Everything Nice (5 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

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She’d decided a long time ago that she was in love with both of them and was so very grateful for the opportunity to share it with them. However, she wasn’t sure how Charlie would respond to Alex’s feelings toward him. Alex was obviously still head over heels in love with his best friend. Allie shook her head at the bizarre love triangle they formed.

Alex broke the uncomfortable silence that had fallen.
“So how about some breakfast?
I’m sure there must be some food in here somewhere.”

Charlie shook his head. “Somehow I seriously doubt that. Stay here and I’ll run over to my kitchen and grab some grub. You do own pans, don’t you?”

Alex paused as if seriously considering the question before shrugging. “Hell if I know. What’s a pan?” he joked.

Allie laughed. “Come on. Let’s move this party to Charlie’s kitchen. I’m dying to see this strange setup you guys call home.”

Charlie grabbed her hand and started to tug her toward the front foyer, but she jerked back. “Shouldn’t I throw on some clothes?
Wouldn’t want to give the neighbors an eyeful this early in the morning.”

“We don’t have any neighbors close enough to see our house,” Charlie answered. Allie had suspected as much, but it had been dark when they’d arrived last night and she hadn’t exactly been focused on what was outside the truck.

“Besides,” Alex said, interrupting her thoughts, “we aren’t going outside.”

At the front entryway, Allie noticed a door she hadn’t seen the night before. Charlie pulled it open and she was surprised to find herself in a mirror image of Alex’s house. “We don’t usually keep this door closed.”

“If you guys wanted to keep on being roommates, why build the separate houses at all?” she asked.

“Well,” Alex replied sheepishly, “sometimes a man needs his privacy.”

Allie laughed at his response.
“For sleepovers and such?”

Charlie shook his head and continued dragging her toward his kitchen. “I told you. We’re not talking about that. I’m hungry.”

“So I’m assuming by your fully stocked kitchen that most meals are consumed on this side of the duplex?” Allie asked as she watched Charlie open the fridge and begin pulling out bacon and eggs and sausage.

“I can’t cook worth shit,” Alex confessed. “Fortunately Charlie is a master in the kitchen.”

Charlie grumbled at the comment. “He could learn if he wanted.
Plays dumb so I have to do all the cooking.”

Alex gave his friend a friendly punch on the arm. “Hey, I do the clean up, so it’s not a completely one-sided deal. Plus I split the grocery bill. Don’t make me out to sound like such
a mooch

Charlie dropped the food on the counter and grabbed a pan from a cabinet. “Think you can get a pot of coffee going, mooch?” he joked.

“You’re cruising to get your ass kicked,” Alex said as he reached for the coffee pot. Allie watched their easy camaraderie and grinned. She knew it would kill Charlie to hear her say it, but the two of them had been together so long they sounded a bit like an old married couple.

She sighed, feeling left out. Despite the fact they’d known her since she was
they shared a history she would never be a part of.

“What’s wrong, Allie-cat?” Charlie asked.

She shook her head, unwilling to share her petty, envious thoughts.
The kitchen looks like one of those places where the roles have already been assigned. There doesn’t seem to be anything left for me to do.”

Alex grinned evilly and she immediately regretted her remarks. “Oh, now I wouldn’t say that’s true.” He approached her as he spoke and Allie heard rather than saw Charlie coming toward her from behind.

“Alex,” she said, lifting her finger in warning. Charlie’s strong hands gripped her waist and before she could react, her T-shirt was pulled over her head, leaving her completely naked. She tried to grab the shirt out of Charlie’s hand, but he flung it into the far corner of the room as Alex reached for her hips and turned her back toward him.

“What are you doing?” she asked as Alex nibbled sweetly at her throat.

“I was thinking you’d make a tasty appetizer,” he murmured.

“That’s funny,” Charlie said from behind her, his hands enveloping her rear end, playing with the sensitive skin there. “I kind of fancied using this sexy body as a plate.”

“If you think you’re putting runny eggs on me and dipping your toast in it, you’re nuts,” she said, cursing her sudden breathlessness. Their hands were all over her and she was struggling to remain in control. Her body had surrendered itself to them completely last night, leaving her mind fighting futilely for a single foothold on sanity.

