Evil Of Love (3 page)

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Authors: N.L. Echeverria

BOOK: Evil Of Love
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I smile into the mirror mentally washing away all of this before stepping into the shower. As the hot water runs over my sensitive skin I wrap my arms around myself envisioning what I want tonight to be like. Maybe if I wish hard enough it will be how it was before we got married. Maybe he won’t have that last glass of alcohol that puts him over the edge. When he isn’t drunk and wants to be nice all of his attention goes to me. Not all the time, but I know he wants to make me happy. It’s just hard for him. He doesn’t know how to show he loves me. At least, since we got married he forgot how to show me. I close my eyes as I recall the way his hands can make me feel. He’s in control whenever we’re making love and he knows exactly how to get me off. Becoming turned on and the fact that we didn’t have sex last night is not helping my hormones. The burning water is steaming up the bathroom and continues to run down my body. I move my hand over my wet soapy nipples; trailing down towards my belly until I reach my sensitive spot. Eyes closed I slowly message my clit, doing what I can to release the tension I woke up with this morning.

“What are you doing?” I jump, eyes shooting open in shock to Travis’ voice.

“What are you doing here?!” I barely get out, still in shock that I’ve been caught pleasuring myself.

“Haven’t I told you I don’t want you touching yourself without me around?” he growls and I can hear the anger behind his voice.

“I’m sorry. I…” I trail off not really sure how to explain being caught. I know he doesn’t like it. He wants to be in control whenever I have an orgasm.

“Today is a special day, so I’ll let it slide. Normally I would have to punish you.”

I shyly look down at the bottom of the tub glad he isn’t going to punish me. Sometimes the punishments can be good, but there are those times that the pain is worse than the pleasure. I look back up to meet his gaze and there is fire in his brown eyes. I know what he wants.

“Wash up good and meet me in the room,” he orders closing the shower curtain and walks out. 

I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until he leaves the bathroom. I let out a long sigh and then quickly grab the soap and wash down. After rinsing I turn off the water and grab my towel, drying my hair as much as I can and then drying off my body. I leave the towel in the bathroom knowing he will want me naked. My long auburn hair lies wet along my back down to the swell of my bottom. I open my bathroom door and look around the room, but Travis is nowhere to be found. Going to the bed I sit on the edge to wait. I’m not sure why he came home from work, but knowing that he was at least thinking of me fills my heart with warmth. Through all the hard times he still cares. I love him and he loves me. It’s all we need.

I hear footsteps outside the door and it swings open slowly
. I watch intently as my husband walks in closing the door behind him. In his hand is a red rose. I can’t help but smile knowing it’s for me. It’s been months since he’s bought me flowers.

“The other twenty three are downstairs. Happy anniversary!” he says, holding the rose out to me.

I grab the delicate red flower from his hand and place it up to my nose, taking in the sweet scent. “Thank you,” I respond running the peddles between my breasts. I lay it on the end of the bed and pull at his belt. He’s still fully clothed in his suit and looking sexier than ever. He moves into me wrapping his large hands around my bare waist. His eyes land on my breasts, not moving. He leans in and I quiver as his tongue brushes my sensitive nipple that’s already hard. I always melt under his touch. The control he has over me is undeniable. His hands find my shoulders and he gently pushes me down to the bed.

“This is all about you, Stephanie” he groans.

The sound of his deep sexy voice cause chills to run up my spine as his lips move down my belly until he reaches the spot between my quivering thighs. I moan in anticipation of having his mouth on me. My whole body is trembling with need. 

“Not yet love. We’re going to make this last,” he whispers and I wiggle my hips under his grasp.

His lips meet my inner thigh just inches from my pussy and I’m already wet. He kisses my inner legs teasing me. It’s been too long since he’s concentrated on my pleasure. I close my eyes laying my head back, reaching my arms above me as I feel his tongue lick between my wet folds and flick my clit. I moan and wiggle wanting more, but he continues to tease me and then finally begins to suck and devour all of me. His thumb massages my clit while his tongue works wonders. I was so worried about tonight turning out bad, but right now I can’t be more thankful to have such a wonderful husband. I pull at his dark hair, rocking my hips into him and he grabs my butt with his hands as I climax to an orgasm.

Once coming down from my high of pleasure
he stands up removing his black suit, stripping down to nothing. He climbs on the bed and I wrap my legs around him. His lips meet mine for a hard passionate kiss as he enters inside of me. A moan escapes his mouth as he begins to move. Our bodies meshed together in a pile of heat and sweat filled sex. With every thrust into me I yelp in ecstasy. Running my hands up his hard abs, tracing every indent of muscle his frame holds until I’m beyond the point of returning and I dig my red polished nails into his back.  

