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He’d watched that blond head bobbing up and down on his cock, the whole while pretending she was Hollin. Right before he came, he withdrew and deliberately ejaculated in the girl’s face. He’d apologized, saying it was an accident, and she’d evidently believed him because she gave him her cell phone number and begged him to call her.

He’d seen her a few times since then, had used her and fucked her. When he’d grown tired of her, he’d disappeared. He hadn’t planned on seeing her again.

But after watching Hollin with Wells yesterday afternoon, he knew he had to kill Hollin for what she’d done. And what better way to practice than on Mandy.

He’d never killed before and he was a little nervous. He had plenty of experience fucking women and girls, beating them, too. The ones who deserved it. And most of them fell into the latter category. He was beginning to think that the whole female species was nothing but a bunch of whores who deserved whatever they got.

And just because a few of them had been virgins before he’d taken them didn’t mean they couldn’t be whores as well. Take Hollin for example. At fifteen she’d let her older sister influence her, had started to cheapen herself with garish makeup and tight clothing. That only said one thing about her, that she wanted to be fucked. And he’d been only too happy to oblige.

He nudged the girl away from him and looked her in the eye. “I tried to stay away from you. I know this is wrong, but I just had to see you, Mandy.”

She smiled, batting her eyelashes. “I want to see you, too, but I promised my mom I’d come straight home after work. It’s a school night.”

He sighed. “I knew this would never work between us. You’re seventeen, too young to know what you want.”

“No, you’re wrong,” she argued. “I know exactly what I want. I want you. I want to marry you.”

“But your mother is still running your life.”

A tortured look crossed her face, then she released a long breath. “Not anymore. I’ll go anywhere with you.”

They left her car in the parking lot, and he drove them to a nearby motel. One they’d never used before. He signed the guest register card as Gregory Peck, and the stupid, pimple-faced kid behind the front desk didn’t so much as blink at the name. Too young to make the connection. Had probably never even heard of the actor.

The room smelled of stale smoke and dirty feet. After setting his doctor bag on the dresser--anyone could buy a similar bag from a medical supply catalog--the first thing he did was yank the bedspread from the bed and throw it in a heap on the floor. The things were nasty and dirty. He knew what people did on them, and he was sure they weren’t laundered after every stay.

“Take off your clothes,” he ordered when she picked up the remote control for the television.

“Aren’t we going to talk first?”

“About what?”

“About our plans once your divorce is final.”


She stuck her bottom lip out, then reached for her top and pulled it over her head. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his oxford shirt and rolled them to the elbows, then grabbed a pair of surgical gloves from his bag and pushed his hands into them.

“What are those for?”

“You know how I like to try new things,” he said by way of explanation. “Remember the last time we were here?” He’d fucked her in the ass, in spite of her protests and tears.

“You promised you wouldn’t do that to me anymore, after last time. It hurt, remember?”

He smiled. “It didn’t hurt me.”

Her expression changed as if she’d been struck in the face. “But--”

“Stop acting like a little girl, Mandy.”

She sniffed back a tear. “I’m sorry. I’ll do anything, just not that.”

“Don’t worry, I have something different in mind.”

Her eyes grew wide. “What is it?”

“Once you’re naked, I’ll tell you.”

She sniffed again, and undid the front fastener on her bra. For someone so skinny, her tits were pretty big. At least a C cup. Not that he found that attractive in a woman. They looked like cow udders. He preferred small tits, like Hollin’s.

Scooting off the bed, Mandy stood and shimmied out of her skirt and panties in one sweep. She stuck her arms out away from her sides to show off her scrawny body. “Did you miss me?”

“Of course.” He walked toward her. The gloves felt good against his skin. Warm and smooth. He couldn’t wait to see Mandy’s reaction when he placed them around her neck and squeezed.

Her eyes grew inquisitive. “So, now that I’m naked, Greg, are you going to tell me what it is you’re going to do with those gloves?”

He pushed her tangle of curls away from her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re very special to me, Mandy. That’s why I want you to be my first.”

She smiled nervously, looking up into his face. “Your first what?”

“Murder victim,” he said, calm and collected.

Backing up a step, a horrified look crossed her face. “You’re scaring me. I almost thought you were serious.”

