Everything I Want (21 page)

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Authors: Natalie Barnes

BOOK: Everything I Want
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Tristan carries me over to the bus, and I now hear sirens in the back ground. Walking through the door he brings me back to my room and gently lays me on the bed. He’s breathing hard and his mouth is in a tight line with his jaw clenching.

“What in the fuck! Fuck!” I hear someone yell out in the front of the bus. My head is too clouded from the blow and booze to pay anymore attention. I curl up on my side and hold myself. Tears stinging at the back of my eyes. Tristan doesn’t say anything and walks out. I don’t know how long I lie there, but then I hear a knock on my door.

“Miss Sophia, this is Pat with the EMS. May we come in and check you over?” I’m too tired and sore to say anything, Cory opens the door slowly then nods behind him. He walks in first then two EMS workers. They press on my body and shine light in my eyes. Checking all of my vitals. The woman ask if she can lift up my shirt and the other EMS worker and Cory turn away. She feels around, and again I wince when she hits the certain sweet spot right below my ribs. “You should be fine dear, just some bruising. You will probably feel some discomfort for the next few days though, so please take it easy. Maybe take a couple painkillers.” She gets up from me, and I was able to get a look at her face. She has very warm kind green eyes. Her dark hair pulled into a tight bun. She looked like she was around my age. Her and Pat I think his name was, walk out.

Cory blows out a breath and shakes his head. His eyes look like he was crying or wanted too. With a raspy voice he says, “I’m so sorry, Sophia… Shit, I’m sorry.” Licking my dry lips, I managed to get out, “It’s not your—”

“Yes, it is! I shouldn’t have left you alone like that. I’m so fucking sorry.” It’s quiet in the room now and Cory comes over to the bed and kisses me on the top of my head, taking the duvet and pulling it on top of me. He walks out of the room hanging his head as he shuts the light off.

Holding myself tightly again, my body is ready to just shut down after everything that has happened tonight. And I let it.

Waking up I wince again as I stretch my legs. I’m in my panties and tank top. But I still feel hot. I don’t remember removing my jeans? Just then my leg runs into Tristan’s strong thigh. Blinking my eyes open. He is sleeping peacefully beside me.



Oh my god! I blink up at him. He’s in a deep sleep were his mouth is parted slightly. His face is absolutely handsome. His curls are a mess that stick out all over on the sides of his head and face. He doesn’t look anything like the seductive mysterious man I have seen before. And nothing like how dangerous he looked last night when he was on that guy. He looks absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. And he’s here with me. His band was supposed to fly out last night and have a little break before the next show. Instead he’s lying next to me on a very uncomfortable bed. My heart aches at the sentiment. I just can’t believe it.

Leaning over him, I study his features a little more. I can never really get an up close look like this, and usually the other mornings that I woke up beside him, I just felt panicked and would think of my escape. I want to kiss his soft lips so bad right now, and graze my tongue along his stumble on his jaw. My core is starting to ache slightly at the thought. I couldn’t resist.

Leaning my face over his, I can feel his hot breath blow out on my skin.

Licking my lips to moisten them, I bend down and gently lay them on his. Molding my lips to his. I raise my left hand and softly run his thick untamed hair through my fingers, while the other is holding me up over him. His eyes are still closed but I feel him starting to slowly kiss me back.

He brings his one arm up and wraps it around, causing me to moan from the discomfort. His eyes spring open and he releases me. “Fuck! I’m sorry.” He’s looking at me as though he done this to me. Crawling up closer to his side, I shake my head softly. “It’s okay. I’m fine.” With that his hand gently starts rubbing delicate circles on my belly. Raising my shirt up even more when he does this. Soon his eyes fall and harden. When I look down, I notice the black and purple bruise taking place on my abdomen. It really looks worse than what I feel right now. But Tristan just clenches his teeth and looks up at me. I hope he’s not mad. I mean, everyone was signing autographs. I wasn’t the only one.

Taking a hold of his hand that stopped rubbing me. I raise it up slowly, pressing softly on my skin through my tank and rest it on my breast. Still holding on to his hand with mine, I place my other hand on his pectoral muscle and lean in to kiss him again. Softly brushing my lips in feather like kisses against his. Tristan groans in my mouth, and begins to kiss me back with a little more force.

I don’t know how long we’ve been just lying here like this, kissing each other. But it’s wonderful. No pushing, no force, no angry pent up frustration. This feels more intimate. The soft morning sunlight peeking through the blinds, and the only sound is our breathing and soft moans coming from one and other.

I grab the hem of my shirt and not taking my eyes off Tristan, I gracefully pull it over my head. I’m only wearing my black lace bra and matching panties. His eyes greedily take in the sight of me. I don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed, but grateful. Grateful for Tristan sticking up for me, grateful for him being here with me right now, when he could’ve easily just hopped on a jet. And grateful for him wanting me this much.

