Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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In the months

s death
we had a difficult time snapping Ebony out of her rut. She was good at hiding it when
around everyone, but on her own
we could all hear her sobs. Alexander has done a good job at keeping an eye on her and
when needed
he lets me or Eliza know. Being a teen mother isn

t easy, but being a vampire-witch, teen mom, and widow is more than any seventeen
old can handle. I believe Elyn is the only reason Ebony has made it.
She is such a good mother too. Every night she
and Elyn look at pictures of Matt and
. Edwina,
even of her parents. She wants Elyn to know all of them since they can present themselves to her. Ebony doesn

t want her to fear her family, and she wants her to know her father. Nathanial and Luke feel the same way about their parents, the
McCords, when it comes to Nik.

Today the Barton

s are co
ming over to see Elyn and Nik. T
hey are Elyn

s grandparents, but treat Nik as if he is
their grandchild
as well. Losing their only son
hard, but they were prepared. W
ith the family history of guardians
they knew what to prepare for. Until they arrive
, we
out with the kids
letting them play. The two of them really have a special connection.

Smiling at the two little ones, I ask,

So Ebony, what do you and Matt

s parents have planned for the day?

Not really sure.
I think we are going to go put fresh flowers on Matt

s grave. I know they are hoping he will
complete his guardian training
and return to earth soon.

Matt was chosen at birth,
maybe even before birth
, to become a guardian
like an angel
to witches. He began his earth
bound training at a very young age, lear
ning about various supernatural
s. The Great Ones are his guides, kind of like a boss. His
grandfather was also a guardian
from our understanding
has moved on to the rank of
Great One.
a chosen one to complete their training and become a full fledge guardian, the
must pass on into the spirit realm. After they complete training
the guardian is assigned to assist witches from around the world. When their assigned witch calls them
they get an alert
so to speak
and use a kind of astral travel to
come to
their side, offering assistance where needed. Matt was
taken from us a few months ago

n October. No one knows how long his training will last, but we assume he will return to Ebony and Elyn as soon as he is permitted back on earth. From what he has told us
, he returns in human form
ut like us, he

t age.

It must be hard for all of you
never knowing when he will return.

Yeah, it is. I guess
now that I

m a vampire too, I will have to get used to waiting around for things.


ll get used to it. It

s not so long.
I mean

ve been around for over a century
and it seems like everything happened just yesterday.

Not only is Ebony one of the most powerful witches, she is now also a vampire, like my family. When Elyn was born, Ebony had some problems and needed surgery to deliver. Afterwards she beg
an to
Constance did everything she could to try and save Ebony, but with her slipping deep into the grim reapers grasp, there was no other choice. Constance
Ebony that night, and she has been one with us ever since. Her control and abilities are second to none
; she
ed control
a matter of weeks
and almost instantly was introduce
back to societ
y, just in time for graduation.



Oh my
od, look at the kids,

Ebony chuckles.

I turn to take a peek and see Elyn holding Nik

s bottle and feedi
ng him.


s just too cute. S

has looked out for him since day one. Elyn

s strength
s far surpassed any baby

I know
I don

t even know how she knows what to do.

I wonder if they have a s
pecial way of communicating
that we don

t know about.

around here
anything is possible.

You said it

We both chuckle, and the babies look at us like we

re crazy or something.

After Matt died, Ebony and Elyn moved back into the main house
and we converted the

lived in to a play area for the children. Everything is here; Elyn

s nursery
the same, with her round canopy crib, a
and a rocking chair. Along with all the supplies
the two kids may need, w
e changed Ebony and Matt

s room into a second nursery for Nik. Florence watches the kids here during the day
when we

re at the supernatural school. She only comes back to the main house to cook the meals for the school. Since we

re all new
the teaching
and have so many supernatural

s experimenting with new things and magick

we all felt it would be safer over here.

Before we know it
, the same angel who
was after Ben is rapping at the side window. With a quick glance at each other, Ebony and I grab the babies. I scream for Alexander to alert everyone.
He will put the school on lock
down, but I

t want to mention anything
n case the angel can read mind
or intervene in our thoughts.

I told you six months, but I also said I would be chec
king in on you. I want a report
and need to see what that abomination
is doing
for myself.

I walk over to the window.

eriously? I thought angels a
re supposed to be all peaceful
and loving and such. Why is it that you

re such an ass then? Not to mention

s only been a few months.

I am here to keep the peace. By following the laws, I must destroy all
those that are not worthy of being part
angel. That means all of them! Half breads are not welcome here
or anywhere.

en has done nothing to warrant your accusations
and has done nothing
prove himself. I refuse to take you to him
and furthermore
I would appreciate you not coming around like this when the children are here. Wh
at kind of angel are you anyway?

Ebony gives it to the angel for a second time. With her tearing the curtains shut, we peek out to wat
ch as he turns and flies off.

Ebony, once again
you continue to amaze me.

Well Sophia
I don

t think we can piss around any longer. We have to find some way to help save Ben
once and for all.

I think you

but what are we going to do?

What do we always do when we have a problem?


I joke.


s it
you dork.

I know
we talk to Elijah. Do you forget

m the one that taught you that

We wait for the Barton

s to arrive and request that they take Nik and Elyn out for the day without us. Of course
they agree wholeheartedly.
Ebony makes arrange
ments to meet them another time
to deliver fl
owers to Matt

s grave site.

Chapter 10


Sweet Escape


Elijah excuses himself from the family meeting and retreats to his office. The rest of us look around with disbelief. Elijah
never just leaves a situation

always has the answer. Has this brought our fearless leader, our father
to his breaking point?

Ben bites his bottom l
ip and says,

his is my problem. Maybe the angel is right
and I shouldn

t be here. You

ve all done so much to help me, but maybe it

s time for me to face the music
and follow my fate, even if it means destruction. This family, a
nd the school you

ve created
, has
so many good things to do, I won

t be the reason you all fail. Tonight
I will surrender to the angels
and let God

s will be

Elijah come
s booming back into the room.

You will do no such thing
my boy!

But sir
not even you have an answer for this.

You are correct there, but I will have an answer soon. For now, I have a plan.

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