Eternal Seduction (24 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Turner

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Eternal Seduction
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Logan stopped dead in her tracks. Damn him! She couldn’t see anything, not even her own hand as she raised it in front of her face. Her heart pounded in her ears as she frantically tried to recall the layout of the sizable room.

There wasn’t much to it. A huge bed, a night table on either side, a single chair near the foot and a large armoire on the wall to her right…or was it her left?
It’d been on her right before she’d turned to avoid being cornered. It should be in front of her now.

The door!
It should’ve been just a few steps behind her, but Lord only knew if that door even existed now. Kerestyan and his brood seemed to have an odd fascination for rooms with no doors, save the one’s they created. But she swore there was another door next to the one she’d entered through. Or was it on the wall opposite the armoire?

She fisted her hands as she took a small step back and her shoulders came into direct contact with cold, unforgiving stone. There shouldn’t be a wall behind her!

“Kerestyan! Turn the fucking lights back on.”

“No.” His deep voice echoed all around her, raising chills across her skin.

Every hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she tried to extend her senses over the room. But she couldn’t feel the damn room! All she could sense, with every fiber of her body, was him. He was everywhere. His smoky, tangy scent flooded her nostrils, filled her lungs.

“If it’s the vampire you want, then it’s the Ancient you shall have.” Rough and damningly seductive, his words rolled across her skin in a palpable wave. “But you should know,” a whisper of cool air caressed her left ear, “the beast craves you every bit as much as the man,” then her right.

And in that moment, she knew exactly where Kerestyan was. He’d made only one move after the lights went out.

was the cold stone wall that shouldn’t be behind her.

She shivered as his hands slid inside the neck of her t-shirt and his breath stung her ear. “Instinct is all the beast has, Logan.” His cold fingers curled and in one swift motion, he tore her shirt in half. “Emotion…the only truth it knows.” His warming fingers pinched her tight nipples. “Rage.” He nipped then tautly rolled her earlobe between his teeth. “Passion.” He delivered a hot, shivery lick to the nape of her neck. “Lust.” He dragged the tips of his fangs across her shoulder. “But one feeling stirs the beast in a way nothing else can.”

Logan felt her feet leave the floor a second before her entire world spun. She fell back, sinking deep into a soft mattress as Kerestyan’s heavy body crashed down on top of her. He pinned her wrists above her head, grinding his agile hips against hers as he punished her with a harsh, demanding kiss. The kind of possessive, all consuming kiss that made her whole body scream for more. She met each thrust, every wild swirl of his tongue with the same fervor, exploring each crevice, every soft, delicious inch of the flesh inside his mouth. She savored the rich, masculine taste of him, a heady mixture of rage and desire.

By the time he broke away to bite at her swollen lips, she was so wet and so ready for him, her jeans clung to her inner thighs.

“I love the way you smell,” he growled between sharp, teasing nips. “The feel of your body under me.”

“My pants,” she breathed. “Get rid of them.”

His deep laugh filled her ears as a single torch flickered to life above the bed. He stared down at her, his eyes an incredible mixture of onyx and sapphire, his lips parted in a wicked grin that showed off the razor’s edge of his fangs.

She’d been more than ready for him before, but the sight of him poised above her like a dark and deadly predator made her clit throb, her heart pound.

He brought her wrists together above her head and clamped a large hand around both before reaching down between them. Her stomach dipped, trembling with anticipation as he popped the button and pulled down her zipper.

“Yes.” She licked at his hovering lips. “Don’t stop.”

He silenced her with another hard kiss before he leaned back on his knees and smiled at her. In less than a minute, the remainder of her clothing had become one with the floor and he’d flipped her over on her hands and knees in front of him.

Logan grabbed two handfuls of black velvet as Kerestyan’s strong hands closed around her hips, his fingers digging into her skin. He teased her with his hard cock, taunting her as he pushed the thick head between her slick lips only to pull back right before he rubbed her clit. He held her steady, resisting each time she pushed back against him. But just when she thought she’d die from the sensual torture, he slowly pushed inside her.

“Oh, God…” She squeezed her eyes closed. “That’s it. Right there.”

He gave her a little more. “How much do you want?” His voice was ragged, wanting.