Several orgasms later we are lying on the bed nude and exhausted. I run my fingers over his abs and smile up at him. He grins back revealing his beautiful white teeth.

“Why are you smiling,” he asks.

“I love you.”

“Is that all? You don’t have anything else to say?”

I look at him confused and then realize I’m supposed to thank him for giving me an orgasm. “Thank you.”  

“You’re welcome.”

“Are you not working today?” I ask, changing the subject.

“Yes, I am. Today’s our anniversary and I know things have been rough lately so I wanted to surprise you this morning.  However I was a little disappointed seeing you pleasuring yourself in the shower,” he frowns at me and I give him my best
I’m sorry
look. “Don’t worry love. We’ll forget about it just for today, but don’t be surprised if I bring it up tomorrow.” I fidget at his comment and look away not wanting to think about what he might do. He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him again. “Don’t worry about it, Steph. Today is about you. I do have to go to work, but I want you to be ready tonight when I get home. I’m taking you out.” I nod and he kisses my lips. “I do have to get back. I’ve got a meeting today with one of the branch managers,” he says as he crawls out from underneath me and walks to the bathroom to clean up. 

I roll over stretching on the bed as every limb in my body feels weak from the orgasms. After a few moments pass he walks out of the bathroom still naked and grabs his clothes from the floor. Shaking them off first and getting dressed. I watch his sculpted frame as he moves and instantly become turned on again. He must have noticed because he stops and gives me a disapproving look.

“Now, no more of that until I’m home tonight. You understand?”

“Yes,” I moan attempting to get my hormones under control.

He turns and finishes dressing. I stand as he grabs his tie from the ground and I take it from him with a silent offer to help. He smirks as I wrap the tie around his neck tying it perfectly for him. 

“Thank you,” he whispers leaning in p
ressing his full lips to mine. “I’ve got to go.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tonight then.”

He nods and walks out the bedroom door closing it behind him. I fall onto the bed burying my face into the pillow frustrated with how easily I wither under his presence. Two years of so many ups and downs, I still fall to my knees in front of him. I’m not sure anymore if it’s because of the love I have for him, or if it’s due to my low self-worth. Either way, he’s all I have. I barely speak to my mother and I haven’t spoken to my father for over a year now. I only have one girlfriend, Zoey, but I only see her when we make plans to meet at the Farmers Market occasionally. Travis knows of her and they’ve met, but I don’t tell him when I meet up with her. He prefers me not to be around her. He’s possessive and I just don’t want him making me give Zoey up too. She doesn’t know my whole situation with my marriage, but she’s also the first friend that didn’t pry or ask too many questions. We get along well because she knows where I stand when it comes to my private life. Travis on the other hand has more friends than he can keep track of, or should I say men that want to be him and woman that want to be with him. So many times I laugh to myself at how they follow him around like puppy dogs. If only they knew the truth. If only they saw the anger that he holds behind that confident appearance.

After lying in bed for a while I decide it’s time to get ready and head out
to the gym. Tonight will come fast and I keep my fingers crossed praying like hell it goes well and he doesn’t fuck it up.











Chapter Four


    I hear his car pull down the driveway as I take one last glance in the full length mirror that hangs in my bathroom. I took a curling iron to my hair which lies in large waves down my back brushing the top of my bottom. My makeup is dark, extenuating my eyes and my bright red lips are full and plump, bringing all the attention right to them. I’m wearing the blood red lipstick I bought myself last week. My breasts pop out of my tight mini black dress and the back of it is open all the way down to my butt, exposing my porcelain skin that is currently sporting some color from the sun. I put on my black stilettos before grabbing a cardigan and going downstairs to meet Travis. As I step down off the last stair the front door swings open and he walks through. His brown hair mangled from a long day’s work, but his suit and tie still perfectly pressed; he looks extremely sexy. He pauses at the door gazing at me, looking me up and down with his brows furrowed together. I’m attempting to measure his emotions, but completely confused as to what he’s thinking. 

“Is this what you’re wearing tonight?” he spits, completely annoyed.

“Well, I wanted to look nice for you,” I respond, shyly looking down at the ground afraid now that I may have chosen the wrong outfit. 

He walks up to me grabbing my hips pulling my body into his and lifts my chin so that I’m looking into his large brown eyes. “You look so fucking hot. I’m already hard! I’m just afraid you might be turning on other men too.” He grabs my hand placing it on his slacks so that I feel the hardness on his groin. “But since tonight is about you, we’ll let it slide.” He grabs my ass squeezing it firmly and I giggle. This is the Travis I love. Sexy and all about me! Maybe tonight is going to be perfect after all. “I would take you now and fuck the shit out of you, but then we would be late for our reservation,” he says sliding his hand under my dress and grabbing my pussy. I melt under his firm touch wishing he would. Instead he kisses me before releasing me to go upstairs.

