Evangelina Green (23 page)

Read Evangelina Green Online

Authors: Susan Firtik

Tags: #vampires, #erotic, #ghosts, #paranormal, #magic, #sisters, #witches, #werewolves, #demons, #color guard

BOOK: Evangelina Green
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He ran into the woods and morphed into his
wolf. He was almost all tan, much like his light brown hair when he
was human. However, he had a black chest plate and a stripe of
black along his spine. His tail sported a black tip. He was close
to six feet tall at his shoulders. All-in-all, he was a very fine
example of a shifted wolf.

His job with the pack was as the Fourth.
Three down from his Alpha and with that level or distinction he was
assigned to any of the out-of-pack protection duties that came
along. Meaning he didn’t get to mingle with the pack much. He
stayed with and around humans most of the time, especially

The Second and the Third usually stayed
wherever the Alpha was. That was fine with Jason as he loved his
freedom to roam, see new places and he had made some damn good
friends—human friends.

His Alpha was a fair and
honest leader who liked to be ahead of the times, keeping up with
technology. Of course he used his pack’s talents but he also
utilized any modern device or convenience that would enhance their
chances of survival in this fight against the evils that were
becoming more of a threat to the pack. The
had started out as a
separatist group. If they wanted to out, he guessed they had that
right but they were endangering the others in their selfish

Humans and other shifters, as expected,
would not like having so-called superior beings trying to take
over. This fight Jason and Keaton were involved with was being
fought for other shifters, vampires and the like. And oh yeah…the
humans too, of course.

He continued his run for a while, eventually
stopping at the top of a small rise, then changed back to human and
used the communication device on the chain around his neck. Smaller
than a cell phone it was more of a walkie-talkie with a very long

"Jason, here. Logan? You there bro’?”

"Yeah, man! Where you been??

"Long story. Details later. Anything from

"Nothing in the last four hours or so. He’s
on his way back from some town near Little Rock. Said he has some
intel but didn’t elaborate."

"Okay, Thanks, Logan. I’m headed back to the
safe house. Will check in after some shut-eye,”

"Noted and...uhhhh Jason? Keaton asked if
Lina was okay and I told him you were over there and he kinda, lost
it...ya know? Did I screw up?"

Jason took a deep breath and explained as
well as he could, not knowing the entire story himself. Privately
he just figured Keaton had found his mate in Lina but was refusing,
for some odd reason, to claim her and end his suffering as well as
Lina’s. That information, he did not share with Logan. "Naw… it’s
all good, dude. I’ll call in later.”


The Mansion was a zoo now that all the
workmen were back and making a mess of things. They made dust, tool
noise, yelling noise, truck noise, general mayhem and the sisters
couldn’t wait until it was finished. Lina kept busy by going behind
the crew, acting as an unpaid “laborer” picking up discarded
lumber, nails, and metal pieces from the HVAC men. Wire pieces, saw
dust, nuts, bolts, and plastic from packaging or stripped from
wires was the worst of the trash. Tiny bits that were difficult to
find, pick up, and dispose of.

At the moment, Lina was on her hands and
knees, grumbling to herself...out loud of course. "There has to be
an easier way to do this! Maybe a magnet? I could drag it and catch
the metal, but wait, what about the plastic? Maybe a torch to burn
individual pieces? No, that causes toxic smoke. Maybe I could rake
it, or sweep it? Hmmm grass doesn’t sweep well. I’d need a very
fine-toothed rake and about 10 years! Okay, Lina, think. I have it!

She sat back from kneeling and seemed
satisfied. Deep in thought, she didn’t hear anyone approaching.

"I think I like you in that position.” Lina
yipped at the voice as she turned.

"Keaton!" She sprang to her feet and ran to
him, almost knocking him down as she leaped into his open arms and
wound her legs around his waist. She was kissing his face, his eyes
and finally fully on his mouth. Keaton pulled back reluctantly and
just looked at her. She was gorgeous, even with smudges of dirt on
her face. He hadn’t expected any welcome. He thought maybe a polite
hello. No matter now. He’d take what she offered and ask no more
questions. He was a very lucky man.

