Read Everything to Nothing Online

Authors: Mark Henthorne

Tags: #romance, #relationships, #drugs, #sex, #mark, #to, #billionaire, #nothing, #bestseller, #f1, #monaco, #everything, #formula one, #henthorne

Everything to Nothing (29 page)

BOOK: Everything to Nothing
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‘Can you count
those bags for me? Each bag should contain fifty tabs. Don’t count
all the tabs, but spot check every five and see that they contain
fifty. Write down on this piece of paper the number of bags in
total and the number of bags you spot checked.’

‘I didn’t know
that when I agreed to help you I would be counting drugs

‘Please, there
is no way I can do this without you in an hour. I’ve got to weigh
all this coke!’ He indicated towards the second suitcase.

‘Okay. I’ll do
it, but don’t get used to my help.’

‘No worries, I

So they both
started to count and weigh the drugs. Peter was pleased with the
quick progress she made and was confident that her accounting was
correct. The time went quickly, too quickly, and Peter was
surprised when he glanced at his watch and saw that his hour was
nearly up. He left a bag of cocaine in the scales, a bag which had
split that Peter was in the process of changing. There was lots of
the fine powder loose in the scales and Sarah noticed it.

Before she knew
what she was doing, she had dipped her finger and thumb into the
powder and pinched some of the cocaine into the palm of her other
hand. She was in the process of snorting it when Peter burst back
into the room with his phone pressed to his ear.

As he saw Sarah
knelt down snorting the coke he involuntarily said, ‘What the
fuck?!’This of course raised a query from Reg. ‘Nothing Reg,
nothing. I thought I saw someone outside.’

whatever. Have you got your figures?’


He recited his
inventory to his supplier and he stressed that he had been under
tight time constraints so he asked for a ten percent error margin
which Reg agreed to.

‘I’d like you
to bring it all with you Saturday so we can double check it and
make sure you’re not on the take, okay?’

‘Yeah, of

During the
conversation Peter had been shooting daggers at Sarah but she
ignored him and finished off snorting the cocaine from the palm of
her hand. Peter and Reg concluded the call with some basic
civilities and then Peter threw his phone across the room and it
smashed into the far wall. ‘What the hell do you think you’re

myself while you were on the phone.’

yourself? With my drugs? You’re snorting my profits! You’ll have to
pay for it.’

‘I don’t.
Remember Friday? The police?’

‘There is a
difference between now and Friday. You’ve been handling the drugs;
you’ve got it all over you. The police won’t believe you’re not
involved. Plus, you’ve been counting drugs, there is accounting
detail in your handwriting so don’t threaten me with the police
because it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. So, I’ll now refer back to
my comment, you’ll have to pay for it.’

‘Well, I can’t
for it with money because I’m broke, a common occurrence with an
alcoholic mother to look after.’

‘Right, well,
I’m sorry about your mum, but I need some kind of compensation for
snorting my profits. I don’t like it, and I don’t appreciate

‘Okay, okay.
Look, I really enjoy taking this,’ she stood up and dusted off her
hands. ‘I want more but can’t afford it. So…’

‘So what?’

She walked over
to him and stopped in front of him. Sarah hooked her thumbs into
the shoulder straps of her dress and pulled it down until she was
stood in front of him in her sexy lingerie that included stockings
and suspenders. She knew that she had never looked better, young,
slim, big breasts, flat stomach, and long, luscious legs with a
shaved area of luscious female flesh between them. She slowly
turned in front of him, pulling her knickers to the side and
showing him one of her buttocks when she was facing away from him,
then she pushed him backwards towards the bed until he fell onto it
after which she straddled his hips and started to give him a lap

‘If you give me
drugs you can do whatever you want to me, anything at all.’ She
swung her hips on top of him some more, grinding her shaved crotch
into his. ‘I’ll give you blow jobs whenever you want, vaginal sex,
anal sex, anything at all. I’ll invite some of my gorgeous, very
promiscuous friends and we can have a massive orgy, anything at
all. All you have to do is give me some of that glorious white
powder whenever I want and I will give you whatever you want,
without restriction.’

