Eternal Melody (37 page)

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Authors: Anisa Claire West

BOOK: Eternal Melody
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Along with the bread, Rebecca
selected recipes for
gingerbread cookies and poppy seed strude
l.  With all those sweets in her
she would feel as though she
had never left Vienna.  Rebecca sighed wistfully,
starting to prepare the dough and
wondering how just a few short months ago could seem like a simpler time.

Bitterly, she
wondered how she could have allowed Milton to manipulate her.  Before she had even known his identity, when she fancied him a crazed stalker, he had left a sour taste in her mouth.

Attacking the dough with
rolling pin, Rebecca despaired about how to reclaim
some semblance of peace in her life

Mixing the ingredients for the
together with a large wooden spoon, Rebecca said a silent prayer that
a miracle would take place.

As she was wiping her baking powder-covered hands on her apron, Luke strolled into the kitchen, giving her a quizzical look.  Hastily, she cleaned her hands off
with a towel

“Did you just come in from a walk?” She asked
awkwardly, determined to be civil.

“No, I was upstairs reading in the library.  But I was actually going to ask if you wanted to take a walk with me.”


“Yes, but I see you have your hands full in the kitchen.”
Luke observed the counters, littered with eggshells, granules of sugar, and

“Oh, yes.  I was doing a little fall baking.  Do you like
and gingerbread cookies?
” Rebecca asked intimately, un
blinking as she
peered into his eyes.

“Yes, very much as a matter of fact.  But aren’t those usually made around Christmastime?”

“Usually.  But I was
planning on eating them
.” Rebecca said
invitingly, unable to control her feelings in Luke’s presence.

“Are you asking me to join you
After the horrible way I’ve been acting?
” Luke asked incredulously.

“Yes.” Her shyness soared as he regarded her curiously with a long-withheld intensity that she had desperately missed.

“I don’t know what to say.” He muttered.

“Say you’ll take my granddaughter for a walk.” Gloria offered from the entrance, startling both Luke and Rebecca.

“Grandmother!  What are you doing?”

“Just a little harmless eavesdropping, my dear.  Now you two go and enjoy this superb
October day while I finish the
baking.” Gloria approached Rebecca and held out her hand, indicating that she should give over the apron.

“Mrs. Meadow, that’s really not necessary.” Luke began to protest.

“Nonsense! In no time at all, you’ll be immersed in rehearsals and without a leisure moment to speak of.  Go on now!” She insisted.

“But Grandmother, I was in the middle of baking…”

“I can see that and I told you that I would finish what you’ve started.  Don’t you trust my abilities?  I am the one who taught you to bake after all.”

Luke and Rebecca exchanged an amused glance.  “She’s a hard woman to refuse.
” Rebecca said with a sigh.  “OK
, Grandmother.  We’ll go for a walk
and leave you to your own devices in the kitchen.” She kissed the woman on both cheeks and added, “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.  Now go take that walk!”



There was a soupçon of winter in the air when Rebecca and Luke stepped out into the

Shivering instantly, Rebecca turned to Luke for comfort, and he eagerly wrapped an arm around her that radiated warmth and safety. 
The pair walked past flowering trees and
al fresco
markets.  Upon seeing one vendor with pan-roasted
chestnuts in paper cones, Luke immediately dug into his pocket for some change and purchased a sample for Rebecca.

“All that talk of baking made me hungry.” He explained, pouring some chestnuts into her palm.

She popped one in her mouth, relishing the thick, layered texture.  “These are delicious. 
I’ve never had them fresh off the street before.”

“Neither have I.” Luke replied, navigating east towards the water.

“Where are we going?”

“Where does it look like we’re going?” Luke rejoined.

“It looks as though we’re going to the canal.”

“That’s correct.  We’re taking a gondola ride.”
He said firmly, anticipating that she would argue with him.

“We’ve already been on a gondola ride, Luke!  Remember what an awful time we had?” Rebecca asked with a flutter in her stomach, nervous at the prospect of having another experience with Luke end in emotional meltdown.

To her surprise he chuckled.  “It certainly was an awful time, Becky.  But things are different now.  From this day forward…”

“What do you mean, Luke?” Rebecca asked, catching her breath as her heart began to pound irregularly.

“Both of us have made mistakes.  Mainly me, I would have to admit.”

“No, Luke!  I’m the fool who was bamboozled by a married man!” Rebecca said shamefully, unable to meet his eyes.

“You had no idea he was married, and it is not as though you had an affair
with him.”

“Of course not!  Just a few horrendous outings!” Rebecca assured him.

“Exactly.  And you never would have gone to dinner with him in the first place had I not run away because of my own feelings of inadequacy.  I still don’t have much money, Rebecca, and I may never, but I don’t think that should stop us from having a life together.”

“Oh, neither do I!  That’s what I’ve been telling you all along, though.” She reminded him

“Yes, you certainly have.  I’m afraid I had to learn from others around us what really matters in this life.”

do you mean

“Your brother Ryan, for one.  He and Concetta have been inseparable since they met, and I have no doubt that he will one day propose to her.  And he is in exactly the same financial situation as I am.”

“That’s true.” Rebecca said
softly and victoriously.

