Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) (31 page)

Read Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Six-Alarm Sexy Book Two

BOOK: Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy)
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A gentle breeze wafted over her like a lover’s caress. Dani rolled to press herself against Will and get a taste of the real thing. Her hand hit air. Opening her eyes, she stared at the empty space next to her. The sheet felt slightly warm and the pillow still held the indentation of Will’s head. She strained her ears, but couldn’t make out any sounds from the en-suite bathroom or the kitchen. A tendril of concern wound around her heart. Since the fire, Will’s breathing had seemed shallow and rapid. Slipping into his robe, she left the master bedroom and went to make some coffee. On the way, she checked all the rooms. Coco snored happily on Dani’s bed. “Hungry, girl?” she asked.

Coco cracked open an eyelid, spotted Dani, and jumped off the bed with a bark. Laughing, Dani scratched the dog’s ears. “You’d do anything for food, wouldn’t you?”


The study and the living room were also empty. Dani continued to the kitchen, Coco at her heels. Will had already made the coffee. Dani poured herself a cup and inhaled the rich aroma. She didn’t know which brand Will bought, but it was divine. The man had great taste. As she sipped the brew, she spotted a sticky note on the island counter.


Gone for a swim.



Not exactly a love note, but it did mean he’d been thinking about her. Smiling, she grabbed a protein bar and dashed back to her room. She tore through her suitcase until she found her swimsuit. After slipping it on, she tied her hair in a ponytail, then thrust her feet into a pair of flip-flops and got a towel from the linen closet.

When she re-entered the kitchen, Coco was sitting next to her empty bowl, a mournful expression on her sweet face. Dani felt a pang of guilt. Coco had been getting short shrift from her lately. She filled one bowl with food and another with fresh water. “Eat up while I join Will for a swim. Later, I’ll take you for a long walk along the water. Sound good?”

Coco gave a short bark before diving into her breakfast. Dani patted the dog’s chocolate-colored flanks with a smile, and resolved to give Coco the hero’s treatment she deserved. She grabbed the key and the pass to the swimming pool and secured the door to the condo. After a quick trip in the elevator, Dani stepped into the glass-enclosed rooftop swimming pool area.

Before Will noticed her arrival, she paused to admire his form as he swam. Desire unfurled in her belly as his strong powerful legs scissored under the surface while his muscular arms erupted from the water at his sides, curved and re-entered with a cutting motion just in front of his head. The morning sun burnished his smooth golden skin. Will was in total command of the water, and she couldn’t wait for him to be in total command of her body.

At this early hour, the pool area was empty. She and Will were alone. Biting her lips to get her mind off the images of what they could do alone in a swimming pool, she set her things on a chair. She moved to the edge of the pool, then launched herself into a long dive, surfacing into a breaststroke. Despite not having Will’s style or speed, she could hold her own. Positioning herself at the end of Will’s lane, she waited for him to finish the return lap and see her. The water was deep, so she held onto the edge of the pool.

When he took a breath and dove under the water, she knew he’d noticed her. He surged up right in front of her, a smile on his face and his hands on her waist. “Good morning, Dani.”

“Good morning, Will.” Her arms snaked around his neck. She pushed with her feet against the side of the wall and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. The slide of wet skin on wet skin sparked along her nerves. She wanted to rub herself all over him, feel him in every nook and cranny, against every peak and valley of her body. But this wasn’t the place. She’d promised to keep the kinky in the bedroom.

Grinning, his gleaming blue eyes rivaling the sparkle of the water in the sun, Will pulled her more firmly against him. She gasped when her pussy encountered his very rigid cock. His eyes focused on her lips, darkening, flaring with the intensity of his arousal.

She tipped her head back, playfully. “Will?”

“Hmm?” he replied as his hands smoothed up her sides, her shoulders, her arms. He had such great hands. She wanted him to touch her like this 24/7. Her body softened and moved against his. She’d wanted to ask him something… oh, right. “Since the fire, you’ve been calling me Dani. How come?”

Will chuckled. “It was effectively, if not eloquently, pointed out to me that my reason for calling you Danielle when you prefer the shortened form had more to do with me than with you.”


