Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly (3 page)

Read Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly
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“What the hell?”

Aidyn came up behind him. “What’s the matter?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.”

“You know you can’t hold a grudge against him forever.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, defiance gleamed in his eyes. “Like hell I can’t.”

Aidyn sighed. “I know you blame the gods for taking everyone we love. I do, as well. However, this will destroy you if you let it.” He slapped him on the back. “Now, let’s get out of these fucking skirts before my balls disappear forever.”

“Best idea you’ve had all day, and while you’re at it, wash off that damn makeup before someone mistakes you for a female.”

Aidyn cast him a dirty glance then flashed away. Marcus closed his eyes and pictured his home deep in the forest, on the other side of Vandeldor. His body sucked into a vortex as he flashed to his bedroom.

He grabbed the jeans off the bed and a clean T-shirt from the drawer. As much as he despised his getup, he took exceptional care folding and returning the clothing to the cedar chest at the foot of the bed. Hopefully, he wouldn’t need the traditional attire again for many years.

He made his way to the kitchen and popped open the fridge. An array of containers stared back at him. He didn’t think he should open any of them lest he released some kind of toxic waste.

“Guess I’d better throw those out.”
, he thought. He wasn’t hungry anyway, so he grabbed a beer then sat at the kitchen table.

Since there was time to kill before heading back to the royal estate, he grabbed his Glock. Caressed it with a chamois like a treasured female before he began to dismantle it. Laying each piece on a thick, soft towel. He raised his head when he sensed his sister approaching, she seemed distraught.

His sister whipped open the door and ran into the room. “Marcus, I need to speak with you.” Stress filled her voice.

He grabbed a dagger off the table and jumped to his feet “What’s wrong?” He scanned the still open door for intruders. The murder of the queen made him edgy.

“Zarek, he touched you, didn’t he?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “What the hell, Gwen? You come in here like Hades himself is chasing you, only to inquire if the god touched me?” He rubbed a hand through his hair and tossed the dagger on the table. “What? Did he give me the plague or something?”

She grabbed him by the arms, her body trembled. “Zarek has blessed you.”

“You’re not making sense. What do you mean blessed me?”

She released him and wrung her hands together, took a step back and sucked in a breath.

“What is it? What are you afraid to tell me?” He leaned toward her, worry furrowed across his forehead.
What has the bastard done to me now?

“I had a vision. She came to me.”

His brows shot to his hairline. “Who came to you?”

She chewed her bottom lip. “Your mate, I have seen her.”

He knocked over a chair when he stormed across the room, his muscles flexed.
No. No. No!
“You’re mistaken. I have no mate, remember? I killed her!”

His heart burned at the thought of Eliza. Her laughter rang in his mind as he recalled their walks on the beach. She always loved the waves lapping over her toes.
Blood bathed his vision as he walked through the castle. Eliza’s eyes looking at him when he sliced off her head. His mother’s headless body
… Why was she doing this to him? He didn’t want to remember.


“Huh?” She jostled him, and he shook free of the visions.

“I never meant to hurt you.” Her palm caressed his cheek. “She came to me in a vision right after the ceremony. Zarek has blessed you with another mate.”

His jaw ratcheted several inches. The gods were giving him another chance. “Who is she? We have so few females left now. I can’t believe I haven’t sensed her presence.” Could she have been living in the human realm all this time? Possibly. There could have been children born that he was unaware of. It certainly would explain why he hadn’t known about her.

She lowered her gaze. “She is human.”

“What? What kind of fucked up shit is this? Do the gods despise me so much they would torture me with a human mate?”

“I don’t understand, I thought you’d be happy with the news. What’s wrong with a human mate?”

“Well, let’s start with the fact I have to watch my wife grow old and die. Not to mention how the hell I explain what I am. ‘Oh by the way, dear, I’m a vampire. I help a bunch of gods protect humanity from things that go bump in the night.’ Did I mention the growing old and dying part?”

“Yes, yes, you did.” She kissed his cheek. “I have faith it will work. Perhaps you can turn her into one of us.” Her eyes glowed with excitement. “I will help you find a way to turn her, there must be a way.”

