Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga) (20 page)

Read Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga) Online

Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #love, #paranormal, #time travel

BOOK: Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga)
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“You can do this,” Victor said. “Listen to your body. You were built for this, and I promise your beautiful body will not let you down.”

I made fists against my thighs. I could feel the baby descending down the birth canal. I took a deep breath and pushed even harder, accompanied by bloodcurdling screams of power and determination. With every bit of Immortal strength I had, I pushed. Inch by inch, Alex’s head began to emerge. I felt a burning sensation as the baby crowned. As soon as one powerful contraction let up, I was hit by another one. There was no rest between the painful waves, and catching my breath seemed like an impossible feat.

“You’re doing fantastic,” Victor said. “I see his head! Keep going. A few more pushes, and our son will be here.”

I could barely hear him through all my wails. I rested, then bore down again. I pushed hard and long at the crescendo of the contraction.

“Keep going, Sarah! One more slow push.”

It was blinding pain. “It’s burning!” I screamed, enduring the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life.

“Push through the pain.”

I focused on Victor’s voice. Squeezing his hand, I screamed. Droplets of sweat rolled down my face. I gave it one long, hard push, and I felt Alexander exit my body.

“I’ve got him!” Victor shouted excitedly. “You did it, Sarah! My goodness, he’s so beautiful!”

I did it? Really? I did it!

After an hour of hard pushing, Alexander slid out and made his way into the world. He was crying at the top of his lungs, covered in white vernix and smears of blood, moving his little arms and legs. He was my baby, my son, my world, my pride and joy, and he was absolutely beautiful.

I smiled, tears flowing down my face as emotion consumed me. “You’re here,” I said. “You’re finally here.” I had never felt such pure happiness. It was truly indescribable, serenity I never could have imagined.

“Meet our handsome prince,” Victor said. He laid the baby on my chest, and I cradled him, still in complete awe of his existence.

As tears galore streamed down my face, I cried out, “I’ve waited so long to meet you, little one.” A bond formed immediately between us. “I’m your mother, and I love you so much, my precious boy.” I looked down at his sweet face and wet tangle of dark hair, then back up at Victor. The baby had wide lips and full pink cheeks, and his eyes were wide open. As he blinked, I couldn’t help but notice how blue his eyes were, just like his daddy’s. “He’s more perfect than I ever imagined or dreamt.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Victor said.

Tears streamed down my face. “We love you, sweet boy,” I said, voice wavering.

Alexander’s face was red from crying. I tried to soothe him by softly singing to him, the same song I’d sung to him in my womb. Our eyes locked. He stopped crying and stared straight into my soul, as if he knew exactly who I was, his mother. My composure crumbled again as more tears poured down my face.

None of the pain mattered anymore. I’d delivered a life into the world, my very own, gorgeous son. Nothing could’ve prepared me for that fantastic moment, holding my new baby with my wonderful husband smiling down at me. Tears dripped onto his face, and I wiped them away. My fingers touched every line and curve of his little face. I was holding a brand new life, breathing and crying, and it was an amazing feeling to know Victor and I had created him. I was still in shock that he was a real human being, that I’d given birth to him. He was so adorable, and I couldn’t believe he was mine. His little hand gripped my finger, our first touch, and I was overcome with sheer joy. 

Victor and I were lost in that magical moment. As I looked into his eyes, I watched a tear roll down his face. He had lived hundreds of years, but I’d given him his first child. I couldn’t stop crying as I touched his cheek. We no longer had the power of our rings, but nothing could have been stronger than what we felt in that moment. I’d always thought myself strong, but caught in the little blue-eyed stare of my baby, I could only sob tears of happiness.

My baby looked right up at me, and I melted. It was love at first sight. I stared at his face and marveled that we’d made such a beautiful baby. “Hello,” I sobbed. “Yes, I’m your mommy, and it’s so nice to meet you.”

“I’m so proud of you, Sarah,” Victor said.

