Evangelina Green (13 page)

Read Evangelina Green Online

Authors: Susan Firtik

Tags: #vampires, #erotic, #ghosts, #paranormal, #magic, #sisters, #witches, #werewolves, #demons, #color guard

BOOK: Evangelina Green
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Damn this guy was pretty
good at this!
Once more with the magic
slide and he was half way into her backside. The pain and the
pleasure mixing into one huge, over the top orgasm she could not
have stopped with ABS brakes.
She leaned forward onto her arms and let him have
his moment, she was feeling generous now.

He pumped harder and
faster into her ass and she pumped back. It really felt good now.
Then finally grunting loudly and finishing his
, as she thought of it, she
pulled away but not before telling him to come back to her quarters
twice a day from now on. She wanted him back that evening with a
blindfold. She tingled all over.

She returned to Victor and her fantasy. She
would entice Victor, wrap around him and feel his cock as he
strained to deny her. She would pull her dress apart, and ride his
hard cock thru his clothes. She’d climax, strip him down and ride
him until he was totally and completely weak and sated. Then she
would capture him. Her plan was working just as she hoped. Then
once she had the Green, she’d start planning on how to get the
Yellow. She wasn’t sure about the sick one. She was a sister, but
she didn’t seem to exhibit any power. She had time. She was
patient, even if Urell wasn’t.



Monday, the morning before their “adventure”
as the sisters started calling it, was bright and sunny. It
promised to be another scorcher but the morning was still
relatively cool. Tashi loved her mornings. Lina would rather have a
root canal than greet the day before noon.

Netta was somewhere in the middle, depending
on how she felt. Now that they were in the heat of the summer,
mornings and sunset was the only time to enjoy the porch. Lina had
asked the workmen to install the ceiling fans on the newly re-built
and re-painted porch. That would extend the porch’s useful

Jason knocked on the door and came into the
kitchen when he saw someone was up, and asked Tashi how Lina was
doing. Tashi was in a dark mood, so unlike her in the morning and
hadn’t been told the whole story of Lina’s encounter in the garden.
She was instantly curious. Netta wasn’t awake yet. So Lina had to
relate the entire tale of the attack, purposely leaving out the
distasteful parts, eying Jason as if to dare him to contradict her.
He just smiled.

He related to them where Pete had ended up.
He had gone all the way down near New Orleans. Apparently, his
reputation was on shaky ground and when word got out he attacked
Lina, word spread far enough that he had to not only leave the
state, but move even further south.

Fine with
, thought Lina. Jason also mentioned
that Keaton had been out of town and would return tonight. Also
that he had asked after Lina and her sisters. Specifically Lina and
she couldn’t help the zing of happy-happy that ran down her spine
when she heard that. She’d have to invite him out to the mansion
for dinner, to get to know her sisters better, of course. She was
smiling as she walked Jason to the door.

As Lina was turning to go back in, the dark
haired, mystery man walked around the house to join up with the
crew in back. He remained distant from the men, yet seemed
involved. Lina was intrigued, and would have gone to investigate
but Netta entered just then and Lina heard someone mention
breakfast. Lina’s stomach immediately grumbled.

"Scrambled eggs and hash
browns sound good to you, lil sister?” Netta grinned big and got
the eggs out for her.
Mornings weren’t all
that bad anymore
, Lina thought.

The small matter of the
witch and the “adventure” tonight was at the back of Lina’s mind
all day and her work suffered for it. She thought of Keaton, then
she thought of the witch. It was like a bad tennis match. But if
all went well tonight, she would call Keaton for dinner, maybe kiss
him goodnight, or maybe he’d ask her out. Then maybe all the drama
would be over with and she could concentrate on getting the house
and clinic finished and then start on the downtown shop. She felt
like she was starting over or had gone back in time to the very
Shake it off, Lina. Let’s get
She heard her inner voice,
urging her forward.

