Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1) (39 page)

Read Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Romance, #Christian, #Fiction, #Christian Fiction, #Western, #Historical, #INSPIRATIONAL ROMANCE, #General, #Religious, #Texas, #Love Stories

BOOK: Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1)
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the window, hands behind his back as he rocked on his


"Someone could probably be holding up Price and

Amy, and you would just smile."

"Now, that I wouldn't do," Slater turned and said with

mischievous eyes. "It might keep me from seeing your


Griffin could only laugh. "Get out of here, Slate. I don't

want to see your face until Libby smiles at you and you're

ready to work."

Slater was not going to argue. With hat in place and a

certain Drake on his mind, he made a beeline for the door.

It was a little early for lunch, but Liberty still might be



The separation had been torture. Slater found himself

able to be downstairs with less, the children, or Kate,

people he cared for very much but didn't feel desperate to

see. When he asked after Liberty's health, he knew they

told him the truth, but he had a natural need to see her for

himself; and not just see her, but be close, talk to her, and

watch her face for signs of the old Liberty.

"Well, Slater," Kate said when he knocked and slipped

in the kitchen door, "this is a surprise."

Slater smiled. Not until he'd gotten very close to Liberty's

mother had he discovered that she had a very subtle

sense of humor. You had to spend a great amount of time

with her to see it, but it was there.

Every Little Thing About You 283

"I just thought you might need me to sweep the floor

or burn some trash."

Kate could barely keep from smiling. "Actually," she

began, turning back to the pudding she was stirring in

order to hide her gleaming eyes, "I was hoping you could


dust the living room."

"I'll do it," he said, hoping she was only kidding but

ready to do as she asked.

"Just go on through. I think you'll know what to do

when you get there."

Slater did not waste any time. He left his hat by the

door, smoothing his hair and trying to keep his pace

normal as he went. Still, he must have been heard because

Liberty's and Laura's faces were turned to him as soon as

he stepped across the threshold.

"Slater!" Laura cried, launching herself in his direction.

Slater swung her up into his arms for a hug and kissed

her small cheek.

"How are you today?"

"I'm very good. Libby and I are very good."

Slater finally let his eyes swing to where Liberty sat

quietly on the sofa. She wore a black and white checked

dress with tiny pink flowers running over the fabric. Her

feet were on the footstool, and she had a thick quilt over

her legs and lap. Slater moved toward her now, sitting in


the chair closest to the sofa and fighting the urge to sit right

beside her. He settled Laura in his lap and spoke.

"Do you agree with Laura's diagnosis? Are you very


Liberty smiled. "Yes, I would say I am. I don't care to

pull myself into a buggy or throw a ball, but I'm doing


"You look wonderful," Slater said softly, his eyes not

missing a thing, not even when her cheeks turned a little

pink and she shifted her gaze to the window.

"Are you working today?" Liberty asked, her eyes and

hands busy with the quilt now.

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"Yes, I'm just taking a long lunch."

Liberty nodded. "How's Griff?"

"Doing fine. He had a meeting with the town council

this morning. They've voted to hire more men. Griff is

thinking about putting ads in the Austin papers to get a

little more exposure."


Liberty smiled. "My mother still has the newspaper

clipping from San Antonio that my father answered to get

the job here."

"I'd like to see that."

"I can ask her," Laura volunteered, startling both

adults. They had been so preoccupied with one another

that Laura had been momentarily forgotten.

"That would be nice of you, Laura," Liberty said with

a smile, not realizing the little girl meant to go right then.

Not until she moved from the room did Liberty realize her

mistake. She didn't feel emotionally ready to be alone with

this man she still loved, but it was too late. She looked over to find his eyes on her and knew he was ready to speak.



"I want to thank you," Liberty blurted before Slater

could utter a word.

"Thank me?"


"Yes," Liberty nodded, still embarrassed and having a

hard time meeting his eyes. "I never saw my actions for

what they were. I was arrogant and untrusting. You helped

me to see that. If I had it to do over again, I would do it differently.

That's why I'm thanking you."

"When you were still laid up, my mind wandered and

I had some moments when I feared you might hate me,"

Slater admitted. "All I ever wanted to do was protect you,

but I think I came across as overbearing and stubborn."

"You were overbearing and stubborn at times, Slater,

but it was over something you believed in. That makes

complete sense to me now."

