Everything I Want (20 page)

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Authors: Natalie Barnes

BOOK: Everything I Want
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Taking the mic into my hands, raising one hand to quiet the crowd down some, I begin to say into the mic. “What’s happening, Minneapolis!” They start to scream.

“You may not know who in the hell who we are, but we’re Dollar Settlement. New to this shit. And I can’t wait for us” Turning behind me slightly, gesturing to my band. “For us to start you guys off right!”

“Wooo!” I hear screams and whistles come from audience. I glance quickly over my shoulder, letting Cory know that I’m ready to begin. I hear this cryptic melody start to play through the amps, and I know exactly what song we’re starting off with: “Chills.” That’s a good one. I know it’s not very professional to start each show not really knowing how we’re going to do it. But I like how we’ve been just doing a guessing game with the first songs.

Leaning down into the mic, while my other hand runs up my side and I begin to softly sing into the mic.

I start slowly, swaying my hips from side to side. And the crowd is eating it up. Yes! I fucking love this feeling. Once the rest of the band breaks out into the song, I traipse my way upstage. Eye fucking a few different audience members. Feeling a connection with them, I love it. As the song progresses more, I make my way back over to Roger by the drums. Pulling my hair back off my scalp, I shove the mic right in my face and begin to let all of it go.

My lungs feel almost like they’re about to give away with all the force I’m singing right now. But I don’t care. This feels so good, always has, and I’m pretty sure it always will. And I will never get sick of it.

We’re almost done with our set. Just one more song left. Breathing hard, I’m a little winded. Usually I do these techniques to help me get to that level of singing without hurting my voice. But tonight’s adrenaline just took me over. I’m so glad that we have a few days before our next gig.

The lights dim into this soft haze of orange and white. Licking my lips to get some moisture back I glance over to the side of the stage. All of the guys are there waiting, but I can only focus on Tristan. His arms crossed but he has a playful smile with the one side of his mouth turned up. No glares no emotionless expression, nothing bad. Almost like I have a friend or something waiting for me. I couldn’t help it when I felt my own face bring the same smile to him.

Looking back to the audience, I feel completely Zen now. This couldn’t get possibly better. Our show was fucking insane, and feeling Tristan’s now new presence like this, is overwhelming.

“Last one for the night, folks.” I breathe into the mic. Feeling my chest rise up and down, I use one hand to grip my waist. “So we’re going to slow it down for this one. This next one is ‘Lullaby’.”

Roger starts with this one, and soon Jared then Matt and Cory join in.

The lights go out and we hear everyone chanting and whistling. I drop the mic on the stage and turn on my heels and begin to walk off. The crew are busying themselves again, getting ready for Undead Society.



Almost my way off stage I peer up to Tristan, who is still standing in his same exact spot. Only now his arms aren’t crossed but his right shoulder is perched up on to the wall right in front of him. Tristan leans forward and with his other hand, he grabs mine and pulls me into him. Trapping me to him. I can’t believe he’s doing this in front of everyone. But I can’t pull away either. Being in his presence after a show and taking him in like this, feels amazing. He smells amazing too. Clean musky scent and something that I can’t put my finger on. It’s wonderful and instantly sends liquid heat to my core.

Saying nothing to each other, we just stare. “You guys are good to go.” One of the roadies announces and I can see out of the corner of my eye, his band making their way. Still, Tristan doesn’t move. Doesn’t take his gaze away from mine. His smile is gone now, but his face still shows genuine appreciation. I try to move away to let him go on, but he just stills me in his grasps. What is he doing? “Tristan you have to go.” I whisper-yell at him, trying to free myself again. Again he stops me. “Come on man!” Dave yells over to him, and I’m starting to wonder what in the hell is going on his head. Tristan leans into me and brushes his lightly scruffy face against my cheekbone, feeling his soft lips tickle my ear as he begins to whisper in it.

“Tonight.” Then he lets go of me quickly, and I suddenly feel cold without his body near me.

I turn back around and watch him make his way on stage and Caleb is laughing and shaking his head. Dave says something to him, but Tristan ignores it. Tonight. I have a feeling that, that wasn’t a request. And I’m excited about it. Being with Tristan, no matter what mood he’s in, he’s completely addicting. And I can’t get enough.

Right about now, I would go and find Frankie and get ready for whatever party were doing after. This time however, I decided to stay. Leaning on my right side, pushing against the wall, I cross my arms like he did and begin to watch him.

His low voice rumbles through the entire arena and it’s hot as hell. He didn’t do an introduction this time. Just got right to it. Seeing his hand grip the mic, the tendons in his arm flex underneath the dim white lights. That brings visions back of how his arms were wrapped around my body when he was taking me. And I grow suddenly hotter.

I can’t move, but I sit there watching him, song after song. I’m in a trance seeing him like this. Before I used to watch videos or internet when he was performing, thinking he was so good. But now, being on tour with him and actually being with him, it brings something incredibly more to the table. I feel almost powerful right now.

