Equine Massage: A Practical Guide (53 page)

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Authors: Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt

BOOK: Equine Massage: A Practical Guide
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Antagonist, 153

muscle, 212

Appaloosas, 305, 309, 311

Center of gravity, 298

Approach, horse, 45–47, 51

Central nervous system (CNS),

Arabians, 305, 310, 314

7–10, 60–62

Argentinean Thoroughbreds, 311

Chest, 141, 145, 148–149, 188, 232

Arteries, equine TMJ, 264

Chronic injury stage, 89

Arterioles, 12

Chronic stress points (small

Arthritis, 47

spasms), muscular problems, 11

Attitude (yours), myofascial

Circulatory system, 11–15,

massage preparation, 250–251


Auditory horse, 42, 44–47

Clapping, tapotement massage, 81

Autonomic nervous system (ANS),

Clinical examination results,

7–10, 249


Clothing, safety considerations, 50

Back, 125, 142, 151, 184–186, 191,

“Cold back” condition, 301–303

214–218, 232, 239–240

Cold therapy, 89–93, 116

Beating, tapotement massage, 83

Colitis, contraindication, 47

Belgians, 314–315

Collagen, connective tissue, 247




Compression, petrissage, 65–67


Concentric contraction, 27,

massage movement, 62–64


neuromuscular technique, 106

Condylar joints, equine TMJ, 262

recuperation massage, 144–147

Conformation check-up routine,

soothing massage, 85


stimulating massage, 86

Congestion, origin-insertion, 114

swelling massage, 102–103

Connective tissue, tendons, 26

trigger point techniques, 105

Connemara Pony, 314

Elastin, connective tissue, 247

Contact, application guidelines, 58

Elastocollagenous, fascial

Contracture, 31, 114–115

restrictions, 249–250

Contraindications, massage, 47–48

Elbows, 100–101, 107

Contusions, 303–304

Emotional memory, fascia, 250

Cool-down, massage routines,

Endocrine system, 15


Endorphins, 51, 59

Cow hocks, 193

Endurance horses, 310

Cranial superficial pectoral

Equine influenza, 47

muscle, 211

Equine Temporomandibular Joint

Cross-hands, 255–257, 288

Dysfunction Syndrome (ETDS),

Croup, stress points, 237–238


Cupping, tapotement massage

Equine TMJ

movement, 82

arteries, 264

Curb, ligament tear, 192

caudal lesion, 269

Cyldesdale, 314–315

deep fascia, 265

Cysts/tumors, contraindication, 47

ETDS, 260–277

head fascia, 265

Deep fascia, equine TMJ, 265

incisive lines, 271

Development stretch, 174–175

lesions, 268–270

Devices, 91, 94

mandible latero-lateral

Diagonal lines of compensation,

movement, 271



Diarrhea, contraindication, 47

protraction/retraction, 271

Digestive system, 15

massage guidelines, 271–277

Dishing, lameness indicator, 195

mastication muscles, 265–267

Double hand muscle squeezing, 67

neck stretches, 273

Double-hands friction, 254–255

nerve supply, 263

Double-thumb kneading,

palpation techniques, 270–271


rostral lesion, 270

Draft horses, 314–315

skeletal structure, 261

Dressage horses, 309

superficial fascia, 265


Ear pulling, 274, 275

articulation, 261–263

Ears, relaxation, 122

vascular supply, 264–265

Easy stretch, techniques, 174

veins, 265

Eccentric contraction, 27, 110, 153

Eventing horses, 309–310



Extension muscles, 163, 165

Hand positions

Extension stretch, necks, 177

approach techniques, 46

External abdominal oblique

double hand muscle

muscle, 216

squeezing, 67

effleurage movement, 62–64

Facial (adjust) nerve, 263

elbow massage, 100–101

Fascia, 23, 27, 247–250

fist compression, 65–66

Fast twitch fibers (FT), 23