Slater had so much he wanted to say, but fell rather

silent for a moment. The silence allowed Slater to hear Kate

and Laura in the kitchen. It reminded him of how hard it

was to find time alone with Liberty. For this reason, Slater

moved forward a little bit in his chair, his forearms resting

on the top of his thighs as he leaned closer.

"Every little thing about you fascinates me, "Slater surprised


Liberty by saying. "I've never known a woman with

such a wide range of talents, Libby, and I mean that. I can't

tell you how my thoughts whirled to find the woman

who'd pulled a gun on me in a saloon walking up the aisle


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to play the piano at church. And playing beautifully, I

might add. Then at lunch, I see you helping with the meal.

"Added to that, you're a marvelous care giver. You love

and take care of others so naturally. You take food to folks

in need, you check on the older women in town like a

loving daughter, you're like another pair of hands for your

mother, and you cherish Laura and Zach as if they were

your own.

"And each time I think of them losing you, I die a little

inside. That's what I wrestle with every time you put on

that gun. I want to take care of you, but with that gun you


don't need me." Saying this, Slater saw Liberty go pale and

wished he'd waited to speak of this.

"Libby/' Slater said urgently, taking in her stricken face.

"I'm sorry to have said this to you now. You've been hurt,

and I shouldn't have tried--"

Liberty put her hand out to stop him, and Slater took it.

She shook her head, and he held her hand in both of his

and waited. He also prayed, hoping she would tell him her

thoughts so he could make it right

"I've always protected the people and the town I love,

but you've given me much to think about, Slater. Don't

ever apologize for that"

Did that mean... ? Slater found himself thinking, but was

afraid to hope or ask the question aloud. It didn't, however,

change the strong urge to gently take this woman in his

arms and tell her he loved her. The thought was so powerful

within him that his face flushed. He could only stare

at her, which caused Liberty's own cheeks to redden before

she looked away, gently reclaiming her hand just as Laura

shot into the room.


"Libby, Mam wants to know if you want lunch in here

or in the kitchen. We're having pudding," she added, as if

this might be the deciding factor.

"I'll come to the table," Liberty told her, already

moving the quilt from her lap.

Every Little Thing About You 287

Slater stood, ready to help, but other than moving very

slowly, Liberty seemed totally normal. Slater wrestled with

the things he'd said. Had it been too soon? Her words and

actions would not indicate so, but he was still tempted to

worry. What Slater didn't know was how good it had been

for Liberty to be able to thank him. She didn't honestly

believe that they would end up married, but she wanted

him to know that he'd been a help in showing her how

untrusting she'd been.

"Slater," Kate asked once they were seated, "will you

pray for us?"

"Certainly. Father in heaven, we thank You for Your

love and grace to us, for Your protecting hand and mercy.


Thank You that Libby is able to be in the kitchen, moving

on her own. Thank You for Kate, Laura, and the baby, and

the special family You've put in this place. Thank You for

this wonderful food. I pray all this in Christ's holy name.


"You didn't thank God for yourself, Slater," Laura

noted as soon as her eyes were open.

"Didn't I?" Slater asked as he took a roll and passed the

basket to Liberty.

"No. Don't you thank God for you?"

"Well," Slater replied as he thought about this, "I thank

God for everything He's done for me. Does that help?"

"I think so," she said, her brow lowered in that intense

way he loved.

"You could thank God for Slater," Kate suggested.

Laura nodded, her mouth moving as she chewed but

again looking very thoughtful. She swallowed, opened her

mouth to say something about being thankful if Liberty

and Slater got married, but suddenly caught her big sister's



"Oh," she said softly, shutting her mouth.

"Oh, what?" Kate asked innocently.

Laura looked so uncertain that her mother dropped it

Not having to think long before understanding dawned,

288 lori wick

Kate went back to her plate without looking at Slater or


Liberty cast a sidelong look at her sister and one at

Slater. If he suspected anything, he was hiding it very well.

Suddenly Libby was tired. It was enough for her body

to work on healing without adding emotions to the mix.

But what else could she feel when Slater was in the room?

Her sigh was more internal than anything else, but heartfelt

nonetheless. She continued to eat, listening to what

Kate had to say about plans for the day but also asking God

to help her survive the emotions running through her.

Right now she didn't think she would.


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"You're grinning again today like you did yesterday,"

Griffin commented the next morning. "Are you planning

another long lunch?"

"No, I won't need much time," Slater said, still looking

like the cat with the cream.

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