Victor showed up exactly as the sun set and
had with him a short poem of sorts that the sisters had to chant
three times in unison—without a break—or the spell wouldn’t work.
The three ladies looked worried but determined, especially Tashi,
as this would possibly open up an avenue for her to be alone with
Victor. She couldn’t take her eyes off him and he always seemed to
be within inches of her, with slight touches on her arm or his hand
on her shoulder. Pure torture!

"You three will arrive at the old newspaper
building. There is a lot behind it to park your vehicle. From there
you can see the loading docks. That is where I will be meeting
Martiss. You should be able to see us clearly from your car.” He
continued, when no questions came up.

Do not
get out of your vehicle.
Doing so will cancel the glamour on it protecting you from being
seen. Once you see me holding Martiss as we have discussed with her
arms bound, start the chant immediately. Three times, in a row, all
three of you together.”

Why did this sound so
simple? And if it was, why did Victor need them? Why not any three
people? Ask idiot!
Lina faced Victor and
got his attention.

"Uhhhh, Fang, I have one last question...why

"I apologize if I do not comprehend your
query beautiful sister, may I ask you to repeat it?”

Lina immediately
Man, he could lay it on thick,
and avoid the subject as well!

"I asked you
it had to be us. Why
three sisters and not just three people. And don’t you dare evade
my question, you toothy, winged,

You are connected to each
other and therefore the power will be amplified.”

Lina seemed satisfied with the reply but she
was probably a little wary of him. Her eyes told him she knew he
was hiding something. Good or bad, they were goin’ for broke

I’m not stupid. I wasn’t
born yesterday. Didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. Okay! Okay!
Got it. Something was wrong. Maybe not wrong but hinky, off
Lina scolded herself.
Stop it! Enough of the synonyms!


Victor had to admire her spunk, however, he
couldn’t give her a totally honest answer. She would not go and she
would not risk her sisters, if they knew the whole truth. Not
altogether a lie, but not the whole truth either. He knew they were
daughters of magic women, even as they apparently were unaware. The
spell would be that much stronger.


Netta sat down beside Lina noticing her
anxiousness. She took her sister's hand and held on tight. That
seemed to do the trick, as Lina relaxed and tried to concentrate on
what Victor was telling them.

They left the mansion an hour before
midnight. Lina thought that sounded so cliché. No self-respecting
witch would believe a rendezvous in a warehouse at midnight. It was
so...melodramatic and movie-of-the-week.

Lina worried. “Think the witch will show up?
Anyway, the plan and the trap are set. There was nothing to do
about it now.” The sisters sat in their car, exactly where Victor
had instructed. The moon was full. Figures. "Can any of you see
anything? Even with the full moon, it’s dark out here." Lina

"I can’t see over Tashi’s head from back
here but you’re right, it’s almost unnaturally dark,” Netta agreed,
shifting to sit in between the two front seats. They all watched
and scanned the area.

Suddenly there was movement on the loading
dock. Victor had arrived a bit early but that gave the sisters time
to focus on the area they were to watch. Exactly at midnight...the
air stilled. Crickets stopped their incessant chirping. The
temperature lowered and fog or mist floated in around the building
and parking lot.

Lina shivered at the feel of the hair on her
head rising with goose bumps. It was more of an inkling, not a
chill, a deep feeling dread. They’d been warned that the magic
might make the night feel cooler than normal.

This was more a feeling
I should NOT have come here.
Yup, that’s the one. Big time. Shit.

"I don’t know about you
guys, but I think we should leave.
!" Lina whispered loudly. This
time her inner voice agreed
, Run! Run!
Too late. Victor was standing with a
woman. Lina could only assume was Martiss the witch. The sisters
watched in fascination as she glided around Victor as if he were a
prize horse at the fair.