Strong hands lifted her onto the kitchen table and Allie rejoiced in the idea of not having to support her weight any longer—until she felt herself being stretched out on the surface. Two hungry bears stared down at her and she wondered if they’d both been wrong.

She didn’t feel like an appetizer
a plate—but rather suspected she was about to become the whole damn meal.

Chapter Five


Alex looked down at Allie spread across Charlie’s kitchen table like a feast fit for the gods. After their heated session in the shower, all three of them had fallen asleep in his bed. As he studied Allie’s curvy frame, he wondered how in the hell they’d managed to keep from actually having intercourse with her. One look at Charlie’s face proved his friend was wondering the same thing.

“You look good enough to eat,” he said, walking to where Allie’s knees dangled over the edge.

Charlie remained by her side and bent down to suck one of Allie’s tight nipples into his mouth. Allie gasped at Charlie’s attack and Alex grinned. Years of being with his friend had proven to him that Charlie liked his sexual play with a rough edge to it. Spreading Allie’s legs apart, he could see by the moisture pooling between them that she seemed to enjoy that fact.

“Yummy,” he muttered as he leaned forward. He breathed in the scent of her sweet arousal, taking his time as he approached, savoring Allie’s growing cries. Obviously Charlie’s ministrations to her breasts were pushing several hot buttons in their beautiful hellion and he couldn’t wait to notch the play even higher.

Slowly he drew his tongue along her slit, tasting her tangy juices and fighting against the need to consume her whole. He felt as if he’d waited a lifetime for this. His head said he should appreciate the moment while his body demanded entrance and instant gratification.

Allie’s hips thrust up toward his mouth as he played with her clit, using his teeth and tongue to drive her to the peak. In just a short time, he’d become addicted to her orgasms, the lovely way she tried for only a moment to hold back before diving headlong into the release. Allie came like she lived.
Fast and furious and ready for anything.
She was perfect for them. Again the thought that she was really here, letting them touch her, staggered him.


Her body was gyrating wildly on the table, responding hotly to Charlie’s mouth and fingers on her breasts and his tongue at her clit. He reached up and roughly shoved two fingers into her dripping cunt. She cried out and her climax shook the table with its intensity.

“Shit,” he heard Charlie mutter. “Fuck breakfast.” His friend leaned down to lift Allie in his arms. “Bedroom,” he commanded over his shoulder to Alex. “I’ll be damned if I’m spending one more minute waiting to get inside this sexy body of hers.”

Alex grinned and followed them into Charlie’s room. Both of them were fairly large men, which led to their purchase of king-sized beds. Placing Allie in the middle on her back, Charlie quickly crawled over her body.

“I need you,” he said to her, and Alex wondered at the sound of apology in his friend’s voice as he spoke to her.

Allie smiled and enveloped him in her arms, their sweet embrace taking his breath away for a moment. Alex gripped the cherry railing at the foot of Charlie’s four-poster bed as Charlie kissed her gently before pulling back to strip away his pants. His motions stirred something in Alex and he crossed to the bedside table, pulling open the drawer. He reached in and grabbed a condom, thrusting it into his friend’s hand.

Charlie was positioning himself over Allie and looked up in surprise at Alex’s offering.

“Shit. I never forget…” Charlie said, mostly to himself.

“Allie could make a man forget his own name,” Alex teased. “Hurry up.” As he spoke, he gestured at his own cock, fighting against the constraints of the suddenly too-tight denim.

Charlie grinned and shook his head. “No way in hell
I hurrying up. You’ll just have to wait your turn.”

“Or,” Allie purred from the bed where she’d been quietly watching their exchange, “you could take off those damn jeans and let me have a taste of that. It’s clear neither one of you intends to feed me a proper breakfast.”

Alex knew she meant her words as a tease, but it only served to enflame them both.

“Oh yeah,” he said, quickly stripping off his jeans as Charlie finished putting on the condom. His friend gripped her hips and turned her onto her stomach.

“Hey!” she squealed as Charlie’s motions caught her off-guard.

“Hands and knees,” Charlie demanded gruffly. “I want to watch you suck Alex off while I fuck you from behind.”

Allie quickly complied while Alex climbed onto the bed and sat with his back against the headboard. Allie bent down and for the second time took him into her hot mouth. Alex groaned as she accepted his girth more easily this time, swallowing him nearly to the back of her throat on the first pass.

