Evil Intent (26 page)

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Authors: Robert Olsen

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Evil Intent
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With lightning speed, she let go of Richard, ran up to the car window, pulled the door open and screamed, “ you son of a bitch. What did you do?” As she made a fist and punched him right between his eyes.

“What the fuck,” the man screamed jumping out of his car running after her. Suki quickly spun around facing him. Suki was literally two feet off the ground as her right foot slammed full force into the man’s face sending him head over heels, landing on his ass. Suki screamed again, “Get in the car Richard, Now!”

She quickly jumped in the car, slammed the accelerator to the floor, the tires squealed, ran the red light, and went screeching around the corner. They were off and on their way to Far Rockaway.

“Where the hell did you learn that?” Richard asked, impressed with her stunt.

“Hello, Richard? I’m Chinese? Didn’t you ever hear of Bruce Lee?”

Meanwhile, to the south, Kathryn was panicking that Richard hadn’t called her, until she realized the phone probably didn’t work inside the tunnel. She was almost at Mott Street Station when she suddenly started to feel really tense. Her shoulders and neck were hurting like crazy. Naturally, it was most likely the stress.

She was wracking her brain, about what to do, when she saw Donald. How will he act? What will Donald do to her or do with her? One thing she had anticipated, was Donald trying to control all possible phone calls, both incoming and outgoing. That is way she snatched Robert’s cell phone. But, what should she do with her phone, she thought?

Fortunately, just before the new Apple six came out, she fell into a swimming pool at a party with her phone in her pocket. She was pissed at the time, because that meant she had to buy a new five with a two year plan, and wouldn’t qualify for the upgrade to the new six without significant cost. But, today she was glad she had the smaller phone! While still on the subway, she placed the phone on silent mode, unbuttoned the top half of her blouse, and with the phone in hand, proceeded to undo her bra, place the phone inside the cup, than fastened her bra again using the last clasp on the strap. The young man sitting next to her didn’t take his eyes off her for one second. “Can I help you with that?” he said, staring down her blouse getting a really good eyeful as she undid the thing.

“Of course. Are you offering to hold my tits in place while I buckle up my phone? NO!” She screamed. “Fuck off dirt bag! And get away from me before you set the fucking explosive off!”

The kid got up and ran like hell into the next car.

Eventually, the train pulled into Mott Street Station. Kathryn, climbed off the train, not really knowing where to go. She stood there on the platform for quite some time, getting more nervous by the minute. The train eventually pulled out of the station, heading back to Manhattan, and most of the passengers on the platform were now gone by the time she spotted Donald. He was wearing a trench coat. She could see the MacBook Air he was holding when he finally got close to her.

“Hello Kathryn. It’s so good of you to come see me. I really appreciate your promptness. And, I see that you took my advice and came alone. Very smart. I would have hated to have to push this little button if you tried any funny business,” he told her, revealing the device he held under his coat.

“Yes, I came alone Donald. Why, are you doing this?”

“Oh please, don’t start that again. Why don’t we just hold all the God damn questions, relax, and take a nice drive to visit, mom. I’m sure you’ll like that.”

When they got to the car, Donald walked straight to the driver’s door and got in. Kathryn walked around to the passenger side alone, and she too, climbed in. The seat back was in a reclining position, almost flat, causing her to lie almost prone and out of view.

Donald quickly looked over and explained, “sorry, but please don’t adjust the seat, either.”

He reached into a bag and pulled out a pair of blindfolds.

“Here, place these on your head, please.”

She did as he instructed.

Because of the blindfolds, and her lying in a prone position, she didn’t see Donald take the handcuffs out of the bag. He quickly snapped them in place before she realized what was happening.

“Oh yes, Kathryn my dear. There, is just one more thing. Could I please have your cell phone? We certainly don’t want Le Boyfriend calling us when we’re in bed together. That is so damn annoying when two lovers are alone together, and the phone goes off just at that special moment. You know what I mean?”

