Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1) (36 page)

Read Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Romance, #Christian, #Fiction, #Christian Fiction, #Western, #Historical, #INSPIRATIONAL ROMANCE, #General, #Religious, #Texas, #Love Stories

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spot Liberty's horse.

Seeing that he'd been spotted, Dakota started toward

him. The men met halfway.

"Where is she?"

"Sitting behind the rocks."

Slater's mouth tightened. "What happened?"

"She got my gun away from me. I don't think she

would have hurt me, but knowing how much she wanted

out, Slate, I let her go. I'm sorry."

"If s not you who needs to apologize," Slater gritted,

coming around Dakota to head to the rock. He didn't know

when he'd been so disappointed and angry. They should

have had this out a long time ago, but even at that, Liberty

should have known he just wanted her to be safe. Slater

walked until he stood just a few feet from her. She was sitting

quite still, her back against the rock, and finally looked

up at him.

"I can't believe you've done this," he said quietly. "I

thought I knew you, Libby. I thought you were the one."


"Slater," she began softly, but he cut her off with a

downward slash of his hand.

"Don't talk to me." Slater uttered the very words he

believed he would never say. "I don't want to hear any

excuses right now. I wanted to marry you, Libby, but you

260 lori wick

don't trust anyone but yourself. You're a law unto yourself.

I'm just now seeing that."

Liberty sat very still as he turned and walked away. She

didn't know when she'd been in such pain. In a haze of

misery, she heard the wagon start into motion and couldn't

be sure if her brother and Slater's horses had left as well.

She didn't even hear Dakota come up, but he was suddenly


"I'll ride back with you, Libby/' he said.

"You don't have to, Dakota."

"I want to."

Liberty nodded. In reality she wanted to be alone, but

she saw that Dakota was offering his friendship. Liberty


came slowly to her feet and moved toward Morton. She

had little interest in doing anything right now but made

herself climb into the saddle and turn the horse toward


Riding quietly beside her, Dakota took in her white features

and searched for something to say. He hadn't actually

heard Slater's words, but it wasn't hard to guess that they

hadn't been too welcoming. It was on Dakota's mind to ask

Liberty why coming had been so important, but she looked

like a fragile piece of crystal to him right now. One move

and she might break into a million tiny bits.

"Dakota?" Liberty suddenly spoke, surprising him just

as they hit the edge of town.


"I think I'll stop by and see Duffy."


"Thank you for riding back with me."


Liberty pulled off a little then and moved Morton to the

right side of the street. Dakota watched her stop in front of


the office and even as she sat for a moment and then slid

out of the saddle. He wanted to leave her some privacy, so

he forced himself to turn away. Not knowing quite what to

do with himself, he went ahead to the jailhouse, thinking

Every Little Thing About You 261

he might be a help. He also thought his brother might need

someone to talk to.


Duffy heard the door open, but no one answered his

greeting. He had his hands full of bottles at the moment,

and then he needed to wash, so it took a minute for him to

move into the other room. The last person he expected to

see was his daughter.

"Well, Libby. Whaf s up?"

Liberty didn't look directly at him, and Duffy, ever the

kind and sensitive parent, came and sat down on one of the

chairs across from her. Only then did Liberty's eyes meet



"I've done it this time, Duffy/' she began.

"Okay," Duffy said simply, wanting her to know he

was listening.

"I went someplace I shouldn't have, and I've ruined


Duffy didn't believe that but told himself not to be too

hasty. "Can you tell me about it?" he asked gently.

"I suppose I should explain everything, but for right

now I just need you to know that I've been shot."

"Where, Libby?" Duffy forced himself to remain calm,

even as he took in her bloodless lips and glazed eyes with

new understanding.

"In the side. I think the, bullet must have ricocheted off

a rock, but even at that, it bums something fierce. I never

knew it would hurt like this." Duffy watched in amazement

as she stood. "I'm going to head home now--I just

wanted you to know."

"This way, Libby," Duffy said softly, also having come

to his feet. Letting the doctor in him completely take over,


he continued, "I need you to come back here and lie down

on the table."

262 lori wick

"I should help Mam with dinner," Liberty said in a

strange voice, and Duffy knew that shock was setting in.

