Everything Nice (9 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

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Travers grinned at his response and Brooks giggled. “So I’ll repeat my question, why are you here?” she asked.

“No reason,” he answered with a smile. “No reason at all.”

* * * * *

Charlie had settled his bar tab and was just about to head back to his truck when the doorman stopped him.

“Oh Mr. Anderson.
I have a message for you from Mr. Taylor.”

Charlie took the note from the man and opened it.

It merely said,
room. Here.
A & A

He grinned, pleased that he wouldn’t have to make the long drive home. Now that he’d cast away his worries he was ready to embark on the next step in this relationship. He’d been ready to grovel and beg for forgiveness. The fact that they were both here, waiting for him, gave him hope that they would forgive his foolish panic attack.

As he walked down the hallway to his private room, he fought down the excitement and anticipation.
, he thought.
Tonight it all comes together.
Everything nice in the world was within his grasp.

Chapter Nine


The room was dark except for the single candle by the bed and the light flooding in from the hallway as Charlie entered the room rather tentatively. Alex watched his friend’s entrance from the corner then glanced over quickly to make sure Allie was okay. Prior to sending the message to Charlie, he’d tied her spread-eagle to the bed at her request. Allie felt certain that perhaps they could put Charlie’s unease to rest if they gave the man back some of the control over their unusual sexual desires.

Allie, to Alex’s delight, confessed her fascination and curiosity regarding bondage. Thrilled by her willingness to experiment with one of his favorite sexual positions, Alex had happily complied with her request.

He’d decided to hang back for a little while, remaining in the dark shadows of the room until Charlie had seen Allie.

“What’s going on?” Charlie asked when he spotted Allie on the bed. Seeing her naked had prompted his friend to quickly close the door lest someone in the hallway pass by and see her. By shutting the door, he’d also guaranteed that Alex could remain hidden.

“We love you,” Allie said from the bed.

Charlie asked. For the first time Alex questioned the wisdom of their plan for virtual darkness. He couldn’t discern from Charlie’s voice how he felt about Allie’s admission.

“Alex and I,” she added softly. “We love you, Charlie.”

His friend stepped closer to the bed and at last Alex could see a bit of his face, though it was still cast in shadows.

“Where is Alex?” Charlie asked, and Alex’s heart raced at the impatient tone of his friend’s voice.

“Oh,” Allie replied vaguely. “He’s around.”

Charlie asked.
“Too afraid to come out and face me?”

Alex felt Charlie’s taunt in his gut, but hesitated in responding. He and Allie had intended for Charlie to take her up on her obvious invitation to play. The fact that he wasn’t touching the woman he loved left Alex feeling unsure. Perhaps Charlie had decided their ménage was too much for him. Maybe he regretted their hot, hard lovemaking in the office. Again Alex cursed the darkness that kept Charlie’s face from his view. If only he could see him, he thought.

“He’s not afraid,” Allie said with a sexy smile. “We thought perhaps you’d like to even the score, so to speak.”

Her words obviously caught Charlie unaware as he glanced down at her. “Even the score?”

“You accused me of being a naughty girl in the truck a couple weeks ago, but I think you and Alex were the bad boys this afternoon,” she teased. “I’m very angry with you for leaving me out. I told Alex it was only fair that I get to be with each of you…alone.”

Charlie seemed to process her words. “And you and Alex?”

“We had sex together before arriving here. Damn man didn’t like the outfit I originally planned to wear. Or maybe he liked it too much. Anyway, I don’t think you can blame us, Charlie. You
been leaving us alone quite a lot lately.”

“A habit I fully intend to break,” Charlie muttered.

Allie giggled at his gruff words and Alex reached down to grip his throbbing erection. He and Allie had completely undressed before Charlie’s arrival. He slowly pulled his fist along his hard cock, fighting back a groan at the touch. He was overcome with the need to join them, fuck them,
them. God, so many emotions were working on his psyche, he didn’t know which end was up. He only knew which body part was up. Way up. He tightened his grip and pulled his cock harder.

“Come to bed,” Allie begged, and he watched as Charlie took in the image of their woman in bonds. The soft silk straps looked lovely against the pale skin around her ankles and wrists.

“Is this all for me?” Charlie asked, gesturing at her lovely body.

“Just you,” Allie whispered.

Charlie unbuttoned his shirt and Alex was certain neither he nor Allie were breathing, watching as their sexy man slowly drew out the process of undressing. In their brief time together, none of them had mastered the ability to leisurely enjoy the intimacies of foreplay. It appeared that tonight, Charlie meant to draw out the anticipation.

Damn him

Allie shivered on the bed and Alex struggled not to rush toward her, to touch her, to put her out of her agony. Fuck, to put
out of his sexual distress. He’d never been harder or in more pain. Charlie’s slow striptease was working on him like a whip against his back. Each blow building the pleasure with the pain.

“Charlie, please,” Allie begged, but his friend didn’t move. He looked down at Allie as if memorizing each precious curve of her body.

“I love you, Allie,” Charlie said, his words unexpected yet as welcome as the sun after days of rain.

“Oh Charlie,” Allie whispered, and even from across the room Alex could see the sheen of happy tears in her eyes. “I love you too.”

Charlie glanced around the dark room and Alex was amazed when his friend’s gaze seemed to find him even in the inky blackness.

“I love you, Alex. Now get your ass over here. I’m not in the mood for any more hiding.”

Alex grinned and walked toward the bed. He looked across Allie’s body at his best friend and suddenly felt like the richest man on earth.

“Okay?” he asked, still unable to truly believe he was standing in this room with the only two people he’d ever wanted in his life.