Oh my God he’s going to rape me! Oh please Lord, no! Don’t do that to me Donald, I can’t stomach the thought.

Kathryn had to do everything she could to keep from shaking or crying.

“Kathryn, you’re not paying attention. The phone?”

“I’m sorry Donald. I was thinking of how to reach for the phone with these handcuffs on.”

She immediately struggled with both hands as she tried to retrieve the cellphone from the right pocket of her pants. The panic she was feeling and increased tension didn’t help either. She handed the phone to Donald, which he immediately took and placed in his pocket.

Donald drove away quite pleased with himself. Her mom was his security blanket, an ace in the hole so to speak. He had Kathryn totally under his control for the first time, and he felt his revenge was certain, as soon as he makes his demand for Kathryn to call the FDA and bring down the despicable company that robbed him of his entitlement that surely would have won the respect and love of his beloved Kathryn.

Once upon a time, one could have seen Donald, as an reserved semi-confident man. But, these days, his confidence had escalated not only to assertive, but somehow surpassed belligerent! Donald, in the eyes of a trained Psychiatrist, would easily earn the distinct honor of being titled a full-fledged assertive, confident, aggressive, belligerent, domineering, cocky son-of-a-bitch!

Kathryn on the other hand, was rapidly losing all her confidence, withdrawing into a black hole, fearing that Donald’s earlier comment -his Freudian slip- clearly indicated his intention to scare the hell out of her mother, rape Kathryn, and ultimately kill them both.

Oh dear God. Where is my Richard? He’s our only hope. I desperately need you Richard, I love you Richard, and I pray you can hear my plea! Please come quickly my Prince!

Chapter 36

e’re home, Darling!” Donald said as the car turned onto the bluestone driveway. He pulled up to the back stoop, parked, and ran around to the passenger door to help Kathryn out of the car. Hands still cuffed and blindfolds in place, he helped her up the steps. Once passed the door, they were in the kitchen.

Considering the short drive, I’d assume we are somewhere in Far Rockaway. We must be inside an old house, from the sounds of the squeaky door and these wood floors.

“Can I please see my mother now, Donald? You promised.”

“She’s downstairs,” he said. Donald had moved mother to the basement, so that there was no chance of mother creating a distraction that could be seen or heard from the streets. Before Donald had left, he made sure he had securely tied her to the ladder back chair. Mrs. Becker sat in total darkness, frightened, and not yet knowing her fate.

“Don’t worry about your mother. We’ll go down there in a little while.”

“Donald, you promised.”

“But, the stairs are very steep and you’re blindfolded and can’t use your hands.”

“But I trust you Donald. You can hold me”

Her response puzzled him. She usually was resisting him, fighting, but now she was being nice. He decided to give in to her request.

“She’ll owe me if I’m nice,” he thought.

They slowly went down the stairs, Donald holding her arm ensuring she didn’t slip. When they reached the bottom. Kathryn called out, “mom?”

“Mmmmm,” was all she heard.

“She’s right here in front of you.”

“Donald, please. Take off the blindfold. Let me see my mother. I need to know she’s alright. You said you would.”

“Alright, I will,” he said, removing the blindfold.

“Mom!” She cried. Are you ok?” Kathryn ran to her mother, and raising her two hands upward, despite the handcuffs, managed to untied the gag around her mouth.

“Oh, Kathryn, I was so worried about you. Thank God you’re ok.”

“I’m fine but are you ok?”

“Yes dear. I’m going to be alright. My back just hurts a little from this darn chair.”

Kathryn turned to Donald. “Why?”

Donald turned around, his back toward her. He wouldn’t answer. Suddenly, Kathryn found herself looking around the room. The basement was dirty, musty and dark. The floor even appeared to be dirt, indicating a very old home. Her mom was tied to a ladder back chair and Kathryn noticed a second chair a few feet away. Not far from them, a workbench sat up against the outer wall. Behind them was the furnace, and in front of Donald, the stairway to the kitchen. The only light was coming from the kitchen, and some peering through the filthy little windows of a basement. Overhead, there was no finished ceiling, just huge beams that supported the floorboards of the first level. The ceiling was quite high for some reason and four more cross beams exited, resting on columns. The structure was very strong and supported the house above.

