Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly (11 page)

Read Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly
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Sidara poured the boiling contents through a sieve then into a mug. “Yes, for twenty-four hours, you will be hidden. You could walk into the king’s home, and he would never track you. This along with your ability to cloak should give you complete invisibility. Now drink.”

He grabbed the offending cup and downed its contents in one gulp. The taste far worse than the aroma. He took a deep breath to keep from retching. She had been right. He held no desire to know what the drink consisted of.

“How long before it takes effect?”

“Maybe an hour. Is there anything else I can do for you while you’re here?”

Odage considered for a moment. “Yes, now that you mention it. I need to find a particular amulet. Can you locate it for me if I show you the other half?”

Sidara pushed her chin in the air. “I’m afraid you need a memory ghoul for that task. Oroumea might be able to help you, for a price.”

Ah yes, why had he not thought of Oroumea? “Thank you, how much do I owe you?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny diamond, at least five karats in weight. “This enough?”

Sidara eyed the piece he held, traipsing closer. She reached out and snatched it from his grasp. “I always love doing business with you, Odage.” Then in one swift movement, her lips touched his, her body pressed against him. There would be time to seek Oroumea later, right now he might as well enjoy the woman unzipping his pants.

* * * *

“Marcus, I had a terrific time tonight. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much,” she said as they exited the club.

He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I’m happy to hear that. I must admit I haven’t had this much fun myself in…a very long time.” He planted a kiss on the top of her head. Spiced honey caressed his senses and went straight to his groin.
Christ, I wish I could tell you all about us
and the bond we share.
Somehow, he had to get her home and then walk away. She wasn’t ready for him yet.

Her body grew stiff, and she turned her head to look behind them. He flared out his senses but picked up nothing unusual. “What’s wrong, love?”

“I feel like we’re being watched.” She snuggled into his chest. “I’m sure it’s my overactive imagination.”

He squeezed her tighter as if to reassure her safety then reached for his link to the king.


I sense nothing, but Cassie feels like we are being watched.

Then we should trust her instinct. Lucan and I are right behind you. We’ll check it out.

Thank you.

Marcus ushered her down the street and toward the car.

* * * *


Yes, my lord, I am across the street.

Follow them. Something tells me to trust Marcus’s female.

Aidyn slid into the darkness, his senses flared. Something wasn’t right, evil crawled across his skin, but he couldn’t place it.
Lucan, do you sense it?

I sense two minions, but nothing more.

No, there is someone else.
He brushed off the evil that touched him. He continued to follow Marcus, keeping to the shadows.

Marcus, Lucan is going after the minions. I will continue to follow you. I can’t find Odage, but I know he’s here.

Thank you, I feel better knowing you are watching over my mate.

Aidyn chuckled.
So now you refer to her as your mate? The date must be going well. She is a beautiful woman, Marcus. Count yourself a lucky man.

Perhaps you are right.

I’m always right. Garin has joined me. He will follow you, and I will go help Lucan. Hopefully, I will get some answers from the minions before he kills them.
Aidyn flashed behind Lucan.

“Where did they pick up the women?” Aidyn asked.

“They left Roxie’s with them then followed Marcus for a bit before veering off. Perhaps that is what his female sensed?”

“No, Odage is here. I can sense him but where?” He looked around, still no sign of the Draki. “We will follow these two. Perhaps they will lead us to him. In any case, we must protect the females.”

“Of course, my lord.” Lucan wrapped the darkness around them, and they slipped closer behind the minions undetected.

Aidyn was thankful to have Lucan with him. There was a side to the vampire that lived in the shadows. His manipulation of the darkness frightened even the gods at times. His loyalty, however, was never in question.

They followed the minions for several blocks as they headed to the outskirts of town still abandoned by Hurricane Katrina. They entered one of the empty buildings. The acidic scent of panic stung his senses. He knew the women were in trouble.

“We must make our move now before they hurt the females.”


