Everything That He Craves (#2) (An Alpha Billionaire BDSM Romance)

BOOK: Everything That He Craves (#2) (An Alpha Billionaire BDSM Romance)
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(Everything #2)


Layla Love


Copyright © 2015 L. Love


This book is a work of fiction and its cover is for illustrative purposes only.  It is intended for mature audiences over the age of 18 only.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher.



It was the sign Callie had been waiting for.  When Hunter pressed his lips to hers, it answered her questions and cleared up her confusion.  It confirmed that yes the handsome billionaire was, in fact, interested in her.  He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

And holy shit, it was an amazing kiss!  It felt like their lips had been designed to fit together.  As unromantic as Callie found the beach, it felt like this encounter standing in the sand, lips locked, had been fated.  It felt like destiny.  It felt like ecstasy.  It felt like exactly what Callie had always imagined a first kiss should feel like and then some.

So she did the only reasonable thing.

She kicked Hunter as hard as she could.

She was hoping her foot would connect with his balls.  Unfortunately her aim was a bit off, likely thanks to the uneven terrain she was standing on.  Her foot caught him in the upper thigh, just a few inches away from the intended target.  And it caught him hard.

“Fuck!” Hunter bellowed, falling to his knees.

Callie stood there watching as he winced and writhed in agony, his face contorted in pain.  It was pain that she had caused, but she didn’t feel particularly apologetic.  She didn’t feel much of anything, really, aside from a faint sense of partial satisfaction.  He’d had it coming.

“What the fuck!” Hunter yelled when he was able to string multiple words together.  He stood up, his hand clutching his thigh.  “What the hell did you do that for, you psycho?” he demanded.

“What the hell did you kiss me for?!” she retorted with just as much fire, her hands planted firmly on her wide, womanly hips.  “You didn’t even ask if I wanted you to do it.  You just took what you wanted, you pig.”

At first Hunter looked like he thought she was joking.  Then, when he remembered how hard she’d kicked him, he sputtered in disbelief.  “News flash:  I didn’t do anything wrong.  I mean, you kissed me back, for fuck’s sake!  Don’t you dare twist what happened to fit whatever screwed up agenda you have.”

“I don’t have an agenda,” Callie shot back defensively.  “And I
didn’t kiss you back.”

“You did,” he muttered, clearly disgusted with her.  “You’re like one of those goddamn spiders.  You know...the ones that murder
the males in cold blood after sex.  Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Nothing – you’re the one with the problem!”

“My only problem is that I apparently invited a fucking psychopath into my home!”

Callie scowled.  She wanted to scream something rude at Hunter because letting him have the last word felt too much like allowing him to win.  But when she saw how badly he limped when he tried to walk, she took pity on him.

Sighing heavily, she took a few steps to close the gap between them.  “Here,” she told him, motioning for him to put his arm around her shoulders.  “Let me help you.”

“Help,” he scoffed.  “Is that code for drown me in the ocean?”

“Oh stop being such a baby.  I didn’t even kick you that hard,” Callie snapped as he leaned on her.  “Besides, I didn’t even get you in the junk like I was trying to.”

“Are you even listening to yourself?” Hunter asked incredulously.  “Do you have any idea how insane you sound right now?  And since when is kicking a guy who kisses you reasonable?  It’s not like I was forcing myself on you.”

Callie was silent for a moment.

“Maybe I overreacted,” she conceded quietly.  “But only a little,” she added.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Hunter demanded.

There was no reply. 

He peered down at Callie.  That was when he heard her sniffling.  He stopped in his tracks. 

“Are you crying?”

“No,” she sniffed.

“Look at me,” he ordered sternly.

Callie wanted to ignore the command, but there was a tone in Hunter’s voice that couldn’t be disregarded.  Besides, he was standing there staring at her expectantly, just waiting.  There was nowhere to run and no place to hide.  So she reluctantly raised her head and met his gaze.

She knew what she looked like.  She knew her eyes were brimming with tears that were about two seconds away from spilling down her cheeks.  She knew her lower lip was quivering and if she didn’t soon get a grip, in a moment she would be sobbing. 

She wished that wasn’t the case, but she couldn’t help it.  It was beyond her control.


Who was this strange, beautiful, violent creature? 

Callie Johnson came across as a mild mannered librarian, but there was definitely more to her than met the eye.  She had a kinky, creative, adventurous side that loved to write about sex.  And apparently she also had a psychotic, unpredictable, mean side that loved to kick unsuspecting men in the nuts. 

And now she was standing in front of him crying.

Hunter was furious.  He was downright irate, and his thigh hurt like hell! 

But in that moment, his heart melted. 

For reasons he couldn’t quite explain, seeing Callie cry was devastating.  Sure, he loved making sexy, willing women cry in the bedroom – but this was different.  This didn’t make him feel powerful and domineering.  Actually, it made him feel weak and helpless.

“Don’t do that,” Hunter said.  “Please stop.”

Even as he pleaded with Callie, he knew it was no use.  She was too far gone.  In a moment she would probably break down sobbing and there wasn’t a damn thing either of them could do to stop it. 

Hunter wished he was better at dealing with emotional situations.  He wished he had something brilliant and profound to say.  He wished he could understand what was going on and magically fix it.  But he couldn’t. 

So he did the only thing he could think to do.

“Come here,” Hunter said, vaguely aware that embracing Callie could potentially earn him another kick.  Even though the pain in his thigh still hadn’t faded, it was nonetheless a risk that he was willing to take.