He chuckled, then frowned. “Oh, but I am serious. I’m going to strangle you. Not because you displeased me in any way, but because I need the practice.”

She looked so stunned he wanted to laugh. She stood there, frozen in place, the terror stuck in her throat as she opened her mouth to scream. Nothing came out but a tiny little whimper.

This was going to be easier than he’d thought, he decided, lifting his gloved hands to her tender throat. “Do you still love me, Mandy?”

The stupid bitch actually nodded. Right before he sucked the life from her.





Griffin let a day pass, hoping his temper would curb before he sought out the professor. He’d call and asked when the man’s last class was over and the woman who answered the phone told him four o’clock.

Griffin waited for over an hour in the near empty faculty parking lot of the college, wondering if the man was ever going to show. When he finally spotted Neil Thorpe coming down the walk, he calmly got out of his truck and closed the door.

The slime bag obviously recognized him because his eyes grew large with alarm, and he slowed his steps almost to a crawl. He looked around in all directions, as if someone might come to his aid. Several students were walking around the campus grounds, but no one was looking their way.

“Thorpe,” Griffin said, closing the distance between them. “I’d like a word with you.”

The man didn’t say anything as his hand tightened on the strap of his leather satchel. “What do you want with me?”

“I want you to stay away from Hollin Pierce. I don’t want you dropping in on her, calling her, or bothering her again. Is that clear?”

Thorpe lifted his chin a notch, refusing to answer.

Griffin took another step closer, looking the man in the eye. “Is that

Thorpe swallowed nervously. “Yes.”

Rather than step back immediately, Griffin held the other man’s gaze, letting him know he was serious.

It was Thorpe who backed up a few feet. His nostrils flared with fury. “I love her!” he shouted. “I’ve always loved her. And you soiled her!”

Griffin narrowed his eyes at the man, trying to decide if he should draw his fist or simply walk away when Thorpe dropped to his knees on the pavement and began crying. Bawling was more like it.

“I wanted to marry her,” he said between sobs, “and you spoiled everything.”

Griffin was at a loss for words. Staring at the man with a mixture of contempt and sympathy, he walked to his truck, got in and drove off.


“You’re sure you didn’t hit him?” Hollin asked, superstition laced in her tone.

“I’m sure.” Griffin handed her a glass of wine, then sat down a few inches away from her on the leather sofa. Behind them, the gas fireplace logs lit the room with a warm, fiery glow. He took a long pull from his scotch and set the drink on the coffee table.

“Well, what did he say when you asked him to stay away from me?”

“He said okay.”

“That’s it?” she asked, doubtfully, her brows scrunched together.

Griffin pretended to think for a moment. “Yes, that’s pretty much it.”
And he cried like a baby, said he loved you and wanted to marry you.
But Griffin didn’t feel the need to tell her any of those things.

She shook her head slightly. “Neil isn’t the type to give up so easily. I can’t believe he’d simply agree to your request.”

“Look, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be careful. There’s still something about this guy that bothers me. But I don’t think you need to worry about him hassling you anymore.”

Taking a deep breath, she blew it out slowly. “Thank you.” Uncertainty crept into her expression. He felt the tension radiating from her body and he wasn’t even touching her.

“You’re welcome. Drink your wine. Relax a little.”

After she’d taken a few sips from her glass, he slipped it from her fingers and set it on the table next to his.
“Come here.” He crooked his finger, motioning for her to move closer.
When she complied, her thigh and hip touching his, he leaned over and kissed her.

Her lips tasted sweet, like the wine she’d drank. She opened her mouth instinctively, her tongue mating with his. Her arms slipped around his neck, and she pulled him closer. Gently, his hand outlined the curve of her breast, and she moaned softly.

One kiss turned into another, and then another. As he roused her passion, his own grew stronger than ever. He was as hard as a tree trunk, and he wanted her. Finding his way between her legs, he teased her through the fabric of her trousers. Moist heat greeted him, nearly sending him over the edge. He had to stop. He yanked his mouth free, and buried his face in her neck.

“Your body is so damn responsive to my touch,” he breathed. “One of these times I’m going to lose control and embarrass myself.”

“That might be . . . interesting.”

He lifted his head and stared into her mischievous eyes.

