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Authors: Sara Hess

Evan's Addiction (41 page)

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     Suddenly I was being pushed to lie on my back and Shaw was above
me kissing down my throat and chest, leaving trails of fire everywhere. My
hands dug into her hair; not to direct her, just to have contact. She nipped at
my nipple causing my fingers to constrict and pull at her silky strands.

     “I wish I could see you better.” Her breath blew across my tight
skin. “Your body is incredible…your tattoo and so many hard lines. You’re even
hard here.” Her fingers brushed over my abs, trailing down my happy trail, and
then her lips followed and my muscles clenched in vicious need. “You smell so
good; dark and musky, but fresh.” She licked and nipped the tight flesh of my
lower abs.

     My plans had been to get her off and maybe dry hump myself to
relief, and while I didn’t want her to feel obliged to do this I couldn’t form
the words telling her to stop. My body wanted it too badly. Rising up slightly
she tugged at my jeans and I lifted my hips to aid her, and then kicked them
off the rest of the way leaving me naked. It was dark but the moon and stars
gave off just enough luminosity that we could see teasing hints of each other.

     She knelt beside me topless; her firm, generous breasts rising
with her deep, gasping breaths, hair loose and wild around her head, looking
like a fucking vision in the moonlight. I couldn’t recall anything or anyone
that could compare. 

     “You are so damn stunning.” I said, stroking my hand reverently
over her slender waist.

     She moved to kneel between my legs her fingers scoured up my inner
thighs causing my hips to arch, and my cock to bob and pulsate. I’m pretty sure
I leaked some pre-cum. 

     “Shit Shaw!” I growled in agony. “Do that again and I will turn
into a geyser.” I was on a hair trigger where her touch was concerned.

     Had any other woman ever affected me like this?

     “What if I do something different?” She teased huskily, and then
bending over she licked my shaft from root to tip.   

     My balls constricted in agonizing pleasure. Nope, she pretty much
had the market cornered on driving me insane and senseless.

     “Oh shit, Red…Don’t you fucking do this because you think it’s
required. I want you to want my cock like it’s a churro.”

     She giggled. “This will be the biggest churro I’ve ever had.” She
licked me again and then swallowed the tip swirling her tongue around it.  

     Her tongue sent hot electric shocks down my dick and I took her
actions to mean she wanted to do this. Thank fuck!

     Shaw’s tongue continued to lick and swirl, as her mouth sucked and
sucked…and sucked. It was sweet, torturous, mind-blowing pleasure. I tried to
hold onto my damn wits but she was too good at this…and I pushed the reason for
how she became so talented to the back of my mind because I wanted to kill
every guy she’d touched like this. Her mouth was fucking mine and no one

     My dick was thick and her lips were stretched to capacity as she
moved up and down on me; slow, fast, deep, and then shallow. It was fucking
incredible. She was only able to take half my length with her mouth, stroking
the other half with her hand, and coils of hot electricity began racing down my
spin. My balls drew tight warning me of my imminent detonation.

     “Red, honey, I’m close.” I warned raggedly kneading her scalp and
trying to control the thrusting of my hips so I wouldn’t gag her.

     She began humming, nearly deep throating me while caressing my
balls, and I struggled for breath as the vibrations traveled out through my
body and then circled around to rush back down my cock.

     “Now Red…oh fuck…yes!” Muscles locking, I bellowed, releasing a
flood of hot cum into her amazing mouth. It went on forever until she drained
me dry.

     When the last blistering spasm passed I slumped, mind blown at the
way she just owned me.

     I was familiar with the feeling of satiation after a good orgasm,
and enjoyed the women I spent time with, but this…Shaw…was more than anything
I’d known before, and the overly full sensation in my chest told me that this amazing
woman was stealing a part of me I was never going to get back.



















     I gave one last lick to Evan’s engorged penis, disappointed that I
couldn’t see it properly because of the dark, and moved to the side to lie next
to him on the blanket. I’d only gotten a quick look at his cock the last time
and I’d taken note that it was thick, but having it in my mouth really pressed
that point home. Jeesh, it was fat. It also hadn’t really shrunk after he just

     I never liked doing that with other guys, and even though my mouth
was aching from taking Evan’s I had actually more than like it.

     Before I was able to lie down Evan wrapped his arm around me and
settled me partially on top of him, rubbing my back restlessly. “I loved your
mouth before, but that was…incredible, Shaw.”

     “Was the swallowing thing okay?” I stroked my fingers over his
chest where his tattoo was feeling suddenly nervous. I wasn’t accustomed to all
this cuddling and talking afterwards. Guys normally said ‘
thanks babe’
and wanted to get back to whatever party was going on at the time.