friction movements, 75–77

Feedings, session factor, 44

kneading, 64–66

Feet, conformation, 191

laying on of hands, 84–85

Fetlock joint, ligaments, 22

muscle squeezing, 67

Fetlocks, conformation, 190

myofascial massage, 251

Fetlock stretch, forelegs, 178

nerve manipulation, 77–80

“Fight or flight” reaction, 7, 10

palmar compression, 65

Finger friction, hand positions, 75

petrissage movements, 64–71

Fist compression, 65–66

picking up movement, 68–69

Fistulous withers, 47

reinforced index finger,

Flat bones, 18–19

98, 100

Flat hand vibration, 72–73

sensitivity development, 54–55

Flat racing horses, 312–313

shaking movements, 73–74

Flexion muscles, 163, 165–166

skin rolling movement, 70–71

Flexion stretch, 177–180

stroking action, 60–62

Float line, conformation,

tapotement movements, 81–84


thumb massage, 98–100

Foals, initial massage response, 41

vibration movements, 71–73

Forelegs, 154–158, 177–181, 189

wringing movement, 69–70

Forelimbs, 278–280

Hand pressure, 258–259

Forequarters, stress points,

Hanoverians, 310


Harness racing horses, 313–314

Forging, lameness indicator, 195

Head, 131–137, 146, 187–188, 196,

Forms, case history, 322–332

201–204, 232, 265

Friction, 75–80, 86, 105, 274–275

Head lowering, relaxation, 121

Full-body massage, 42

Head massage, 42

Health checks, massage session, 44

Gaited horses, areas of stress, 312

Health problems, 41

Gel complex, 247

Heat therapy, 93–95

Geldings, 41

Hernias, 47

Girth, conformation, 188

Herpes, 47

Gloves, safety considerations, 50

Hind, legs, 159–162, 181–184,

Golgi apparatus, 31

218–227, 233

Golgi tendons, 107–108

Hind limbs, 278–280

Hindquarters, 142–143, 145–146,

Hacking, tapotement massage,

149–151, 192, 218–227, 233,



Hackney horse, 314

Hip extension deep stretch, 182

Hamstring stretch, hind legs, 181

Hip extension stretch, 181–182



Hip flexion deep stretch, 183

Intervertebral muscles, necks, 204

Hip flexion stretch, 181, 183

Isometric contraction, 26,

Hips, 238, 282–288, 295–296

110, 153

Hocks, 192–193

Horses, 40–42, 45–47, 298–299

Jaw rocking, ETDS massage, 277

Horse’s information, 316

Jaws, mastication muscles,

Humerus, stress points, 206


Hungarian Trotter, 314

Joint calcification, 47

Hunters, areas of stress, 307–308

Joint capsule, 19, 22


Joints, 18–22, 192–193, 261–263

cold therapy, 89–93

Jugular vein, equine TMJ, 264

defined, 87

Jumpers, areas of stress, 308–309

Golgi tendon, 107

heat therapy, 93–95

Kinesiology, 153–170

ice cup massage, 92

Kitchen scale, exercise, 56–57

injury recovery stages, 88–89


origin-insertion technique,

ETDS massage, 273–274


Golgi tendon, 107

poultices, 95–96

neuromuscular technique, 106

recuperation massage, 144

petrissage technique, 64–66

swelling, 102–103

swelling massage, 102–103

treatment, 88, 306

Knees, conformation, 189–190

trigger points, 104–105

Knots, 138–143, 249

water temperatures, 87

Hpertonicity, 104

Lacing/plaiting, lameness, 195

Hypertonic muscles, 106–109

Lactic acids, 144–147

Hypotonicity, 104

Lameness, indicators, 195

Hypotonic muscles, 106–109

Lateral carpal flexor muscles, 213

Lateral flexion, 163–164, 166–167

Ice cup massage, 92, 103

Lateral stretch, necks, 176

Iliocostalis dorsi muscle, 215

Latissimus dorsi muscle, 209–210

Illness/problems, 318–319

Laying on of hands, 84–86

Index finger, thumb technique, 98,

Legs, 130–131, 148


Ligaments, 18, 22–23, 167–170

Infectious conditions, 47

Ligamentum nuchae, neck, 204