He leaned up so
he was looking into her eyes and gave her a strong, passionate
kiss. Then he pulled away from her and simply said, ‘Deal.’




He did not
expect it to unfold like this. He had expected her to be reluctant
to take it, that he would have to force it upon her. But now as she
slid up and down his penis, moaning and groaning on top of him, his
chest still had the remnants of a line of coke on it, with another
line ready for her to consume also on his chest. She stopped riding
his engorged organ for a moment and leant forward to take in the
other line. As she finished sucking it up she licked her finger and
ran it over her nose and then licked her finger again to ensure
that she had taken in all the drug.

Peter was in
his own world of ecstasy. Like any man, he had always enjoyed sex,
but he was now realising that he had not known sex before he had it
with Sarah. She was insatiable, which suited him perfectly, and her
technique and some of the positions she put herself in blew his
mind. She took him to heights of ecstasy unknown not only with her
vagina, but also with her hand and mouth.

After finishing
the drug she sprang off him and twisted quickly round and placed
her dripping cleft within reach of his mouth and tongue. He
accepted the offering, ran his tongue up and down her labia,
consuming her juices while she swallowed his penis deeply down her
throat. They stayed in this position for a long time, both of them
having an intense orgasm, neither wanting the other to stop.
Eventually, she lifted off him chuckling as she noticed that his
face was soaking wet. She reached for the bag of cocaine and took
some in her hand and snorted a lot of it. ‘I just cannot get enough
of this! I cannot get enough of this feeling!’

‘If you can’t
get enough of this, I’ve got something a little stronger you could

‘Anything! I
want to feel even higher!’

She stretched
her arms towards the ceiling as she shouted this so Peter gently
lifted her off him with her hips and she rolled across the bed,
leaning on arm, her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

Earlier that
week Peter had prepared some of the heroin. Not wanting people to
overdose on him, he had cut the drug with flour. From a separate
suitcase, which he had not included in the accounting because Reg
knew that he had not used any yet, he lifted a small bag of
prepared heroin already in the syringe. He had decided to prepare
the heroin out of professional curiosity and also because he
planned to take some syringes with him over the weekend to handout
to people who were interested in an instant hit without having the
need to cook-up the drug. By using a simple search on a popular
internet search engine, he had found how to prepare the H.

He had learned
to use a spoon, a lighter and how much water to use. He had learned
to use a small cotton ball when sucking the heroin into the syringe
to help filter out any impurities. He had learned on the same
webpage how to inject it, to place the needle flat to the skin, to
inject directly into a vein and how to spot if the point of the
needle was not in the vein.

Peter could not
believe that he was about to give a woman, someone who had stressed
that she really liked him, some heroin, but due to the way he was
feeling right now he simply did not care. He wanted more of her,
more of her body, and he had to ensure that he got it.

However, he was
aware that she had not tried anything like this before so he
discreetly opened the bag, took the syringe out and squirted some
of the heroin into a pot plant that was on a shelf. He apologised
to the plant, and then walked back over to the bed.

She heard him
approach and he noticed that her eyes were totally glazed over and
that her pupils were hugely dilated. Sarah smiled at him as he lay
on the bed next to her and he reached over her to where his jeans
had been thrown. He pulled the belt off and reached gently for her
arm. ‘Sure you want to do this?’

She smiled at
him and the trust on her face almost made him stop. But then she
swung her body round and wrapped her legs around his waist, resting
her still wet crotch against his. That tipped him over the edge.
‘Of course I’m sure. What is it?’

‘A stronger
cocaine that’s all, but you have to inject it to get the full

‘Okay.’ She
chuckled and then asked, ‘It’s not heroin is it?’

‘No, of course

‘Okay then.
Fill me up!’