     He went still under me for a moment. “You never swallowed before?”

     I tensed at his subtle allusion to my past. It was a harmless
question but I didn’t like thinking about them. “No.” I answered shortly.

     He squeezed me and gripped my chin to raise it. I couldn’t read
his expression in the dark. “Well then my question is…did
like it?”

     I was caught off guard by his question…because did guys really
care if the girl liked it…and could feel my face burning. Thank god for the
darkness. “I didn’t
like it.” I mumbled.

     Tilting forward he chuckled into my mouth as he caressed my lips
gently. “I didn’t
it either, but I only want you doing
what you’re comfortable with.”

     My tension eased as I kissed him back…well, not all my tension.
The sexual tension inside me still had me strung tight. Up to this point Evan
had been focusing on my needs, and I know he was doing that to make a point to
me; that he cared for my needs more than his. I wasn’t certain if he had been
planning that again tonight but I’d needed something different…something more.
Watching his so called minor accident had shifted something inside me, and
truthfully, the whole day had added to it. He’d arranged this weekend for me,
been so attentive, and I wasn’t made of steel. I hated to admit it, but I was
more butter than metal where he was concerned. 

     Suddenly I was flipped and Evan was in control, his hot, hard body
looming over mine. “Your turn now, Red.” He growled into my neck sending hot
shivers through me. I felt his hands at the fastening of my shorts. “I’ve been
dying to get my mouth on that sweet cream of yours again.”

     His mouth sucked at my collarbone moving down to my naked breasts
as my shorts and panties glided down my legs. As his lips sucked at my nipple I
bent my quaking legs robotically so he could haul them all the way off.

     Then we were naked, skin to hot naked skin, and he felt so good
lying on top of me, sucking at one my breast strongly, while molding the other
one with his large hands, rolling, pinching, and tugging at my nipple. I felt
unhinged, clutching at his hair in mindless ecstasy, digging my short nails
into his scalp pressing him closer.

     “Oh god…Evan.” I whimpered. “That feels so...” The scrape of his
scruff on my breasts had me arching my back and moaning; I wanted
more…harder…and it was like he knew because his touch turned more aggressive.
“Yesss!” I gasped. The pain and the pleasure mixed perfectly.

     Evan released my nipple with a ‘pop’. “Damn, you taste as good as
you look. You tell me if I get too rough, Shaw, because I lose my fucking mind
like never before when I’m with you.”

     I nodded, trying to pull his head back. “Okay, okay, I
will…promise.” I panted.

     He gave a dark chuckle before his mouth began devouring me all
over again, but then his lips released my breast to journey slowly down my
stomach and I tensed in anticipation and nervousness.

     “Relax, Red. I’m going to make you feel even better.” He purred,
and then his mouth was
, sending electric shocks of pleasure
coursing through my body.

     I sobbed, my body bowing up at the sensations he was eliciting. Fire
erupted from my core and spread throughout my body in one long blooming
sensation. His lips and tongue were so wickedly wonderful. 

     His thumb took over the torture on my clit as he whispered against
my flesh. “You are so hot and wet and tight, Red, and you’re all mine. I have
so many dirty, wicked thoughts in my head that I want to do to you, and I want
to do them all, over and over again…until you’re screaming in ecstasy, begging
me to stop, but really wanting me to keep going.”

     I couldn’t reply to that gut-clenching statement because the
tension twisting inside of me was reaching a breaking point, and when his lips
returned, eating at me with a ravenous hunger, that was it…white-hot ecstasy slammed
into me. It felt like thousands of explosions were detonating inside of me,
setting off uncontrollable tremors and shockwaves. My inner walls clenched
frantically around Evan’s plunging fingers, robbing me of all sanity.

     I heard a high mewling cry and realized it was me.

     When the acute, deep pulses passed into weaker throbs I sagged in
shattered satiation, trembling uncontrollably.     

     Evan made his way back up my body leisurely; kissing, nipping,
nuzzling…I quivered at his continued attention. I always thought a guy’s orgasm
was the end of the night, but Evan never seemed to be done with me. He stayed
and continued to touch. 

     “God, I love how you taste; sweet and fiery just like your
personality.” He wrapped his arms around me pulling me onto his side, tucking
the blanket around us. His erection was back and pressing into me.

     Trembling, I laughed shakily going red at his remark. “What…like a
hot tamale?”

     He chuckled, massaging my back. “Exactly like that.”

     “You taste bitter, like a mix of brussel sprouts and raw spinach.”
My hand played over his chest and stomach. I’d trade my keyboard for his hard
lines any day.

