Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) (34 page)

Read Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Six-Alarm Sexy Book Two

BOOK: Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy)
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Taking a deep breath, he looked around. Several curious club goers had gathered to watch. Some smiled their encouragement. Others leaned forward with more than a little interest. Never one to love the limelight, he resisted the urge to squirm, and nodded his okay to Dani.

“I’ll adjust the clamp so it’s not too tight. It shouldn’t hurt. Much.” She shot him a wicked grin. With his gaze riveted on her hands, she attached each chain to the middle link in his collar, then carefully attached one clamp to his right nipple. “How’s that?”

At first, he felt nothing. Before he could tell her, the pressure began. Not pain exactly, but it was definitely intense. He exhaled sharply and focused on a couple making out on one of the padded platforms. It helped draw his mind from the strange feeling. “I’ll live.”

After attaching the second clamp, Dani rose up on her toes and whispered in his ear. “You okay?”

Turning his head, he kissed her, adding a bit of tongue to get his message across. He was stunned, a little shocked, but more than okay. Damn good thing his pants were tight, or he’d have a tent big enough for the dude singing on stage to see.

He could no longer deny how much he liked to watch. A memory of his and Dani’s first night together unfurled in his mind. Oh yes, he enjoyed watching, but he loved to watch and direct even more. It had been so incredibly hot knowing he could have Dani do whatever he wanted. All he’d needed to do was tell her.

“Dani, you said no sex on the main floor, but I can touch you right?”

She rubbed a hand between his legs. He sucked in a breath and his cock did a happy dance. “As long as the genitals stay covered,” she said.

“What about these?” he asked, pinching one of her flower-covered nipples.

“Different clubs have different rules. At Club L’Estrange, boobs aren’t considered genitals.”

His pressure soared and his nipples swelled to aching in the clamps. The beginnings of a plan formed in his mind. “So you could bare all?”

“Is that something you’d like?”

He looked away and crossed his arms protectively against his chest. “Maybe.”

Pulling his arms away, she stroked his chest. Each time one of her fingers touched his engorged nipples, he groaned. If she didn’t stop, he’d take her right here and give everyone a show they’d never forget.

“William Caldwell, what’s going on inside that fabulous brain of yours?”

He caught her roaming hands. “I thought it might be fun to try something like you did with the waiter at Vicenzo’s. Except…” He hesitated. Would she go for it?

“Except what?”

He cleared his throat. “I pick the who and the how.”

Her smile when it came was wide and sexy and very, very naughty. “You enjoy showing me off.”

“As long as we both understand the rules.”

She cocked her head. “Which are?”

“No touching of the…”

“Mark?” she supplied.

He winced. “I guess that works. No touching of the mark unless we both agree to it beforehand, and we focus on each other. This is to please
, both of us. Not the mark.”

“Agreed. You know, when you watch me show myself to another person, it turns me on much more than when I did this on my own. I must be getting pleasure from your pleasure.”

“And I’m getting pleasure from yours,” he said, his voice a rough rasp.

She kissed him, an all-too-brief press of her lips. “See, we’re perfect for each other.”

He blinked. God help him. He was starting to believe that too. “Let’s mingle.” Taking her arm, he led her to the dance floor. Although he wasn’t much of a dancer, he was good enough not to make a fool of himself, and it would provide him a great opportunity to see who was ogling Dani. In a crowd like this one, it wasn’t obvious who was into women, and he didn’t want to screw this up.

The music was loud and hectic. The dancers moved with abandon, grinding against each other, hands touching their partners—and anyone within arm’s reach. William steered his ass and Dani’s well out of the danger zone.

A few feet to the left, a hard-faced man stood stock-still, his gaze pinning his partner, who danced in front of him. At his nod, she unzipped the cropped sweater she wore and slipped it off her shoulders. When she turned to face William, he noticed the gleam of metal on her nipples. Piercings. He winced in sympathetic pain, but couldn’t help liking how the piercings looked. He wondered if that was something Dani might go for someday.

The man took the woman’s sweater and folded his arms across his massive chest, which was adorned with a leather harness, as if he were some sort of gladiator. He nodded again and the woman’s hands went to the back of her waist. She fiddled with something. The skirt loosened and slipped down her thighs. She handed the skirt to the man, then turned and resumed dancing, clad in only a glittery gold G-string and fuck-me heels.