"What?” she whispered into his ear, causing
a shiver, a groan and his swollen cock grew even harder than it had
been when he saw her kneeling on the lawn.

"I missed you, okay?" She held onto him with
a steel embrace. "I don’t care if you don’t love me, cuz I know you
at least want me and oh Keaton! I want you...now."

She kissed him again and ground herself
against his erection and they both moaned. He was walking them to
the back door, before she knew it. He kicked it open and continued
to the stairs. They heard it slam behind them as they topped the

"God, you’re fast!” She breathed into his
neck. He grimaced at that one.

"That is not what a man with a hard-on and a
beautiful woman in his arms wants to hear, Angel." She giggled.
"And I hope after today you’ll never say those words to me

He chuckled as she shivered in anticipation,
then he took her mouth with a savage hunger that thrilled her
deeply through her core and into her soul. Her soft moans and her
grinding against him created his hunger. He felt the stirrings of
the mating. His wolf was clawing to be let out and it wanted to
pull her into him. The invisible strings of the soul match had
begun pulling them together. Their spirits were beginning to blend.
It had drawn them to each other the first day they met on the front

He didn’t want to fight it any longer. She
was his. He was hers. He would take her and mate with her and deal
with the fallout later. Much later. He intended spending a long
time loving her, begging for forgiveness, telling her how much she
meant to him. All of that begging and loving was starting here and
now and into the night.

Lina was dreaming. She had to be. Finally
she had Keaton all to herself and he was going to make love to her.
Well the love was one-sided but she’d still have him. All hers for
however long she could have.

"You smell so good! Good enough to eat. Oh
wait, I did that. But…yumm…. I could do that for as long as you
wanted, you’re delicious ya know?”

He stopped dead in his tracks. He was
already uncomfortable in his jeans but now he knew if he moved in
any direction, he would fill his jeans with cum. She had him so
hard and ready. His little virgin-Angel was a sultry temptress and
sexy as hell!

"Angel! You’re killing me!" He gently let
her down to stand on her feet. But the slide of her body down the
front of his was excruciating! She knew it too! Minx!

"You have too many clothes on.” She purred
as she began to undo his belt, one hand stroking him through his
jeans. She felt so powerful and even sexy. He just made her feel
that way and she had decided to stop feeling sorry for herself and
go for it!

"You're amazing, Angel...oh god...yes!” He
couldn’t help but start to sway. "Like that, yes...just like that.”
Now, he was pumping against her hand while trying to unbutton her

Hurry, please babe!” She

He growled and tore open her blouse, buttons
flying everywhere, ripping the material in half. She loved it! She
got his belt off and unzipped his jeans. This was just what she
wanted. She put her long fingers inside and around his hot

His knees actually buckled! He bent his head
to capture her mouth and pulled her tight against his hard body,
his eyes glowing gold. "I want you naked on that bed in three
seconds or I’ll put you there, my wolf wants to come out.”

She shimmied away from him and very slowly
and methodically unzipped her jeans. Then even more slowly she
began to wiggle her way out of them.

"Annnngelllll!” His voice filled with
warning, as he watched with utter stillness. He stared in silence
like an animal waiting for its prey—getting ready to pounce. She
couldn’t wait!

"I may never have this chance again and I
want to make it last as long as possible. I don’t know when it
happened, or how but I love you, Keaton."

Keaton stepped towards her with a determined
step. "Stop right there!”

She was in the middle of
unhooking her bra, her eyes still on him. "What? Why? I thought we
were going to... Oh! I see...you changed your mind.
I really wish you
would just make up your mind, Keaton! You have me twisted up inside
trying to figure out if you want me or not. Then your reaction to
me is well… confusing. Crap! What is wrong with me? No wait...what
is wrong with
? Why is this happening, again?" She shivered. Her eyes
glistened with unshed tears as she turned away to pull her jeans
back up.