Infectious diseases, 47

Light harness horses, 314

Information exchange network,

Lines of compensation

fascia, 249

diagonal lines, 282–286

Infraspinatus muscles, 208–209

external network, 281–292

Injuries, recovery stages, 88–89

internal network, 292–296

Injury recuperation massage,

side lines, 288–291

42–43, 45

transversal lines, 286–288

Insertion tendon, 26, 107, 110

Loins, conformation, 191

Intercostal muscles, 218

Long bones, limbs, 18–19

Internal abdominal oblique

Longissimus dorsi muscle, 215

muscle, 217

Lymphatic congestion, 13



Lymphatic system, 11, 13–15

Myofascial massage, 245–259

Lymph nodes, 13, 144

Lymphocytes, 13

Neck, 138–139, 148, 164–167,

176–177, 187–188, 196, 201–204,

Maintenance massage, 42–45, 105,

232, 235, 240–241, 288–291


Neck crest, 122

Maintenance program, 320

Neck rocking, 123–124

Major complaints, 317–318

Neck stretches, equine TMJ, 273

Mares, initial massage response, 41

Nerve friction, application, 79–80

Massage routines

Nerve irritation (neuralgia), 47,

cool-down, 150–151


maintenance, 138–143

Nerve manipulation, 77–80, 86

recuperation, 144–147

Nerve pressure, 78–79

relaxation, 119–137

Nerve stretching, 80

trouble spots, 151–152

Nerve stroking, 78

warm-up, 147–150

Nervous reflex effects, 60

Massage skills, 45–47, 51–54

Nervous reflex massage, 86

Massage therapy, 1–2, 40–47,

Nervous system, 7–10, 60–62,

49–50, 302–303, 306


Mastication muscles, 265–267

Neuromuscular, massage, 106–109

Mechanical effects, 59–60

Metabolism, positive effect, 59

Origin-insertion, massage,

Microspasms, muscular system, 31


Missouri Fox Trotter, 312

Origin tendon, 26, 107, 110

Morgan horse, 314

Muscle belly, 23

Pacers, areas of stress, 313–314

Muscle imbalance, fascia, 250

Paints, 311


Palmar compression, 65

foreleg, 154–158

Palmar kneading, 103

hind leg, 159–162

Palpation sessions, 3, 270–271

hypotonicity, 104

Panels, saddle fitting, 300–302

maintenance massage, 138–143

Parasympathetic division, 7, 10

neck kinesiology, 164–167

Paso Fino, 312

neuromuscular massage,

Pasterns, 190–191


Percheron, 314–315

proprioception, 106

Periosteum, bone membrane, 18

rib cage kinesiology, 164

Peripheral nervous system (PNS),

“stay” mechanism, 167–170


stress point locations, 110

Peruvian Paso, 312

stretch reflex, 173–174

Petrissage, 64–71, 85–86

vertebral column, 163–164

Phlebitis, 47

Muscle spindle, 31, 108–109

Picking up, petrissage, 68–69

Muscle squeezing, 67–68

Pintos, 311

Muscular problems, 11

Plaiting/lacing, lameness, 195

Muscular system, 22–23, 26–39

Pleasure horses, areas of stress, 307



Pneumonia, 47

Quadriceps muscle stretch,

Point vibration, 73


Poll-evil, 47

Quarter Horses, 305, 308–309,

Polo ponies, 311


Pommels, saddle fitting, 301

Ponies, 305, 314

Radial carpal extensor muscle, 213

Posture, 52–54, 175–176

Recuperation massage, 42–43, 45,

Poultices, hydrotherapy, 95–96


Pounding, tapotement massage, 84

Reinforced index finger, 98, 100

Pregnancy, 47

Relaxation massage, 42, 44,


120–137, 273

application guidelines,

Reproductive system, 15, 18


Respiratory system, 10–11

beating movement, 83

Retraction, 27, 153, 155–156,

clapping movement, 81


compression movements, 67

Rheumatism, 47

cupping movement, 82

Rhomboid muscles, 207

effleurage movement, 63

Rhythm, 58–59, 63, 67–68, 70,

elbow massage, 100–101

73, 252

friction movements, 76

Rib cage, 164, 188, 214–218

hacking movement, 82

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