Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) (37 page)

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Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Six-Alarm Sexy Book Two

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“Call him, Will. I’m here.” She kissed his head.

She was right. Procrastinating wouldn’t make the photos disappear. He got his phone from his pocket and dialed his father at home. After two rings, Bill picked up. “William?”

“Bill,” he said, the use of his father’s name signaling to him that this was company business. “We need to talk. Can we meet at the office in thirty minutes?”

“Is this about the fire?”

“Not directly. This involves me and Dani.”

“Then it is about the fire.”

“Dad, please. Not on the phone.”

“Very well.” His father’s tone had gone cold. “Bring Firefighter Harris with you.”

After agreeing to meet in his father’s office, William hung up and wondered at his father’s formality. Dani put her hand on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. My father called you Firefighter Harris.”

“Maybe he thinks I’m involved in an official capacity?”

William shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

Hurt flickered in her eyes before she turned and headed down the hall. “Give me five minutes.”

Walking to his own room, William reflected on Dani’s reaction. She seemed more affected by his father’s use of her title than anything else. She hadn’t even brought up the prospect of the photos getting out. Dani had been coming to Caldwell family gatherings for years since becoming friends with Jamie. Had Bill become something of a father figure to her? If he recalled correctly, her own father had died when she was a teenager. And she’d admitted to not being close to her family. Maybe the Caldwells had become a sort of surrogate, one she was afraid to lose. One she was more afraid to lose than her job.

He’d been so wrong about Dani. Her life didn’t revolve around her job. It revolved around people she considered family: the rescue team and the Caldwells. She supported them, and in return, they supported her. Or at least they had until now. Would his family blame her for the photos? They’d better not. If he had to choose between his family and Dani, he’d choose her. His head spun with the truth of that statement. How had this chocolate-eyed woman come to mean the world to him in one short month?

Stepping into his closet, the absence of Dani’s clothes hit him. He looked forward to sharing a room with her, seeing her dresses next to his slacks in the closet, her bunker boots next to his Ferragamo lace-ups on the shoe rack, and her panties next to his boxers in their underwear drawer. Once this was all over, he’d get her to move in for real. After throwing on slacks and a button-down shirt, he grabbed a sports jacket. He knocked on Dani’s door. “Ready?”

She stepped out into the hall wearing only her bra and panties.

He raised a brow. “As much as I enjoy that look, I don’t think it’ll work for the office.”

She gripped her hair and groaned in obvious frustration. “I don’t know what to wear. I’ve never been kicked out of a family before.”

“Whoa. Hey, no one’s kicking you out of anything.” He wrapped his hands around her waist and held her close to ease her trembling. “Even if he wanted to, we’re adults, and we won’t let him.” William pointed to a pair of navy slacks and a cream blouse she’d laid out on the bed amidst five other outfits. “Wear those pants and that blouse.” He turned her around and kissed her cheek. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, Dani. Least of all my father.”

Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips to his. The embrace was warm and tender, and shook him to his marrow. Shattered, he left her to get dressed. In his study, he called O’Connell. “Any news?”

“Purnell’s real name is Childers, and he’s a private investigator with an office in Rainier Beach.”

“Do we know who hired him?” William would bet his condo it was Torval. But he had no proof, and until he did, he couldn’t say anything.

“Not yet. But I’ve got a couple guys headed over to Childers’ place right now.”

“Good. Just remind them to keep their fists to themselves. Last thing we need is the cops involved at this point.”

“Do we have the green light to offer to pay the man for his services?”

William grinned, although he was sure it looked more like a snarl. “Absolutely. I’ll pay the costs personally.” Men like Childers, men for hire, had only one golden rule: Always take the highest bid. And this was one battle William wouldn’t lose. “There’s been a new development on my end as well. The photos were delivered to my condo this morning. Along with a blackmail note. I trust you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone?”

“No, sir.”

“I’m meeting with my father later. Please call as soon as you learn anything new.”

“Will do, Mr. Caldwell.”

Dani knocked on the doorjamb, ready to leave. He relayed the news to her. “Maybe we can nip this in the bud,” she said.