Finally they’re almost done, they do the same set always, except for that first show when he threw Harlot in there. And I’m still not going back to get ready yet, even my band has taken off to do whatever they do during this time. Tristan looks over at me and notices that I’ve been watching the entire time. His look is carnal. No smile this time dancing on his beautiful lips, but his eyes are dark and sensuous. The smile I did have on my face from watching him perform disappears. My body begins to ache for his when he looks at me like that.

Tristan moves toward the front of the stage, but doesn’t take his eyes off of me.

He then finally starts to speak to the crowd, who by the way, are freaking the fuck out right now. Tristan finally breaks our gaze. “Everyone good tonight?” They all start to reply back to him, some chicks even starts to throw their bras and panties toward the stage at him. But he doesn’t notice. Or maybe just doesn’t care. “That’s good. Well I don’t really want to waste time just bullshitting so are you guys ready?” He laughs into the mic. They start chanting and clapping. “I dedicate this one to my favorite… ‘Harlot.’” And screams blow through the arena. My face drops and Tristan looks over to me and winks. I’m not a freaking harlot, that son of bitch. Of course things were actually starting to go good and he throws some shit out there like this. He starts singing, but instead of me standing there waiting for him to look at me to flip him off, I turn quickly on my heels and make my way out. “Dick.” I mumble to myself as I make my way around the corner. When suddenly I hear Cory’s voice pull from behind me. “Who’s a dick?” I turn around to see him leaning against the concrete wall, holding a beer. His eyes are a little red and bugged out. But he seems to still be acting like his same self.

Being caught off guard, I had no time to question him on what he just was doing. Shaking my head at him I turn back around, stomping my way to my room. Acting like some spoiled brat as I do so. Cory starts to follow me, trying to keep up at my pace. “Hey wait!” he says, sounding alarmed. “Sophia, stop!” Hearing him say that made me realize that maybe I was acting childish back there to him. Rolling my eyes, but not looking at him I say, “What is it?”

Cory moves his way around me so that he’s now facing me. Gripping his beer with one hand he rubs my shoulder for a second with the other one. “Is it Tristan again or some shit?” I cackle at him for a moment, looking down at the floor. I couldn’t hold back anymore. “I just thought the asshole was actually turning in a human being or something. I was wrong again… ” Cory smiles at me, lifting my chin up to him. “Sophia I don’t know much about this kind of shit.” He lets go of my face and takes a drink of his beer. “But I do know that Tristan must have something for you. Who fucking cares if he dedicated a stupid song for you. It’s not like he wrote it for you. And look at it on this side. He did say
‘Harlot.’” His grin grows into a full blown smile and he takes another drink. What the fuck did he just say. Gawd he doesn’t make sense sometimes. But I do think it’s very cool of him to try turning this into a positive. I smile back at him, shaking my head from side to side.

Cory’s eyes leave mine and looks up real quick before returning to mine. He bends in and whispers, “Speak of the devil.” With that Cory starts to walk away. Damn it! I’m not really in the mood to be lashing out with Tristan right now. So instead of looking behind me to see him walk this way. I take the five more steps to my room quickly and once I push through the door, I quickly lock it behind me.

Frankie’s eyes grow big at seeing me hurrying my way into the room, like I was running from zombies or something. He was just sitting down sipping his drink, filing his nails.

“Damn. What’s going on out there.” Then he goes back to his nails.

“Nothing. Just forgot about changing for tonight. Where’re my clothes.” He uses his nail file and points to the small bathroom that’s attached to the room. “In there sweetheart.” As I start making my way to the bathroom, I hear a couple pounds at the door. Frankie’s eyes grow big again, and so do mine. Damn that fucking caveman psycho. More pounds begin to start. “Please Frankie stay in here with me.”

“Who the fuck is that!” His voice comes out in a squeal. I just have to give him one look and he knows.

“Damn, girl. Your pussy must be very addicting for him to be coming at the door like that.”

“Please get rid of him,” I say and then I’m in the bathroom with another lock. Thank god.

I hurry and start to undress myself. Completely naked, I scramble to find my panties. I hear Frankie walk over to the door and yell through it. “She’ll be out in a bit.” Then I hear Tristan yell something, but couldn’t get what he was saying. The door clicks and I hear the lock going off. Damn fucking Frankie. Fuck! “Oh hey Tristan,” Frankie says all casually.

“She’s just getting dressed, would you like something to drink, or maybe a herbal refreshment?”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Frankie offering him drinks and shit. He was suppose to get rid of him. And I’m scared shitless right now. Not so much of Tristan going off on me, but him fucking me senseless. I really don’t need that right now since I have an after party here, right here tonight.

After I pull up my jeans and slide my way into a black tank top. I slip on my shoes. My face still has its full blown performing makeup on. And since I didn’t come back right away, Frankie has no time to fix. Whatever.


