Evil Of Love (2 page)

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Authors: N.L. Echeverria

BOOK: Evil Of Love
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“I love you
, Steph.”

“I love you too.”

With that he takes me into his arms consuming me with his lips until my mouth parts allowing him in. His tongue finds mine, bringing chills down my spine. I’m no longer cold but filled with the flame of desire. He unbuttons and removes my coat. His lips never leaving mine. I respond by removing his as well, but am not as smooth in my actions as he is. We’ve made out many of times, but something is different about tonight. Something deep down is fueling me, knowing that tonight there will be more. I want there to be more. I run my fingers through his messy blonde hair pulling him to me and as our bodies are pressed together he moves me backwards carefully until I feel the end of the mattress pressed against the back of my legs. He releases his lips from mine, looking into my eyes for reassurance and I nod in response, our mouths colliding once again. Tonight, I’m ready. Tonight I want him to take me. My body is craving to be touch, to be loved.

Standing at the foot of his bed he slowly pulls my shirt over my head, kissing down my neck, my collar bones and down to my breasts. He pulls my breast up out of my bra exposing my nipple. I take in a d
eep breath as the chilly air causes my nipple to harden and instantly his warm mouth is around it. Sucking gently and licking in circles until it’s fully peeked in response to his mouth. I’m motionless from the unknown and yet I’m burning from the inside out for more of him. He moves his hands around my back unclipping my black satin bra and his mouth releases my nipple long enough to allow my bra to drop to the ground and then his hot tongue finds my other breast. Sucking, licking and causing deep pleasure down in my gut and I feel the wetness in my panties. I tilt my head back taking in the feeling of his mouth wrapped around my breast, sucking my nipple as he gently pinches and pulls on the other at the same time. The sensation is almost unbearable to the point that I can feel the orgasm building and a small moan escapes my lips. My knees feel like they may buckle as the overwhelming pleasure takes over, rising within me. My arms and legs are trembling uncontrollably and I moan under his soft touch as I release the build up from within.

slowly moves from my breasts, kissing down my belly until he reaches the top of my jeans. He kneels and unbuttons my pants pulling them down and I step out of my shoes and then my pants while holding onto him. He runs his fingers from my ankles up my legs until he reaches the inner of my thighs and he runs a finger over my cotton underwear that are now filled with my wetness.

“I’m going to make you cum all night. This is only the beginning,” he wh
ispers as his fingers rub my private through my underwear and I moan in response. I’m letting him take me and all he wants to do is give. A tear falls down my cheek at the realization of the love between us. I pray that nothing ever pulls us apart.

He guides me down to his bed to lie m
e on my back with my legs still dangling over the end. He tugs at my underwear and I arch to allow him to slide them down and off, as he does he trails kisses down each of my thighs all the way towards my toes. Once I’m bearing all to him, lying on his bed, he looks at me. Gazing at every inch of my body and I see the fire in his eyes, the need. I want him to satisfy my inner desire, rid me of all the hate that surrounds me. His hands move up my thighs until they reach the spot between them and his thumb finds my clit. He gently rubs and I close my eyes as the sensation takes over. His finger moves down me further until it’s inside me, moving around as I become wetter. One finger moving in and out as his thumb circles my clit and I begin squirm and moan as another orgasm takes over. I’ve never experienced this amount of pleasure in my life. I don’t know how to control it and my body is reacting on its own. As I release my orgasm he moves his mouth to my sex, something that we have never done before and I hold my breath in anticipation. He kisses softly around before his tongue glides along my outer lips and then he takes over, moving his mouth in ways that make me never want to leave this bed. I quickly feel myself building again and at this point I run my hands through his blonde hair moving him into me more and I roll my hips in motion with his mouth, biting my lip in order to contain my moans and doing all I can to keep quiet. He quickly releases me standing up and removing his shoes and pants and finally his underwear and I watch in awe as he is fully exposed in front of me and he grabs a condom from his side desk that I assume has been in there waiting for this moment. Tearing the packaging and grabbing his shaft he slowly and carefully rolls the condom over it. I can’t move my eyes from all his glory.