“Fuck,” he whispered as Allie paused. Opening his eyes, he found Charlie’s gaze on Allie’s mouth around his cock.

“I can’t tell you how hot that is,” Charlie said, their gazes connecting.

Allie squirmed a bit in her own impatience and Alex grinned. “Better take care of our girl. I think she’s getting a bit annoyed with waiting for you.”

Charlie gripped Allie’s hips and placed his cock at the entrance to her body. She tried to push back on him and Alex watched Charlie’s firm hands halt her movements. His friend would control this encounter and the idea of Charlie’s power ratcheted up his own desire. As Charlie pushed into her body, Allie began to suck his cock with such fervent intensity his vision went black. For a moment, Alex was sorry he’d agreed to the blowjob, wishing he could take the time to watch his friends making love. Allie’s talented tongue and teasing teeth were certainly distracting him from any chance he had at enjoying the tableau before him.

Charlie’s thrusts became stronger, harder, and Alex felt Allie struggling to hold on. He glanced up and sensed Charlie’s regret once again as his movements lightened up, slowed a bit.

“I’m sorry,” his friend said through gritted teeth. “I’m trying to hold back.
Feels too good.
I’m too rough but I need this, her—”

Alex reached down and pulled Allie’s mouth off his cock. She seemed too mindless with her coming orgasm to realize she’d released him. Glancing up, he saw Charlie tense with the battle to soften his thrusts. Alex scooted down until his body was lying flat under Allie’s. The position left his legs stretched out between Charlie’s
either his friend didn’t notice or he simply didn’t mind.

Her upper body collapsed on top of him while Charlie still held her hips in his hands. He was thrusting into her but slower now, as if waiting for permission.

“Are you okay, Allie?” Alex whispered, well aware Charlie could hear his question.

“Perfect,” she replied quickly, raising her lips to kiss him. She was too enthralled to realize the battle of conscience being waged behind her.

Alex returned her kiss then pulled her head to his chest. “She’s perfect,” he repeated.

He saw relief cover Charlie’s face a split second before the man’s body gave up the attempt at holding back. He thrust into her with a force that threw Alex’s body into overdrive. Over and over he watched his friend’s face, his body, as he made love to Allie—and Alex wondered what it would feel like to be taken with such unrestrained desire and need by him.

He felt Allie come, but Charlie continued to pound into her soft body as if stopping would signal his death. She screamed with her second orgasm and Alex saw Charlie’s body begin to shudder with its own release.

Charlie’s beautiful, pained face and Allie’s throaty, sexy screams as they climaxed together sent Alex over the edge and he came roughly against Allie’s stomach, without a single touch.

Charlie collapsed by his side as Allie lay atop him. His friend’s big hand reached over to brush Allie’s dark hair out of her face and Alex felt his heart stop at Charlie’s nearness. They were lying naked, side by side, but Charlie didn’t seem disturbed by their too-close proximity. It was all Alex could do not to reach over and grasp Charlie’s other hand as it lay carelessly next to his.

Allie’s soft breathing alerted him to the fact that she’d fallen asleep again.

“We’re going to have to do something about this habit she has of passing out every time she has an orgasm,” Alex whispered.

Charlie chuckled and spoke in a hushed undertone. “I thought men were supposed to conk out after sex. I’m sorry, man,” he added. “I guess you’re suffering a serious case of blue balls right about now.” Apparently Charlie hadn’t noticed Alex’s pubescent response to his climax.

“I’m okay. We’ve got all the time in the world.” As soon as the words passed his lips, he saw Charlie’s relaxed position stiffen and a cloud of confusion cover his friend’s face.

“Do we?” Charlie asked.

Alex sighed, well aware that this conversation was inevitable. Allie shifted slightly on his chest but didn’t wake up. He gently lowered her to his opposite side, wondering how Charlie would feel about the two of them lying side by side without Allie as a buffer in the middle. When he didn’t move, Alex released a small breath of relief.

“I’m not playing a game, Charlie.”

“I didn’t think you were. I’m just not sure what it is we’re doing here, Alex. I’m in love with Allie. I always have been.”