He pushes back my hair on my shoulders, exposing my chest to him more, and I reach around behind me, undoing the clasps. My bra slowly slides down off my shoulders and he takes a deep inhale. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Sophia.” He lifts his body up, leaning his back against the wall. He starts pulling his boxers down, springing his impressive erection free. I lean back as he starts to pull slowly down my panties, exposing every part of me.

Tristan starts to get ready to move on top of me when I wince again at his hard chest pressing against my bruised abdomen. His eyes look angry again, but I react quickly. Gently placing my hands on his chest, I lie him back down on the bed and climb on top of him. Straddle him, I lift my myself up and take hold of his firm cock into my hands. My body already feels the hot moisture pooling beneath me. I press the head of his cock to my entrance and slowly start working my way down on him. Feeling him stretch the deeper he goes. I can feel more of him this way. Placing my hands on his thick thighs, I let my head fall back. I can feel my long hair tickle my lower back this way as we start to move in sync with each other. He takes hold of my hips and slowly but forcefully starts rocking with me. Feeling my swollen clit rub up against him as he starts to take hold. I feel his warm, moist mouth close around my nipple. Gently taking it into his mouth. Sucking and kissing and licking, while his other hand kneads my other breast softly. I start to moan quietly, and I can feel him moaning around my nipple. The feel of him moaning on my sensitive skin starts to make my body quicken and I start to feel my core tighten around him. My breathing becomes heavier and our bodies start to move a little faster on each other. I can’t really even feel the dull pain of my stomach. My body soaking in all this pleasure takes over that. Suddenly I tighten around his cock and my vision blurs. Holding my breath as my orgasm begins to rip right through my body, trying to subside the intense pleasure I begin to feel. Tristan’s hand wraps around in my hair, crashing my mouth on his, I moan from my orgasm inside of his mouth. His tongue forces his way in and out then back in my mouth again. He pulls his mouth off of mine as I start to come down, kissing and sucking and biting gently on my collar bone. Moments later he starts to thrust deeper and deeper inside of me then he stills and lets go of his own release. Holding me in place on him, we sit there like that for I don’t know how long. I begin to feel the warm ooze start to spill out of me and him soften inside.

He falls back onto the bed with his arms stretch out on either side of him. His eyes are closed but he has a huge satisfied grin on his face. I try easily to get up from him, cupping myself the best I can so I don’t get this shit all over him or the bed. Once I’m off of him, I bend over and grab a hand towel off the hook on the wall and begin to wipe myself easily. I’m so sensitive right now, that I wouldn’t be able to stand anymore stimulation down there.

Tristan perches up on his forearms and checks me out.

“That was a fucking nice way to be woken up in the morning. I think I might be in your bed every night from now with that kind of wake up call.” He’s teasing me right now, so I take the towel that’s in my hand and toss it at him. He dodges his head to the side and misses being hit with it.

Pulling my sleep shirt I had laid out on my bags, I slip it on. “Yeah that was okay, wasn’t it?” I smile at him, teasing him back. Pulling up some sweats, I grab for my toiletries bag. “Um… I think I should go take a shower.” He smiles and crosses his arms behind his head, lacing his fingers together. “Sure. Do you want company?” He raises a eyebrow up at me.

“No. No, that’s okay. I think it would be, um, well… Better if you just stayed in here for now.”

“What do you mean better?” His tone is still playful. Holy shit, I can’t get over this right now. It’s like are friendship or whatever you would fucking call it has just done a complete 180. And the thing is… I like this.

“You know damn well what I mean, Tristan.” Placing my one hand on my hip, I try to seem serious. “We go in there together, then rest of the guys will probably wake up to us—”

“Fucking in the shower.” Wow, he’s so blunt and says it so casual. I can feel my cheeks hit up. Once again, thank god I have tanned skin.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” He starts laughing. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. After all, you can’t keep those tiny hands off of me.” Rolling my eyes at him I agree jokingly. “Oh, okay. You’re so right.” Then I turn and walk out of the door. Tiptoeing my way down the tiny hall.

I take a quick shower, because the bus doesn’t hold first, hot water for long and second, doesn’t hold too much water at that. I’m pretty sure the rest of the guys probably won’t even shower. Well maybe Tristan and Jared. Yes definitely Jared. When I climb out, I quickly dry myself off and dress. Jeans with no holes in them this time. Wow! I can’t believe I actually own a pair like this. But their nice and make my ass look great. Then I pull over a thin long sleeve thermal. Simple heather gray, but it makes me feel cozy and the color goes nice with my eyes.

I grab my hair brush when I’m done brushing my teeth and just comb through once. No need to do anything with it today. I have no idea when and where we’re stopping. For that matter I don’t even know what state we’re in right now. Which reminds me. I should ask Tristan why he’s here anyways. I mean I know why, obviously me. But I really want to know more about it.

