Eversong (Midnight Playground) (5 page)

BOOK: Eversong (Midnight Playground)
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“We are not easily taken down.” Storm’s deep voice echoed with the centuries of his existence. His green eyes were like cut glass, his cheekbones just as sharp. “But I agree with you, Ever. We cannot allow things to get out of control. I don’t like these rogues. I don’t like their primitive makeup.”

“I prefer to think of myself as more…sophisticated,” Aleron remarked, his fingers twining around the stem of his wineglass. “Whether it is in my self-control, or my…finer desires.”

“Yes, exactly.” Ever sipped from his own glass as images of Mercy’s lush and naked body filtered through his mind. Mercy and Deo, the two of them a contrast in hard and soft, fair and dark. Naked flesh and smooth skin. Her flowing red and gold hair, the sweet beauty of their faces like some shimmering mirage at the edges of his vision. He was hard for them both. But he had to concentrate. He refocused the lust raging in his system, channeling it into the task at hand. Along with the lust was something else…something more. A fierce protectiveness for this rare, young pair. His fingers curled into fists. “We must hunt this Gaius down. And dispose of him.”

“We don’t know how old he is. How powerful,” Ramsey said.

Ever nodded. “He is but one vampire. We are many. I don’t doubt that he can be dealt with, should we find him.”

“We will find him,” Ramsey answered, his low tone dangerous, his green gaze like a pair of sharp-edged peridots. “I hate that he is in
jurisdiction, so to speak. I will not allow it. I will not allow him to wander. Killing at random. Turning so irresponsibly the way he did Mercy.”

Mercy. Another shaft of desire struck Ever like a blow to the chest simply hearing her name spoken aloud. He sucked in a breath.

“And what of this Mercy? What of her companion, Deo?” Chiara asked.

“She is innocent,” Ever said. “She had no idea what she was doing in Turning him.”

“You are saying she should suffer no consequences for her actions?” Chiara’s dark eyes glittered with barely banked animosity. “She broke the rules.”

“Rules she was not aware of. Rules we made. We can choose to govern their effect,” Ever answered, a rage growing in his chest. “I promised her she would not be made to pay for actions that were beyond her control. She had no way of knowing.” He leaned toward the female vampire, his teeth bared. “I will not allow it, Chiara. Do you hear me?”

Xavier laid a hand on Ever’s arm, but he shook him off.

“Ever,” the old French vampire said gently. “Calm yourself. I agree with you. The girl did not know the consequences of her actions. How could she? I do not hold her responsible but this rogue Gaius. And Deo is even more innocent of any wrongdoing than she is.”

“I feel the same, as you know already,” Aleron put in.

Ever’s gaze moved from one unearthly figure to the next, daring any to argue with him, but they all nodded their agreement. Chiara caught his eye, frowned at him, but he knew her well enough to understand she would back down. He would find some distraction for her from among the club’s members—that would soothe her.

“So, where do we begin?” Laurent asked quietly. Xavier’s partner was soft-spoken, but he was old in his own right. Powerful. Exquisite.

“I will gather my forces from the Madrid club,” Ramsey answered. “But I would welcome aid from your clubs, as well. The sooner we find this fiend, the better. We don’t even know yet if he is still in Spain.”

“I agree,” Ever said. He couldn’t stand the idea of this villain going unpunished. What he’d done to Mercy, and in turn, Deo. But if they hadn’t been Turned, they wouldn’t be there, in his club. And he wanted them both so badly. It was as if some wild animal tore at his insides. He truly could hardly wait to be with them.

Pure torture knowing they waited for him. Eager. Wanting.


“And until they know enough to decide for themselves,” he went on, “to go about the world on their own, I will watch over Mercy and Deo here in London.”

“It is decided, then,” Aleron said. “We join resources to hunt Gaius, and the young ones will remain here for the time being under Ever’s protection.”

“It is decided,” Chiara agreed grudgingly.

The others nodded, murmured their accord.

Ever stood. “I thank you all for coming. Enjoy my club for the night. For as long as you wish.”

Chiara rubbed up against him, as sleek as a cat. “You are anxious to leave us, Ever,” she purred. “Do you have an appointment elsewhere?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Another time, perhaps? I’m certain we can find some entertainment for you downstairs.”