Tashi tensed and the green monster reared
its ugly head. "She better back off. Soon! I don’t like this one

The air got even cooler as Martiss walked,
no floated, around the dock, as if she didn’t want to be in contact
with Victor. He was so sure she was in love with him. Something was
amiss. Martiss moved closer to Victor and slapped him. Hard! All
three sisters gasped. He stood stock still, the impact barely
registering. Then she sidled up to him and rubbed him up and down
with her body.

"That’s it! He is so
Tashi jumped out of the car, before anyone could blink and
immediately the glamour Victor had placed on the small car vanished
and they were exposed. "Get your witchy hands off him! And
! Move away from that
bitch or you’re dead meat!”

Martiss just grinned. Victor’s eyes were
huge as he gaped at Tashi. "What have you done, Tatianna?”

Lina and Netta couldn’t believe their eyes!
What in the world had gotten into Tashi? Even if she’d been
jealous, she would not have put them in danger, yet she had! She
must really have it bad. They both scrambled out of the car and ran
for Tashi before she could climb onto the loading dock and all over
Martiss. Victor was a blur as he rushed to them, jumped, and placed
them on top of the next building.

"Stay here!" He vanished and went for Tashi.
Too late. Martiss had her in a binding spell and had another ready
to throw at Victor as soon as he came closer.

"My master would be happy with just one of
the sisters but as an added bonus, I will also bring him an elder

As she threw her arm his way Victor was
locked into position, unable to move yet totally aware of
everything around him.

"Tashi? Are you
He projected his thoughts to
her, hoping she’d remember how to answer him.

Her response was faint but there.

"Stay calm, my love. This
shall end soon."
Tashi didn’t look so
sure. To tell the truth, neither did Victor.

Netta and Lina watched
helplessly as Martiss touched each of her captives, spoke some
gibberish and all three went from solid people to swirling
and then they were

Netta screamed first, only by seconds.
"Taaaaaashiiiii!" as Lina wailed "Noooo!"

They sat in the car for another hour, hoping
Victor would bring Tashi back and they could all just go home.
Nothing happened. There was an eerie silence around the buildings
that grew the longer they stayed there.

We’ll come back tomorrow
for any clues and maybe get some help in the meantime.” Lina stated
in her logical voice.

The drive home was quiet but for Netta
crying as silently as she could. They had no idea what to do. Where
to go? Who could help?


They returned to the mansion to find a note
addressed to Lina on the kitchen table.

"If all goes well, I will relate this
information in person. If not, please be brave. Believe I have not
betrayed you. You need information to fight this evil. Martiss is
only a small witch, yet you know by now how powerful she can be
when she wants something.

To help yourselves and save us from the demons, you must find
the old files and newspaper articles from The Herald in the
time-frame of approximately 1912-1915—look for the surname Jackson.
It’s likely on the third floor of the same building as tonight.
Move discreetly, as there is a guard. Act quickly, for they will
soon be destroyed when they tear down all three buildings in seven
days. Please, I beg you, do not attempt this alone. Find a trusted
friend or guardian. Again, I must ask your forgiveness, and ask
that you not try to find me.

"Martiss will prevent any rescue. I am
beyond saving. Remember. Trust your colors! I had never been fond
of any particular color, until I found my Yellow."

What the fuck? Excuse my
French.” Lina sank into the chair, looking hopeless.

Who could she ask for
help? Lina thought.
A trusted
She hadn’t lived or visited here
in over 10 years, she hardly knew anyone well enough to trust them
with this sort of problem! Netta was beside herself and needed to
settle down or she’d be in the hospital again.

"Calm down, honey. Why don't you make us
some tea and heat up some of those scones you like?” She had to
keep Netta busy.

It helped to keep her
panic under control.
Breathe. Big deep
breath. Better. Keaton!
His name popped
into her mind, as it often did, but this time she felt she should
contact him for help. Even if he couldn’t or wouldn’t, he might
know someone who could. Problem was, she didn’t have his number,
except for the clinic and that was now closed. And now it was
almost 3:00 a.m.

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