Evan's Addiction (18 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     “See you tomorrow, Shaw.” I growled threatening through the door.
Turning on my heel I headed toward my room, my plans changing to a cold
shower…and taking myself in hand.


∞                    ∞


     I woke up from a wet dream the next morning my cock pulsing for
release. Taking it in hand…
yet again
…I jacked myself off to more visions
of Shaw’s mouth, naked body, and things I wanted to do to her naked body, and
within seconds released several grunts of intense relief.

     Taking a minute to get my breath under control I spread myself out
on the mattress. My damn hand was getting damn old. I wanted Shaw, and I was
going to get her. I didn’t doubt her attraction to me, but for whatever reason
she was drawing out the inevitable. And it was inevitable.

     Tilting my head lazily to the side I glanced at the clock. The
display showed a little after eight in the morning telling me it was time to
get up and waylay Shaw somewhere. But before that I needed to call my mother.
The wedding wasn’t until two so there was no worry about rushing this morning.

     Hauling myself out of the bed I strode to the bathroom. Fifteen
minutes later I walked back out, threw on some boxers, and grabbed my phone to
dial my mother. Lounging on the balcony overlooking the ocean I spent several minutes
talking to her and found out that she hadn’t as yet talked to Kyle about the
divorce. It seemed he was more often away from the house than in it. I asked if
she’d spoken to a divorce lawyer yet, and when she told me ‘no’ I advised her
she should do that immediately because she needed to understand her rights, and
get a leg up on him. She deserved to walk away with a fair settlement after
putting up with him all these years; especially if she’d done it for me…I
didn’t tell her that last part. I offered to go with her to the lawyer but she
declined, saying she would call me after though.   

     We moved on from that discussion to talking about my job. She
wanted to know more about what I was doing and how well I liked working for
curiosity toward Dan snagged
curiosity and I was
about to subtly question her on it when I got distracted by a mass of wild red
hair walking in the sand toward the ocean.

     Jumping up out of the lounge chair I stepped to the railing. That
was definitely Shaw down on the beach. What was she doing; out for a morning
stroll? She walked up to the ocean wading into it up to her ankles, and then
after a couple seconds she walked back out and began removing her clothes. My
spine snapped straight as her body was slowly revealed.

     Shorts came off to reveal long creamy legs and firm thighs making my
blood rush south. The shirt disappeared to reveal an unacceptable utilitarian
black one piece swimsuit, and though it covered everything I wanted exposed the
form-fitting material revealed a tight athletic figure with luscious curves.
     The veins in my cock throbbed with my heartbeat and I had to reach down
and squeeze it to ease the ache.

     “Evan…Evan, you still there?”

     Mom’s voice yelling through the phone called me back to where I
was. It also brought the creature in my pants some semblance of control,
because shit…my mother was in the phone.

     The device had drifted away from my ear slightly; I brought it
back and answered. “I’m here, mom; just got distracted there for a second.
Listen, could I call you back later. I see someone out my window I need to go
talk to.”

     “Of course, honey. I love you.”

     “Love you too.” I echoed before saying goodbye.

     Rushing back inside I yanked down my boxers, careful of my
erection, and replaced them with swim shorts and a t-shirt. A minute later I
was out the door and tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for the elevator.
When it opened on the ground floor I dashed out and speed walked through the
lobby. Jogging down to the beach I arrived to find Shaw standing in the ocean hip
deep, but not making any move to go any further.

     Ripping off my shirt I tossed it, along with my phone, room card
and sandals, on the lounge bed next to her clothes before making my way into
the water after her. The water was cool, but not ball shriveling.

     I waded up to her silently. “You’re not standing there peeing, are

     Shaw spun startled green eyes in my direction. The morning sun was
making her hair blaze in a different way than the setting sun had, but it was
just as spectacular. I wanted to tangle my fingers in her curls and get
completely lost in it.

     Shaw’s wide-eyed gaze felt like a live flame as it tracked my
naked chest absorbedly, pausing on the tattoo in my left pectoral and shoulder.
I grinned smugly as she appeared to shake herself out of whatever dirty
thoughts were rolling around in her head.