When the man glanced at William, he immediately averted his gaze, praying he wasn’t about to get his ass kicked. From the looks of the man, it would be painful. Very painful. But he just laughed and grinned at William. The woman cuddled up to her partner’s side. He threw his arm around her shoulders, winking at William as they left the dance floor and headed for the guarded stairwell.

Okay, apparently William had been a part of this couple’s foreplay.
Scoping the men sitting at the tables surrounding the dance floor, he noticed several potential candidates whose eyes were glued to some part of Dani’s gyrating body. While he’d been distracted, she’d found someone—two someones, actually—to dance with. Her face glowed with happiness as she played the part of the jelly in another couple’s sandwich.

She waved him over and the man behind her stepped back, allowing William to take his place. William nodded his thanks, but kept an eye on the man in case he decided to take a spot behind him. No way was he up to having some guy’s cock grinding against his ass.

Wrapping his arm around Dani’s waist, he swayed with her, enjoying her firm butt against his hard cock. He rested his chin on her shoulder and breathed her in.

That’s when he spotted their mark.

The middle-aged man, short and starting to gray at the temples, looked like he could use a little attention. He was trim and his costume reminded William of something from the eighteen hundreds, something a British lord might have worn to a party.

Squeezing Dani’s waist lightly, he pointed out the man with his eyes, then raised a questioning brow.

She smiled and whispered in his ear. “Tell me what to do.”

“Did you ever see that movie,
Dirty Dancing
? Let’s do a little of that and see how he reacts.” William turned Dani in his arms and slid his hands over the muscles of her naked back. His breathing already ragged, he continued farther down until his hand molded her butt cheeks, and pressed her firmly against him. Pushing a knee between her thighs, he moved in time to the music. Her thinly veiled pussy rubbed against his trousers and he could almost feel her heat through the leather.

Dani’s arms tightened around his neck, her gentle moans letting him know she was enjoying this. William glanced at the man. His eyes were focused on William’s hands where they kneaded Dani’s ass through the lace of her dress. Keeping his gaze on the man, he tugged on the material until he’d freed her cheeks, naked except for the thin string in her crack. He positioned his finger at the base of her spine and pressed it between the globes of her ass, sliding it all the way down until he touched his own leg. Dani hot breath burned his neck. She shivered and arched into him, and the man’s hand slipped under the edge of the table to cup himself.

The music changed to a slow sultry beat much better suited to their erotic dance. William palmed Dani’s ass, gripped the cheeks and spread them wide. She curled her lower back and thrust her butt out. He looked down over her shoulder and sucked in a ragged breath. The pink puckered hole was clearly visible.
. He’d love to kneel down behind her and run his tongue over it until she screamed with need, then he’d push his tongue past the tight ring of muscles and watch her come undone.

But that was for another time. He pressed her cheeks together, then rocked her against his leg, repeating the spread-squeeze cycle until Dani was writhing, and panting in his ear. Sitting at his table, the mark was clearly enjoying the show. His face was red, and he seemed to be struggling against the urge to jerk off at the table. William grinned and pushed his own erection against Dani’s flat belly. “Having fun, sweetheart?” he murmured.

“I… ” She paused and sucked in a breath. “I had no idea you could dance so well. You’ve been holding out, Caldwell.”

With a laugh, he spun her around so she could watch the man watching her. “See how much he’s enjoying this? He can barely keep from coming in his pants.” With a hand flattened on her belly, William pressed her against him and moved their hips in a slow sensuous circle. The forward movement caused her to thrust her pelvis toward the man at every peak of the circle.

He cupped her breast with his other hand, shaping it through the lace. “Do you want me to take the dress off?” she asked, tipping her head back so she could see him.

Tempting, but… “I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”


“Touch yourself. Keep the G-string in place, but make it good.”

She lowered her hand to her belly, smoothing it over her skin. Then she moved it down, touching her thighs. The man’s eyes darted between William’s hand on her breast and Dani’s on her legs. But when she cupped her pussy, his eyes followed her hand and stuck there.