“So have I,” Alex challenged. For years he’d suffered in silence over Allie’s departure. He was tired of hiding his feelings for the woman. Hell, he was tired of hiding his feelings period.

“Fuck,” Charlie said, looking up at the ceiling. “I was afraid of that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Damn, Alex. You’re my best friend. I don’t want to fight with you over a woman, but Allie…”

“Allie isn’t just any woman.”

“No, she’s not,” Charlie said sadly.

“I don’t see us fighting over her,” Alex added. “I see us sharing her.”

Charlie glanced back at him, surprise in the lines of his face. “We can’t do this forever.”

“Why not?”

His question seemed to stop Charlie in his tracks. “What do you mean, why not? Because this is sex, not a lifestyle, Alex. Shit, I was an ass to have even let this start.”

Charlie rose from the bed and reached down to retrieve his pants. As he pulled them up, he walked to the window, never looking back. Alex felt his absence from the bed immediately.

“We can’t both keep her,” Charlie said after several minutes.

“I’ll ask again, why not?”

“Because it’s not natural, not normal.
Not that I would expect
to understand that. You, who just grabs whatever the hell he wants without considering the consequences,” Charlie said.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked.

, Alex!
You don’t see the lines, the limits that most normal people see. We can’t share Allie forever!” Charlie hissed, obviously struggling not to raise his voice and wake Allie.

“Who says? I can’t think of anything more natural than being with you and Allie. We’ll move her out of that stupid townhouse and in here with us. We can knock down that damn wall between our houses and renovate the inside. Make it a real home for the three of us.”

Charlie reeled back in shock and Alex cursed his wayward tongue. He hadn’t meant to throw all his hopes and dreams for the future in his friend’s face so soon. Fact was
he’d made sure when they’d built the house that it could easily be remodeled into one. At the time, he’d told Charlie it was just in case they ever had trouble trying to sell it, but in the back of his mind he’d been planning, praying for the day when they’d all move in together.

“Allie’s only been home a few weeks. We’ve spent one night together. It’s too soon to make plans like that. Fuck, I think it’ll always be too soon for
crazy plan.” Charlie’s voice was rambling, bewildered.

“I wasn’t suggesting we head out to the shed and get the sledgehammers now.” Alex was trying to keep his voice light, relaxed. It wouldn’t do for Charlie to see how much he was banking on keeping this ménage going. Charlie was clearly still uneasy about them spending the night together.

“Christ, man, I just wasn’t expecting it to be this way.”

Alex rose from the bed and pulled on his jeans. He crossed the room to stand beside Charlie. “I know it’s kind of out there, but I don’t think it’s completely impossible. There will be some bumps in the road, but we both love her. Before we start making plans for pistols at dawn, let’s give this sharing idea a try. If it doesn’t work out, we can schedule a fight to the death for her.”

Alex’s jest had the desired effect and Charlie laughed for a moment before sobering and looking back toward Allie’s sleeping form on the bed.

“I didn’t expect the sex to be… I mean, having you in the bed with Allie and me, it’s just so…”

Now it was Alex’s turn to laugh. Charlie was never at a loss for words. To see him struggling to describe something so indescribable was rather entertaining.

“At least you’re finally calling it sex. If you’d tried to call it ‘doing the dirty’, I think I would have had to punch you in the mouth,” Alex teased.

They laughed as Charlie acknowledged the truth in his words. Ever since high school, his friend had jokingly referred to sex as “doing the dirty” and it drove Alex nuts.

Their shared laughter died down slowly and Charlie shook his head. “It will never be that with her,” he said at last.

“I know what you mean, man.” He reached up and lightly punched Charlie on the arm, thankful that for now they seemed to have reached a tacit agreement to forge ahead.

“I would like to suggest that the two of us get out there and start
’ up some breakfast for that girl. I have a strong suspicion she won’t stay with either one of us if we don’t start working in some regular mealtimes,” Alex joked.

Charlie’s laugh was overshadowed by his rumbling stomach. “I’ll whip us up some omelets. You can start the coffee.” Charlie threw a friendly arm over his shoulders and Alex felt his heart skip a beat at the motion.

As they walked to the kitchen, Alex couldn’t hold back the small sense of relief that he’d narrowly dodged an exploding bomb while trying to work his way out of the damn minefield he’d plopped them all in the midst of.

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