     “If I said yes would it make you go away?” She asked, licking her

     Grinning through my swollen discomfort I answered. “No, I think
I’d actually appreciate it. This waters pretty shocking on my unmentionables.”

     “If they’re unmentionables, why mention them?” She snipped looking
back to the watery horizon.

     She was throwing off an “
I’m going to totally ignore you’
attitude but I could see her giving me what she probably thought were
inconspicuous sidelong glances as I stood there silently next to her. The
pretty pink coloring her cheeks and upper chest said she wasn’t unaffected by
my presence, and the puckered nubs of her nipples was evidence that she wanted
me here as well.

     “So, is there a reason you’re just standing here and not
swimming?” I asked after one whole minute of silence. I wasn’t complaining
because she was a sight to behold standing here half naked.

     She sighed. “I’ve never been to the ocean before.”

     My brows shot up. Charlottesville was only a few hours from the
ocean; it was difficult to believe anyone couldn’t make it over here at least

     “Is there a reason why?” I asked.

      She shrugged. “My foster parent’s never came over this way, at
least not that I know of,” her gaze skittered to me and away quickly, “and
until recently I never had the money to come myself, and no car is a bit of a
problem too. Now that I finally have my own money I just haven’t found the

     Something in me lightened as Shaw revealed something of herself. I
could tell she hadn’t been comfortable with it but she’d still done it and I
felt like I’d jumped a huge hurdle. 

     “Can you swim?” I would have no problem teaching her if she

     The side of her mouth twisted up. “Yes. I’ve been in the
neighborhood irrigation hole, and I have a…friend who has a pool.”

     Her reference to an irrigation hole as a swim spot had me inwardly
cringing, because that was just nasty…and sad, but her hesitation on the word
‘friend’ caught my interest more. However, I had a feeling if I asked her about
it she would shut down on me so I swallowed my curiosity.

     I gave her a friendly nudge. “So this is your first time in the
ocean. I almost wish I would have dumped you in it last night, I could have had
the honor of initiating you.”

     An actual shy smile crossed her face and she nudged me back. “You
did get my feet in last night, so you could call that initiating me.”

     I loved that she was giving me that when she could have easily
tossed out a sarcastic comment. I also loved that we were connecting with more
than repartee, but I had to take advantage of this moment.

     Rushing her, I scooped her into my arms and she let out a small
squeal, clutching at my neck. “Evan! What are you doing? I’m already in the

     Her slippery flesh slid against mine; soft breasts, smooth legs,
and the wet ends of her hair wrapped around me. Damn, she aroused me like no
other. “But you’re not completely wet.” I gave her a wicked smile before
submerging us both under the water, but I brought us right back up.

     Shaw gasped for breath swiping wet hair off her face and glowered
at me. With water dripping from her wet lashes the glare lacked some of its
heat factor though. All it did was make her look adorably sexy. But then she
always looked that way to me, no matter how much she glared and snipped. In
fact, that just made her hotter.  

     “You know, the more you glare the more I like it.” I smirked down
at her. “It makes me want to dunk you again.”

     First her eyes widened in surprise, and then they narrowed in
warning. “Don’t even think about it.”

     I didn’t listen, and for the next couple of minutes we water
wrestled and it was a blast, and better yet, I got Shaw laughing.

     “This is highly unfair,” Shaw panted in laughter, trying to dunk
me. “You’re twice my size.”

     With very little difficulty I picked her up and tossed her, yet
again, and when she came up sputtering I chortled. “You’re smart, think out of
the box.”

     She tried so hard to scowl. “I’m computer smart.” She looked
around. “There’s no…” Her face suddenly twisted in pain. “Auuhhh, ow, ow, my
leg, something is stinging my leg.” She started screaming and bobbing in the
water slapping at her leg.