“Gwen, I’m not sure how to do it, or if it can even be done. Not to mention we have never had human mates before.” He snapped his fingers. “Maybe she’s the daughter of a Chosen one.” The Chosen ones were humans who had helped the guardians for centuries. The duty passed down from generation to generation. In exchange for their loyalty, the guardians made sure they were well taken cared for.

“Maybe you're right, which would certainly solve one problem.”

He hugged his sister. He loved her more than his own life, and she meant well. “Go on back to the meeting, I’ll follow shortly.”

Gwen nodded and flashed from the room. After she left, he balled his fist and slammed it into the wall. He wanted to kill someone. His mate was dead, damn it!

* * * *

Marcus flashed back to Aidyn’s home, his mood sour, but he did his best to push it deep into the recesses of his mind.
No reason to darken everyone else’s mood with my own.

Several warriors were already seated at the large oak table while others flashed or walked in. He strolled over and took a seat next to Garin. “What’s up my friend?”

“I think your sister is about to dish out a can of whoop ass.” Garin inclined his head to the other side of the room.

He focused his gaze to the powerful warrior who towered over his sister. The man wore a thick braid of golden hair that hung down his back. He recognized Quinlan, an ancient who had lived the last eight hundred years in Ireland.

“Tis no place fer a woman,” Quinlan said.

A grin formed on his lips. “Shall we wager who wins this fight?”

Garin snorted. “I’m afraid that we’d both be betting for the same side. Undoubtedly, your sister will emerge the victor. I’m afraid the poor bastard doesn’t stand a chance.”

“Looks like the shows about to start.” He pointed to his sister who had produced two daggers. The room grew quiet as many of the men stepped aside to view the growing feud.

Gwen took a fighter's stance, her legs slightly bent and arms in front of her. “You still want to make comments about a female warrior? I am a guardian, it matters not what my sex is.”

The male warrior chortled. “It matters a great deal ta me what your sex is. I prefer me women naked and squirming beneath me. Come now, lass, let me show you what you’ve been missing.” He waived his hands up and down over his groin.

She moved so fast she was barely visible. She tossed a dagger with exceeding accuracy, landing it in the vampire’s abdomen. She then flashed behind him, grabbed his braid and pulled his head back, shoving the other deep into his kidney. Giving him a shove, he landed on the floor with a grunt.

“I want my daggers back when you’re done with them,” she spat.

Garin leaned into him. “You teach her that move?”

He grinned, pride showed on his face. “Yes, and she was an exceptional student.”

All eyes moved to the clapping that came from the doorway. Everyone dropped to one knee, their heads bowed in honor of their new king.

“Gwen, are these men bothering you?”

She threw him a smile. “Nothing I can’t take care of, my lord.”

He snorted. “Indeed. I think you have also succeeded in scaring the rest of the men into submission.” He walked to the fallen warrior and gave him a shove with his boot. “Quinlan, I suggest you behave, or I’ll consider putting Gwen in charge of your missions.”

Quinlan coughed. “Yes, my lord. My apologies.”

Aidyn glanced around. “Please rise.” He waited for everyone to stand before he continued. “I am a warrior, the same as you. I will not hide behind my crown and ask you to fight my battles.” With hands clasped behind his back, he glided across the room, making eye contact with every warrior as he walked past them. Marcus sensed Aidyn’s heightened power, it rolled off him in waves, crashing across the room. There was no doubt that their king had gained an extra boost.

“The last words the queen spoke were of a descending darkness. I’ve heard from many of you that you’ve seen an increase in demon activity. Mainly the slave rings." He stopped mid-stride, turned to face the table full of warriors. “I’ve also heard that humans are now being spotted among the slave trades. I don’t need to remind you why we are here. Our promise to protect humanity is our main focus, and you will stay your course in this.” His features turned somber. “I plan to avenge my mother’s death. I will hunt and kill Odage and likely start a war with the Draki. I do not ask for your help, but if any of you wish to volunteer in the search for Odage then please step forward.”