“You’re wicked.”

She laughed. It had been years since he’d heard that infectious sound, and he realized how much he’d missed it.

“Why don’t we finish this in the bedroom?” he suggested, standing and pulling her to her feet.

“I can’t. I’m having dinner with Brad. As a matter of fact, I need to leave soon.” She pushed her hair from her face, then smoothed her hands over her clothing. “I only stopped by on my way to meet him so I could see how it went with Neil.”

He brought his arms around her waist and pulled her to him, letting her know without words how badly he wanted her. There was no mistaking how aroused he was. “Cancel.”

She tilted her head back and stared into his eyes with regret. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

Dipping his head, he kissed her again, forcing her mouth open with his thrusting tongue. It was a kiss full of urgency. He didn’t want her to leave and was determined to change her mind. She kissed him back, and didn’t protest when his hands roamed her body and kneaded her butt cheeks. “Stay,” he murmured against her mouth.

“I can’t,” she said again.

Wedging his knee between her thighs, he spread her legs open wide. He lifted her with ease and insinuated his erection right where he wanted it. “Please. I want to make you come.”

Hollin wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his hips, and held on, her pelvis rocking against him with need. She tossed her head back, exposing her creamy white throat. “I need to call Brad,” she said breathlessly.

“Later,” he said as he started toward the hall.

“Now,” she said, jerking her head over her shoulder and toward the sofa. “My cell phone . . . in my purse.”

Swearing, Griffin made his way back to the sofa, dumped the contents of her purse on the sofa cushion and snatched the black, flip-top phone. She wriggled out of her blazer and let it drop to the floor.

It took Hollin three tries to get the number right on their journey to the bedroom. Griffin decided it might have had something to do with the way he was nuzzling her neck and the naughty things he was whispering in her ear.

He laid her down on the bed and began stripping her clothes from her body. Her shoes, socks, slacks and panties.

“Brad, it’s me,” she said into the phone. “I’m not going to be able have dinner with you.”

Griffin straddled her, quickly opened the buttons on her blouse, then unfastening her bra to expose her breasts. Her nipples firmed instantly under his thumbs and forefingers.

“I know. I’m sorry.” She paused, refusing to look at Griffin. Taking advantage, he lowered his mouth to her stomach, made a path downward and onto her inner thigh.

“I ran into an old friend, and I’m having a hard time . . .” She covered the receiver and stifled a moan. “Getting away.”

She was panting now and breathing heavily. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Jabbing the disconnect button, she dropped the phone onto the mattress.

Griffin touched his tongue to her sweet center.


She grabbed at his hair, his ears, guiding him and fighting him at the same time.

“You want me to stop?” he breathed against her thigh.

“Yes! No!”

Smiling, he went back to pleasing her, enjoying the heady scent and taste. It didn’t take long to bring her to the brink of satisfaction. And when he knew she was just about to topple over the edge, he stopped.

“Noooooo!” she squealed. “Please. I need you.”

He loved hearing her beg. “Tell me what you want.” He dragged his jeans down below his hips and lifted the T-shirt over his head. “Let me hear you say the words.”

“I want to come.” Her back arched and her head moved restlessly on the pillow. “I want you inside me.”

“Patience,” he said, hopping on one foot to the nightstand drawer. He kicked his jeans aside as he lowered his boxers and fitted himself with a condom. He noticed her watching him intently.

“Is this what you want?” he asked, lifting her small hand and folding it around his erection.

“Yes.” She squeezed, then moved her hand up and down the length of him. Reaching out with her other hand, she explored his testicles.

And he nearly lost it. He pushed her hands away and straddled her again. “Lift your legs up over my shoulders.”

She gave him a look of confusion, but did as he asked. He was inside her with one firm thrust. A bright flare of hunger sprang into her eyes, and she held his gaze as he began to move within her. She felt warm and slick, and he never wanted to fuck anyone but her ever again.

“I’m not gonna be able to last very long here,” he said between gritted teeth.

She reached up, pulled his face to hers. “Come inside me, Griffin.”

And then her breath came in long surrendering moans as she shattered with erotic pleasure. Pumping into her one last time, Griffin followed her over the edge.