“Move back baby,” he whispers as
he comes to kneel on his bed. Weakly I lift myself up on my elbows and push myself back on the bed so that my legs are no longer hanging off. My body is hot and I can feel my legs shaking from the unknown. Neither of us have done this before. I can’t help, but feel scared. We’ve messed around before, but never have I let him take it this far. He never pushed either, but tonight is different; tonight I need him to wash away all the evil that’s in my life. I need it to be just me and him. I want to forget about the reality that is waiting for me back at home.

“Are you sure about this
,” he whispers into my ear and he leans over me; my legs are spread to either side of him, trembling uncontrollable and I can feel him shaking slightly as well.

“Yes,” I barely get out in response as my head is spinning with anticipation.

I feel him pressed against me
and I hold my breath as he begins to gently push inside me. Slowly he enters me, breathing hard and grunting as he does. I squirm at the pinching sensation and then I’m filled with the pleasure that is him. He begins to move his hips slowly and I tilt my head back overwhelmed by the feeling of fullness. His lips find my neck, kissing, and nibbling at my delicate skin as his hands move along my breasts. He rocks inside me he twists my nipple causing me to build again. I begin to move my hips with his, grabbing at his back, needing something to hold onto. He moans and his movement quickens as he buries his face in my neck, running his hand through my hair and holding on as I release the pressure that has built. I hear his moan as he says my name. His movement slows as he comes to a stop. Laying on me, but careful not to put too much of his weight down. 

“I love you,”
I say kissing his neck, my legs still wrapped around him.

“I love you too.”











Chapter Two


Eric wakes me up early so that I can leave before his parents awaken. The bright morning sun is just starting to shine through the window as I reluctantly crawl out of his warm bed. My whole body is like jelly from the emotional rollercoaster last night, but the feeling of what we did together is what’s keeping this smile on my face. I gather my clothes from the floor, getting dressed and he stands up from the bed, in only his boxers as he watches me. Once I’m fully clothed he walks around grabbing me in his arms and holding me for what is not even close to being long enough. I never want him to let me go, but I have to get home. Quietly and slowly he walks me to his front door stopping to kiss me on almost every step.

“You want me to walk you home?” he asks still kissing my neck.

“No. It’s not far. I’ll see you at school,” I whisper between deep breaths of pleasure.

“Text me when you get home,” he instructs as he opens the front door kissing me one last time before I step outside.

I turn and smile, not wanting to forget this moment. He makes everything in my life better. I will never let him go. His green eyes look back at me and I know he loves me. He steps outside still dressed in only his boxers, cupping my cheeks in his hands and his lips press up to mine one last time. I sigh when he moves back, not wanting to end this moment.


“Bye, Steph. See you soon.”

I walk down the steps of his front porch and look back as he waves bye and closes the front door. My heart is filled with happiness. No matter how hard my dad tries to break me I know Eric will always be here to hold me up. I don’t know what I would do without him. I walk down the street in the direction of my home; images of last night play through my mind. Our bodies entwined together, not knowing where one ends and the other begins; his hands moving on my skin, teasing my nipples and massaging my clit. I’m wet just thinking about it. When I first met him I knew he was someone special. There’s no one else that can make me feel the way he does. When his mouth is on mine he sucks away all the evil that I hide inside of me. I’ve never before told him of the life that I live having a drunk as a father and last night when he saw what I experience on a regular basis he didn’t run. Instead he comforted me; he made all the negative disappear for that one night. I wrap my arms around myself remembering how he held me while we laid in his bed. It doesn’t take long before I’m standing at the front porch to my house. Praying to God that my parents are still sleeping I quietly open the front door hoping to be able to sneak upstairs.

As soon as I’m in the front hallway I
tiptoe towards the stairs, but as I pass our front living room I get a glimpse of them sitting on the couch. A sharp pain moves through my chest. After everything last night I don’t think I can do this. I won’t be able to handle my dad hollering at me again. I stop and turn to face them, hoping like hell he feels bad for what he did, but the expressions on both their faces are unreadable. Something’s going on and I’m not sure what.