     “God, that sounds awful.” He grunted, his hands roaming further

     I grinned. “You don’t like brussel sprouts and spinach?”

     “Not even a little.”

     “Well, I do, so you’re lucky.”

     He cupped my butt, kneading it, and kissed the top of my head.
“You don’t have to tell me that.”

     Warmth bloomed in my chest, and then my sex as his hand massaged
my rear-end.

     My hand moved down to his stomach arriving at his hard-on. I ran a
finger over the smooth tip. “Why are you still hard; did I not do enough?” From
what I remembered guys went completely soft after blowing their load.

     Evan’s chest rumbled as his hips lifted, and his arms tightened
around me. “Nothing is ever enough with you, Red. I think I could have you all
night and still remain hard for you.”

     I nuzzled into his chest as the warmth in my chest swelled. My
desire for him was the same, but my craving was more than physical. 

     Did he want more than my body? He said he did, and I wanted to
believe him.

     “Did you have fun today?” His fingers traveled down my spine.

     I don’t remember ever having so much fun, or feeling more alive…or
wanted. It was a perilous feeling because disappointment and hurt generally

    “Yes…a lot.” I admitted quietly. My gaze scanned the sky full of

     He kissed the top of my head again, caressing my back. “Good.”

     I stroked his hard erection and kissed his chest. “Can we have
more fun?” I wanted to get lost in him all night. My need for him made me
antsy, but it was too powerful to fight.

     He gave guttural groan and tugged on my butt, hauling me up so
that we were face to face. “I can’t say no to you, Red.” And then his lips consumed
mine, his arms crushing me.

     He took me to a whole new plane of enjoyment. It made me not want
to rejoin the real world.


∞                    ∞


     I woke to the sound of waves, bright sunlight, and a hot body
surrounding me…and I didn’t freak out about it.

     Instead, I sighed contentedly remaining utterly motionless so I
wouldn’t disturb the moment, and summoned up memories of last night. 

     When I’d asked Evan if we could have more fun I’d expected us to
advance to intercourse, but Evan still appeared to want to hold out. Instead,
we’d had another extensive round of amazing oral and finger play. Afterwards
we’d snuggled together staring up at the sky, listening to the waves, and
talking for what seemed like hours until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any
longer. I’d fought it as long as I could because I hadn’t wanted the day to
end, but exhaustion had finally won out.

     I was surprised Evan hadn’t woken me up so that we could head back
to the house, but I wasn’t disappointed to find us still outside. In fact, I
was far from disappointed; waking up outside, wrapped up in his arms was one of
the most incredible feelings in the world.

     Maybe yesterday’s magic could extend beyond a day.

     It wasn’t like my other days with him weren’t as great; being
around him made my days better in a way that didn’t seem real, but spending the
whole day with him, a day he’d made special just for me, was like a gift.

     Gifts weren’t a common occurrence in my life. 

     The only thing that had dimmed my enjoyment of yesterday was
Evan’s accident. Watching that car hit him, and then nearly ram into him
again…well, it had felt like a vise was squeezing my chest. I’d nearly climbed
the fence to get to him.

     The group had all surged toward the entrance gate as one large
mob, disengaging me from the fence, and while I hadn’t liked taking the longer
route I’d made up time by losing my flip-flops. I hadn’t even been thinking
about all the wreckage I’d be running in to. I’d only wanted to get to him as
quickly as possible. The fact that I’d jumped on him like he was a sailor who’d
been off to war for years also illustrated how little I’d been thinking.

     After discovering that he was injury-free I’d been shocked at the
degree of my terror. I’d tried rationalizing it last night but my emotions had
been all over the place with the overload of adrenaline, terror, and lust. This
morning I didn’t even want to examine it because I knew I wouldn’t like the
conclusion I’d end up at.

     Some things were better left in the dark. In fact, the dark was
going to end up being my new best friend for however long this thing lasted
between Evan and me.

     Evan shifted behind me exhaling heavily into my hair, causing
goose bumps to explode all over my body. His movements pushed another one of
his erections into my bottom and I grinned in contentment…he was hard again.
The morning air was chilly on my face but he was keeping me pretty warm, and
the feel of his hardness nudging me got my blood running exceedingly hot. I was
unable to stop my brief backside wiggle. Regrettably, we’d redressed last night
before wrapping up in the blanket and I was thwarted at getting to appreciate
the full affect of him.

     A groan rumbled from him and his hips pressed forward, and his
arms that were wrapped around my waist tightened, pulling me firmly to his
front. I gave my own small moan at the sheer pleasure of the moment.

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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