Before she could answer, he drove himself inside her. She gasped at the exquisite sensation of him filling her, stretching her wide. There was no pain this time, only sinful pleasure as he pulled out then slammed back into her. He moaned with her each time she thrust her ass back against him. Every time she met his hard, passionate stroke with one of her own.

She kicked her head back as her muscles began to tighten. “Don’t stop.” She felt one of his hands slide up her spine before he tangled his fingers into her hair. “Oh,
, Kerestyan…”

He pulled her back against his chest, using his own knees to spread her legs wide as his other arm circled her waist. His lips burned her ear. “I love the way you feel, Logan. Hot. Tight. Wet.”

She let out a deep moan as he tipped her head to the side. He drove his thick cock into her faster and faster, harder and harder, until she thought she’d die from the dizzying rhythm.


His fangs scraped her exposed neck just before she felt them sink into her skin. The intense pinch of pain was nothing compared to the white-hot bliss that coated every nerve in her trembling body. Orgasm after shattering orgasm tore through her, intensified by the slow rocking motion of his hips against hers.

Time and space ceased to exist. Kerestyan was all she knew, all she ever wanted to feel…all she

Kerestyan fell into the full throes of ecstasy as Logan’s blood filled his mouth. Laced with orgasmic pleasure, the sweetest of all flavors, he savored the hot, rich liquid as it flowed over his tongue. He sucked at her soft skin, careful not to lose a single drop of the precious fluid. He’d never tasted anything better, never wanted to taste anything else. Her life essence filled him with a sense of peace, a feeling of contentment he hadn’t known in centuries.

Her heartbeat pounded in his ears as her body shuddered, clenching and squeezing his cock. He climaxed with her each time, pulsing hot and thick inside her. He held her tight as he slid in and out of her tight, wet body, reveling in the feel of her skin, the sound of her satisfied moans as they filled the air around them.

He swirled his tongue over her wound then stared down at her neck. Traces of his feast glowed bright crimson against her pale skin, and the animal inside him roared at the sight. It wanted more, but he knew better. If he took too much of her blood at once, he’d leave her tired and woozy, and that wasn’t what he wanted.

Under no circumstances was he finished with her.

He licked at her neck, gliding his fangs over her soft, succulent skin. “Are you okay?”

She blew out a contented sigh. “I’m absolutely spectacular. You?”

He pressed a kiss to her neck then untangled his fingers from her hair. “I would concur with your sentiment.”

She wiggled free of his hold then moved to lie on the bed in front of him, her thighs resting on either side of where he still knelt. “That was incredible.”

He smiled down into her half hooded eyes, darkened with lust. What a memory the sight of her made. Her pale skin flushed to an enticing shade of pink, her lips swollen from their kisses, her nipples tight and puckered. “I would tell you I think
incredible, but I believe that’s how we found ourselves in this position…which you apparently don’t approve of.”

Wickedness spread across her lips. “Oh, I approve of the position we’re in right now.” She trailed a hand down between her breasts, then over her stomach and lower still. “So tell me, Lord Vampire,” she moaned as she spread herself for him to see, then rubbed a finger over her engorged clitoris. “How interested are you in tasting all of me? When you’re finished, can I return the favor?” She wet her lips in a timeless invitation. “Didn’t you say something about tying me to the bed?”

Kerestyan growled as the animal in his stomach shifted again.

Apparently, she wasn’t done with him either.

Chapter 16

“Wake up sleepyhead!”

Logan’s mind crawled out of a dreamy haze and immediately went to work on processing the excited voice, followed by the sensation of someone dropping sloppy, wet kisses on her right cheek. She opened her eyes to find a steel blue pair staring back at her, set perfectly into the huge head of a black wolf. A head that cocked from side to side for a moment before a warm, pink tongue licked a stripe across the bridge of her nose.

Well, so much for dangerous.
She rolled onto her back then sat up, watching as the wolf jumped onto the bed and sat down next to her in the space Kerestyan had occupied when she’d fallen asleep. She wasn’t sure if she should be more concerned that Kerestyan wasn’t in bed, or that the wolf was so large it sat taller than she did.

She wiped the saliva from her nose with the back of her hand as she eyed the creature. “Were you talking to me?”

