted to live in denial. I mean
ignorance is bliss, right? Wrong. Finding out what he
actually did through my friends had my friend Lisa
and me making a pact that if life got too hard we
would take off and leave everything behind. Lisa was
always having issues with her siblings. Her parents
were never around and if they were it made no
difference. She was always a shadow in a room full of
light. We were kindred spirits that way. We both
sought attention from the people who weren’t able to
give us the kind we needed.

I know it was an odd pact for me to make with
someone, especially because my mom and I got along
so well. Our relationship isn’t like a normal one. My
mom is my best friend. We have the type of
relationship people envy. So why make the pact, you
ask? That’s simple. It all revolves around my brother.
He always got all the attention. He was ADHD and
took it to the extremes, played the card really well. He
was always getting into trouble or fighting. That
meant I was left to the side because I took care of
myself. I was the good kid who always went to
school, never complained, helped out anyway I could,
and never spoke up. So I figured if I, well we, ever
acted on our pact, I would be taking a stand saying,
“Here I’m. Do you see me now?” Stupid and vain
maybe, but that’s why I did it. I never actually thought
we would go through with it, so what was the harm in

On one particular Friday morning, I got ready
for school like usual, looking in the mirror and being
disappointed with what I saw. I’m really insecure with
the way I look. Shocker, right? I love shopping for
other people, but not for myself. So back then I hid
behind baggy shirts and baggy pants, nothing that
showed my shape, or lack of one for that matter. I was
comfortable hiding behind layers. That day was no
different. I wore baggy blue jeans and a black shirt
that was my actual size, large. I have always been
endowed in the chest area. On top of that, I wore a
black jacket, which I never left home without because
I hated my arms. Did I mention I liked school? Yeah, I
know I have 'nerd' written all over me, but school
always felt safe. Math and literature don’t judge you.
It’s the same wherever you go. I could actually solve
these problems and figure this stuff out. It’s the one
area in my life I felt like I had control over.

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