Evan's Addiction (19 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     “Fuck Shaw, I want you so damn bad.” I paused only long enough to
grunt that into her mouth before resuming my assault on her lips.

     She panted and mewed, and inserted a circle motion with her hips
that my dick absolutely loved. I couldn’t believe it…but I was near to fucking
coming. Delving my hand further between her spread legs I added my fingers to
our water humping, rubbing them over her covered pussy lips, and though I was
outside her I could feel the clenching of her inner muscles notifying me that
she was as close as I was to climaxing.

     I was so out of my mind that I seriously thought about pulling
down my shorts and tugging her suit to the side to plunge into her right here.
My finger burrowed into her suit to commence the plunging, driving deep into
her tight, contracting wetness, and that appeared to be all she needed.  Her
mouth broke from mine as she stiffened, clamped down on my finger, and cried
out her orgasm into my neck.

     The thought of getting inside her was all I could think about now.
I was about to yank my shorts down when Shaw unexpectedly bit my ear. A burning
electric current shot down my spine to my dick so fast I stumbled at the power
of it, and then I was exploding; coming so hard I had to be heedful not to
slump down under the water as the fucking euphoria detonated through and out of

     Seizing her ass with both my hands I ground her into me as I
growled out my pleasure into her shoulder. “Fuuuucckkk!” So good, so fucking
good. And as the last of the cum pumped out of me I lurched at the
lightheadedness that crashed down on me. “Holy shit!” I gasped.

     Shaw trembled wildly in my arms and feeling it had me gripping her
tighter to me. Hell, I needed something to hang on to myself after that!

     From the beginning Shaw had been singular, capturing parts of my
interest no other woman had, parts I hadn’t even known existed, and now
something inside me felt altered as I clinched her firmly to me. She was
touching more than just my top layer, she was burrowing deeper. This might
alarm me later when my brain cells came back into play.

     The present, and our location, seeped back into my consciousness
and I glanced around. There were only a few people on the beach and they didn’t
seem overly interested us. Shaw and I were chest deep in the water so they
couldn’t know what we had just done. To them, all we’d done was eat each others
face off.

     “I can’t believe that just happened.” Shaw moaned into my
shoulder. She was still quivering and I rubbed her back soothingly.

     “I can’t believe it took us this long.” That had been incredible,
and I hadn’t even gotten inside her.

     Her head rose and she scowled at me…through beautifully sated,
bemused eyes…but then her expression became alarmed and she glanced around
appearing to suddenly realize where we were.

     “Shit, did we become a floor show?” She whispered, peering over
shoulder at the few people on the beach.

     I chuckled. “If people were looking they only saw us kissing. The
water hid everything else.”

     She sagged in relief, and then she was pushing herself out of my
arms. “Let me go.” I didn’t want to but I allowed her to go free, and she
turned to half swim, half storm away. “What the hell is wrong with my legs?”
She grouched faltering in the water.

     Laughter burst from me and I clapped my arm around her waist to
haul her towards the beach. She groused about that as well, saying she had it,
but I ignored her amused as hell. When we neared the shore she pulled away to
march towards the cot with our things and snatched up one of the hotel towels
they provided for guests.  

     Ogling her as she dried off, and getting myself all worked up
again, I turned away to wave to one of the beach staff. He jogged over quickly.

     “Yes sir?”

     “Can I get a sausage and cheese omelet with toast, a fruit bowl,
and a mimosa. Shaw, have you had breakfast yet?”

     She raised startle eyes. “We can get food out here?”

     “You can get anything you want out here.” I smiled wickedly as I
stretching myself out on one of the cots.

     Clutching the towel to her chest she eyed me avidly for a
moment…before catching herself and glowering at me for daring to allude to the
orgasm I’d just given her.

     “Hopefully the food is superior to other subpar services.” She

     I just grinned, because she wasn’t fooling me; especially since
she was still glowing.

     Flushing even more she turned away with a huff to address the
waiter. “Can I get an orange juice, some whole-grain toast, and a bowl of

     The guy, who was maybe eighteen, smiled at her…a little too
jovially from my perspective…and rushed away to fill our orders. Shaw continued
to dry herself, and then she began poking at her arms and looking up at the

     “Why are you poking yourself?” I asked, unable to wipe the stupid
grin off my face. Shit, I felt good. 

     She slid me a sideways glance, not fully facing me. “I don’t want
to end looking like a walking lobster tonight; red hair
red skin.”

     Shaw’s skin glowed with a healthy light tan at the moment, but I
could see why she was worried. Red heads were known to burn easily.

     Standing up I extended the canopy that was attached to the cot and
tilted it so it would give her some shade. “There…no look-alike lobster
contests tonight.”

     Mouth lifting slightly she sat down under the shelter. “Thanks.”

     Her gaze met mine briefly before sliding away. It had been long
enough for me to see desire plain as day in them, but I also caught questions
and some unrest. I hoped she wasn’t regretting what had happened because we
would be doing much more today. What we’d done had only wetted my appetite. I
wanted the entire dish, and I wanted to stuff myself for days until…Well, I
didn’t want to think that far ahead at the moment. I just knew I needed to get
inside of her, and I needed to do it many, many times.

     We were meant to happen, and after what just occurred she had to
see that.










































     I was trying my damn’dest to appear collected and not run for
cover like a ninny. It was exceedingly difficult, but I wasn’t going to let him
know how he’d just shattered me. What had gone down between us out in the water
had been totally unexpected. I can’t believe I’d lost control like that; been
so utterly out of my head.

     No matter how hard I’ve fought to keep it from happening, Evan had
wiggled his way past my defenses. When a man can turn your insides into nothing
but raging desire stronger than the power of all five elements put together you
know he’s a force to be reckoned with. And then when you see how sweet he is to
his mother everything seems turned upside down.

