Evan's Addiction (16 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     Everyone caught the innuendo and laughed. Maya twisted to kiss
him, and it wasn’t just a peck.

     Dan turned on his heel with a shake of his head and a smile,
mumbling. “I need a drink. Where’s the waitress.” Spotting the one that was
answering Nic’s wave he started towards her but halted next to me first. “I’m
glad to see you here, Shaw.” He gave me a smile and my shoulder a squeeze.

     Unexpected warmth filled me as he singled me out.

     A second later Evan was pulling up an empty chair and sat down
right next to me, his amber eyes hot and intense as they looked me over. “Shaw.
You. Look. Gorgeous.” His hand came up and fingered my hair. I’d left it loose
tonight. It wasn’t something I did often because it was so riotous and wild.

     Wayward thoughts of his lips on mine, my lips on his, caused my
body to break out in a sweat, and because I was used to vulgar comments and not
compliments I had to grapple with my waning self-control and disorientation. 

     “Uh…thank you.” Well, that was eloquent.

     He smirked evilly. “So, your room or mine? Tell you what; I’ll
flip a coin. Head at my place, tail at yours.”

     The table went silent as those who were accustomed to this waited
for my reply. Those who hadn’t heard our banter were probably shocked at his

     I raised my brow dispassionately even as my heart pounded madly in
enjoyment. “How about I smack you upside the head
  kick your ass…I
mean tail.”

     Everyone hooted in hilarity, and while they did Evan leaned in to
whisper in my ear. “Seriously, you look amazing, and you should wear your hair
down more often. It’s stunning.”

     Heat scorched my face…and blood…and girl parts. I gulped more expensive
champagne. Shit! I was supposed to take it easy. I hate what he did to me, even
when I loved every sexually charged, torturing second with him, I hated it. I
also hate how I want to press my body against his; feeling every hard, ripped,
muscle on that perfect body of his.

     Trey, one of Gabby’s cousin-in-law’s, and Maya’s friend, who’d
been trying to hook me all night leaned around me to smirk at Evan. “That was
way harsher than the rebuffs I’ve been getting. You must have not impressed her
last weekend.”

     Cold washed over me and I instantly stiffened at the subtle
implication that I’d had sex with Evan. Had Evan told him I had? I had been
starting to think Evan might be different, but he was just like every other
fucking guy out there; more concerned about his dick’s reputation than mine. 

     “Trey, Shaw and I only shared a bed, so be careful how you phrase
your words.”

     Evan’s hard voice brought me out of my cold freeze and I stared at
him in surprise. Was he actually contradicting Trey; clearing my reputation,
taking my side? That was different.

     “And the reason her rebuffs toward you were lukewarm was because
you are barely a blip on her radar.” Evan sneered with what looked like menace.

     Everyone at the table was watchfully silent as the scene unfolded.
Normally I didn’t give a shit about making a scene, but this was different from
what generally happened around me and I started to feel self-conscious as the
two men eyed each other with hard glints while everyone else stared.

     “Trey, are you not being nice?” Maya exclaimed with tipsy
cluelessness. “Shaw, did he say something bad?”          

     Even though my nerves were twitching because of his comment I
didn’t want to blow up Maya’s pre-wedding party by exploding all over Trey, so
I shook my head with a smile. “If by bad, you mean smelly, than yes, his breath
stinks.” I gave Trey one of my own hard glares, backed with teeth.

     Several snickers erupted around the table and Havi, Trey’s
brother, stood clapping Trey on the shoulder with a lopsided grin. “She’s been
burning you all night, brother; time to give up.”

     Trey stood and gave me a rueful smile. “You don’t know what you’re
missing, Shaw, but I do.” He bent partially down, his dark gaze meeting mine…it
wasn’t anywhere near as forceful as another set of amber ones. I felt Evan’s heavy
arm settle on the back of my chair and Trey’s gaze flickered his way briefly
before returning to me. “We could have been explosive together.” He declared.  

     Keeping my teeth covered I raised my eyebrow. “When you say that
all I can envisage is sparklers.”