“Yes, I have no doubt. Or perhaps right here.” She gave him a small smile then slipped away to take Dane’s arm in hers as they walked from the room.

He was nearly breathless waiting for them all to go. His need was driving him. He didn’t like that he had so little control over it. It had been years since his desires were stronger than he was. But he didn’t want to think of it like that now. He didn’t want to think of anything but Mercy and Deo.

Another flash of Deo’s hands on her flesh. Hands so strong and beautiful. His golden skin against her paler flesh.

Yes. Must have them…

But he couldn’t think of it just yet. No, now he would do what he needed to in order to see that his esteemed guests, these leaders of the vampires from every corner of Europe, were comfortable. See them settled in their rooms. Or in the dungeons. Make sure they had plenty of partners to choose from. Blood. Wine. Whatever they wanted. That would keep him distracted for a little while. Keep his mind off the lovely, sweet Mercy. The equally sweet and stunning Deo. Their air of youth and vigor and innocence that drew him like some sort of magnetic current he could barely comprehend. That he couldn’t resist.

Yes, today he would play host, do what was expected of him. But tonight he would go to them and taste for himself the succulent fruit of their innocence and youth.

Chapter Four


“Deo. Mercy.”

Ever moved into the room, drawn to their twined, naked bodies on the big bed. They looked like some exquisite piece of art to him. A Canova sculpture. Just as lovely, with their sleek immortal skin. That divine contrast of light and dark. Except that they were all light, these two. As fresh and sweet as any mortal he’d ever come upon.

That was their magic. He’d been thinking about it all day. The fact that they were vampires yet had come to it without the hard edge most humans had when they decided to let go of their mortal lives. When they came to the Midnight Playground, yearning for the Turning kiss, willing to do anything to be offered immortality. That innocent magic had awakened his senses—senses that had been deadening bit by bit these last months.

“Ever?” Mercy’s voice, as soft as she was.

“I am here.”

“Will you come to us?” Deo asked.

He could hear the desire in the young vampire’s tone, felt his cock harden simply knowing they wanted him.

He crossed the room, shedding his clothes. Naked, he stood over them, watching them. Mercy licked her full lower lip and his balls pulled tight.

“You are almost too lovely to bear,” he told them.

It was true. Mercy’s body was petite but with lush curves, her hips and breasts full. The ultimate in femininity. Her strawberry hair lay in long waves on the pillows, a lock draped over Deo’s arm around her narrow waist. Even the line of her back was exquisite as she lay in Deo’s arms. And her face…the delicate jaw, the plush pink mouth almost pornographic in her innocent face. Her eyes the lightest, glossy blue…

“Ever?” she asked again.

“I am only admiring you, little beauty,” he answered. “In all my centuries, with all I’ve seen, I almost cannot believe you are real. You’re like a fairy. Like the
the light elves, I knew of in my youth.”

“I’m real, Ever. Come to us. Find out how real I am. How real we can be together. Please.”


He moved in, leaned over them, and Deo drew him down with a strong hand, until Ever lay between them on the bed. Mercy pressed against his chest, her breasts a symphony of silken flesh. Except for her hard nipples. His cock filled.

Behind him, Deo was all sleek planes—muscle and flesh and a sprinkling of hair on his chest and belly. And below that, his cock pressing against him, thick and hard. Deo’s arm went around Ever, and Ever joined hands with him, their fingers lacing. Together, they stroked Mercy’s body, making her squirm, making her sigh with pleasure. He brushed her mouth with his, and her lips were so damn sweet, he could hardly stand it.

Must be inside her.

Mercy arched her hips, and he felt the hot press of her pussy against his cock. Her panting breath against his face.


“Open for me,” he commanded.

Mercy slid one leg over his hips, and with one quick thrust, he was inside her.

“Ah, you feel like heaven, little beauty. I am going to fuck you so hard.”

“Yes, Ever,” she gasped, her hot sheath tightening around him.

“And you will fuck me, Deo. Fuck my ass. Do it now.”

Deo shifted, his thick cock pressing, searching, until it finally slid between his ass cheeks. Ever let his body still, opened for Deo, who slipped the head of his cock inside him. There was that momentary burn then Deo buried his cock deep.

“Ah, perfect,” Ever muttered as pleasure shimmered through him.