Walking back into my own little cove. Tristan is still gloriously naked, sprawled out on my bed. He’s still wearing his full blown smile though, and I couldn’t help but feel a little shy and turning away. “Are you, um… going to shower or something” He chuckles and his mouth goes up higher in one corner. “Why, Sophia? Are you uncomfortable with me here like this?”

Looking back at him I shrug my shoulders trying to play it cool. “No of course not.” Just a little.

“Just thought, I don’t know… What if one of the guys comes busting through the door and sees you like this.” Good one. I gesture my hand up and down his mammoth body. He looks up at the ceiling and stretches, and I suddenly start to feel the heat build in my core again.

He exhales and climbs to his feet. He has to crouch down just a bit standing in the bus. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He slips just his jeans on with no boxers and walks pass me, turning around and giving me one more full blown smile. “Do you mind if I shower?”

Shaking my head no at him he turns and walks out. I’m so giddy right now I feel like shoving my face into my pillow and screaming in it. What the fuck am I in high school again? Being with Tristan like this sure makes me feel that way though. I decided to grab my iPad and go on Netflix. I come across Bill and Ted Bogus Journey. Ooh that’s a good one. I click on it.

Tristan walks in five minutes later. Jeans hung low, showing off his V. His hair is wet and brushed back off his face, hanging. He looks like he’s some kind of model or something.

“What are we watching?” he asks me as he climbs in bed beside me, wrapping his one arm over my shoulders, pulling me into him. “
Bill and Ted Bogus Journey
,” I say up to him, smiling.

He shakes his head a little and laughs again. “Shit, I haven’t seen that movie since I was in junior high.”

“Oh, I love it. When I was younger I had the hugest crush on Ted.” He gives me this look like “really” and I couldn’t help but laugh back at him. “Hey, I couldn’t help it. Ted was the cooler one if you ask me.”

“Oh, fuck.” He lets out and rolls his eyes. We watch all of the movie, Tristan poking fun at some parts and myself defending it. When the movie was over, I start to hear some of the guys waking up and rustling around out front. I look up to Tristan who was already staring down at me.

“Are you hungry?” I ask and his eyes darken again. “Yes.” I feel like there’s more behind it than a simple answer. Moving myself out of his hold, I decided that now was a good time to ask him about being here. “Tristan?” I suddenly feel nervous, fidgeting in my spot. But he’s still just laying there looking calm. “Wh— Why are you here?” I’m having a hard time getting this out. I look back down at my hands that are in my lap. I can feel his eyes on me, watching every move I make.

“I thought it was pretty obvious, Sophia,” he says matter-of-factly. I look back up at him, and his gaze is intense. “I— I know, but you were given a break. You should’ve taken it.” Breathe Sophia. I don’t know why, but I feel my stomach start to roll, in a good excited way.

“I wanted to be with you, you didn’t want to come with me so… And after last night you bet your ass that I’m not leaving your side on this tour now. No one touches you. Anyone were to ever lay a hand on you again, to be hurtful or sexual, I’ll kill ’em.” Wow his words send me through a loop. He has so much control right now I don’t really know what to think of it. Part of me is flattered and turned on but the other part is scared and unsure of it.

“What do you mean ‘sexual?’” I quirk my eyebrow up at him, crossing my arms. His smile returns. “You know exactly what I mean, Sophia. You’re mine and no one lays a finger on you.”

“How can I be yours? We’ve just fucked a few times.” Instantly when the words came out of my mouth I regretted them. Tristan’s face hardens and he gently pulls me to him. Making sure not to hurt my already bruised stomach. I feel his mouth on the top of my head. “The moment I first laid eyes on you. I knew you were mine.” Then he tilts my chin and kisses me. Hard.

We begin to feverishly start making out. Rubbing our hands up and down each other’s body, when suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

“You all right, Sophia?” It’s Roger! He must not know that Tristan is here. Well Tristan had to see someone for getting on the bus last night. Roger must’ve been passed out or something. “Yep” is all I could get out. My voice breaking a bit from our passionate kiss.

“All right. You coming out for breakfast? We’re stopping in ten minutes.”

“Yeah, be right out.” Tristan’s hand is still feeling me up as I talk to Roger, and I hurry and slap it away. “What are you doing?” I whisper-yell to him. He smiles and shrugs his shoulders. “I was touching your perfect tits.” Pushing myself off of him, he laughs louder than before.

“Does anyone know you’re here?” I point down.

“Yeah, Matt and Cory. Why?”

“I don’t know, maybe I thought you just… I don’t know… sneaked your way onto the bus.”

Shaking his head, he stands to unzip his pants and my eyes fall right on his erection. Again?

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