She stretched
out her arm and he wrapped the belt around her upper arm tightly.
He waited a few moments for the blood to build up in her
constricted blood vessels until her vein was protruding. He lay the
syringe flat against her arm, so the needle was pointing down her
vein, and then slid it fully into her arm. She let a sharp gasp as
she felt the pinch of the needle, but the cocaine had increased her
pain threshold. He pulled the plunger a small amount at first, and
he peered into the syringe to check that there was a touch of blood
now mingling with the heroin. There was. He looked at her face and
her eyes were now closed again and the smile still lingered on her
face. He hesitated again, but she tensed her legs and pressed
against him some more so he pressed the plunger.

instantly Sarah arched her back and fell away from Peter. His first
concern was that she was overdosing because she did not say
anything and her breathing had become very deep and heavy. After a
few moments she slowly opened her eyes and tried to speak, but
nothing came out but more deep breaths. She closed her eyes again
and she felt so relaxed, as if all her worries and anxieties about
her mum and her life belonged in another life, belonged to another

Then she
blurted out, ‘Oh my God! Oh my God! Now that is the best feeling in
the world! Oh my God, Peter!’ She closed her eyes again and her
breathing was deep again. ‘I feel so, so happy. Make love to me and
then I want some more of that joyous liquid!’

Peter obliged.
He climbed on top of her and made love to her for a long time,
driving her time and again to orgasm, which combined with the
euphoria given by the heroin made her feel like she was flying in
nirvana or heaven. Eventually she asked him for more of the drug
and again he obliged, giving her a little less this time not
wanting her to overdose. She slumped away from him again, and then
she asked him to make love to her again and this was repeated
numerous times throughout the night until in the early hours of the
morning, after another hit of the powerful drug, she collapsed in
exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep.

He looked down
on her for a little while, watching her sleep until a smile passed
across his face and he spoke out loud, ‘Welcome to my web of sex,
drugs and deceit babe. I don’t think I’m ever, ever going to
release you from it.’


Chapter 23


Michelle and
Simon’s date was a little more civilised than the drug and sex
fuelled antics of Sarah and Peter. As promised, Simon picked
Michelle up at eight on Wednesday night and the date proceeded as
if they had never been apart over the previous few days.

There was no
awkwardness between them, and both of them appeared to show little
evidence of nerves. Michelle was surprised that she felt so relaxed
and she realised that it was Simon who made her feel like this with
his easy going personality and witty conversation.

They pulled
into the car park of a country pub and had a lovely meal, each of
them thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. After the meal they
relaxed in the bar area in front of an open fire, holding hands and
cuddling up against each other while drinking a mulled wine.

reluctantly, they decided to leave. Outside the pub Michelle, a
little tipsy and therefore bolder after the wine, threw her arms
around Simon and planted a kiss on his lips which he quickly
responded to and then they were kissing passionately which Michelle
reluctantly ended.

‘Thank you for
a lovely night Simon. It’s been great.’

‘I’ve enjoyed
myself too babe.’

‘What are you
doing Saturday night?’

‘No plans.

‘Come to mine.
My parents are performing so they’ll be away Saturday night. We can
watch a movie and have a meal or something.’


‘Perfect. I’ll
look forward to it.’

‘Me too, very
much.’ Simon leant forward and kissed her again.

After walking
back to the car, hand in hand, Simon drove them back into the town
and Michelle’s house. ‘I’d invite you in but… Oh look at that! The
curtains are twitching! Kiss me, quick’

‘What? You must
be joking? You’re parents will kill me!’

Michelle though
was clearly not bothered. She leaned over to his side of the car
and gave him a long, long kiss which she hoped would have the
curtains practically falling off they would be being twitched that
hard. Pulling away from Simon she looked deeply into his eyes and

‘Are you drunk

‘A little! Red
wine always makes me go a little silly!’

‘I thought you
said earlier it was champagne?’

‘I think it
could be all alcohol!’

‘I think it
might just be! Look, on a serious note, I’m sorry if I got you into
trouble with Sally, but, I would not change anything that has
happened. I really like you Michelle, already, and I’m falling for
you. Apologise to Sally for me, but to tell you the truth, I prefer
you to her at least a million times!’

BOOK: Everything to Nothing
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