“Well, that depends. We seem to have a captive wildcat on our hands and she’s offering herself up for some kinky loving. Seems to me this might be a two-man job,” Charlie answered with a sexy grin.

Glancing around, Alex studied Charlie’s room. When they’d first arrived, he and Allie had marveled at the décor. Before tonight, he’d never seen Charlie’s room at the Way Down Under Club. He knew Travers was fond of bondage and had heard his friend discuss some of the more interesting pieces of furniture in his room. He’d been amazed to discover that Charlie’s room looked very much like his bedroom at home.
Simple and chaste by sex-club standards.
Aside from the collection of toys on the bedside table and the silk scarves attached to the bedposts, there’d been nothing else in the room besides a desk and comfortable chaise lounge.

Charlie chuckled and he knew his friend was aware of his confusion. “Sex is all in the mind,” Charlie said. “Everything else is superfluous.” As he spoke, Charlie reached down and untied Allie’s legs.

“Hey,” she
a question in the single word.

“Not tonight, Allie-cat,” Charlie murmured, leaning down to kiss her lips. “No games. No pretending.
Just the three of us with all the masks off, all the walls down.”

Alex released her hands, watching as Charlie deepened the kiss and crawled onto the bed, over her body. Unable to watch and remain apart from them, Alex reached down and ran his hand over Charlie’s muscular back. He was thrilled to feel his friend’s shiver of delight.

“Help me,” he heard Allie plead, and he knew her desire was reaching fever pitch. The bondage, though brief, had been working its way through her body in a glorious way and Alex couldn’t wait to experiment more with that knowledge another night.

“Patience,” he heard Charlie murmur against her mouth despite the fact he was spreading her legs and positioning his cock at her hot, wet entrance. Alex realized they were all fighting a losing battle. Not once had they managed to deny themselves what they’d all waited years to experience. The time for finesse and foreplay would come once the haste, the newness, wore off.

, Alex thought with a grin.

As Charlie slowly pushed into Allie, Alex moved into position behind his friend. He wondered if Charlie would balk at his choice, at his intimate location, and silently cheered when Charlie thrust his ass back toward him. The idea that his best friend would give himself to him this way, so freely, so easily, moved Alex beyond words. The trust and commitment between them had grown to such proportions Alex felt his heart would burst with bliss.

“Hurry,” Allie said to him, her gaze on his as he knelt, spellbound, behind Charlie. “All of us together. Please, Alex.”

Alex hastily grabbed the new tube of lubrication he’d found earlier. Donning a condom and coating it with the gel, he pushed the tube gently into his friend’s ass, squirting a generous amount.

“Christ,” Charlie muttered when Alex slid a finger into the tight portal. “I can’t believe I’m letting you do this to me.”

Allie giggled until Charlie thrust inside her once again, harder. “Oh my God,” she sighed.

I’m warning you right now. If you come without permission, I’m taking you over my knee and spanking your impatient ass,” Charlie threatened.

“And when he’s finished, hellion, I’m taking a turn. I’m in no hurry to see this end.”

Charlie hissed when Alex added yet another finger, pounding inside his friend’s ass several times, stretching the tight muscles.

When he felt he had to get inside his friend or die, Alex removed his fingers and positioned
at the entrance. He paused for a moment, waiting for Charlie to resist or change his mind. His resistance was shattered when Charlie pushed back slowly on his hard cock until just the thick crest of the head made its way in.

“Shit,” he murmured, terrified of screwing up, of turning Charlie off.

“Alex,” his friend murmured, obviously aware of his distress.
“Little more, if you don’t mind.”

Alex laughed at his words and pushed forward slowly, bit by bit, until he was lodged balls-deep inside Charlie’s ass. All three of them stopped, seemingly astounded by the powerful emotions evoked by the moment.

Allie recovered first. “Move,” she whimpered.
“And Charlie—hard and fast, if you please.”

Alex smiled at her words. He’d revealed his suspicions regarding Charlie’s somewhat reserved lovemaking. He felt his friend jerk at her request, but other than that he remained motionless.

“Hard and fast,” she repeated.
“Both of you.”

Her words were the impetus and Alex was overwhelmed by Charlie’s powerful thrusts. He slid out slightly as Charlie pounded into Allie, struggling to hold off his orgasm, and Charlie slammed back against his rock-hard flesh on his retreat from their lady-love’s body. Over and over they moved together, the three of them, in perfect unison.
A perfect trio.

Charlie was the first to surrender to his desire, his hard climax triggering Alex’s and Allie’s.

As they lay together in the aftermath, Alex knew that they’d made it through the dangers, the traps,
tricks. The stage was set, the plot written, the roles ready to be cast—and he couldn’t wait to see who ended up with what part.

The End

About the Author


Some people fall apart on their 30th birthday, others on their 40th. For Mari Carr, 34 was the year that took her down. After she spent the day crying and saying, “I haven’t done anything I thought I would,” her husband finally asked what was left undone. Her answer was simple—she hadn’t written a book or decorated her house. “So do it,” he said.

Five years later, the house is sparkling with fresh paint and new furniture and her computer is jammed full of stories—novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends. The lesson: It’s never too late to achieve a goal or two!

High school librarian and English teacher by day and mother of two busy teenagers, Mari Carr finds time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the house is quiet.

With the publication of her first book, her latest goal—publishing before 40—has been achieved with a couple of years to spare. Phew!


The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and e-mail address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.




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Also by Mari Carr


Covert Lessons

Kiss Me, Kate


Sugar and Spice



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