Eternal Melody (34 page)

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Authors: Anisa Claire West

BOOK: Eternal Melody
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“I do hope you’re right.  She’s generally a very reliable young lady, so this tardiness seems utterly out of character.” Gloria cooled her tea some more with her breath, as the beverage still billowed hot vapors.  Then, an expression of panic came over her face as she exclaimed, “Christopher, what if that vicious
girl has attacked my Rebecca again?  Was she not supposed to be released from jail this week?”

Christopher looked away, silently telling Gloria that he had already considered this possibility and had not wanted to expound on it for fear of inciting

“Christopher,” she probed, on the verge of tears, “Do you think
has been attacked again?”

“Honestly, the thought did cross my mind,” He began, then, seeing the increasing panic on her face, gently clarified, “
, I doubt that Rebecca is in any danger.  In fact, I trust fully that she is perfectly safe, most likely with Mr. Springwell as her chaperone.  I don’t gather it was coincidence that caused them both to miss the train.”

u’re right.  I’m just a worried
old lady.  After losing my son and daughter-in-law, it’s so difficult not to fall into pessimism.” She said distraughtly, flooded with

Oh, dear Gloria.
just seems to go against the natural order of things for a child to predecease a parent.  I am so sorry.” Christopher condoled,
rubbing her forearm and
encouraging her to take another calming sip of tea.

While Gloria and Christopher sat together on her bed, bathed in the comfortable silence shared between two people who genuinely understand each other, they detected a sudden commotion downstairs.  From the corner bedroom, nestled away on the third floor in a secluded section of the villa, they could faintly hear the tumult of doors slamming and
people shouting.

what now?” Gloria cried, her nerves now shaken beyond bearing.

“I’ll go see what all the fuss is about.  You stay here
and relax

“No, I’m coming with you!”

With trembling hands, Gloria set the teacup down on the night table and followed Christopher down the stairs, where the clamor was louder than ever.
Most of the orchestra members, including the entire woodwind section, formed a circle around people whose faces were obscured.

“What is going on here?” Mr. Gray
sen demanded.

“Luke and Rebecca are here!
  Their train was derailed
and they could have been killed!

Alexander, one of the oboe players, hollered as Gloria nearly swooned.

“Killed? Oh my Lord.  Get out of my way so I can see my granddaughter!” Gloria pushed through the miniature mob scene that had formed in the villa’s main parlor, not caring if she knocked every one of the youngsters over.

A haggard looking Rebecca emerged from the crowd to embrace her grandmother
and whisper, “I’m fine, trust me.  There was an accident, but everyone is blowing it out of proportion.  Apparently, nothing more exciting than a train derailment ever happens in these peoples’ lives!” She spoke light-heartedly, as Gloria breathed an audible sigh of relief, spotting Luke still standing in the crowd, detailing their colleagues about the accident
and subsequent ordeal

“I’ll tell you everything later, Grandmother, but for now, I would like to get settled in my new room and take a
nap.  After my nap, I should
be refreshed enough to explore this magnificent place!  I couldn’t believe when I saw the villa from the outside.  It looks
like it should be the summer residence of Franz Joseph!”
She raved, as Gloria released her from a tight embrace.

this is the result of everyone pitching in together.  Not one of us could afford to live here on our own, not even to vacation for one night, but all of us pooled together can stay for months!” Gloria shared Rebecca’s enthusiasm and promptly brought her upstairs to tour her new living quarters.


Rebecca awoke from her siesta
.  She stretched briefly and then
eagerly fled
her room, charming with its pastel
walls and ruffled canopy bed.  As pleasant as her chamber was, especially in comparison to the coat closet she
inhabited back in Vienna, Rebecca was curious to see what delights the rest of the villa contained.

The corridor was quiet, as most of the musicians had gone on self-gu
ided tours of Venice
, inspired by the subtle breeze from the
waterways and temperate autumn weather. 
Passing by a library filled with floor to ceiling shelves of books, Rebecca wondered if Luke had ventured out to the city
as well
.  Then, resolving
not to think of him
, she sailed downstairs where a gourmet kitchen waited just around the bend. 
The long granite counter
was covered with fresh vegetables including zucchini, asparagus, peppers,
and tomatoes.  Rebecca’s stomach growled, avid for a taste of
the globally lauded Italian gastronomy.

Seizing a knife from the wooden cutting board next to the vegetables, Rebecca began to chop the produce into diced bits in preparation for a ratatouille. 
When she was finished chopping the vegetables, she
mixed them together in a large pot, drizzling
some olive oil and sprinkling
a little salt.

“That looks to be a delicious vegetable stew.  Much better than goulash I would have to admit.” Luke commented, walking into the room and offering her a casual, but friendly, smile.

Perceiving that this was Luke’s way of initiating a truce, she
continued stirring and replied, “You’re welcome to try some. 
This is too much for just one person

“I’d love to try some.” Luke replied, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.  “But first I want you to try this.” He handed her a white paper bag that felt cold to the touch.

“What’s in here?”


“What’s gelato?” Rebecca asked, pronouncing the strange word slowly.