     Alarm shot through me at the pain and panic on her face. My first
thought was that she was being stung by a jellyfish and I rushed over to get
her out of the water and get whatever it was off her as quickly as possible. As
I reached out to lift her up into my arms she out of the blue jumped me and
because I wasn’t prepared she forced my head under the water.

     When I shot back up Shaw was backpedaling rapidly while laughing.
“You told me to think out of the box so you can’t be mad.”

     I couldn’t deny it; my panic
morphed to anger. I should
have known she was faking because it was too much of a coincidence, but my fear
that she was actually getting hurt had overruled any logical thought. What she
said was true though, I had told her to think out of the box. That didn’t mean
I wasn’t going to make her pay.

     I prowled after her, my heart beating double time with residual
anxiety. “You know I have to get even now, Miss Scream Queen.”   

     Her face lit up with anticipation before she spun to swim away.
The little actress was looking forward to it. I realized that Shaw’s protective
walls were lowering right in front of me and I was loving it. She was even more
incredible when she let herself go.

     I dove after her catching her foot and dragged her back to me. She
attempted to wiggle free but I got my arms around her and clinched her to me
tightly. She was panting, green eyes effervescent, beautiful beyond…anything. Her
body slithered against mine; breasts to chest, belly to belly, hip to hard-on. All
I wanted to do was strip her bare and drive myself into her right here.

     Shaw froze in my hold and stared at me with passion wary eyes.
“Thank you.” She whispered. 

     Confused, I grunted. “For what?” My hand fanned out on her lower
back; I had to touch more, and my hips weren’t stationary either, they rocked
faintly into her abdomen.

     A soft breath caught in her throat. “When you asked me why I was
just standing there in the water…I was…a little scared.”

     My hand traveled up to rub her back instinctively in comfort. “Why
were you scared? You seem to swim well, and even though you faked a jellyfish
attack they aren’t that common.”

     A strained smile tugged at her mouth. “I
swim well, and
it wasn’t jellyfish. It’s just so big…the ocean. I’m used to smaller areas of
water, and stepping into it made me feel so small. An image of it sucking me in
and pulling me out to sea popped into my head and I couldn’t go any further.”

     I stroked her back reassuringly even as I grinned at her
imagination. Moreover, I was delighted that she was feeling more comfortable
with me that she could share that. “You only have to worry about that if the
red or yellow flags are up, but it’s green today which means we are safe from
any riptides that want to suck us out to sea.”

     She huffed. “I was speaking more metaphorically than literally.”

     “I think it was a little of both.” I retorted half seriously, half
jokingly. Shaw had lived a rough life so every step and experience she took was
probably measured cautiously. As that thought slipped into my head I realized
that might be why she was tiptoeing around
, and like a light bulb
going off it made things a little bit clearer for me. “No matter what, it’s
good that you know what the flags denote for future reference.”

     My fingers traced Shaw’s back; around, down, and then up to her
nape. The sexual tension between us hadn’t gone away, it had just been put on
hold for a moment, and I was now bringing it back to her complete attention.

     Her pupils dilated and her breathing became irregular as she
stared at me wide-eyed. “Evan…”

     Unable to control myself any longer I captured my whispered name
from her lips at the same time lifting her legs so that they were hitched on my
hips. Her open sex pressed against the underside of my tormented cock and I growled
in gratification, releasing the ravenous hunger I’d barely been able to keep in
check around her. All rational thought went out the window again as my
addiction for her was finally answered.

     I ate at her sweet mouth like a man possessed; sucking, biting,
and pulling on her lips feverishly. In the back of my mind was the thought that
I wasn’t this aggressive with women. Normally I was more polished and
calculating in my lovemaking, but that was impossible right now. This woman did
something to my head that I was powerless against. 

     Leaving one hand in her hair I palmed her ass with the other and
rocked her on my cock. The oceans waves facilitated the motion exponentially
and I groaned at the sensations. Shaw’s whimper, and her short nails digging
into my shoulders burrowed through my lust haze alerting me to the fact that she
was enjoying my touch…thank god!...and her tongue tangling enthusiastically
with mine confirmed her wholehearted participation.   

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