The wolf shook its head back and forth.

Had she been sitting anywhere else in the world she might’ve had trouble believing what she saw. However, considering she was surrounded by vampires, dragons and walls of writhing body parts, she gave in rather quickly. “You can understand me?”

He nodded.

She reached up and patted his head, surprised by the soft, silky texture of his fur. “Do you know where Kerestyan went?”

He leaned down and nosed the blankets above her crotch then straightened and stared at her, tongue hanging out of his large mouth.

She grinned. “No. I’m sure if Kerestyan was there I’d know.” She laughed out loud, remembering exactly what she and Kerestyan had done the night before. “In fact, I’m positive.”

She looked up when she heard Trinity’s loud laugh and the torches at the other end of the room lit themselves. “Kerestyan had to go back home and deal with some unruly children.”

“Is everything all right?”

Trinity nodded as she stepped through the one doorway that’d been there last night, a big smile across her face. “Yeah, he just has to do his job.” She motioned behind her. “I put some shampoo and soaps in there more befitting a female.” She inclined her head towards the large armoire as she approached the end of the bed and leaned against the left post. “I also brought you some jeans and shirts to fit your new, shapely body.” She blew a raspberry at the wolf. “And I see you’ve been properly introduced to the illustrious Mr. Syn.”

Logan scrunched up her nose when the wolf licked a slobbery trail up her cheek. At least she’d been correct when she’d designated the wolf’s gender as male. “Yeah, I thought he was the one telling me to wake up at first.”

“Give him a few hundred more years and he might just be able to.” She pointed at Logan’s lap. “By the way, he was trying to tell you Kerestyan went home.”

Logan looked down at the blankets covering her lower half and chuckled as understanding struck. “I get it, like home base. Very smart, kind of crude, but smart none the less.”

Trinity plopped down on the edge of the bed. “Syn spends a lot of time with Odin, so you can probably imagine all the wonderful things he’s been taught.”

“Who’s the teacher?” Logan laughed. She reached up and rubbed both of Syn’s ears, to which he responded by flopping his heavy black body across her lap. “Did you show Odin how to fall off the couch without hurting himself when he tries to lick his balls?” She took the way he wiggled on his back and nipped playfully at her hands as the canine version of yes.

Trinity tautly slapped his large chest, filling the room with a chorus of hollow thuds and happy panting. “Wow, he really likes you. I haven’t seen him like this for a long time.” She caught his snout between her hands and kissed his nose. “What is it, Syn? Why do you like Logan so much?”

He rolled out of Logan’s lap and rubbed the top of his head all over the pillows next to her. Then, without warning, he lunged at Trinity, who shrieked as she fell off the bed onto the floor with a heavy thud.

Logan couldn’t do anything but laugh as he bit down on one of Trinity’s boots then shook her leg until he’d pulled it off, sending a silver dagger skittering across the stone floor. Syn, with the dagger firmly between his teeth, jumped back up on the bed next to her and sat back down.

She was still laughing when Trinity picked herself up off the floor, grabbed her boot then reassumed her place on the bed. “Well, that was unexpected.” She slid her shoe back on before she pushed at Syn, who gently rested his jaw on top Logan’s head.

Trinity wrinkled her nose at him. “Really?”

He responded with a noise somewhere between a growl and a yelp then flopped back into Logan’s lap. He nudged his head under her hand and let out what sounded like a sigh.

Logan scratched the beast’s humongous head and looked over at Trinity. “What the hell was all that? Were you going to kill me or something?”

She laughed as she retrieved her blade from Syn’s mouth and slid it back in her boot. “No. Apparently Kerestyan told him to protect you, and he intends to do that very thing.” When Syn barked, Trinity leaned forward and patted his massive paw. “I’m sure you’ll do your Master proud.”

Logan stared between Syn and Trinity. “He’s Kerestyan’s?”

She nodded. “Syn is a
, too. He’s, damn,” she peered up at the ceiling through narrowed eyes, “he has to be at least nine hundred years old now. Unfortunately, the city of New York has strict laws about wolves as pets, so when K took over he had to leave him here. He’s usually with Odin but it would appear he’s been given a duty. I hope you didn’t want to go anywhere alone.”

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