She did as she was told, however, and a minute later Duffy

was pushing aside her jacket and cutting away the bloodstained

shirt at her left side. He worked to tamp down

every emotion as he labored over her injury. That this had

happened to one of his own--his precious Liberty--was

turning out to be very hard.

"Oh, Duffy," Liberty gasped as he cleansed the wound.

The bullet had passed through, but it had made a mess.

Duffy didn't answer her. He was a surgeon at work

now, having to turn his emotions off almost to the point of

indifference. He cleansed and stitched, not letting himself

think about the possible infections that could set in and

what they could do, and especially not letting himself think

about who had let this happen, not letting his mind stray


to the woman he loved above all others or the child within

her and the way this was going to affect them both.

Almost an hour passed before the bleeding stopped. It

was not an effusive wound, but loss of blood from

someone as petite as Liberty scared him a little. She was

silent now, her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. In all this

time she hadn't fainted or even closed her eyes. He had

known she was strong but had not expected her to be able

to speak so coherently.

"Are you wrapping it?"


"So you're almost done?"


"I want to go home and lie in my own bed, Duffy."

"You shouldn't move. I've got the bleeding stopped,

but you need to lie still."

Liberty shook her head. "I want you to help me home.

I ache with things I haven't told you yet, Duffy. I can't tell

you how much I need to go home."

It was the first time he'd heard emotion in her voice,


and for some reason it scared him more than the wound.

Every Littk Thing About You 263

She was crushed about something that brought her more

pain than a bullet wound. Duffy found himself unable to

argue with her.

"Give me a few minutes," he said. 'Til help you, but

stay put for right now."

Waiting for her to nod, Duffy went out back to hitch

Cotton to the buggy. This all set, he slipped around to the

front, grabbed Morton's reins, and took him to the back. By

the time he came in the back door, Liberty was rising from

the table. She stood, her hands leaning on the surface, her

mouth open as she gasped for air.

"All right," Duffy said, thinking to save the lecture for

later. It was probably too late anyway; she most surely had

started bleeding again.

With an arm supporting her, he led her to the back

door. Not until he maneuvered her into the buggy did he

go back for his bag and to get the lamps.


g^ -gr

The ride home was a complete loss for Liberty, For the

next several minutes she didn't know where she was or

what was going on around her. The pain had intensified,

and when Slater's face moved through her mind, she

wanted to be sick. She didn't remember the buggy jostling

her much or even the walk up the steps, but she was suddenly

in the kitchen, her mother's concerned face coming

into view.

"I just want to go to bed, Mam," Liberty said.

Biting her lip to keep from speaking, Kate moved into

Zach's view when she saw the blood on her daughter's


"Up you go," Duffy now said, not giving anything

more than a swift glance at his wife. He would explain it all

to her, but not until Liberty was in bed and his youngest

children were out of earshot.


264 lori wick

Not surprisingly--with a word to Zach and Laura-- Kate followed her husband and daughter. She told the children to stay in the kitchen and went to help Liberty settle


"I want you to know/' Kate said, not looking at anyone

as she eased Liberty's jacket from her shoulders and started

on the buttons on her shirt, "that I've spent the entire afternoon

and evening giving my children to the Lord. I won't

say that I'm not upset, but I feel that God prepared me for

this." Kate turned and stared into her husband's eyes. "All

of this to sdy, I'm all right, and I don't want to be told to go

lie down."

m the process of pulling the covers down on the bed,

Duffy calmly met her gaze but did not comment. He found

Liberty's nightgown hanging on the back of the door and

brought it to the end of the bed.

"Sit down," he commanded his daughter, removing

her boots after she'd lowered herself onto the mattress. He

did not slip out of the room as the rest of Liberty's things


were removed but stayed to recheck her wound, which had

started to bleed again, and keep track of Kate's reaction

when she saw that her daughter had actually been shot.

None of this took an extreme amount of time, and after

padding the wound some more and laying an extra sheet

on the bed, Liberty was finally lying with the covers close

around her.

"I should spank you," Kate whispered as she sat on the

edge and held Liberty's hand, her eyes just now filling with

tears. "Getting yourself shot. Of all things."