The warriors split up, Lucan headed around behind the minions while Aidyn took the straight-on approach. “Let the women go,” he yelled, pulling his favorite blade from his boot.

One of the minions laughed. “You can’t stop us, vampire.” Then he grabbed the blonde, pressing a knife to her throat.

Aidyn connected to the woman’s mind.
Shhh, don’t panic, I need you to stand perfectly still. Blink if you understand me.
The woman trembled but closed both eyes and opened them again. Her gaze never leaving his.
Good girl.

“Where’s Odage?”

The minion holding the blonde laughed again. “Do I look stupid?”

Aidyn narrowed his eyes. “No, you look dead.”

The second minion followed suit and pressed a knife to the other woman’s throat. There were now two hostages. He kept his mind connected to theirs, sending soothing thoughts to help them remain calm.

“What is Odage doing with these women?” He took a step closer.

The minion pressed the knife deeper. “Come closer, and she dies.” He saw the blood trickle down the blonde’s throat.

“Perhaps we can bargain.”
Dammit, Lucan, he is going to slit her throat.
He hoped to distract the minion while Lucan came in from the rear.

“What kind of bargain can you offer me?”

“Protection. Odage will kill you when you fail to bring him the women.”

The second minion shuffled his foot. “Maybe we should accept his offer.”

He had what he needed.
Lucan, take the one to the left.
His mind grabbed the darkness and followed its path until he was inside the minion's head. He squeezed the jelled mass that was once a human brain, bombarded it with pain. The underling shook, the knife dropped to the floor. Aidyn grabbed the woman and pulled her behind him. Screams assaulted his ears, telling him Lucan had the other minion.

The spawn of hell fell to his knees, palms grasping his head as he shrieked in pain. Aidyn flashed his favorite sword into his right palm and raised his arm. “Fuck you, you piece of shit.” He swung, sliced through bone and knocked the head across the empty room.

He looked to his left and saw the second minion down, his head also missing. Lucan consoled the female who had been held hostage.

He walked to the blonde who stood shaking behind him. He ran his thumb down her cheek and wiped away her tears. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”


“It’s all right now, Sara, you’re safe. Lucan will take you and your friend home.” He ran a finger over the thin wound on her neck, knitting the flesh together. There would be no mark left by morning.

“Lucan, take care of the ladies. I will clean up the mess.” He knew Lucan would plant suggestions of a fun evening in their minds. They would never relive the horrors of this night.

“Yes, my lord.”

He waited for Lucan to leave with the women before disposing of the bodies. His palms held in front of him, he conjured a ball of fire and tossed it at the bodies. Once they were burned, he swept his hand in front of him, bringing a heavy wind in to blow away the evidence. He didn’t get the answers they needed, but at least, he saved two more women from becoming victims.

When nothing remained, Aidyn flashed back into town.

* * * *

They made it back to Cassie’s house in record time and now relaxed on the couch, sipping a glass of Chardonnay. “Thanks again for a great evening.”

“I’m glad you had a good time. Does this mean you’ll go out with me again?”

She grinned. “Absolutely.”

He stood. “I had probably better get going, it’s late, and I’m sure you’re tired.”

She glanced at the clock, it was one a.m. But the last thing she wanted to do was sleep. She set her glass down and moved off the couch. “I’m not tired.” She reached for his hand and dug for her courage. She had a feeling he didn’t want to leave. “Kiss me.”

He pulled her close and ran his fingers down her cheek. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Gently, he nibbled her bottom lip, coaxing her mouth open with his tongue. She parted her lips, he took full advantage, pressed his way deeper into her mouth, held the kiss before he broke away.

She opened her eyes and let out a sigh. “You’re a good kisser, Marcus.” She leaned into him and pressed her body against his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him to her, and their lips came together. Her tongue did a deliberate slow dance across his, making him moan. Her core turned to lava, the heat almost too much to bear.

He pushed her away. “Cassie. I could stand here and kiss you all night, but I’d better go before I make an ass of myself and you end up hating me.”