She looked back at Donald, then turned to look at mom when she saw it. It was a small axe laying on the workbench. Suddenly, Kathryn made a split second decision and ran toward the axe, picking it up and raising it with her two hands over her head. Donald hearing the noise spun around and raced toward her. Just as Kathryn swung the axe at him, trying desperately to connect with his head or body, Donald sidestepped as the axe missed him, jamming itself into one of the large wooden beams. Donald, with his fist clasped, swung his arm with all of his might until the back of his fist connected with Kathryn’s jaw sending her falling backwards to the ground. He bent down, grabbed her by her hair with one hand, clutched her blouse with the other, and yanked her back onto her feet as she struggled, kicking and swearing obscenities at him.

“You try anything like that again, and mom is dead!” He screamed, reaching over and grabbing the empty ladder back chair. “Sit down,” he demanded, as he threw her hard into the chair, and proceeded to tie her to the chair and to mom. The two chairs were back to back and the two women were unable to see each other.

Donald was finished. His captives securely tied up in a basement. Finally, he was closer than ever to the completion of his plan.

He was sweating from all the effort, and finally removed the trench coat. He had laid the MacBook on the kitchen table when he was trying to get Kathryn downstairs, but he still had his gun. Taking the gun from his coat, he placed it in his belt behind his back.

Kathryn and her mother were cautious and frightened. Kathryn was sobbing from the pain in her jaw, but otherwise sat quiet not wanting to do anything that would set off Donald.

“Now, that you’re settled, let’s get down to business my dear,” he said removing his cell phone from his right pocket. “I do believe, it’s time to call the FDA.”

“Why Donald? What can they do?”

“Come on Kathryn dear, don’t play dumb with me. Remember what you said? You tried to help me but no one would take you seriously. Well, they’ll take you seriously now! We will report everything to the FDA. I’m sure that will do the trick.”

“What do I tell them?”

“Why, tell them the truth! Tell them who you are, and that the company lied with its’ testing. Four people are dead, two from massive overdoses of insulin caused by the defective product. Ask them to please do something to stop this company from killing more people. That’s all. That should cause enough damage. The FDA will move in in a flash. They’ll immediately suspend the product while they investigate. And, the news and the stock market may take care of the rest. You watch, we’ll be heroes.”

“Donald, I can’t do that. I’d be lying to the FDA. That’s a criminal offense.”

“Your choice Kathryn. If you’re right, you go to prison and mom lives! If I’m right, you’re a hero and mom lives! But, if you refuse? Everyone’s dead! What’s your decision darling?

“I don’t know the phone number!”

“Damn it,” he started shouting, several times, as he took out the gun, waving it in the air. I have the damn number. And, I think I’ve had enough,” he said, removing the safety, and pointing the gun to her mother’s head.”

“Noooo Donald I’ll do it, I’ll do it, don’t shoot! Please, no!”

And once again, in that soft, almost faint, high pitched, hideous yet calm voice, he said, “wonderful. You are just so wonderful Kathryn. I knew I could count on you. Trust me Darling, when this is all over, you and I will be so happy together.”

Donald again, handed her the phone, ready to make a call. She pushed the keypad.

“It’s 777-463-6332”

“It doesn’t work!”

“What? Wrong number?”

“No, the phone doesn’t work. I can’t get to the server?”

“Son of a bitch! We’re in a dead zone, it doesn’t work in the basement. Shit!”

At the front desk of Rockne Pharmaceuticals, Sherry answered the phone.

“Hello, this is the Garden City Police. You called requesting surveillance on a house on 6th Street. We checked it out, and there is nothing suspicious. No one is home, but it does not appear that there was any foul play. If you need further assistance give us a call.”