Liberty only looked at her, and for a moment Kate was


"Liberty? I didn't mean that."

"It's all right, Mam," Liberty said as she shut her eyes.

"Ifsail right."

Kate looked to Duffy, her^xpression fearful.

"Sleep now, Lib," Duffy said, having just checked her

side one more time. "And try to lie still."

Every Little Thing About You 265


Liberty nodded against the pillow, and Duffy, with an

arm around Kate, took her from the room. The lantern was

still burning, but Duffy left it, knowing he would be back

to check on her again soon, and probably all through the


"We need to go back down, Kate, and tell Zach and

Laura what's happened. We can't leave them sitting frightened

in the kitchen."

Kate could only nod. She had said she was all right but

found herself shaking and very glad that her husband was

in charge. They arrived in the kitchen to see Zach getting a

glass of water for Laura. Kate went to help him. After she'd

kissed his cheek and thanked him, they sat at the table

where Laura was watching them with serious eyes.

"Is Libby sick?" she asked.

"Yes," Duffy told her.

"She went to help Griffin today and got hurt," Kate

filled in. Duffy had not heard the specifics but was not surprised.

Zach's little face paled. "Is she shot?"

"Yes, Zach," Duffy said. "And she hurts quite a bit, but


I think she's going to be fine."

"Does she need water?" Laura wanted to know. "I

could give her mine."

"That's very kind of you, honey, but right now she just

needs to rest."

"Where was she shot?" Zach now asked.

"In the side. The bullet is out, and I think she'll heal

quickly, but she's going to need lots of rest."

Their little faces were so sober. Kate could see that they

were not going to eat another bite.

"Why don't we go into the living room and read," she


The children were still nodding solemnly when Duffy

suggested, "I think we should go up and take a peek at

Libby. She might be awake, and you can tell her you're

praying for her and love her."

266 lori wick

Not for the first time, Kate thanked God for her husband's

wisdom. The children's faces brightened instantly,


and they were swift to accompany Duffy upstairs. Kate

brought up the rear and found herself fighting tears as

Laura talked with her sister.

"We're here, Libby. You don't need to be worried anymore.

Zach and I are here to pray for you."

Liberty's eyes, which had opened at the sound of their

coming, now closed, but she smiled and moved her fingers

in a little wave.

"I love you, Libby," tenderhearted Zach said, his little

hand coming up to touch hers.

"I love you too, Zach. You too, Laura."

"Okay," Duffy said now. "Why don't you go back

down with Mam, and I'll join you in just a bit."

The children left with a final glance at their sister. It was

so hard to see her in bed. She was always the strong one.

"Here we go," Kate said, keeping her voice as normal

as possible.

As their footsteps receded in the hall and Duffy

touched her forehead, Libby opened her eyes.



"I'm right here."

"I've been so selfish. Please don't let Mam be upset Tell

her to take it easy. If the baby doesn't make it because of

me, I'll never forgive myself."

Duffy was checking Liberty's side for bleeding, which

seemed to have stopped, and didn't immediately speak.

"We'll have to get a garment that opens on the side, Lib.

This long nightgown ends up all bunched under you."

"Duffy, didn't you hear what I said?"

"I heard," he said quietly, as he settled the bedcovers

back in place and a placed a hand on either side of her to

look directly into her eyes. "But just as I want your mother

to look after herself right now, I want you to concentrate on

getting better. You've lost a good deal of blood, and you're

not going to be jumping out of that bed in the morning."

Every Little Thing About You 267

Liberty looked up at him but didn't comment.

"I'm going to go down now and spend some time with

the kids and then put them to bed. Sleep if you can and lie


still. I could give you something."

Liberty shook her head no.

"All right."

Duffy kissed Liberty's brow and slipped from the

room, this time turning the lantern down a bit on his way

out. He wanted to sit with her. He wanted to keep an eye

on how much she moved in her sleep. But he knew that

would have to wait until Zach and Laura were in bed. He

found them flanking Kate on the davenport and listening

as she read. He did not interrupt but sat on Zach's other

side and listened as well.

"Libby will be all right," Laura leaned around her

mother to tell the doctor.