As Mercy lifted her chin, pressing her mouth hungrily to his, they all began to move. He arched his hips, surging into her hot sex. Deo drove his cock deeper into Ever’s ass. Pleasure was a fiery heat in his ass, his cock, his mouth. Mercy ground her hips into his, her sweet pussy like heated velvet, sleek and wet. Deo’s cock was ramming into him now, over and over. Sensation shafted into his body as Deo bit into the back of his neck.

“Ah, yes,” Ever whispered as the images flooded his mind.

Deo on a beach with two others, beautiful young men, like him. He could smell the ocean. Could smell the scent of male come. Could taste it in Deo’s mouth as one of the men pushed his cock between his lips. The other man had Deo on his hands and knees as he pushed into his ass. Everything merged—reality and memory—sensations coming from every direction.

The image changed, and it was Deo with Mercy, the two of them fucking against an old plaster wall. The animal lust of the immortals making their fucking a primal thing as pleasure devoured them both.

That same primal pleasure ran through him in a long shiver, like a serpent in his veins. His hips slammed into Mercy, his cock plunging deep into her hot pussy. Deo’s cock was ramming into his ass, pushing sensation deeper, deeper.

Mercy came first, her cries echoing in the room, her pulsing sex gripping his cock.

“God, Ever! Yes, harder.”

Her orgasm drove his own pleasure on, higher, higher. Deo was fucking him so hard, so deep, his cock pounding into him, if Ever had been mortal he would have been torn apart.

“Harder, Deo,” he urged, needing the pain. Needing to
as deeply as possible. “Harder!”

Deo thrust, hammering into him. He felt the pull of Deo’s mouth as he drank his blood. And as they came together, sensation hot and liquid, drowning him, making his body limp in Deo’s strong, young arms, his mind was once more filled with images.

He caught the scents of old stone, damp pavement, the morning sunlight beginning to dry the rain from the night before. This time it was Deo as a boy, perhaps fourteen or fifteen, and a tall man who looked very much like him holding on to his shoulder tightly as they made their way down a narrow alley. They reached a wooden door, and a woman with Deo’s blue-green eyes and soft, lovely features opened it. On her hip was a small boy who looked like Deo. The same dark curls, the same stunning eyes.

“I thought you wouldn’t make it,” the woman said, worry lacing her voice.

“We have to go now,” the man’s tone was tight. “We may be too late already.”

The woman nodded. “I gathered some of our things.”

A sudden roar that made them all draw together, the small boy beginning to cry. Ever felt Deo’s heart racing, fear heavy in his chest.

“There’s no time,” the man said.

He grabbed the boy from her, took her arm, and together they ran into the streets.

People everywhere. Smoke that made his lungs burn. His mother pressed close, her hand in his.

“Deo,” she said urgently, “if anything happens, take your brother far away from here. Keep him safe.”

“Yes, Màna.”

“Promise me!”

“I promise.”

Deo looked up, saw her eyes glistening with tears.

“We’ll be fine,” his father said. But Deo heard the doubt in his voice.

They began to run, the crowd surging, pressing into them. There wasn’t enough air, but he kept running, his mother’s hand in his. Deo could feel her bones beneath her flesh, she held on so tightly.

They rounded a corner into a wall of fire.

Another roar, this one so loud he felt it in his belly. The ground shook. His mother’s hand slipped from his.


The acrid scent of smoke and flesh. Ash and blood everywhere. Screams filled the air. Desperation.

He was alone.

Ever blinked, his heart twisting in his chest.

He shifted, turned to Deo, kissed his cheek, his mouth. Deo was quiet, letting him do what he wanted.

Mercy was shivering, her body against Ever’s back, her cheek resting there. He felt her tears on his skin.

Finally, Deo spoke. “I didn’t mean for you to see that. Either of you.”

“No. But that is how it works sometimes,” Ever said, still shaken by the depth of emotion he felt. In Deo. In Mercy. In himself. “There was an intense connection between us. Perhaps because you and Mercy are so bonded.”

“Maybe,” Mercy said, her voice muffled against his shoulder. “Or maybe it’s you too, Ever. Maybe you’re a necessary element.”

He couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t had that sort of bond with anyone since Vérún. Perhaps not even then. He’d loved her, but her mind had never been solid.

A sharp pain thinking of her now, with Deo’s sorrow so fresh.

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