The entire room advanced in one synchronized step. Over thirty imposing vampires, including a few females encircled the king. Marcus never doubted everyone would want to be in on the hunt. They all respected Aidyn. Many had known him since he was a babe. At the age of five hundred years, he was one of the youngest males here, certainly the youngest to lead them. However, on this day, he was also the most lethal among them.

* * * *

Cassie swung her feet over the edge of the bed and sucked in slow breaths. Sweat trickled between her breasts, tickling as it formed intricate patterns on her skin. These dreams were driving her crazy.

She dropped her face in her hands. “What’s wrong with me?”

It always started the same, with her lying in bed naked, sleeping. A man slipped in beside her and caressed her arm. He started at the shoulder and ended at her fingertips. His lips brushed a light kiss on hers then another until he suckled her lower lip. His tongue flicked out and demanded entrance, and she submitted, parted her lips, allowing their tongues to caress each other. The kiss deepened, became desperate until he pulled away and left her gasping for air.

He traced his tongue down her neck and stopped at her shoulder, giving a playful nip before he proceeded to her left breast. Warm lips wrapped around her pink bud, pulled until it hardened. She arched her back.

“Don’t stop,” she whimpered. He never listened; instead, his tongue glided down her belly until he reached her pelvic bone.

Silver eyes flashed at her, and he smiled. “Cassie, my love, I will worship your body until you beg me to stop.” Stop? No, she’d never ask him to stop.

At a pace that was sheer torture, he started to nibble down her thigh while reaching to insert a finger deep into her moistness. Her body shuddered with pleasure as her orgasm built. His tongue flicked out around her soft folds and lapped at her wetness.

Her head thrashed side to side. Her body bucked wildly. It had been a long time since a man touched her, and no man had touched her like he did. Her body burned, and when she could take no more he inserted another finger and began sliding them in and out. His hands found her nipple and pinched the pink bud between his thumb and forefinger. She crashed over the edge, falling into an eternal flame of pleasure. Her screams filled the room. When her climax subsided, another took hold, sending her soaring. Tears rolled down her cheeks from the intensity. He was true to his word. She begged him to stop, not sure she could take anymore.

When he pulled away he smiled, white fangs flash in the moonlight. “You are mine forever.” Then he sunk his incisors deep into her neck, taking heavy pulls of blood that sent her body crashing into another wave of ecstasy.

She lifted her head, closed her eyes. “Men that handsome don’t exist.” Her active imagination still saw him. He was lean and muscular, every inch of him toned. His gray eyes were flecked with silver that flashed when aroused. Her fingers itched to slide through his dark brown waves. He was perfection, built only for her.

She laughed. “How fucked up and lonely I must be. I need to stop reading all those paranormal romance novels. They’re showing up in my dreams.”

Chapter Three


Odage worked his way along Bourbon Street, the putrid stench of evil heavy in his nostrils. He held a fondness for New Orleans. The city crawled with immortals and was the perfect place to find out where the next slave auction would be held. In the meantime, he had other things on his to-do list.

He sauntered into a local nightclub called Roxie’s. An upper class place where humans and immortals hung out. Of course, the humans had no idea who or what sat across the table from them. All immortals were able to take on human form, many actually preferred it. He stopped to survey his surroundings. He needed the right female for his little project.

At the bar, he spied his prey. A petite female with long golden hair. Her black tank top clung to her breasts, making her nipples pebble against the fabric.
I will enjoy torturing her.

Odage approached her, flashing a white smile. “Is this seat taken?”

“Um no, it’s yours if you want it,” the woman replied, smiling back.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked as he sat down.

“Perfect timing.” She lifted her near empty glass and downed its contents.

He waved over the bartender. “Give the lovely lady here another glass of wine, and I will have a whiskey on the rocks.” He turned back to the female beside him, “My name is Brad,” he lied. “And you are?”


The bartender came back and set their drinks on the bar. Veronica picked up her glass and held it up high. “To a fun-filled night.”

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