Droplets of sweat dotted William’s forehead. He couldn’t believe they were doing this. Adrenaline coursed through his body. He felt like Superman. And it was all because of the amazing woman in his arms. With patience and generosity, she’d opened him up to a whole new world. He wanted to make this good for her, as good as it was for him. Curling himself around her body, he brought both his hands to her inner thighs. While his hand played over her crotch, he thrust against her over and over, the ridge of his cock rubbing between her cheeks. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He shoved her hand away and replaced it with his own. Watching the mark, he rubbed a finger between Dani’s pussy lips, clearly outlined by her wet G-string.

The man’s shoulders jerked forward. He shuddered a few times, then grinned at them. With a small two-fingered salute, he hopped off the bench and headed in the direction of the restrooms.

Feeling like he was going to blow any minute, he bit into Dani’s neck. “Foreplay’s over.”

“You want to go home?” she asked, turning in his arms.

He nuzzled the spot he’d bit, peppering it with little kisses, as he tried to decide whether he really wanted to take this to the next step or if it was just his cock talking.

The club was a
place. As public as it could get while still being private. He’s gotten off on everything they’d done so far, so why not go all the way? He’d never had sex in front of an audience, but considering how high he was flying now, he’d probably love it.

Public sex.

He smiled to himself. Six months ago—hell, one month ago—he’d never have imagined being in a place like this, desperate to fuck his girl in front of other men. He brushed his cheek against Dani’s. “You mentioned private rooms.”

She pointed toward the stairs down which the couple from earlier had disappeared. “You want to go see?”

“I want to go do.”

“Oh my.” Her eyes rounded and she fanned her face.

“Dani, if I don’t have you soon, I’m going to die. And how will you explain that to my parents? ‘Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, your son died of blue balls in a sex club.’”

Laughing, she slugged his arm. And in that moment, he knew he’d do anything to hear that sound for the rest of his life. She tugged her dress back down and grabbed his arm. “Come on. Let’s go save your life.”

At the entrance to the stairwell, Dani showed the attendant her membership card. Only members and their guests could use the private rooms. “With a view or no view?” the man asked.

Before she could reply, William blurted, “With a view.”

Dani arched a brow. “You sure?”

William felt slightly nauseated, but he nodded. “When in Rome…”

“Room 12,” the man grunted.

Grinning, Dani accepted the locker key he handed her and led William to the mysterious lower section of the club. He was extremely surprised when Dani led him into what appeared to be co-ed locker rooms. “We’ll shower after.” She opened a locker and put her ID card inside. “Leave your keys and any valuables here.”

“Don’t we have to get undressed?” He’d read online that a lot of clubs required it.

“Club L’Estrange realizes that the striptease is often part of the fun.”

He ran his hand over the curve of her lace-covered ass, enjoying the peek-a-boo of creamy skin. “Certainly is for me.”

“Let’s go, big boy.” She grabbed the D-ring on his collar. The movement set off a kaleidoscope of colors behind his eyelids as the pressure increased on the nipple clamps. His feet stalled, and he sucked in a sharp breath.

Dani turned and gently sucked one of his nipples into her mouth. When her tongue curled around the clamp, he felt the tingle in his spine signaling imminent orgasm. Grabbing her shoulders, he pushed her away from his chest. Her lips released his clamped nipple with a loud painful pop. “Oh God.” He rested his chin on top of her head.

Her gentle laugh blew through the hairs on his chest, sending chills rippling over his whole body. “Don’t worry, I’ll take these off soon. But as they say, timing is everything.” Taking his hand, she led him to a room decorated like the inside of a genie’s bottle.

William skidded to a stop at the entrance and laughed at the incongruity of it. “I should be wearing ‘Hammer’ pants, a bright red vest with glittery fringes, and a turban.”

“You’re right. We’re dressed for the leather rooms.” She turned to leave. “I’ll go ask the attendant—”

Panic had his arm shooting out to catch her wrist. “No. No. This is perfect.” He was so not ready for any BDSM action. He caught the glint of humor in her eyes. “Ha-ha. Very funny. If I had a heart attack now, you’d have a hard time explaining it along with the blue balls.”

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