“Maybe,” William agreed, but deep down, he doubted it. Childers wasn’t the person behind this. Whoever was out to get him wouldn’t stop until he’d ground William and his career into the dust. And unless something radical was done, whoever was out to get him would win.

William’s father couldn’t protect him now, even if he wanted to. The CFF board would soon be clamoring to press charges of fraud and embezzlement against him. These photos along with the “evidence” mentioned in the letter would be just the excuse they needed to sign the execution order on his career. God help him if the cops and the arson team believed the so-called evidence.

A month ago, he’d never imagined being framed for embezzlement, arson, and attempted murder. Now he was picturing himself in an orange jumpsuit with “Bitch” stenciled on his back and a bull’s eye on his ass.

Chapter 17



Dani clung to Will’s hand and put on a brave face as they entered the office of the CEO of Caldwell Fine Furnishings. Bill stood looking out the large window of his corner office. His hands were clasped behind his back as he contemplated the view of his company’s campus, the waters of Puget Sound shimmering in the distance.

Bill turned, his face a mask of consternation. He indicated the informal seating area. “Please.”

Will drew Dani to the couch and sat next to her, their thighs and shoulders touching. The silence grew as neither man spoke. Was this some sort of challenge? Would speaking first indicate weakness? Whatever. She couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Sir, we, Will and I”—she glanced at Will, seeking his reassurance, which she received in the form of a tight smile—“received something this morning that could impact your company.”

“Did the fire department make a decision on the arson, Firefighter Harris?”

She tried to keep from flinching at the hard way he’d said her name, but Will must have sensed it. His warm hand covered her knee. “This isn’t your fault,” Will whispered.

“No sir. This isn’t a formal visit,” she said.

Bill frowned. Will placed the envelope on the coffee table and slid it toward his father, who sat in a chair across from them. “Dani and I went to a… uh, club last night. A photographer got in and took some photos of us.”

“Dancing?” Bill chuckled. “You’re not Fred Astaire, but surely you aren’t bad enough to endanger the company.”

Will swallowed hard. “No, Dad. This was a sex club.” Dani squeezed his thigh, offering what support she could. She couldn’t imagine having this discussion with her mother. Her heart stalled. But she’d have to if the photos got out, wouldn’t she? And worse, she’d have to have it with the captain, too. She closed her eyes against the disappointment on Bill’s face.

“Do I want to look at them?”

Will grimaced and Dani felt the sudden—hysterical—urge to laugh. But this was no laughing matter. This was deadly serious. “Will and I think whoever did this also set the fire, or at least is responsible for it.”


“I don’t know, Dad. But someone’s out to get me.” Will opened the envelope and handed his father the blackmail note. “They want a million dollars, or they’ll release the photos and the ‘evidence’ of my embezzlement of company funds.”

Bill grabbed the note and quickly read it. “This is ludicrous.”

“I don’t have the money to pay.” Will stared down at his hand on Dani’s knee, anger and humiliation clear in the muscle jumping in his jaw. “If I resign right now, it might save the company from some of the backlash.”


“But Dad—”

Bill rubbed his face. “I trust you, son. I know you didn’t do any of this.”

“The photos are real,” Dani said. Will cut her a shushing glance. “Well, they

When Bill looked up, there were shadows under his eyes and his skin seemed paler than usual. The troubles at CFF were taking a toll on him. “I was young too once. I understand. Believe me. But how could you be so stupid, so careless?” His eyes narrowed on Dani. “I’d expect something like this from
, but not you, William.”

Will shot to his feet, his hands clenched into fists. “Dani’s done nothing but help our family. Have you forgotten that she saved Erica and Chloe? That she found Matt, who would probably have died in that fire? Don’t you ever talk like that to her again.”

While Dani agreed that without her influence, Will would never have had sex in a club, private or otherwise, he was the least stupid or careless person she’d ever met. “We were at a
club. Members are supposed to be vetted. No recording devices allowed. A private investigator entered the club under false pretenses.”

Bill seemed to perk up at that bit of news. He shifted his gaze to Will. “Did you find him? Did he say who hired him?”