“Stephanie. We need to talk with you,” my dad says as my mom looks from me to the ground. She’s avoiding eye contact which means she feels guilty for something, but whatever it is my dad’s the one in control right now. I sit down on the sofa across from them and my hands begin to tremble. He never seems this calm and right now it appears he has everything under control. “Your mom and I have been up all night talking. Now I’m not going to say anything about you not coming home last night. That’s irrelevant right now. What I need to say is that having you in this house has been very difficult on your mom and me. Too many times you don’t obey the rules I lay down and you know damn well I don’t like you having your boyfriend over here when I’m not home.” I try to interrupt but before I can get anything out he continues. “It’s obvious to me that you’re too much for your mom to handle and it’s been making it very difficult on our marriage. We love you very much, Stephanie, but we have decided that it would be best for you and us if you go live with your Aunt Elizabeth.”

“What?!” I exhale. Why? Why would they do this to me? How can he blame me when he’s the asshole?! “What did I do? All I ever do is go to school and come home and listen to you guys fight. How is that my fault?”

“This is not up for discussion, Stephanie! You will not go to school today. You will pack your stuff and leave this afternoon. We spoke with your aunt last night and she can pick you up from the airport. Your mom and I purchased the ticket this morning. You have three hours to get all your stuff packed before we leave for the airport,” he growls and I shudder under his tone.

“BUT!” I whine in confusion.

“NO! That’s it. You will not argue this. The conversation is over. Go upstairs and start packing,” my dad yells.

I look to my mom, but she gives me a quick
I’m sorry
expression and then turns her gaze back to the ground in front of her. How can she allow this? My own mom! I can’t believe he is blaming me for his faults. I stand from the couch not saying another word and storm to my room. Eric! I finally have something good in my life and my dad takes it away. All he has ever done is ruin anything that is good and then blames me. Always telling me it’s because I don’t deserve it or I’m not worth the effort or love. I grab my cell phone pulling it out of my coat pocket frantically so that I can call Eric, but when I turn it on the screen shows no service.

“Oh, we’ve turned off your phone,” I hear my dad call out and turn to look at my doorway to see him standing there with a smirk on his face that makes my stomach hurt. He then turns away leaving me and now I have nothing. No one! I slam my door in anger and throw myself on my bed as tears fill my eyes and sobs escape my throat. Soon I will be on an airplane on my way to Arizona. Away from Eric. Away from the only person in my life that loves me. I lay in bed for what feels like forever, not wanting to move, afraid if I do I’ll break down in tears again. I have to pack though because knowing my dad he will force me out the door with or without my belongings so I climb out of bed, wiping away the tears from my cheeks and begin grabbing my things.

As I’m packing my clothes I make the decision to leave anything that reminds me of Eric behind.
It will only make it harder if I’m constantly reminded of him and have absolutely no way of seeing him. Maybe my dad is right. Everything happens for a reason and I’m being taken away from Eric because I’m no good for him. He deserves better in his life. The tears fall down my cheeks, but I ignore them as I finish packing my clothes. It is this moment that I mentally make the decision to never speak to Eric again. It will make it easier on both of us. He still has the rest of his life and he doesn’t need my bullshit holding him back. 

He deserves someone who has a future. Someone who can give him just as much love that he can give. Zipping up my suitcases I close my eyes letting out my last sigh and releasing Eric from my mind. I can’t hold onto something I will never have. I get up and grab my bags dragging them downstairs. My mom’s waiting at the bottom of the steps for me and I refuse to even look at her. I’ll never forgive her for this. She didn’t have enough backbone to stand up for her own daughter. Protect her only child. I push past her and she doesn’t even try to stop me; she’s speechless. She can’t even express that she’s sorry, she’s filled with so much fear of him, I can see it in her battered eyes. I drag my bags to the SUV and toss them in the trunk. I climb in the back seat and wait. Wait for this hell to continue. Wiping the tears that continue to fill my eyes, I lay my head back on the seat as both my parents climb into the front.

“This is for the best, Steph,” my dad says in a calmer tone, but it just makes me angrier.

I’m silent the whole way to the airport. I can’t believe that they are just getting rid of me. I’ll be eighteen in a year and when that happens I am no longer going to rely on anyone. I’m done having the people that supposedly love me screw me over.