“I’m going to clean up and then we’ll leave. I expect you to wait downstairs so you don’t tempt me to take that dress off you.”

I nod turning to the living room and taking a seat on the sofa. Waiting patiently for him to come for me, I continue to think about how he grabbed me and I become wet wishing we could just stay home and fuck all night. Anyways, if we stayed home then it would be guaranteed that tonight would be amazing; going out to drink only increases the chances that he gets too drunk and becomes the asshole that I hate. I wait fidgeting as I contemplate asking him if we can stay in tonight. I turn as I hear him come down the stairs and stand to my feet walking out of the living room to the front door.

I take in the sexiness that is my husband. His perfectly cut brown hair that he has fixed in that messy but professional way and he’s wearing black slacks and a black button up dress shirt. One thing about Travis is he always looks good. At times I feel like I don’t even compare. I don’t ask to stay in as I know he’ll say no. He helps me with my black cardigan and opens the door placing his hand on the small of my back, walking me to his sleek black Mercedes that’s parked in the driveway. It’s the only vehicle we have. Even though he can probably buy hundreds of them, he only has the one beside the car that belongs to his personal driver, Thomas. He won’t buy me a car and I gave up on asking a year ago. I had a vehicle before I met him, a small two door Honda, but he told me it was a piece of shit and made me sell it. I haven’t had a car since. 

He opens my door as I slide into the cream leather seat and buckle. He strides around to his side of the car climbing in and as he sits in his seat, closing his door, he places a hand on my bare knee and turns to look at me.

“Two years ago I made a commitment, Steph, to love you for a lifetime and more. You’re everything to me and will always be mine,” he says seductively causing me to become damp again. Thank goodness I actually wore underwear because I was contemplating going commando. He has called me
since we started dating. He’s always been possessive and controlling. I guess that’s what first attracted me to him. I don’t mind it at all and it’s actually a turn on, but when he becomes the drunken possessive husband, that’s different. There is nothing sexy about a man abusing and taking advantage of you and I hate when that Travis comes out.

“I love you too,” I say in response and he releases my knee to turn on the car. I melt in my seat beyond thankful for how he’s treating me tonight.

It doesn’t take long before we have pulled up to an extremely fancy restaurant that I have not yet had the pleasure to eat at before. Like a gentleman he opens my car door for me, giving me his hand to help me out. He stands there not moving, not shutting the door behind me, but just staring at me. Looking me up and down with a frown spread across his face.

“I really wish you wouldn’t have dressed so slutty,” he states. 

And there it is. There’s Travis the asshole. I knew he was hiding in there somewhere just itching to get out. Only two people in my life have addressed me as a slut or of being slutty, Travis and my dad. I don’t respond to his rude comment. The last thing I want is to provoke a fight that will most likely be inevitable anyways. I take a breath letting it go and he has said what he wanted to say so he closes the car door and grabs me by the waist as we walk towards the restaurant entrance.

“I guess I’ll just need to keep you close. Oh, and don’t take off that cardigan,” he barks and I nod in response. Ugh, why can’t he just be normal for once?

We walk into the dark quiet restaurant that is mostly lit by candlelight and there’s a stage to the corner of the room with a few musicians playing slow beautiful sounds from their instruments. Mostly couples fill the tables around the room and the food smells so good my stomach growls in response. The hostess greets us and I take in her long wavy red hair and the little freckles that give her character. She appears young and very intrigued with Travis. Of course! They always are. He smiles in return and she walks us to our table. Only a moment after she seats us our waiter appears. His youthful skin, short brown hair and heavy lids give him that overworked college look.

“Good evening. My name is Steven and I will be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?”

“Yes, a bottle of your finest red wine, please,” Travis replies, not looking up at the boy and still studying the menu that was on the table when we sat down. 

“Yes, a bottle of your finest red wine, please,” Travis replies. He never even looks up at the boy; he just continues studying the menu. 

“Tonight I want you to order whatever you want, Steph. I know I typically order for you, but I want you to try anything and everything they have,” Travis says looking up from the menu. I only smile in return and look over all the delicious dishes written out in front of me and again my stomach growls. I can feel him grinning at me. Typically when we go out he orders my meals in an effort to make sure I don’t eat too much. I continue to look over the menu deciding on sirloin steak, prime rib, baked potato, steamed veggies and some grilled salmon.