Blowing out a deep breath, I grab the handle to the door and yank it open. Giving both of them a glare from hell. Frankie is just sitting back smiling, playing with his damn nails again and Tristan is sitting on the chair, leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees. He looks up at me and stands, tucking his hands into his back pockets. Damn him for being so fucking good looking. It really makes it harder to stay mad at him. Not giving in to my attraction, I walk right by him, heading for the door, but Tristan catches my arm. He’s gentler this time than the other times he did this. Not looking at him, I try to tug free. “Let go of me,” I say through clenched teeth.

Surprisingly he lets go. I’m actually shocked that he listened to me. I don’t look up at him though, instead I walk through the door, leaving him and Frankie in the room. Tristan doesn’t follow me either. Which now I’m kind of wondering why. Oh well, I see the room that they have reserved for our after party tonight. And everyone is in there, my band his band, roadies, crew techs and the sharp dressed men that I assume work for the label or something. Oh and let’s not forget, quite a few groupies lounging around in here. All big boobs hanging out and I can practically see their cooches.

I walk up to Jared and grab the drink out of his hand. Swinging it back, I can instantly feel the burn of bourbon going down my throat.

“Damn girl, that shit was straight.” He starts laughing and I wince at the grossness of it.

“I just sip on it here and there, but I definitely would have not pounded it like that.”

“Because you’re a bitch Jared.” Rogers voice is behind me and he’s grinning. He has some skank under his arm. Wiping my mouth off with the back of my hand I nod to him.

“That a girl.” Is all he says before walking away. Just then, Tristan walks in and all the groupie whores pretty much flock to him.

Tristan is staring at me, but all I can stare at are all the whores. Rolling my eyes at him, I flip him off and turn my back to him. “Jared get me another please.” Jared’s eyes now look like they are going to pop out of his head, but he nods and grabs my empty glass from me.

The music is low in here. Which I kind of like tonight. It’s more mellow and more “crowded” all at the same time.

Pretty much since Jared’s not here, I’m just facing a wall. But I don’t want to turn around and see Tristan all over some groupies.

Feeling that instant heat on me, I know he’s behind me. I’m trembling on the inside right now, but I still don’t look. Now I feel his chest to my back and he leans down. “Sophia, I’m sorry.” His voice sounding cryptically causal. Turning slowly, I look up at him. I can’t really say anything at the moment. I’m just lost on his face. His beautiful face.

Jared comes back and hands me my glass. He must know that right now is not a really good time to chat, because he’s out of there as soon as he hands me my drink.

Tristan steps in closer, and I don’t back away. He starts to smile now and that smile is my undoing. I start smiling back too. “Motherfucker,” I say to him, batting my eyelashes.

“What?” he says back, with that playful edge in his voice.

“You know fucking what. Don’t act dumb. I’m not your harlot!” It comes off kind of sternly when I was trying to add a joking tone to it.

But Tristan doesn’t care, he shrugs his shoulders and bends down to whisper in my ear, “I know that Sophia. But that’s the only song I have that I can sing to you right now. The point your missing is that I said
.” He pulls away from me, staring. Wow. That right there was my complete undoing for sure. My center starts to fill with liquid heat at his dominant words.

The next two hours, I mingle with my band and his. We keep coming up to each other every so often. And I’m pleased to say, that every groupie that tried to come on him, was quickly dismissed. He had no attention for them, only me.

I start walking down the hall with my band, making our way toward where the buses are parked. I didn’t take Tristan up on his offer to go with him. The heavy doors swing open and to my surprise there’s about fifty to seventy people outside waiting. Screaming as they see us. Well more like Undead. The bodyguards and bouncers go to work, Roger and Cory were right by my side; but when their names got called to sign this tit or that, they were… off.

“Sophia, oh Sophia!” I hear my name and I see this young woman with short hair holding a picture of our shoot in LA. I smile to her and walk over. She hands me a sharpie and starts smiling. “Oh thank you, thank you. You fucking rock. I caught your act in Chicago, too.” My smile now shows off my teeth. “Really. Cool. Thanks.” That’s so awesome. That we do have some loyal fans from the beginning. Handing her back the photo and sharpie, someone else throws one at me to sign. Inching my way toward the bus, I keep stopping to sign.

“Hey, Sophia! Me!” I hear a man’s voice and right when I turn to sign the next thing, I feel a strong blow to my gut. Instantly taking me to my knees. My vision becomes blurred from the excruciating pain. Roger comes to my side, wrapping his arms around me for protection. I can barely make out the guy who hit me. But I now notice Tristan on top of him, pounding him to the ground. Bodyguards and bouncers moving the crowd away. Caleb, Dave and Gunner trying to pry Tristan off the dude. There’s a pool of blood underneath Tristan’s body, he’s kneeling over the guy and he just won’t quit hitting him.

Finally they were able to get him up. The dude that hit me is unrecognizable at this moment. His face is just blood and flesh. Tristan turns over his shoulder and notices me in Rogers arms. He takes just a few long quick strides over and picks me up. Cradling me like a baby. I winced at the pain in my stomach.

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