     Trey straightened with a laugh. “And that right there is why it
would have been explosive, but I guess I’m going to have to be the one to
settle for sparklers.” Still chuckling he walked away with his brother toward
the bar.

     Evan nudged my shoulder to get my attention but I was already
turning my head his way. His eyes tracked from Trey to me with a frown. “Has he
been bothering you the whole night?” Before I could answer he turned to the
table. “Why did you let him fucking hassle her this entire time?”

     My brows shot up at his vehemence and my heart swelled…he was
sticking up for me! Wow! Another first.

     Juan, Trey’s other brother, leaned forward with a frown. All the
brothers were good looking with their Latino looks, muscular physiques, and

     “Trey may have been a little over-ardent just then, but he hasn’t
been hassling her, Evan.” His frown deepening, Juan looked at me. “He wasn’t,
was he?”

     My grim mood dwindled further at Juan’s concerned query. Trey
really hadn’t been that bad. He was one of those rare guys who seemed to enjoy
my derisive remarks. He was arrogant and thought he was god’s gift to women and
any other time and place I would have probably flayed him with my tongue, but
I’d been having a lot of fun with everyone, even him somewhat, so I’d let it
fly. I got harassed way worse on campus.

     I might have also taken his reference to last weekend too
seriously; he had most likely been trying to rib Evan in that guy way they
liked to do.  

     “He was mildly annoying…like a mosquito bite.” I joked hoping to
ease the situation further, because everyone was staring at me and Evan with
varying questioning looks.

     Juan chuckled. “I can’t wait to tell him you said that.” He

     I relaxed as everyone went back to casually conversing. 

     “You sure you don’t want me to go kick his ass?” Evan whispered in
my ear.

     I shivered as his hot breath puffed over me. Slanting my gaze his
way I saw that while he was smiling his eyes were still narrowed in tight
contemplation. His offer was the sweetest thing anyone had ever offered. The
man continued to skew my world in ways that had me scrambling to not fold.

     “Do you think you could? The guy is huge.” Evan had a large,
brawny build, but Trey was bigger.

     “Steroid muscle doesn’t compare to the real thing…and then there’s
the side effect.” Evan growled, flexing slightly.

     I grinned. My night was abruptly fifty times better…and that I
distinguished that was disturbing. “You better watch it, all three of them are
built the same way and they most likely would take exception to those words.”

     “Pssh.” He waved his hand carelessly. 

     A waitress came by and Evan added his drink order to the list of
others, and then Landon drew his attention and he relaxed back in his seat,
propping his ankle on his knee as they talked. His arm was still on the back of
my chair and he played absently with my hair as he chatted while giving me
frequent smoldering glances.

     I don’t know why I wasn’t stopping him, or at least giving him
murderous glares. All I knew was that it was taking everything in me to manage
my response to him; my pounding heartbeat, the blood zinging hotly through my
veins, my overly sensitized nerves and skin, and the ache taking up residence
in my breasts and between my thighs.

     I was torn between wanting to kill him and attack him.

     My thoughts flashed unexpectedly to yesterday and the conversation
I overheard between him and his mother. They seemed to have a really close
relationship, and I could hear the mutual concern in their voices as they
conversed. I had also caught the hint of sacrifice in regards to Evan’s
stepdad, and what I’d concluded was that both of them had put up with the guy
because they’d thought the other one needed them to.

     Their interaction had been poignant, and my dead heart had
shuddered with faint life. Evan was weaving this emotional web around me that
was making it difficult to break free from. I could live through a physical
liaison with him, but if my heart got involved… 

     “Don’t tell me you’ve been this quiet all night?” Evan murmured in
my ear.

     I threw on a hasty smile over my ruminations, hoping they weren’t
obvious. “No, you just make me want to escape within myself.”

     He grinned. “There she is. I’ve been looking forward to my fix all

     I rolled my eyes at what he thought were compliments…although;
they did make me warm all over. “Have you heard anything on Frank?”

     “We heard that he hasn’t been back to his apartment for the police
to pick up. It has them wondering if he was tipped off somehow.” Evan took a
gulp of his beer.

     “Not from my end.” I stated firmly. “I closed down the program but
he would only know if he logged in from a company computer.”