“Hmm?” His voice was muffled, seeing as how he was currently licking the water off her neck.

Her belly rolled with a mix of lust and amusement. “I have no idea what you just said.”

He laughed and lifted his head. His fingers brushed back the wet strands of hair that clung to her cheek. “I’m an accountant, not a psychologist. We’d have to ask Tori if we want the medical explanation, but here’s my take. I was calling you Danielle because I might have been trying to…”—his ears turned red and he ducked his head—“uh… push you into becoming the image I had of you.”

Gripping his hair, she forced his head up. “You mean the vision you had of the woman you want.”

“Yes.” His eyes drifted to her neck. “I suppose so.”

Her gut tightened. Things were so good with Will right now. She wanted to know, but what if she didn’t like his answer? What if it ruined everything? No. “What made you stop?”

“You did.” He smiled, the tenderness in his gaze so pure, tears pricked the backs of her eyes. “I love how you care for others—maybe a little too much. How brave you are. How valuable you are to this community. You’re perfect the way you are. And Dani reflects that more than Danielle.”

Her heart melted and she wanted to crawl inside him. Better yet, she wanted him to stroke inside
. “Can you still call me that sometimes?”

He shot her a lewd grin and waggled his eyebrows. “Like when?”

“You’ll know when the time is right.”

Spinning her around, he pinned her against the side of the pool, his chest covering every inch of her back. “Right now, I think the time is right to fill that hot pussy of yours.”

The thin layer of his chest hair felt foreign and sexy as it brushed her skin. Blood rushed through her veins like water through rapids, the sound loud in her ears. “Pool sex, Mr. Caldwell? I thought that was on the black list.”

“Ever since you mentioned it, I haven’t been able to get the idea out of my head. But here we are. We’ve got sun, water, privacy. Nothing to stop us.” He pushed the straps of her one-piece off her shoulders, then surprised her by stripping her naked in one lightning-fast move. She’d thought he’d just shove the strip of material at her crotch to the side.

“Will. What if someone walks in?”

“We’re on the opposite end of the pool. You’ll have time to slip back into your suit before anyone notices.”

The man had obviously never tried to pull on a wet one-piece before. But whatever. He’d initiated this round of almost-public sex, not her. Who was she to deny him? She smirked. Yeah, right. Wriggling her ass against his groin, she grunted in dismay. “I think it’s time for you to bare a little something.”

She tugged his swim trunks down. When her fingers closed around his erection, Will sucked in a breath. “Your hand is so fucking hot.”

“I know something else that’s even hotter. Get to work, Will.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Steadying himself with one hand on the edge of the pool, Will wrapped his other arm around Dani’s waist and tugged her flush against him. She reached between her legs to guide him to her entrance.

“Shit, stop,” he said, a desperate groan coming from his chest.

She froze. He’d changed his mind. “It’s okay, Will. We don’t have to do this.”

“No. That’s not it. I want to. It’s just…”

“Just what?”

He dropped his head against her shoulder and inhaled deeply. “I don’t have a condom. Actually, I’m not even sure how effective one would be in the water, especially with all the chlorine in here.”

Tension oozed out of her. She drooped against him slack-limbed. For a moment, she’d thought… well, it wasn’t important. “I’m on the pill,” she said, looking at his face on her shoulder.

His eyes closed and he bit her skin. “Thank fuck.”

She laughed. “So as long as you’re clean—”

“I am,” he said before she’d even finished speaking. He pressed into her, but because of the water, his entrance was a bit difficult. “Am I hurting you?”

“Just get it in,” she said, her teeth gritted. Her pussy burned with the pressure, but she knew it’d be worth it once they got going. She wanted him—this, them—so badly.

He snapped his hips, seating himself all the way. Dani yelped and he stopped moving. “You’re so fucking tight. I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

She took several calming breaths, letting her muscles relax around him. Finally she was ready. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Now

With an amused snort, Will rocked his hips and cupped one of her breasts with his free hand. He tugged at her nipple, teasing and twisting it the way she liked. A moan rumbled from his chest when she arched her back and pushed him deeper inside her, each pulse of his cock answered by a throb in her pussy. He locked his lips onto her neck where it met her shoulder. Suckling and nibbling, he scraped his teeth along the sensitive tendons. Dani squirmed under the delicious assault.