     God, I felt so lost. The reasons why I shouldn’t trust him were
slipping through my fingers like water, and all I wanted was to run my hands
all over his body, have his mouth claim mine again, and forget the outside
world existed. He’d done a really excellent job at it ten minutes ago.

     I’d never experienced anything like that in my life, not even on
my own. The guys in my past hadn’t cared if I’d gotten off. They’d only cared
about themselves, and I’d been too needy for attention and affection to care
about my wants, or my self-respect. 


     My emotions weren’t ready to hear whatever Evan might say. Just
sitting near him was nerve-racking right now, and I was having a really
difficult time holding his gaze. “Did you get a hold of your mother?” I blurted,
peeking his briefly and than out at the ocean.   

     He didn’t say anything for a moment, but I could feel him staring
at me. His glimmering amber gaze seemed to see beneath my skin to every
emotion. He made my normally impermeable exterior feel like paper.

     “I did…this morning.” He finally answered.

     I let my gaze finally meet his and the sensual intensity in them
had every erogenous zone in my body throbbing. How could he look at me that way
while talking about his mother?

     Clearing my throat I looked away again. “And…is she okay?”

     “She hasn’t spoken to Kyle yet because he hasn’t been home, but I
told her she shouldn’t wait to find a divorce lawyer. What you said made a lot
of sense. I don’t want him screwing her over.”

     I nodded, inexplicably warmed at his admission of my good sense.
“You and she seem exceptionally close.” In fact, their love for each other had
caused a pang of envy in my chest. I had never experienced anything like that.

     A covert glance revealed him smiling affectionately. “We are. For
eight years it was just her and me, and even after she got married it was
mostly her and me. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a bit of a mama’s boy, and
I display it proudly.”  He pointed to his tattoo…the one I’d been having a hard
time not gawking at. It covered is left pectoral, shoulder, and half of his
upper bicep. It was a tribal drawing with a criss-cross type of pattern, but
the section he was pointing out was the MOM interwoven within it. There were
also two sets of initials; J.L. and T.H.M.

     The art was beautiful, and a testament to how much he loved her.
Not a lot of guys had the balls to put MOM on their body. It had my heart
lifting, but at the same time my stomach hollowed in additional envy. I never
had that, and never would. After twenty years I’d come to terms with the fact
that my mother and father hadn’t wanted me, but every now and then I couldn’t
stop pinches of pain and covetousness when I saw the loving relationships
between some parents and their children.

     “Are those your mom and dads initials?” I asked getting my fill of
the tattoo, and his awesomely broad chest, while not appearing like I was ogling
him. The man had arm porn that would make any woman weak in the knees.  

     “Yeah. I only did moms first and middle initial because putting
Kyle’s surname on my body just felt wrong. It’s a good thing I didn’t since
she’s divorcing him.” His lip twisted in partial antipathy for his stepfather
and delight at the divorce.

     “Well, it’s obvious she spoiled you, but maybe only mildly
rotten.” I teased. 

     “Thank you. That’s high praise coming from you.” He joked back.

     My grin drooped because I didn’t want him thinking my bitch switch
was constantly on. “Seriously though, it appears she did a really good job
raising you. You’re lucky to have each other.” I wasn’t that bitter to where I
would hold what he had with her against him, but giving out praise didn’t roll
off my tongue all that naturally so I could only hope it didn’t sound as
stilted as it felt.

     Evan’s stare was pensive on me and I had to turn my gaze to the
ocean unable to handle the intensity of it. Thankfully, I was saved from the
tension filled moment by the cabana boy…or whatever they were called. He set
the food down on the table between us and Evan gave him his room card so it
could be charged to the room. Landon’s father was paying for all the room
service as well.

     Evan eyed my plate. “You always seem to order something healthy.
Are you watching your weight, because you don’t need to?”  

     I blushed at his compliment but shifted restlessly at the idea of
revealing any of my past. Surprisingly, my mouth opened of its own accord to
spill the details. “My foster family, the Tagert’s, stocked mostly junk food.
It wasn’t often that I had a meal that involved fruits and vegetables, or
unprocessed meats. I’m trying to make up for my deficiency.” I pasted a smile
on my face but Evan’s eyes still filled with sympathy and that had my spine
snapping straight. “I don’t need you feeling sorry for me.” I growled biting
into my nasty whole-grain toast.

     Evan’s brows arched. “There’s nothing wrong with showing someone a
little sympathy, Shaw. And why are you grimacing?”

     It was a softer explanation, but still pity. I let it go. “Trying
to make up for years of bad eating habits means I have to sometimes eat
unpleasant whole grain cardboard.” I forced down another bite as Evan laughed and
bit into his softer, tastier white bread. I narrowed my eyes. “Don’t think I
won’t kill you for that toast.”

     His gaze smoldered as it moved over my body, leaving trails of
heat in their wake, and he waved the toast like a red flag. “Come and get it.”

     The sexual undertone in his voice had a devastating effect on my
body. It was like it had been programmed for him now; my breasts instantly went
heavy, butterflies fluttered madly in my stomach, and my sex pulsed for
something to fill it. I really wanted to slap him with a sharp retort…or just
slap him…but my breath seemed lodged in my throat.  

     Instead I took another bite of my cardboard.

     He smirked like he knew what he was doing to me; it both pissed me
off, and made me hotter for him. It was maddening.

     Getting the dry toast down with the help of some of the orange
juice, I asked. “What’s going to happen with Carol?”

     My out of the blue question appeared to throw him. He blinked
pensively. “She’s going to be charged with embezzling, but will get some
leniency since she’s cooperating and wasn’t the brains behind the scheme. Why
are you wondering?” He bit into his omelet.

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