"I said...stop right there!” She froze, then
turned quickly to find him up against her and she looked him
straight in the eyes, daring him to… what? Hurt her...again?

"I want to take off your
clothes. I want you to know who is loving you tonight. And I
going to have you
tonight, Angel. I want to make love to you all night long. I will
hear you scream my name." She just stood there, her mouth

She just whispered. "Keaton." The love of
her life just smiled and continued.

"I want you so badly I
can’t walk. I have trouble talking and definitely can't think of
anything but you and me here alone, naked and sweaty. I am so sorry
I left you the way I did. I don’t know how to tell you how sorry I
am and how much you mean to me." He growled. "I will make

His last four words, punctuated with those
sexy growls and holding onto her so tightly, had her breathless.
She just stood there frozen in place as he continued to unhook her

"You know, I had your beautiful breasts in
my mouth once before.” She shivered and her nipples hardened in
anticipation of him taking his turn at the game.

"But, I’ll never get
Oh! He was good!

"Oh Keaton...yessss!”

She whimpered as he took her nipple into his
mouth while he pulled her against his steel cock that he’d finally
freed after her loving hand had caressed him. He gently bit the tip
of her nipple and she jumped and moaned. Before she could react any
further he sucked and licked the pain away. He walked her backwards
until she bumped the wall. He used it for support while his other
hand cupped her ample breast.

"Angel, you are so damn sweet! You’re
fucking perfect...and all mine!"

He pinched and plucked her
nipple as she gasped and he moved to take her bottom lip and nip it
before diving into her warm mouth and kissing her until they were
both breathless. Their tongues danced with perfect rhythm, his
matching the pump of his hips. She wiggled her hips just enough to
settle into that perfect angle.
Yeah...right there, the spot.
jerked and her eyes flew open as she climaxed from just that one

"That’s it Angel. Come for me. Then we’ll do
it again…and again, baby. God I love the sounds you make. Oh damn
baby, you—are—so—hot!”

He pumped against her with each word, as she
continued to moan and arch against him. Keaton gently picked her up
into his arms and carried her to the bed. She loved that he made
her feel so delicate and small. He didn’t let go of her as she kept
trying to pull his t-shirt up and off.

"Let’s do this my way." He ripped it off his
torso. Her hands were on him immediately as she chuckled.

"I love your way.” She whispered, totally
amazed by him.

He gazed at her, lying there, spread out on
the cool sheets just for him and willing to do whatever he wanted.
He wanted her. Not just her luscious body but her heart! She’d said
she loved him. Could he believe his luck? How could she love him?
He had treated her so badly. She loved him. He couldn’t stop
repeating those three words. He felt his heart swell with love for
her and yet he hadn’t told her. She loved him and he was amazed.
His eyes were glowing but filled with love when he caught her
staring while he looked at her curves.

"You haunt me day and night. Every hour,
every minute. I tried to stay away from you...shhhh.” She suddenly
stilled beneath him.

"I was trying to protect you from the evil
I’m facing, but I can’t do that away from you, besides, I need to
be here with you." He kissed her with a tender brush of her

"Just having you nearby makes my knees weak.
I need you so much.” He cradled her face and kissed the tip of her
nose, then licked, kissed and stroked down her neck and shoulder to
her aching breasts. She hissed and arched to his hand.

"I need you to touch me, to stay with me, to
hold me, to love me, Angel, please love me."

Lina blinked back tears as she grabbed for
his shoulders to pull him back down to her. She wanted to feel his
weight on top of her.

He was fighting his inner wolf. The feel of
her skin and her scent were pulling at him. His will was weakening
and he didn't want to fight it any longer.

"I need to taste you, Angel. All of you.
Right now.”

She was going to melt into
one giant puddle on the bed. He had magic hands and a
of a mouth, a
body to die for, and now he was talking so sweet and romantic and
sexy… then he was moving along her body with all that strength and

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