Callie didn’t fight him.  When he opened his arms, she fell into him as though she had been waiting to be held her entire life.  She clung to him, her hands clutching desperately at his shirt.  She was like a little ragdoll, sweet and vulnerable and made to be held.

So he held her.

He pulled her close and he held her and it felt right.  Some small part of him couldn’t help but think that he never wanted to let her go.  He just wanted to keep her there in that spot forever, right where he could protect her and keep her safe from the world. 

But mostly Hunter was just scared.  He didn’t know how to deal with a crying woman, and Callie wasn’t merely crying.  Just as he’d feared, she was now openly sobbing.  She had fallen to pieces right there in his arms and he had no idea how to put her back together again.

Thankfully, he didn’t have to figure it out. 

After a while, Callie’s heartwrenching cries died down.  She slumped against him as though she was exhausted from the effort of melting down, so he held her up.  Her head was buried against his chest, so he stroked her hair and hoped it might offer a little comfort.

Several minutes passed.  Then Callie cautiously pulled back, disentangling herself from his arms.

“Are you okay?” Hunter asked, unsure of what else he could or should say in that moment.

“Yeah,” she replied sheepishly, her voice nasally from all the tears.  “I probably look awful.”

“You don’t.” 

“I really am sorry for kicking you,” Callie told him regretfully, staring straight ahead as she began to walk purposefully toward the house.  “I shouldn’t have done that.  I was in the wrong.  Are you alright?”

“I’ll live,” Hunter replied.  They walked in silence for a bit.

When they reached the mansion, Hunter decided he needed to say what was on his mind.  He looked down at Callie thoughtfully, blocking her entry into the foyer.  “I know all those tears weren’t for me and my bruised thigh,” he informed her.  “What’s up?”

He saw a flicker of something in Callie’s eyes before she reined it back in.

Then she did yet another unexpected thing – only this one was far more welcome than the kick. 

With no warning whatsoever, Callie launched herself at Hunter with such ferocity that it nearly sent him tumbling over backwards.  He regained his balance at the last moment and caught Callie as she pounced on him. 

Her tongue was in his mouth and her big, full breasts were pressed right up against his chest.  Somehow Hunter’s leg wound up between her thighs and she began to grind against him as they made out right there in the entryway, dragging in sand and seawater as they stumbled around.

His cock was rock hard as the gorgeous, voluptuous woman went at him.  He wasn’t used to being the prey.  He was always the instigator, the initiator, the one in control.  What Callie was doing had definitely turned him on, but it wasn’t his style.

Once he had recovered from the shock of Callie’s unexpected advances, Hunter returned to his senses.  He fought her for control, matching every squeeze and grab with one of his own.  He bit her neck, pulled her hair and slammed her up against the wall. 

It was like an erotic wrestling match taking place right there in his foyer.

Callie’s big, beautiful ass was in his hands – God, he had been dreaming about getting his hands on it from the moment he’d met her!  Hunter tightened his grip on Callie’s backside, pulling her into him.  His throbbing cock was trapped between their bodies as he lifted her up off her feet, making it clear that
was the one who called the shots.

“Ah!” Callie grunted as he pushed her up against the wall, still kissing her frantically.

Hunter grabbed her sundress and with one swift movement, tore the flimsy straps all the way through.  He tore the pesky garment off of her and was ecstatic to discover she wasn’t wearing a bra.  Her tits were every bit as glorious as he had imagined, huge and yet somehow still perky.

His mouth found her nipple immediately.  He caught it between his lips and bathed it with his rough tongue, delighting in the way she shuddered and gasped.  She was so responsive...he could only imagine the sounds she would make when his head was buried between her thighs.

God, he couldn’t wait to find out.

Callie was already naked from the waist up, but that wasn’t nearly enough.  Hunter wanted her completely bared to him, exposed and on display.  He had to have her.  He grabbed her sundress and prepared to yank it down.

Suddenly Callie’s hands found his.  And then she said a single word that left him stunned.



She was afraid to say it.  She almost didn’t.

What Hunter was doing to her felt
good!  He clearly knew his way around a woman’s body.  That mouth!  That mouth was incredible, and those lips...that tongue...  Oh, God.  He knew what he was doing and it was driving her wild.

She could feel her body responding.  Her nipples were like pebbles and her entire body was tingling.  She could feel how damp her panties were getting.  She was so turned on.  Hunter knew exactly what to do to take command of her body.

And she almost didn’t tell him to stop.

Truthfully, she was afraid he might not listen.  What if he ignored her and kept right on going?  That was her biggest fear.  It was what kept her from getting close to anyone. 

Her pepper spray wasn’t going to do her any good sitting upstairs in her suitcase, and the self-defence classes she had taken were useless when she was pinned against the wall by a big, strong man.  His hands were encircling her wrists, rendering her helpless.  Even if she tried to struggle, there would be no getting away...not until he decided to let her go.

Right around the time Callie realized how vulnerable she was, she decided she wanted – no,
– to stop.  And yet she was afraid to say so.

She considered just going along with it.  She could keep quiet and let Hunter do what he wanted.  If she didn’t say no – if he had no idea that she wanted to stop – then it would all be good, right?  Deep down Callie knew that didn’t make sense, but the panicked, frightened part of her psyche nearly drowned out the voice of logic.

Then, somehow, she found the courage to say it.


Her voice rang out crystal clear, breaking through the sounds of heavy breathing and rustling clothing.  There, she’d said it.  She waited on pins and needles to see if it would do any good.  Truthfully, only a few seconds passed.  But it felt like an eternity.

Hunter pulled back. 

He looked down at Callie with disbelief. 

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