Sherry thanked the officer, but still felt nervous about what had happened. After the police call, she dialed Barbara for advice.

“Hi Barbara, its Sherry. Dr. Marks came in earlier saying there was an emergency. He wanted Donald Gingrich’s address. He also asked me to call the Garden City police. They just called me back and said nothing is going on, but I am worried. What should I do Barbara?”

“Let me call the NYPD. They’ll know what to do. Thanks Sherry.”

Barbara immediately called Detective Peters, explained what she knew, and gave them Donald’s home address.

Richard and Suki were close to Far Rockaway when Richard decided to try Kathryn’s phone. Even if she doesn’t answer, voice mail will engage and he should be able to lock onto the GPS.

Kathryn was sitting quietly in the chair, Donald staring at her, when Richard’s call was received. The phone, on silent mode, vibrated inside her bra, startling the crap out of Kathryn, whose nerves were shot anyway. It scare her so, she jumped.

“What are you up to now, damn it?” Donald asked when he saw Kathryn jumped.


“You weren’t trying to untie your mother were you?”

“No Donald. I just got scared. I thought a rat was at my feet.”

For some reason, Donald didn’t believe her.

“You think there are rats running around at your feet? Bullshit. But, if that’s what you believe my dear, then maybe I should help you rid that fear. I have a solution.”

Donald walked to the bench removing a large old wooden box containing rope, cable ties, two leather wrist cuffs and a Luff Tackle from an old sailboat. The Luff was a block and tackle rig with two pulleys instead of one. He then dropped the cable ties in front of her and proceeded to fling several pieces of rope over one of the ceiling beams attaching one end to the Luff Tackle. The cable ties would be used around her ankles to spread her legs and fasten each to a vertical beam. The other end of each rope would be tied through the buckles on the wrist cuff.

“Now, let’s see. How would you like it if I hung you from this beam?” He said. “Yes, I do believe that’s and excellent idea. I can hoist your body off the ground so the rats can’t bother you, and....I know.....I’m going to rip off all your clothes so you can hang there completely naked. And, if you still cause me trouble, well, it’ll be so easy. I have a little collection of salt water slugs from the inlet across the street. I will gladly place the slugs on your naked body and they can suck the blood out of you until you shut up and do what I tell you. How does that sound? The more crap you give me, the more slugs I place somewhere on your pretty little naked body! This’ll be so much fun watching your sexy, gorgeous naked body twitching and squirming as you hang there helpless from your tiny wrists. Oh, God. I’m so glad my phone takes such good pictures.”

You sick bastard. If I could Donald I’d rip your juggler vein out with my bare hands you pervert! Oh God, what am I thinking? No! He’s going to find the phone. Then, he’ll kill me for sure.

Both mom and Kathryn wanted to throw up. Kathryn started to cry and her body started shaking. Other than her sobs she could not utter a sound. Donald began to untie her from the chair.

Between her tears she barely could see. “Donald, please! Noooooo! I’ll behave. I’ll do anything you want, I promise!”

He removed her handcuffs, and when her arms were free, he reached for one of the leather cuffs and strapped it to her wrist, pulling on the luff line to raise her arm up toward the ceiling. He then freed her from her chair pulling tighter. She stood up as her right arm was lifted into the air.

“Ohhhh, Donald that hurts. No, please no.”

She was sort of dangling from the ceiling by one arm, her feet barely touching the ground.

What did I just say to you Darling? Didn’t I politely ask you to be quiet? Suddenly, he reached for her waist and very rapidly, undid her belt, pants button, and zipper.

“Donald!” She screamed. “Don’t you dare?”

“I don’t think you’re in any position of negotiation. Shut up!” He yelled, grabbing her slacks and yanking them down to her ankles. He pulled off her shoes, then completely removed her slacks, damn near tore off her pantyhose, and let her dangle by one arm in her panties, while he got ready to fasten the second wrist cuff.

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