When the waiter, Steven, returns Travis lets me order first. I raddle off all the items my stomach desires and watch as Travis smirks at me, but not disapprovingly. Steven pours a dash of wine in my glass and I twirl it around slightly taking a sip tasting it on my tongue. I smile and nod in approval and he fills both Travis’ and my glasses before leaving the bottle on our table and walking away with our order.

Once the waiter is fully out of sight and back in the kitchen Travis moves to my side of the booth. I laugh shyly at his sudden movement and he brushes my hair away from my shoulder kissing my neck and nibbling behind my ear, disregarding th
e other people sitting nearby. His hand grazes my thigh and I moan in response. 

“Baby, I want you so bad. Watching your boobs from across the table has me hard. I want those nipples in my mouth,” he whispers in my ear and I instantly tighten my thighs as I feel the need down below and I become moist in response. He laughs at my reaction to his touch. It pleases him to have so much control over my body. He moves away returning to his side of the table leaving my craving more. I watch as he grabs his wine glass and raises it to his mouth. His lips touching the glass slightly as he tilts his head back drinking it down. All of it. Oh, how I wish those lips were on me right now. He grabs the bottle re-filling his glass and I take another sip of mine. Him drinking this much doesn’t come to a surprise to me at all. He’s actually controlling himself, because on a normal night he would’ve finished the bottle already and been asking for another one.   

It doesn’t take long for Steven to return with our food and the delicious smells fill my senses causing me to salivate. I don’t wait and I dig in. Devouring the meat, fish and tasting everything on my plates. I look up a few times smiling at Travis and he returns the gesture as he eats his food as well and continues to drink down his wine. Halfway through our meal he’s ordering another bottle and pouring another glass. This is the Travis that he has become, the one that can’t stop at just one glass. I don’t know if he’s drowning away his sorrows in the alcohol or if it’s just who he is. He’s rich so I can’t possible think of what he’s hiding from. I think it’s just who he is. He hid it so well from me in the months prior to us getting married. I never saw Travis’ angry side until a month after we were married. He came home drunk for the first time that night. He has come home smelling of alcohol before, but not enough for him to be out of the ordinary. I’ve always known him to have a glass of liquor before leaving the office, but that night I think he might have had the whole bottle and that was the first time he showed his true side. The side of Travis that makes me want to run the other direction. The side that reminds me of my father. That was the first night he brought me to tears and reminded me how worthless I am. I briefly shake my head forgetting about those memories. I have to make the best I can out of tonight. I finish my food, sipping my wine as Travis orders the third bottle as he finishes his plate. I watch as his eyes glaze over and his lids become heavy.

“I would offer you some desert Steph, but we both know you don’t need it,” he sneers.

There it is! The jerk that I despise! The Travis that frightens me; never laid a hand on me, but what he’s done I think is worse. I don’t react though; I don’t give him what he wants. I just smile at the remark and push my plate away from me, grabbing my glass of wine to sip it. It amazes me how quickly he can go from lusting over me to making his rude comments that he enjoys so much.

He continues with his small talk, sipping his wine, telling me about his meeting he had today and I laugh at his idiotic jokes and drink my wine. It doesn’t take long before we have another bottle at our table and he’s filling our glasses. I drink mine in moderations because the last thing we need is both of us drunk, plus I also don’t want to end up sick either. With how little I eat, I don’t handle my alcohol very well. 

“Are you ready to head home soon baby?” I ask in my sweet voice in hopes that we can end this night early enough to avoid any confrontations.

“Actually I had something planned for after dinner. It’s a surprise!” he replies as his lips quirk up into a smile.

We finish the bottle of wine at our table and once he’s sipped the last that’s in his cup he stands up gesturing for my hand. I place my empty wine glass on the table and place my hand in his. He wraps his arm around my waist grabbing me firmly.

“Let’s go baby,” he whispers into my ear and his hand moves down squeezing my ass.

As we step outside after he has paid the bill, I shiver at the cold breeze and he holds me tighter, comforting me and I lay my head into his shoulder accepting his kindness. He grabs his cell phone calling his driver. The one thing about Travis is he has never driven drunk. He always calls his driver to get him and will just send someone to pick up his car later. Good thing he’s rich! Once he ends the call he embraces me with both arms, shielding me from the breeze. His lips find my forehead and I look up at him as he gazes at me with those brown eyes that once lured me in and that are now hazed over from alcohol.

“Steph, I know I’ve said this many times, but I love you. I’m hard on you because I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you. I just…I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“I’m right here, Travis. I’m not going anywhere,” I whisper, but deep in my gut there is a feeling that there isn’t complete truth in what I’m saying. So many times in just the two years of marriage I’ve thought of leaving and then I remind myself I’m not worth anything more. 

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