“Then there’s Mr. Graysen.  He and your grandmother are two of the happiest p
eople I have ever come across.
rich, but they have everything.  Imagine that, to have nothing and everything.  Without you, I truly have nothing.  But with you, I still have nothing of material value,
I have everything else in the world that is precious
.  Invaluable.” Luke choked up towards the end of his speech, matching Rebecca’s rising emotions.

“Luke, I love you. 
I’ve loved you all along even when we were stubborn idiots.
This is al
l I have wanted you to say all this time

“I love
, Rebecca.  Tonight, you will get a taste of just how much.” He promised, leading her down to the canal where the gondolas were ready to depart.

Gently helping her into one of the boats, Luke sat down after she was settled and comfortable.
  The gondolier steadied the boat on waters that rocked
a gusty wind.  As they floated away, Luke spoke in a low voice meant only for Rebecca’s ears.

“I want to discuss something very important with you.  If we are going to share our lives together, we have to think of Annabelle.”

Rebecca bristled nervously, hoping that Luke’s mind would not be swayed again when he seriously contemplated
sacrifice it would mean to be Annabelle’s guardian.  Biting back her fears, she waited for Luke to continue.

“I haven’t spent much time with her, but I do know that she is a darling baby.  And I hope that in time she will grow to love me as she loves you.”

“Of course she will, Luke.  She’s just a year old.  You don’t get much more impressionable than that.” Rebecca replied, uncertain as to where this discussion was leading.

“I suppose that’s true.  She didn’t know me for the first year of her life, but she shall know me for all her future years.  That is, if you will answer one simple question for me.” Luke’s tone thinly veiled his intentions and Rebecca’s eyes suddenly sparkled with understanding and unfathomable joy.

“Rebecca Meadow, please say you’ll marry me.” He implored, taking both her hands in his and squeezing passionately.

With tears glistening in her eyes, Rebecca whispered, “Yes, Luke, yes I will marry you!”

After her teary acceptance of his marriage proposal, he lunged forward to embrace her, tipping the gondola off balance as they laughed together. 
“Being married to you will never be boring, I can see already!” He exclaimed as the rippling waves splashed over the side of the boat
, drenching them

“I will try my best to keep you entertained---even if it means dunking your head in Venetian water!” She giggled.

“Just sing me a lullaby each evening in that exquisite voice of yours.”

“As long as you sing along with me.”

“I will.” He promised.



Dusk settled like purple coal and illuminate
d the water
of the canal until
sparkled as brilliantly as the stars.  The newly engaged couple held hands
and finally
home to the villa
after a romantic day by the water
.  When they went inside they were greeted immediately by the
scents of Gloria’s baking.  Rebecca peeked her head into the kitchen and found Mr. Graysen sitting at the table across from Gloria, munching on
an iced gingerbread cookie

“Grandmother, you outdid yourself.  Those cookies look

.” Luke a
, pulling a chair out to seat himself next to the conductor.

“Help yourself to as many as you want.
” Gloria slid the pan towards Luke
who accepted graciously and collected a few treats.

“Did you have a nice walk?” Mr. Graysen asked.

Rebecca looked delightedly at Luke and said, “Tell them, Luke!”

“Don’t you think your brother should be here for the news?”

“Of course!  How could I forget Ryan?  Will you go get him for me, Luke?”

“If I can tear him away from Concetta for a moment, I will.” He joked.

“Bring her to the kitchen too if he can’t bear to be away from her!” Rebecca exclaimed, frankly itching to tell the entire universe that she
was going to be a bride.

While Luke scurried out of the room to find Ryan, Gloria asked curiously, “I do hope it’s good news you have, dear.”

“It’s the best news, Grandmother, I promise.” Rebecca swore, barely able to
sit still
with the excitement of announcing her engagement.

“Well, we can hardly wait to hear it.” Mr. Graysen interjected as a trio of people whirled into the kitchen like human tornadoes.

Ryan and Concetta
stood around the table expectantly as Luke reclaimed his seat next to Mr. Graysen.  Rebecca gestured to Luke that he should be the
one to make the announcement.

“Mrs. Meadow and Ryan, as Rebecca’s next of kin, your blessing is of utmost importance to me. 
Yet I know that you are not only her family, but also her dearest friends. 
Therefore, I speak from the heart when I ask for your approval on my seeking Rebecca’s hand in marriage.”

Tears had brimmed Gloria’s eyes from the moment Luke began speakin
g, and it was with immeasurable joy
that she gave him her answer.  “I not only approve but I rejoice and pray that you two will have a beautiful long life together.”

“Welcome to the family!” Ryan shouted jubilantly, slapping Luke on the back and pulling him into a bear hug.

“This calls for a toast.” Mr. Graysen sprang to his feet.  “I’m going to the wine cellar to get the finest bottle of champagne this villa possesses.  Gloria, please find some champagne flutes for our young friends!”

Gloria walked over to the cabinet as Concetta hugged Rebecca tenderly and whispered some words of congratulation in Italian.  While Mr. Graysen rummaged around in the wine cellar for
bottle of champagne, Rebecca recalled the champagne brunch that never was.  Milton had offered her everything and given her nothing.  In truth, he had nothing to
offer or
give because he was already indebted to a wife and children.

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