“How does that feel, babe?” His rough growl sent a wave of heat to her pussy.

“So good. I don’t think I’ll last much longer.”

“Come whenever you want.”

She leaned her head against his chest, enjoying the sensation of being suspended, impaled on Will’s magnificent cock, when she noticed the security camera right in front of her. She gasped and tried to force them down below the edge of the pool.

“Dani! What’s wrong?” Will asked, his voice husky with excitement, so at odds with the worry in his tone.

“Camera!” Dani shouted. She would not make the same mistake she’d made that night on the yacht. That night when she’d almost lost Will. “Did you know about the security camera?”

He laughed.
What the hell?
Her head spun with the surrealness of the situation. “You’re laughing?”

“There’s only one, and it’s behind me. All the guards can see is my back,” he said, rather too calmly.

She rolled her eyes. “First off, smart one, they’d have to be blind not to guess what we’re doing. Second, it’s cameras, as in plural. There are at least two.”

His head twisted around as he scanned the crossbeams of the glass enclosure. “Where’s the second one?”

Pointing at the camera cleverly nestled between two beams, she waved her hand.

Will dropped his head on her shoulder and groaned. “Shit. I had no idea.”

“Hey, don’t worry about me. I only told you because I knew
wouldn’t want anyone seeing us. I haven’t forgotten the rules.”

A grin broke out across his flushed face. “Well, in that case…” He terminated the sentence with a powerful thrust that set off fireworks deep inside her. “Darling, grab a hold of the wall because you’re in for one hell of a ride.”

“Oh! But—”

“If anyone is watching, they’ve already seen everything. We might as well commit the crime.”

“In case we have to pay the price?”

“Yep. I like to get what I’ve paid for.”

She smiled in the direction of the camera. “All right. Go for it, cowboy.”

With his taller height, Will could easily stand on the bottom of the pool and keep his head out of the water. He gripped her hips with both hands and started to piston inside her pussy. Dani braced herself against the pool wall and put on a show for their mysterious watcher. Taking hold of one nipple between her thumb and forefinger, she pinched slowly, steadily, until she felt a kick of pain. Her pussy quivered and clenched in response, right onto Will’s dick, if his throaty moans were any indication. “Do that again,” he whispered urgently.

Only too happy to comply, Dani repeated her actions with her other nipple. Overwhelmed by her feelings for this man who pushed his own limits to give her what she wanted, she turned her head and captured Will’s mouth with her own. She licked his lips until they let her in. Sucking on his tongue, she increased the pressure on her nipple, then when it was almost unbearable, she pulled and twisted. Her pussy clamped down on Will’s cock, and she exploded.

Heat spread across her hips and belly like a forest fire, consuming her, consuming everything in its path. Her vision blurred as her body contracted, then expanded, sending her floating. Will’s arm tightened around her. His cock grew harder and longer, then pulsed against her inner muscles as he joined her on their floating cloud.

When water closed in over their heads, she realized they were sinking.

She struggled, trying to wrench herself out of Will’s iron-like grasp. She must have roused him out of his orgasm-induced stupor because he got his legs under him and lifted her until her head was out of the water. Balanced on his knees, she leaned against the side of the pool, sputtering and coughing, trying to catch her breath.

Will stared at her in wonder. “You fucking blew my mind, Dani. I think I actually passed out.”

“Me too,” she said, a blush heating her cheeks. She brushed her lips against his, licking away the water. “Not the safest thing to do in a swimming pool.”

“You think it had something to do with…” He gulped and pointed upwards with his finger.

She kneaded his glistening shoulders, loving the slide of his wet skin on her palms. A corner of her mouth lifted. “Most likely. Being watched always kicks things up a notch for me. Looks like you didn’t hate it.”

His lips remained sealed, but she sensed a war being waged inside him, a war between what turned him on and what he believed was proper. It was a war she understood all too well.

“We don’t have to ever do anything like this again. The last thing I want is for you to feel forced or pressured,” she said.

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