“It’s the creamiest ice cream you’ll ever taste in your life.” Luke replied,
taking out a rapidly melting cup of cherry vanilla
and handing it to her.

“This will spoil my dinner, Luke.  Honestly, you’re always presenting me with temptations I find hard to resist.” Rebecca said innocently, immediately regretting the words.  Inevitably, they both thought of their affair in Vienna
and the atmosphere quickly became thick with

“I’ll put the gelato on ice then, and we can enjoy it after your delicious, and may I add, very healthy supper.”

Their evening meal was pleasant, and when Rebecca finally tasted the Italian ice cream, she was certain she would never
be satisfied with a frozen treat from anywhere else in the world.  Later, as the musicians began to filter back in from their day trips and
charge into
the kitchen, Luke suggested that he and Rebecca take a walk around Venice.

hat do you say
, Rebecca
As friends?

He ground out.

As friends?” She echoed in disbelief.

“I know it sounds ridiculous, but we have to try, Rebecca.” Luke sounded as unconvinced as she felt.  “What do you say?”

“Well, I guess…I say yes. 
I’m itching to go outside
!  Just let me get a sweater from my room in case it gets chilly later.” Rebecca sprang up from the table, but Luke grabbed hold of her waist and stopped her, as she froze.

Huskily, he said, “I’ll get you a sweater.  You wait outside on the veranda and enjoy the moonlight.”

Rebecca followed his instructions, wondering how this “friendship” was really to be possible.  Men and women were not friends, particularly not those who had once been lovers.  Stepping out onto the airy veranda overlooking
a cluster of docked gondolas, Rebecca silently acknowledged that she was still in love with Luke.  Though she had never spoken the words to him, it was obvious to her that he had a powerful reign over her heart.

A brisk October gale blew Rebecca’s hair around until it
her face, temporarily blinding her.  Exactly at that moment, the distinct sound of a British accent
rode the wind, causing Rebecca to gulp with dread.

“Good evening, fair Pamina.  You are as beautiful in Venice as you were in Vienna, I must confess.  It is excellent to see you.”

Yanking on her hair and forcing it behind her ears, Rebecca’s eyes blazed as she gawked at Milton Thornbrenner, unable to believe that he was standing
there.  “What are you doing here?  How did you know I was
at this villa
?” She cried, outraged and frightened.

Ever since their f
irst dinner, she had harbored a bad
feeling about the enigmatic man and despised the way he referred to her by her character’s name.

Taking a puff from the
acrid smelling
pipe he held between thumb and forefinger, Milton replied, “I must say I was disappointed that you did not give me this address yourself.  But it was easy enough to uncover from some of the stage crew left behind in Vienna.”

Rebecca found this to be
, as most of the crew, including Clive the usher, had stayed behind
have no qualms about telling a wealthy gentleman where the orchestra was residing.

“So you came all the way
to Italy
to see me?” Rebecca asked incredulously.

“Indeed.  I very much look forward to your next performance…and hopefully also
an encore dinner.”  Milton said, looking beyond Rebecca with darting eyes.

Rebecca whirled around to see what had caught Milton’s attention, horrified to see
Luke standing
there clutching her favorite button-down sweater in his hands
.  A
expression of
his handsome face
.  In the shock of encountering Milton on the veranda of her new, supposedly private residence,
she had forgotten
that it would only take Luke a
to fetch her sweater

Luke’s eyes smoldered as he tightened his grip around Rebecca’s sweater.  Wordlessly, he draped it over her shoulders and placed a protective arm around her.

To her surprise, he demanded curtly, “What are you doing trespassing on private property, sir?”

Milton bristled at Luke’s tone and replied coolly, “Requesting the pleasure of Miss Meadow’s company at dinner.  Unless you are her betrothed, I don’t think you should mind.”

Rebecca flinched, fearing Luke’s temper would erupt volcanically from Milton’s chiding remark.  Instead, he
merely reiterated, “This is private property in case you’re hard of hearing.  I suggest you leave at once before
I send for the police.”

Unaffected, Milton said dryly, “I will take that response as confirmation that you are not her betrothed. 
, I shall depart this property now, as I most definitely am not a trespasser.
” He turned to Rebecca and asserted, “I shall encounter you elsewhere I am sure, at which time I will ask you once again to dine with me.  Until then, have an excellent evening.”

Milton departed into the shadows, leaving Rebecca gaping and unable to speak.  Luke moved away from her and said gruffly, “Let’s go.”

“Do you still want to go for a walk?”

“Of course.  Don’t you?”

I just thought…”

“That your lover ruined the evening?  Not at all.” Luke sneered.

“How dare you refer to him as my lover?  I
going for a walk, but not with you.  Good night!” Rebecca flared, as Luke’s face fell.

“I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have said that.  I know he’s not your lover. 
I just can’t stand to see him chasing after you.  It makes me want to
murder the man!
Come on, let’s walk by the canal and take a sail on one of the gondolas.” He encouraged.

“Fine.  Let’s go.
  I can see this friendship is off to a beautiful start.
” Rebecca said coldly

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