She reached for his hand, knowing what his aim was. “Why do you think I would end up hating you?” She worried it might be the other way around. Would he think her a wanton woman? She tried to cap her desire, but the need to live what happened in her dreams overruled her common sense.

“I will not lie. I believe in the truth, always. I want you. I want to lie you on the bed and make passionate love to you until neither of us can move.”

“Then what’s stopping you?” she whispered.

“Love, did I hear you correctly?” Disbelief was written on his face.

She gazed into his stormy eyes. “I will admit, I’m not the type who sleeps with a man on the first date.” She looked down at his chest. “Hell, not even the second or third.” Her eyes moved back up to meet his. “I can’t say what it is, this connection I feel. I just know I need you.”

He pulled her close, his mouth crushing hers. Their tongues glided across each other in a play for dominance. Her nipples hardened and strained against the fabric of her dress. With only the thin layer of material between them, she felt his cock harden.

She pulled away and gasped for air as she led him to the darkened bedroom. Her courage wavered for a moment. She’d come this far, there would be no stopping now. She didn’t want to stop.

“Marcus, I don’t know how to explain it. I trust you, and to be honest, your touch sets me on fire. I need you, but if this isn’t what you want, then I’ll understand.” She held her breath and waited for his reaction.

He traced a finger along her cheek. “There’s no way in hell I’m leaving now, unless of course, you toss me on the street.”

She reached for his shirt, her fingers trembling as she loosened the first button. He grabbed her wrists. “If at any time you want to stop, tell me.”

Her head shook and continued with the buttons until they were completely undone. She pushed the shirt past his shoulders and onto the floor. Breath escaped her lungs when the moonlight filtered in the windows and danced across his chest. He was remarkable, better than her dreams.

He removed the clip that held her hair. Her chestnut curls spilled around her shoulders. He moaned when his fingers ran through the silky mass. The dress became a second skin, and she was ready to be rid of it, but before she could make a move, he reached behind her neck and untied the halter. The dress fell to her waist, exposing her bare breasts. His eyes became drunk with desire. He tipped his head down and ran his tongue over her nipple, causing it to pebble. God, she had almost come undone right there.

“You have too many clothes on,” she said, reaching for the button on his pants.

He moved off her breast, and she cried out from the ache he left behind. “I could say the same for you, love.” He kicked off his boots while she dropped her dress to the floor. She was left standing in a red thong and black heels. There would be no turning back now.

Grabbing the waistband of his pants, she yanked them to the floor, and his erection sprung free. Her tongue traced her lips, desperate to savor him. He was much bigger than she had experienced, but that only heightened her arousal. She dropped to her knees and ran her tongue over the tip of his shaft. He tasted of salt and seduction. He wrapped a fist in her hair and groaned. She sucked him in, taking every inch. Drunk by the pleasure she gave him.

He threw his head back. “Oh gods, Cassie, you feel so good. Don’t stop.”

As if she could. No, she was a woman possessed, determined to take him over the edge. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than to make him scream her name.

Chapter Ten


Sweat beaded on his forehead. Close, so very close. He never expected this, had dreamed about it but never imagined it. He wanted to beg her to stop, but the words caught in his throat when he yelled out her name. Gods, he was falling, his body burning in a black hole when the flames erupted and he spilled his seed. He thought it would never stop, and when it finally did, he still wasn’t sated. He wanted all of her.

When she pulled back, he scooped her up and laid her on the bed. “Gods. Cassie, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered in her ear. He lapped the valley between her breasts then licked his way to her pink bud and wrapped his mouth around it, suckling until she cried out. His hand cupped her other breast and rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. She arched her back and moaned.

He licked his way down her taut belly. Her body more than he could have ever believed. His desire to please her, to give her more than she had just given him drove him to near madness. He had never felt this way about any woman. Ever. His desire might be his undoing, but he was unable to stop. To hell with the consequences, he’d deal with those later.

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