     He gave a tug to one of my curls. “I believe you. I think he was
keeping tabs on Carol and when she didn’t get back to him he got worried.”

     His faith in me was gratifying and a different type of warmth
filled my chest. 

     “Maya, Landon…” Maya’s mother walked over with Nola, their
daughter, in her arms. “Nola is ready for bed.”

     I watched as Maya and Landon jumped up to fawn all over their
daughter. The sight had me swallowing at the sentiment behind it. You couldn’t
miss the love they had for their child. 

     Landon turned toward us holding his little girl. “Maya and I are
going to put Nola to bed.”

     “Just don’t put yourselves to bed too.” Noah joked.   

     Landon groaned and wrapped his other arm around Maya. “Don’t give
me ideas.” He said striding away.

     “Who’s up for a walk down the beach to work off some alcohol when
they get back?” Amanda asked from Noah’s lap. “The last thing I want is to be
hung over for their wedding tomorrow. Sunday I’ll be fine with a hangover, but
not tomorrow.”

     “I haven’t had enough alcohol to walk off yet.” Evan complained
with a laugh.

     Amanda grinned and began waving for a waitress. “You better hurry
then. I give you thirty minutes before they get back.” 

     Nadia snorted from Seth’s lap…girls were in laps everywhere. “I
give him forty.” She checked her phone for the time.

     “Are we taking bets?” Blake leaned forward in interest. “Because
if so I’m in for forty-five.”

     The next second everyone was throwing out times for Maya’s and
Landon’s return.

     Evan’s hand roamed to my neck, and ear, and shoulder as we drank
and talked, waiting for the couples return, and my heart rate and temperature
reached volatile levels. In the back of my mind I should have been asking
myself why I was letting him touch me so freely but my brain didn’t seem to be
working right. I blamed it on the alcohol…again. 

     Forty-seven minutes later Nic was the winner when Maya and Landon
reappeared, and then a dozen of us stood up to go for that walk.

     I bent down to slip off my shoes like everyone else was doing when
Evan’s hands got there first. “Let me get these for you.”

     His fingers tugged each sandal gently off my foot; lingering and
caressing the flesh of my calves and ankles. My breasts and womb clenched
achingly and when he looked up at me I knew my face was bright red. He was so
handsome; glowing amber eyes, slightly ruffled light brown hair, and his strong
jaw with a faint covering of whiskers. My fingers twitched to touch.

     “Thanks.” I croaked, curling my fingers inward.

     His hot gaze caressed my face like his hands had my legs. “My
pleasure.” I could tell by the way he said that he meant it.

     Evan toed off his shoes, pulled his socks off, and rolled his
slacks up revealing muscular calves. He then set his hand to my back as we all
moved to step down the steps to the sand beach.

     I got so nervous I asked something completely stupid. “How’s your
mom doing?” My hand flew up to cover my mouth but it was too late. The words
had been uttered. Not only was the question too personal to ask, but I never
asked personal questions. “Oh shit. Forget I just asked that.” I groaned.

     A small frown puckered Evan’s forehead as he contemplated me. “No,
I won’t. I know you feel bad about eavesdropping, but its okay, and I
appreciate you asking.” That surprised me. “I’m not sure how my mom is because
I’ve been too busy to call her, but thank you for reminding me and now I’ll be
certain to call her tomorrow.”

     My feet dug hard through the sand. “I still shouldn’t have asked.
That was way too personal.”

     He bumped against my side and grinned. “I don’t mind a little
personal with you.”

     I swallowed in discomfort. “I don’t usually do personal.”

     His hand stroked my arm. “I’ve gotten that vibe from you, but I
hope you can allow me some leeway. I’ll take as much as you can give me, Shaw.”

     I swallowed again, because that was the question. “So, I guess
you’re happy your mom’s thinking about getting divorced?”

     “I’m happy with whatever makes
happy. My mom’s great
and I’ve never thought Kyle was good enough for her. I was certain he was
cheating on her for years.”

     “I could find out for you.” What the hell was wrong with my mouth?
It had jabber disease or something.

     Evan frowned at me. “What do you mean, you could find out?”

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