“The security team is working on it.” Will circled behind the couch and rested his hand on Dani’s shoulder. “We’re trying to make a deal with the bastard. O’Connell will call as soon as they have a name.”

“Whoever did this is dangerous,” Dani said.

“And he wants to destroy me,” Will finished.

Bill crossed his legs and splayed his fingers over the arms of the chair, visibly forcing himself to relax. “Do you think Gordon has anything to do with this? His son was almost killed, and he
the one who pointed a finger at you regarding the purchase orders.”

Dani shook her head. “I’m not getting the impression that this is personal. Whoever is doing this wants Will out of the way. The blackmailer has probably been skimming money off the top for years, and no one’s noticed until Will started investigating.”

“Since this concerns both of you,” Bill said, then paused, clasped his hands and brought his index fingers to his chin. “How do you want to handle it?”

Will eyed his father. “The way I see it, there are only two options: I can go to the cops, and everyone will know about this, or I can cave and this will be our little secret.”

Bill picked up the phone.

“Dad. Stop,” Will said.

Realizing his intent, Dani grabbed Will’s arm. “You
give in.”

He checked his watch. “The bank is about to open. I’ll liquidate all my assets. It won’t be enough to settle the blackmail, but maybe it will give us more time.”

“If what Dani says is true, even if we had a million dollars in cash right here, it wouldn’t be enough to end this.”

“Then you have to let me resign. It’s the only way to save the company.”

Dani shoved to her feet, her gut gripped by a terrible sense of foreboding. She couldn’t let this happen. CFF meant everything to Will. “No! You can’t quit. You love this company.”

The banging of the door against the wall startled her. She spun around, shock making her jaw drop as all the Caldwells marched into the office. Will rounded the couch and drew her against him. She liked having him at her back, showing a united front.

“Did I just hear you say you wanted to resign? What the fuck, William?” Jamie’s voice boomed.

William dropped down onto the couch, bringing her with him. “Everyone, sit down, and I’ll explain.” He gave them the short censored version of what had happened so far with the arson, the embezzlement, and the photos.

Jamie shook his head. “I know you, William. There’s no way you’d steal from this company or put anyone’s life at risk. As for the photos—”

A lascivious grin on his face, Drew reached for the envelope. “Let’s take a look.”

“No.” Will glared and slapped his brother’s hand away.

Drew’s grin grew. “I’ll see them soon enough.”

“What…” Dani started, cleared her throat and restarted. “What do you mean?”

Caroline, who’d sat on Dani’s other side, patted her hand. “Caldwells never back down from a fight, Dani dear.”

“Mom.” William’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared. Dani’s heart started to race.

“We can’t let this bastard win, William,” Jamie said. “The only way to beat a bully is to fight back.”

Will’s arm tightened around Dani’s waist. “We can’t do that this time, Jamie. And you know why.” When Jamie just continued to stare at Will, his expression stony, Will tried again. “Look, if this were just about me, I wouldn’t care. But it’s about Dani too, and this will be far more damaging to her than to me.”

Caroline turned to face Dani and Will. Her eyes were soft with concern. “Dani, I know this will be hard for you. But the only way to invalidate this sicko’s plan is to beat him to the punch.”

Dani’s gut rebelled and she thought she might puke. That’s just what she needed. To upchuck on Will’s mother’s lap. What the hell. His father already hated her. What’s another parent?

Bill stared at his wife, his expression aghast. “You want us to release photos of our son and his girlfriend having sex?”

“Only the less-revealing ones. As well as the details of how William is being framed for the embezzlement.”

“Have you lost your mind, woman?” Bill bellowed. The deep red of his face had Dani worried. She sighed when she caught Chad’s eye. At least he’d be here to take care of his father if the man had a heart attack. Oh God. Puking on one parent, killing the other. Yeah, all portents of a very happy future.

Caroline smiled at her husband. “We’ll write up a press release, explaining everything about how this person is destroying two wonderful people and a long-standing family business. If we act fast, we can warn everyone we know about what’s coming. That way, it won’t be such a big shock.”

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