I squeezed his hand. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

“Look at that full head of hair.”

“Just like his daddy,” I said.

“Welcome to the world, Alexander,” he said proudly. “I am your father, and I couldn’t be prouder.” He then cut the cord, wrapped our baby up in his black shirt, and kissed me on the forehead. He handed our sweet baby back to me.

Holding him was an unimaginable feeling that no words could describe. My heart and soul swelled with a love so deep, so pure. I’d lived long enough to bring Alex into the world. My unstable energies hadn’t killed me, and that was a miracle in itself. Alexander had a guardian angel in Dr. Meyers, for she’d given me the lifesaving medication that had kept me alive until I could find the eternal bloom. If it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t have been holding my son in my arms. Looking down at Alexander I realized all over again that with love, anything is possible.

I felt the biggest rush of euphoria as I gazed at my newborn. Alexander was the pure creation of love. When I looked at my little miracle, all the pain and worry quickly became a dim memory. I cuddled his tiny, warm body, looked into his eyes, and held him tightly against my chest.

Victor touched my face. “I’ve fought alongside brave men in glorious battles, but no one is as brave as you. You’re my hero, Sarah, and I love you with all my heart. Our son is beautiful, just like his mother.”

A tear streamed down my cheek as I met his emotional gaze. “We did it.”

He kissed my lips. “We did. Our boy is healthy and strong.”

“And so alert!”

I knew my job wasn’t done yet, but with one more push, the placenta came out; of course I had no desire to look at what was happening down there. Victor had seen me at my worst. I was a hot, sweaty mess, and he’d had to witness some grotesque things; nothing is glamorous about birth. But in the long run, we’d brought a life into the world. Nothing could have been more touching or beautiful, and I would never forget that day. I’d never been happier as my heart swelled with incredible joy.

Watching Victor hold our son was one of the most heartfelt moments I could ever imagine. The powerful Immortal king gently kissed Alexander’s head and ran his fingers over his little face, pouring out his affections. It gave me a whole new reason to love Victor. In that cherished moment, I knew we were a family, and nobody would ever tear us apart. We would be together through thick and thin, always and forever.

I held my baby up to my chest, and he latched onto my breast straightaway. I stroked his soft face and slowly rocked him as he suckled. He soon fell asleep in my arms, lulled by my comforting voice, warmth, and heartbeat. I kissed Alexander on the head. “I love you so much.”

Suddenly, a low
caught my attention. Glancing up, I squinted. A helicopter thundered in the distance as it approached.

“Do you hear that?”

“Yes!” Victor said. “Stay right here. I’ll be back.”

I nodded as he ran off. Rocking my baby, I prayed someone had come to rescue us.

Thirty minutes later, Victor returned with a smile on his face. “They’ve seen us!” he shouted.

“So I take it we’re going home?” I asked softly, caught in the dream-like moment.

“After our hospital-ordered visit from Jackson,” he said.

“I don’t even mind,” I said. “I’m just glad we’ll all be together and that we’re all alive.”

He cupped my face as emotions spilled into his voice. “Are you ready to leave, my love?”

I smiled at Victor as I stood. Excitement and relief washed over me like a tidal wave. We were rescued. I was alive, and I had my family. When Victor wrapped his arm around me, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was overcome with incredible joy. We would raise our son to be the man he should be.

Victor placed a kiss on my lips and I smiled even bigger. Having Alexander was the single most amazing moment in my life. Neither of us knew what the future held, but we knew one thing for sure: Our child would have our undying love, attention, affection, and devotion forever.

Victor kissed my lips again, then kissed our baby on the head. I had a loving husband and beautiful child, and a whole new chapter of our lives had just opened.
What more could I ask for? My life is perfect now.
I knew I wouldn’t sleep that night. I didn’t want to, for fear that I might wake up from my beautiful dream.

The End


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Book 6 – Eternal Flame will be released Spring 2014
See cover on next page.

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