"You're interrupting Mam, Laura," he told her.

Laura looked up at her mother. "She wants Libby to be

all right too."

Duffy didn't try to correct her, and Kate stopped

reading. Maybe it was best to talk about what had happened

and not try to distract the children with a story.

Maybe the time would be better spent in prayer.


"I think that Libby will be all right too, Laura, but tell

me why you think so."

"Well, she's always been all right before, and we're

going to pray for her/' she offered, her little heart speaking

with great confidence.

Duffy thought about how confident believers could be

in God, even if things didn't turn out exactly as they hoped

for, and for this reason he only smiled at his daughter,

thanked her, and suggested they turn in a little early. Kate

finished reading the story she was on, and Duffy said it

was time to head up.

"Kiss Mam," he ordered, not wanting her to move from

her seat

268 lori wick

The children embraced her warmly, and Kate held

them tight, but she was nothing short of relieved that Duffy

was putting them to bed. Her first thought was to run to

Liberty's side and be with her, but she tried to act as normally

as possible.


Rising and putting the book away, she went to the

kitchen. She had not eaten but still wasn't hungry. She

filled a plate for her husband and put it on the stove to stay

warm. Then she started the cleanup, something so routine

that it gave her a chance to pray continuously. She was just

finishing the dirty dishes when the back door opened and

Griffin walked in.

"Hi, Mam," he said, kissing her cheek when he saw

how drained she looked.

"Hello, dear."

"How's Libby?" Griffin asked innocently. She was the

reason he'd come, but not for the reason his mother


"The bleeding has stopped, and she's resting quietly.

Duffy thinks she'll be fine, but she's awfully--" Kate stumbled

to a halt as she watched her son's face. "Griffin, what

is it?"

"Why is Libby bleeding?"

Kate was stunned. No wonder he hadn't come earlier,

or for that matter, taken her to Duffy's office.


"She was shot today, Griffin. I had no idea you didn't


"Where is she?" he asked, already moving toward the


"In her room, but Griff--" his mother stopped him,

"Duffy just put the kids down; please don't go rushing up

there and frighten them if they're still awake."

Griffin put his hand up in understanding. He nodded

and took some deep breaths, this time moving slowly to

the stairs. Kate didn't go with him but could tell that he

was walking at a more controlled pace. And indeed she

Every Little Thing About You 269

was right. Griffin's pace was slow, giving complete lie to

the way his heart nearly pounded through his chest

Oh, Father in heaven, Libby's been hit. I didn't know, Lord,

I didn't know. My sister, who I love so much. I can't believe it.

I've wrestled with this whole issue, not really wanting to face it,

and now this has happened. Please help her. Please touch her and

heal her.


Griffin was at the doorway of Liberty's room now and

found Duffy in the rocking chair by the bed, his Bible open

in his hand and his head turned to catch the soft light of the

lantern. Griffin spoke when the older man looked up.

"I didn't know."

Duffy nodded. He had wondered why Griffin and

Slater had not been around, but his main thought was Liberty.

Griffin came in, his eyes glued to Liberty's colorless

cheeks. He came to the side of the bed and just stood

looking down at her.

"How bad?" he whispered to Duffy without shifting

his gaze.

"It passed clear through. She thought it might have ricocheted."

"Where was she hit?"

"Her left side."

Griffin licked his lips, wishing she would wake up so

he could talk to her. He could count on one hand the

amount of times he had been this upset His father's death

came to mind, as did the night Liberty told him that Tess

thought he might as well be dead. Now his sister lay hurt


and vulnerable, and something deep inside Griffin told

him he could have prevented it. His father's death was

beyond his control. When he learned of Tess' feelings, he

had instantly acted. Not so with Liberty. He had been

thinking about her involvement for a long time, and now

he'd waited too long.

Griffin broke from his reverie when he heard movement

at the door. He turned to see his mother enter. The

270 lori wick

fullness under her apron was another reminder of the

many people who were affected. He watched his mother as

she stepped up and joined him. If Liberty's even breathing

was any indication, she was deeply asleep; nevertheless,

they whispered.

"Tell me, Griffin," Kate commented, having recovered

enough to question him, "if you didn't know Libby was

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