As my dad parks the SUV at the airport I jump out not wanting to say anything, afraid that if I do it will just cause a scene. My mom hands me
my ticket and I grab my bags. “I don’t need your help. I can find the terminal on my own,” I say to them as I throw my bags on the cart out front and turn to the doors, not even saying goodbye. My father has officially taken the only thing in my life that really mattered to me. I will never forgive him for it. I will forever remember Eric and maybe one day we’ll meet again, but for now I have to forget him. I can’t drag him down with me anymore.

I make my way through the busy airport, one that I’ve been to many summers when sent off to visit my aunt. Taking a deep breath I hold back the tears that are fighting to break free and make my way to my new life.
A life without Eric Sutherland.











Chapter Three


Ten Years Later

              Its days like this that I wish I didn’t exist. Like my dad always said, I’m worthless, which is why my life is this way. I don’t deserve anything more. A year of happiness was all I got until real life hit almost two years ago now, the day I became Stephanie Barnes. When I first encountered those dark powerful brown eyes I fell in love. He didn’t even have to persuade me. I was already his. He towers over me and is built strong. The sexiest man I had ever seen. My knees nearly gave out on me when he first said
. I had finally found someone that would show me my worth. Someone that loves me. Every date we had been on, he treated me like a princess, as if I didn’t deserve anything less then everything he had to give. Flowers showed up at my door on a regular basis as well as the office I worked for, at the time. He was and is my everything, but days like today make me question what it is I’ve done to deserve how he tends to treat me now that we’re married. The words that Eric said to me ten years ago still play through my mind, “
promise me that as soon as you can you will move away from him even if we’re no longer together”
. The thing is I did move away from my dad. Not willingly at the time and I still talk with him now and again, but overall I kept my promise. 
Didn’t I?

Two years ago today I married my dark haired, dark eyed prince charming, Travis Barnes. He means the world to me, but deep down he has a disturbing secret. A secret that controlled and consumed my life when I was young. A secret that Eric wanted me to get away from. It followed me though, I mean, I escaped it for a short time living with my Aunt Elizabeth, but once I turned eighteen I left there. I found a job that provided me enough money to live on my own and I was gone. I wasn’t running from her necessarily. I was still drowning in my sorrow of losing Eric. I never saw him and never spoke to him again after leaving his house that morning so long ago. I had to give him up so that he could move on.

Then I met
Travis. Travis helped me heal from not having Eric. It was hard for me to let someone into my life, but Travis is charming, everything he did was for me. He loves me and I love him. It’s all I need, right? Yeah, some days are worse than others, but all relationships have their problems.

I roll out of bed stretching my legs. He’s already left for work and I have the house to myself. Shortly after we got married he convinced me to quit my job since he makes plenty of money. He is the CEO and founder of Barnes Banking branch and has more money than he will ever spend. I wanted my job though. I wanted to be able to take care of myself, but he convinced me otherwise. It was only a month after we married that I quit my job; ever since I’ve been home in this large six thousand square foot mansion on my own, with only the company of the maids. I spend my day’s gardening, walking to the farmers market a few blocks down and reading lots of books. Deep down I’m lonely when he’s at work and I crave for him to come home and hold me. Today though is different. I already know what tonight most likely will hold and I don’t look forward to it. 

Most women would be happy on their anniversary and ecstatic to share it with their husband. I love him more than anything, but I fear how tonight might end up. I stand from the bed taking in a deep breath and walk to the bathroom, hoping that a shower will wash away the negative thoughts. I tug off my night shirt and pants and stand in front of the bathroom mirror taking in my appearance. My face is frail and white. My arms are lanky since Travis monitors the amounts of food that I eat in order to assure I stay thin. Thanks to my thick thighs and big butt I’m able to keep some shape even though I’m sure I’m considered underweight. He fears I’ll end up fat even though I tell him I’ll work out and stay in shape he still likes to monitor the food I’m consuming. I run my hands through my long auburn hair as I take in the appearance that is now me at age twenty seven. My large brown eyes are filled with so much sadness and loneliness. “This is all you deserve,” I whisper trying to convince myself that it’s all I’m worth. Travis and I are meant for each other. He needs someone to boss around and I’m not worth any more than that. I love him. I can’t deny that, but it still hurts on the bad days. Many nights I cry myself to sleep. 

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