Hollin decided this was her favorite part of making love. Being curled up against Griffin’s warm body, their legs and arms tangled together, their bodies slick with sweat, their heartbeats matching in intensity. Nothing could compare. Nothing could make her feel more safe and secure than she did at this moment.

She loved this man, more than ever. And yet she couldn’t tell him. If she confessed her feelings to him, she was sure he would push her away. She wasn’t exactly sure how she knew that, but she believed it with her whole being.

He didn’t want her to love him. Oh, he wanted her for sex all right. Although she didn’t know why. Maybe so he could prove to himself he was good enough, or some other ridiculous reason. But he didn’t love her. And she had no idea how to change that.

She hadn’t even begun to figure him out. He knew far more about her than she knew about him.

But the one thing she did know, was that he was lonely.

“I could sure use a cigarette.” Griffin’s voice brought her back to reality. He tightened his grip on her waist and hip, pulling her closer.

“I didn’t realize you still smoked.” She breathed in his male scent, nuzzling her cheek against his chest. “I haven’t seen you with a cigarette once since I’ve been back.”

“I don’t smoke, but rarely. There’s a pack of stale Camels in the nightstand drawer and another in the glove box of my truck, just in case I get the urge.” He kissed the top of her forehead. “Which isn’t very often.”

She smiled inwardly. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about him getting lung cancer. “Do you ever get lonely?”

He hesitated for a moment, his body going all still before giving her a clipped, “No. Why?”

“I was thinking maybe you should get a dog. You have this whole house all to yourself. It’s so quiet.”

“I don’t want a dog.”

She lifted her head to study him. “Why not? Dogs are great company.”

“How would you know? Have you ever had a dog?”

“No. My mother would never allow pets in the house. But I have a friend in Boston--she has a beagle named Checkers--and he’s like her best friend. You know, someone to come home to.”

“I had a dog once, a mutt. I called him Spike. One day, he ran off and never came back. Just like everyone else I know.”

Hollin placed a gentle kiss on his jaw. “Maybe your luck has changed.”

“I doubt it.” He nudged her away a few inches and reached out to open the nightstand drawer. “I really need a cigarette.”

Hollin pulled his arm back. “I can think of a few things to keep your hands and mouth busy.” She waggled her eyebrows for effect. “And what I have in mind is better for you than smoking.”

“Oh yeah?” He placed both hands on her waist and dragged her to lay atop him. “Now that you have my attention, tell me more.”

Beneath her belly she felt his erection taking shape. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Until she’d come back to Whisper Lake she’d never thought much about what it would be like to be in love, make love. Now, it was practically all she thought about. God help her.


On Saturday afternoon, Hollin took Chelsea into town for an ice cream cone. They ate their cones outside at a picnic table where, in between bites, Chelsea rambled on and on about school, her friends, and her teacher. All of which she was fond.

Hollin listened enthusiastically. She’d never seen her niece so talkative before. Hollin was relieved and happy. Chelsea seemed very well adjusted, in spite of the fact her mother paid very little attention to her.

“I can’t believe you ate every last bite,” she said, impressed. “That was a big cone for such a little girl.”

Chelsea beamed up at her. Just last week she’d lost one of her front teeth. No one would have to guess what flavor ice cream the little girl had ordered because she now wore chocolate on practically every inch of her. Her mouth, nose, chin, hair and overalls. And a large drop had soaked into her pink canvas sneakers.

Hollin mopped her niece the best she could, using a whole stack of napkins. She just hoped Josephine would be able to get the stains out of her clothes and shoes. They were heading back to the car when a station wagon turned into the lot and parked beside them. A man and a woman sat in the front seat and a boy and girl in the back. There was a black, furry dog, wagging its tail and jumping from lap to lap.

The man got out of the car, asking the children and his wife what kind of ice cream they wanted. Hollin heard the girl call from the backseat. “Daddy, can we get an ice cream for Rufus, too?”

Chelsea’s face lit up. “Aunt Hollin, do dogs eat ice cream?”

Hollin buckled her niece into place. “Apparently Rufus does,” she said, smiling down at the child. She walked around to the other side of the car and got in.

“I want a dog. But Mommy said Grandma doesn’t like dogs.” She paused. “Do you like dogs?”

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